Becoming a savior everywhere

In the Yuanyang Realm, the people are truly in dire straits at this time. Five warships of the World Predator Organization stand between the sky and the earth, constantly extracting the source crystal veins of the Yuanyang Realm, from the low-grade source crystal veins to the fairy source veins. Like geese plucking their feathers, they have no intention of letting go of any cultivation resources.

But the sentient beings in the Yuanyang Realm have nothing to do against the five warships in the sky and the earth. The eight most powerful immortal kings in their world personally tried to suppress the five warships in the sky a few days ago, but before they could get close to the warships, they were hit by a blast The energy was repulsed, and during this period, the three powerful Immortal Kings were destroyed on the spot and fell on the spot. The remaining five powerful Immortal Kings were also seriously injured and fled. Now their life or death is uncertain.

All the living beings in the Yuanyang Realm looked at the five warships that were always present above their heads, and they were in despair.

Countless creatures knelt on the ground, begging God to send down punishment and drive away and destroy these invaders from the sky.

“Haha, a bunch of ants.” A

strong man on the battleship laughed disdainfully. They have plundered countless worlds. They have also plundered worlds that are ten and a hundred times more powerful than Yuanyang Realm. If God really has eyes, they would have died thousands of times ago. Back a hundred times.

“The Lord of Heaven, the rule of the universe is that the weak should eat the strong, but some people have ridiculous ideas of protection. They know they are outmatched, but they still come to die.”

Another voice sounded, and it was obvious that he was a person who followed the law of the weak. People who follow the law of the jungle even look down on those who sacrifice themselves to protect others.

All living beings could not hear their conversation. They only knew that begging God could send down heavenly punishment to punish these heinous enemies.

In a human tribe, the tribe leader was leading the tribe to dance around a ten-foot-tall stone statue specially for sacrifice. They danced and recited difficult and incomprehensible sacrificial texts. Waves of golden light rose up from their bodies. The golden light condensed into text after text, and then entered the body of the stone statue. Then the stone statue also began to emit golden light.


Suddenly, the golden light of the stone statue surged and gathered into a sharp arrow that shot straight into the sky.

“Clan leader, is this really okay?” A middle-aged man came over and asked in a deep voice.

The clan leader said: “I don’t know either, but he was the one who saved our Tuoba clan a hundred thousand years ago. He was the benefactor of our Tuoba clan. At that time, he left a sacrificial text to my grandfather, saying that in case of danger At that time, you can chant the sacrificial inscriptions, and the sacrificial inscriptions will inform him that no matter how far away, he will come back.” ”

But clan leader, the enemy is too powerful, won’t we harm our benefactor by doing this?” asked the middle-aged man.

But the patriarch shook his head and said: “Of course I will not harm our benefactor. Soon, our world will collapse. At that time, all life will be in ruins and the world will be destroyed. When I sent the message just now, I did not let him The benefactor came to save us, but asked the benefactor to be careful that his hometown is also targeted by these people.”

“Clan leader, do you think those people will take action against other worlds?” The middle-aged man looked ugly.

“That’s for sure. Their origins, I guess, are the legendary world plunderers. Wherever they go, no world will be intact. Looting the world is their ultimate goal.” The

patriarch said solemnly . .

“World Predator!” The middle-aged man exclaimed, and then his face was full of despair. The World Predator organization is a legend in all the worlds. Why is it a legend? Because in any world targeted by them, all the resources have been plundered, and even the origin of the avenue will not be spared. If both are gone, the world will collapse, and the world will collapse, and the living beings in the world will naturally not escape and perish. Destiny, and so the World Raider became a legend.

But now that it has appeared and is eyeing their Yuanyang Realm, the legend is no longer a legend. When the legend becomes reality, it is a very terrifying thing.

At this time, the middle-aged man was already determined to die. Seeing this, the clan leader patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said: “If you want to blame it, it is because our Yuanyang Realm is too weak. If the legendary Emperor of Heaven is still there, How can we allow these little bastards to cause trouble?”

The middle-aged man was silent. He knew the Emperor of Heaven the clan leader was talking about. According to the ancient records of the clan, the Tuoba clan was not from the Yuanyang Realm, but fled to this world from another world. The most powerful person in that world was an Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor is the most powerful person in all the worlds. If the records in the ancient books of the Tuoba clan are true, the ancestor of the Tuoba clan can be a top immortal king.

“It should be here.”

At this time, a voice sounded, instantly attracting the attention of the clan leader and the middle-aged man. Then, they saw a man and a woman leading the group, followed by about thirty people.

The pupils of the two people shrank because they discovered that the people behind the man and the woman were all at the Supreme Realm. You must know that their clan leader was only at the quasi-Supreme Realm. Who were these people?

“Huh?” The clan leader narrowed his eyes. He looked at the young man in green shirt who was leading him, and then at the stone statue beside him. There was a slight resemblance between his eyebrows.

“Benefactor?” the clan leader asked.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then he discovered that the stone statue was somewhat similar to the young man. However, he did not feel any excitement in his heart, but his face was full of bitterness. My benefactor, why are you here? Didn’t the patriarch tell you not to come?

Gu Changsheng also discovered the members of the Tuoba clan. He frowned slightly and asked Hou Tu beside him, “Did you sense anything?” ”

Yes!” Hou Tu nodded and said, “Those five battleships in the sky , at least they are Immortal King-level battleships, and the main ship is Immortal Lord-level. There are countless Source Crystal mineral veins and Immortal Source Mine veins on them. If they are captured, they can solve the problem of insufficient cultivation resources for the human race in the world of mortals.”

” …” Gu Changsheng was speechless. Why is this girl still thinking about development? Can she stop being so career-minded?

“What’s your expression?” Hou Tu asked after noticing something was wrong with Gu Changsheng’s expression.

“Um… Empress Houtu, what His Majesty the Holy Emperor means is to show you how you feel about these human races below.” The old Supreme from the Immortal Forbidden Land behind him said. As a person who has experienced the era of great destruction in the world of mortals, he is a self-proclaimed Shenyuan has been around for who knows how many thousands of years. As the only supreme being in the world of mortals who has survived from that era, he can sense the very faint aura of the world of mortals in the Tuoba clan.

Perhaps after countless generations of evolution, the aura of the world of mortals of the Tuoba clan has become weaker and weaker, but as long as the bloodline of the Tuoba clan is immortal, the aura of the world of mortals imprinted deep in the blood will not completely disappear.

Hou Tu’s expression remained unchanged, and she said to Gu Changsheng: “Next time you ask a question, remember to explain it clearly.”

Gu Changsheng shrugged, and then looked at the stone statue.

“Is this brat always acting as a savior?”

Gu Changsheng looked at the stone statue speechlessly, remembering that when he went to find him before, he was saving the world. He also happened to intercept the information from the Tuoba clan and came here accurately.

“This is your son, he’s more motivated than a father like you!” Hou Tu seemed to be praising Gu Sheng, but in fact he was implying that Gu Changsheng was too lazy and unmotivated.

What can Gu Changsheng say, should he deny it? This is a fact!

“Thank you for your compliment on my son’s behalf.” Gu Changsheng smiled.

“You…” Hou is so rustic, why is this person like this? He can’t listen to good words, right?

Houtu wanted to cry but had no tears.

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