The precocious Tuoba Beier

“Benefactor, are you a benefactor?” He stepped forward and asked under great pressure.

“Well…I am your benefactor’s father.” Gu Changsheng said.

“…” The patriarch felt that these words should be an insult to their benefactor, but he looked at Gu Changsheng and then at the stone statue. Although they were somewhat similar, they did look different. Then the other person should be He is the benefactor’s father.

Some people may ask, can’t he be the benefactor’s son?

Hey, which son dares to be his father’s father?

Just when the patriarch didn’t know how to address Gu Changsheng, Hou Tu on the side said: “He is the Holy Emperor of the human race in the world of mortals. The purpose of our coming here is to unify the human race in this world.”

Hou Tu’s tone was cold. Although he was overbearing, for some reason, the people of the Tuoba clan were not angry when they heard it, but what Hou Tu said should have been true.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, can you knock down those five battleships in the sky?”

At this time, a childish voice sounded, and the Tuoba patriarch’s face changed slightly. He looked at his six-year-old granddaughter and scolded: “Bei Son, go back.”

Then he said to Gu Changsheng: “Your Majesty… Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, I hope your Majesty won’t blame your granddaughter for being ignorant.” Although the Tuoba patriarch still doesn’t believe what Hou Tu said, he is not a fool. One of his followers is a powerful person in the Supreme Realm. If he jumps out and says something sarcastic now, the end of the world will not come yet, and the end of their Tuoba clan will come.

Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng and said with a smile: “It seems that you, the Holy Emperor of the human race, are only limited to the world of mortals. If you leave the world of mortals, your son’s name will not be as useful.”

Gu Changsheng rolled his eyes at her. , this old lady, still hasn’t forgotten to squeeze him out. Forget it, seeing how caring this old lady is about the human race, this Holy Emperor won’t care about her.

The world of mortals!

Chief Tuoba has heard this word twice in a row.

Gu Changsheng waved to the little girl named “Belle”. Belle didn’t seem to be afraid and didn’t care about her grandfather’s stern eyes as she walked straight towards Gu Changsheng. Gu Changsheng knelt down, rubbed her little head, and asked, “How old is the little girl?”

“Don’t call me little girl!” Belle didn’t seem to like others rubbing her hair, nor did she like others calling her little girl. Girl.

The Tuoba patriarch on the side looked anxious, but what can he do now? It’s too late to do anything, that’s all. Anyway, if the world collapses, you will inevitably die. It doesn’t matter if you die early or later.

Gu Changsheng didn’t know the inner thoughts of Patriarch Tuoba, but Bell’s reaction made him interesting. He asked: “Why can’t I call you little girl?” ”

Grandpa said, I am no longer a three-year-old child, I am already six years old this year. She’s 2 years old and is no longer a little girl. I went out with Uncle Mu to hunt down a tiger monster before. Can a little girl do it?” Beier said in the most immature childish voice.

“Haha, interesting little girl.” Gu Changsheng ruffled Bell’s hair again.

Belle looked dissatisfied, but stopped talking.

“Why didn’t you speak?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“I’m afraid that talking will make you angry and bring disaster to our tribe.” Belle said.

“Then you just emphasized that I shouldn’t call you little girl?” Gu Changsheng asked with a smile.

“Because I think you are a good person, but I am the future saint of the Tuoba clan, and I have to take care of the overall situation, so I can’t say anything to make you unhappy anymore,” Belle said.

“Little girl, you should learn how to behave like adults at such a young age.”

Gu Changsheng said with a smile. Belle’s words may seem contradictory, but it is actually very simple. Belle is born with the ability to feel the good and evil of others. She feels that Gu Changsheng has no ill intentions towards her, so she emphasizes that Gu Changsheng should not call her little girl. However, Belle has been growing up since she was a child. She was raised as a saint of a clan. She was influenced by the way adults behave, and she also learned a little bit. She didn’t want to make Gu Changsheng angry, but she just shouldered the responsibility of a saint of a clan.

To put it simply, this little girl is only six years old and has a precocious mind!

“I want this child!”

At this time, Houtu said domineeringly, not caring about the feelings of others.

“Hey, you’re saying that we are here to rob people. Can you be more civilized?” Gu Changsheng said to Hou Tu.

But the next moment, Gu Changsheng was dumbfounded. He saw Bei’er walking up to Hou Tu, knelt down with a bang, and said: “Master, come on, please accept Tuoba Bei’er’s obeisance!” After saying that, Tuoba Belle kowtowed three times, her movements so fast that people raised eyebrows.

“…” Gu Changsheng!

“Haha, very good, you will be my chief disciple of Hou Tu from now on.” Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng proudly, we are indeed not robbing people, they are all voluntary.

Tuoba Beier’s talent can be seen by Hou Tu at a glance. The earth spirit body is the most suitable for practicing her earth law. She did not expect to receive such a precious apprentice when she came to Yuanyang Realm. So happy.

Gu Changsheng looked at Tuoba Beier and really wanted to say, in fact, you can worship me as your master, but Hou Tu is indeed the most suitable to be her master.

“Belle, you want to knock down those five battleships, right?” Hou Tu asked.

Tuoba Beier nodded and said, “Grandpa said they are world plunderers. Any world they target will be plundered and then destroyed.”

“World plunderers?” Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng in confusion. This organization is quite unfamiliar to her. After all, she has been in the secret realm of the ancient gods for eight ages of chaos. She knows absolutely nothing about the outside world. Even her understanding of the human race was only clear during this period of crazy study. of cognition.

“Well, let me do the math!” Gu Changsheng touched his nose. This was also the first time he heard about World Predator. After all, he was only a million years old and was still a young boy.

Hou Tu no longer paid attention to Gu Changsheng, but said to Tuoba Beier: “Well, I haven’t prepared any gifts for my master, so let’s give you these five battleships as gifts.”

After saying that, Hou Tu’s figure flashed. , and came to the five battleships that stretched between heaven and earth.

Five warships stretched out countless invisible tentacles and were plundering the source crystal veins of Yuanyang Realm. When Houtu saw this, he frowned.

“Damn it!”

Hou Tu’s voice was cold. Before she came, she wanted to conquer the human race in Yuanyang Realm. She even unified the Yuanyang Realm. It can be said that she had regarded Yuanyang Realm as belonging to the human race, and now someone actually did so. Gu Changsheng couldn’t stand her willingness to plunder the human race in front of her.


An Immortal King exuding a powerful aura appeared in front of Hou Tu and questioned Hou Tu.

Hou Tuyu waved his hand, and with a “bang” sound, the Immortal King exploded into blood mist. In order not to damage the battleship, Hou Tu specially used his magical power to compress the remaining power of the explosion into a point, and then annihilated it into nothingness.

Hou Tu did not hide her intentions. She killed an Immortal King with a bang and was sensed by many strong men in Yuanyang Realm.

“God has come true, God has come true!”

someone shouted, thinking that it was because they prayed to God that Houtu would appear.

“Fuck you!”

Gu Changsheng curled his lips. He was the first person to defy heaven. His cultivation had never conformed to the way of heaven. Even when he became an emperor, he suppressed the way of heaven in the world of mortals. For the way of heaven, Gu Changsheng was very disdainful of these things from God.

“Master is mighty!”

Tuoba Beier waved her fist happily, and the Tuoba clan leader’s eyes also lit up. Maybe Beier, this sudden master, can really become the savior of Yuanyang Realm?

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