Caught the successful mother

It has been a month since the Holy Emperor’s Palace came to the world. During this month, the number of human monks has experienced a spurt of development, which is 50% more than before. This is a very scary statistic. Such an achievement is all due to the connection between the Ancestral God’s Temple and the major cities of the human race in the universe. Although no one has emerged who can inherit the inheritance of the Ancestral God, there are countless cultivation methods in the inheritance temple. Even if you don’t get the inheritance of the Ancestral God, you still have a chance. Get other inheritances.

Only with the support of the huge population base of the human race can such a blowout growth rate occur. However, this data soon gradually declined. After all, each human race only has a maximum of twelve opportunities. Once used up, those who are considered to have no talent for cultivation will not be able to become monks, and these people account for the vast majority.

Blowout development will only occur in the early stages. If you want to reproduce this terrifying growth rate, you can only wait for Hou Tu’s plan to unify the heavens and human races to begin.

On this day, Hou Tu rarely put down everything, but instead of rushing to explore reincarnation in the world of mortals, he approached Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng was playing with some ordinary-looking things in his elegant courtyard. When Hou Tu walked into the courtyard, his face darkened. This lazy guy was actually making wine by himself.

“Hey, rare visitor, Empress Houtu!” Gu Changsheng saw Houtu, with a teasing smile on his face. Empress Houtu’s name has been completely spread throughout the universe. At first, everyone thought that Houtu The meaning of “Empress” in Tu Niangniang is related to His Majesty the Holy Emperor. However, after explanations and dissemination by caring people, as well as the information on the stone tablets in front of the stone statues of the Twelve Ancestor Gods, countless people know that Hou Tu Niangniang is one of the Twelve Ancestor Gods and a statue. The supreme existence beyond immortality.

Hou Tu originally thought that the human race would have great admiration for her after learning her identity. The fact was just as she expected. It was true that all human beings respected her very much, but their worship of His Majesty the Holy Emperor increased by more than one degree. Floors are so simple.

The idea of the human race is very simple. Even the existence of the Transcendent Immortal is only the spokesperson of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Isn’t His Majesty the Holy Emperor stronger?

Thinking of this, countless human beings’ worship of Gu Changsheng has reached the point where it can’t be increased. Even those strong men with top cultivation levels no longer have any resistance in their hearts, and the power of faith generated is more pure than it was at the beginning. , according to Hou Tu’s expectation, it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years for the Holy Emperor’s Palace to evolve into a Dao-breaking weapon of faith, but now, it can become a Dao-breaking weapon of faith within three thousand years. .

Although it is true that Gu Changsheng is stronger, Hou Tu is very unhappy. She is very depressed. No matter what she does, the benefits that ultimately accrue belong to Gu Changsheng. Until now, there is no power of faith for her. What happened made her quite depressed.

Now hearing Gu Changsheng’s ridicule, Hou Tu snorted and said: “His Majesty the Holy Emperor is so elegant, he even knows how to make wine. I heard that if the emperor in the world were like you, he would be hanged up as a plaything after death. He has the reputation of being incompetent.”

Didn’t Gu Changsheng know that she meant that she was lazy? He smiled and said, “I’m different from those emperors in the world. I won’t die.” ”

…” Houtu was speechless, you are like this Is it a disguised admission of despondency or incompetence? There is no one like you. Hou Tu felt that her verbal attack had hit the cotton wool and did no harm at all. She did not expect that Gu Changsheng would admit it in disguise.

Once again, Hou Tu saw Gu Changsheng’s face.

“Here, have a taste!” Gu Changsheng took a ladle and scooped out some wine and handed it to Hou Tu. Hou Tu didn’t refuse. She took the ladle and took a sip, frowning slightly.

“What?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“What did you put in this? It tastes so weird.” Hou Tu asked.

“Oh, I added a little chili pepper, but I don’t think it’s spicy enough.” Gu Changsheng said. After speaking, Gu Changsheng took a sip himself, and then he spit it out decisively.

“You drank it if it tasted so bad?” Gu Changsheng asked.

Hou Tu ignored his words and said, “I think it’s time to take those supreme little guys from the forbidden land to become immortals. Do you want to come with me?”

Hou Tu changed the topic very abruptly, but there was no embarrassment on her face. Such a look made Gu Changsheng no longer bothered about the issue of wine.

“It seems I have to come back to continue improving my recipe.” Gu Changsheng looked at the brewing tools in front of him with regret.

“Failure doesn’t feel good,” Houtu said with a smile.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and said: “This is my first time making wine. Failure is what I want. As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. I caught the mother first. I don’t believe in success. It will find it by itself. If it doesn’t come, I will convict it of being unfilial as a Holy Emperor.”

“You…” Hou Tu didn’t know what to say.

“What about me?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“You… are so shameless.” In the end, Hou Tu could only say this one sentence without any offensive power.

“I’ll just take it as a compliment!” Gu Changsheng laughed and asked, “Which world have you thought about taking them to?”

When it came to business, Hou Tu stopped talking to Gu Changsheng and said, “Wandering around the world. When I was in the Tianwan Realm, I discovered that there were several worlds near the Hongchen Realm, and one of them called the Yuanyang Realm was the weakest. Perhaps it was because the little guy named Ye Hongchen was too defiant and ruined the luck of the surrounding world. They were all drawn to him, resulting in that there were not many strong people in the surrounding world, and Yuanyang Realm was the weakest, with only eight strong Immortal Kings.” ”

And two of these eight Immortal Kings were from the human race, so we just gathered them together. By the way, we unified the human race in the Yuanyang Realm, killing three birds

with one stone!” When he talked about the development of the human race, Hou Tu seemed to have changed into a different person, and his whole temperament had changed, like a high-ranking empress. Pointing the country, high spirits.

Gu Changsheng looked at Hou Tu and felt ashamed in his heart. This old lady, no matter how old she was, still had such a strong addiction to officialdom. Fortunately, he was the one who could suppress Hou Tu. Without him, all the world would be in ruins. Everyone in the world will probably be tortured to death by her.

“Now that you have chosen a place, let’s go.”

Gu Changsheng said.


Hou Tu nodded, and then he and Gu Changsheng took the restricted area supremes with them, left the world of mortals, and headed for the Yuanyang world that Hou Tu mentioned.

At this time, the Yuanyang world is facing a crisis of annihilation.

Three days ago, five flying boats broke through the world barrier and broke into the Yuanyang Realm. After they arrived, a super formation suddenly completely enveloped the Yuanyang Realm, making it impossible for people in the Yuanyang Realm to enter or exit.

After that, they frantically plundered the source crystal veins in Yuanyang Realm. Seeing that the situation was not good, the eight Immortal Kings jointly took action, but three people were killed and five others were injured and fled.

In just three days, more than half of the source crystal veins in Yuanyang Realm were plundered, causing the concentration of heaven and earth energy in Yuanyang Realm to drop by 80%.

In a few days, the Yuanyang Realm will be swallowed up, ushering in the Age of End of Dharma.

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