Help me kill someone

The sentient beings in the Yuanyang Realm looked at the red figure in the sky, as if they were seeing a supreme empress, so domineering that they could not help but feel the desire to surrender.

“Who are you?”

At this time, a voice like thunder came from the battleship, and then a figure appeared. He had a divine ring on his head, as if a god came to the world, and the aura of solemnity filled the whole place with him as the center. Yuanyang Realm.

The powerful immortal!

This turned out to be a powerful immortal.

This thought arose in the minds of countless people, and then they couldn’t help but worry about the red figure in the sky.

“How dare you question me, a mere Immortal?” Hou Tu’s face turned ugly. For some reason, Hou Tu wanted to be sulky. During this time, she was always being annoyed by Gu Changsheng, which made her quite depressed. In the world of mortals, she was She couldn’t let others vent her anger, so she kept it in her heart. Now it was better. Finally, someone could let her vent her anger.

Gu Changsheng, who was teasing Tuoba Beier in the Tuoba tribe, seemed to feel something. He looked pitifully at the powerful Immortal Master and said, “How pitiful!”

“What’s pitiful?” Tuoba Bei’er had sensitive ears and heard it. What Gu Changsheng said.

“Your master’s enemy, I guess he won’t be able to die for a while.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

Although Tuoba Beier was precocious, she didn’t understand what Gu Changsheng meant when he said “I can’t die even if I want to”, but she understood Hou Tu’s next move.

“A mere Immortal?” The Immortal laughed angrily. He thought Hou Tu was crazy. He thought it might be the people in the Yuanyang Realm who knew that their world would eventually perish, so they went crazy.

“Crazy woman, I will send you to reincarnation right now!”

The powerful Immortal Lord snorted coldly, but the next moment, an extremely clear sound “pop” was heard, and this sound was transmitted by Houtu’s great god. All over the Yuanyang Realm.

All living beings were stunned when they heard this sound, especially those who were children. This sound seemed familiar. They thought about it carefully. Isn’t this the sound of their parents or elders who left memories on their faces when they were disobedient when they were young? ? Although this is a painful memory, it is precisely because of the pain that it cannot be forgotten.

The powerful Immortal Master felt the burning pain coming from his right cheek. He couldn’t believe it for a moment. He… was he slapped?

“Say what you just said again? What did you just call me?” Houtu’s tone was solemn, and the breath on his body was extremely cold, and the surrounding space was actually frozen.

“You…who are you?”

The powerful Immortal Master asked again, but his attitude was completely different. Before, he was arrogant and had the aura of being the only one in the world, but now, his voice was… He was trembling, and it was clear that fear had begun to arise in his heart.


He received another crisp slap in response, this one hitting his left cheek. This time, both of his cheeks were symmetrical.

“Shall I ask you to say what you just said again? Don’t you understand?”

Hou Tu’s voice was still so cold, which made Gu Changsheng shake his head repeatedly. Is this girl so angry inside?

“I’ll fight you!” the immortal powerful man roared. Although he knew that the opponent was unfathomable, he was an immortal powerful man. He would rather die standing than suffer such humiliation?

Two slaps in the face, in human terms, is a fight between two big dicks. Do you know how much psychological damage two big dicks fight can cause to a strong Immortal Master?

The powerful Immortal Lord attacked Hou Tu desperately, and Hou Tu showed a sneer on his face. He just waved his hand and knocked him away. However, she had no intention of getting to know the other party. Although she was taking out her anger on him, I also want to use the other party to establish authority in the Yuanyang world.

When the Holy Spirit of the Yuanyang Realm saw that red figure, he was able to repel a strong Immortal Lord with just a wave of his hand. The despair in his heart could not help but quietly disappear, giving birth to new hope.

“This girl never forgets to win over people’s hearts even when she vents her anger.” Gu Changsheng felt the will of all living beings in the Yuanyang Realm, especially the people of the Tuoba clan around them. They had the strongest hope and belief. It has to be said that in the future, The soil is very powerful in terms of development, management and even conquest.

They came to the Yuanyang Realm just as the Yuanyang Realm was facing the crisis of annihilation. Now as long as Hou Tu saves the Yuanyang Realm at this time, her prestige in the Yuanyang Realm will surely reach a height that is unprecedented and unprecedented, even if it is In the future, there will be people who can save Yuanyang Realm, but they will only be ranked below Hou Tu.

With this move, Hou Tu will become the savior of the Yuanyang world. When the time comes, she will unify the Yuanyang world, and I am afraid it will only take a few words from her.

“Could these girls have thought about the disaster in Yuanyang Realm, so they chose to come to this world?” Gu Changsheng thought darkly, but it was just a thought. They came to Yuanyang Realm and met Yuanyang. The world’s annihilation crisis is really just a coincidence. They have never investigated the Yuanyang Realm before. Maybe they have. That is when the Earth God traveled around the world a few months ago, he noticed that the Yuanyang Realm is a few kilometers near the Red Dust Realm. This is the weakest world in the world, but at that time, the people of the World Predator Organization had not yet targeted the Yuanyang Realm.

It can only be said that the Yuanyang Realm is very lucky, but these people from the World Predator Organization are very unlucky.

“But since we have set our sights on the world of mortals!” Gu Changsheng frowned slightly. He had calculated the world’s predator organization before, and soon understood its nature. It aimed to plunder the world and followed the law of the jungle of the weak and the strong. They absolutely shouldn’t. Focusing on the world of mortals.

“Let her handle this matter. I believe she will be happy to help.” Gu Changsheng looked at the red silhouette in the sky. He was satisfied no matter how he looked at it. Hou Tu was really a very qualified worker!

Hou Tu naturally felt the will of all living beings in the Yuanyang Realm, and a sweet smile appeared on his face, but this smile looked so creepy to the powerful Immortal Lord. To him, this smile was more powerful than him. Experiencing countless lives and deaths is even more terrifying.

“Who are you? Do you know our origins?”

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

At this time, two more Immortal Masters came out, their auras were a bit stronger than the Immortal Masters just now. They looked unfathomable. Hou Tu, whose heart is extremely heavy, wants to use the background behind him to make the other party afraid.

But Hou Tu asked: “World Predator Organization?”

“Since you know our origins, you must also know the energy behind our World Predator Organization. If you know how to retreat, we can also leave Yuanyang Realm, and from now on I will never step into the Yuanyang Realm again.”

The Immortal Lord with the strongest aura started to negotiate with Hou Tu confidently.

But it’s a pity that Hou Tu only knows that there is such an organization in the world so far. As for the background of the organization, she doesn’t know at all, and even if she knows, so what? Behind her stood Gu Changsheng.


Seeing that Houtu didn’t speak, the man thought Houtu was thinking, so he asked again.

Hou Tu shook his head and said, “Although I don’t know what your World Predator Organization does, it’s a pity that you destroyed the world I like. That’s unforgivable.” After

Hou Tu finished speaking, he flicked his finger, The Immortal Lord with the strongest aura turned into blood mist, and was eventually annihilated into nothingness by some kind of force.

The pupils of the remaining two people shrank, especially the one who had been treated specially by Hou Tu before. He was trembling all over. An Immortal Lord said that he was gone and was gone. Is the other person an Immortal Emperor, or a strong person above the Immortal Emperor? They couldn’t imagine it anymore.

“Let’s go!”

Another strong Immortal Master roared, breaking through the space without saying a word and heading towards Chaos, but he forgot that in order to prevent the Holy Spirit of Yuanyang Realm from escaping from Yuanyang Realm, they had already A peerless immortal formation was set up in the Yuanyang Realm, and the person who set up this immortal formation was the Immortal Lord who died under Hou Tu just now.

If you want to leave, you first need to break this immortal formation that is comparable to the level of an immortal.

If it was normal, he could crack it if given time, but now, he wanted to escape, but he didn’t have time.


The escaping Immortal Lord encountered the Immortal Formation and bombarded it like crazy.



“Trapped in a cocoon.” Houtu sneered, and with a casual slap, he killed the powerful Immortal Lord who wanted to escape.

The Immortal Lord, who still had two slap marks on his face, was too frightened to move when he saw this.

Hou Tu looked at her coldly, “How dare you call me a crazy woman? Gu Changsheng didn’t even say that to me, how dare you?”

The man trembled all over. He didn’t know who Gu Changsheng was, but he could feel it. To Hou Tu’s anger. He begged for mercy with a sad face: “Honorable strong man, I was blind and rushed into you. As long as you let me go, I will do whatever you ask me to do.” ”

Really?” Hou Tu’s eyes lit up.

“Hmm…” The man nodded repeatedly.

“Okay, you go kill someone for me. As long as you kill him, I will let you go.” After saying that, Hou Tu played a picture. This picture was exactly the picture of Gu Changsheng teasing Tuoba Beier. .

“Just kill the man above.” Hou Tu said with a smile, and even pointed out the location of the Tuoba tribe to him.

The man saw it and agreed without saying a word.

“I hope the noble and powerful man can keep his word,” the man said.

“I, Houtu, always keep my word.” Houtu said proudly.

The man gritted his teeth, even if the other party didn’t mean what he said, there was nothing he could do, but this was the last glimmer of life, and he had to hold it in his hands. After thinking about it, he flew directly towards the Tuoba tribe.

Hou Tu looked at his leaving back, hummed and laughed: “If you want to keep a low profile, I won’t make you feel so comfortable.”

After saying that, Hou Tu broke the formation that trapped Yuanyang Realm and cut off the battleship. After plundering the Yuanyang Realm, there were not many strong men left on the five battleships, only a dozen Immortal Kings, all of whom were eliminated by her.

Gu Changsheng, who was bragging to Tuoba Beier about his deeds in the world of mortals, suddenly found someone rushing toward him with murderous intent. He was very confused, but he was not a Houtu, so he had no intention of venting his anger, so he just waved the person away. It’s easier than swatting a fly to death.

That powerful Immortal Master didn’t know until his death that the person he wanted to kill was the ceiling of all chaotic worlds!

“Where did you just talk?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Speaking of how after you defied heaven and became a Taoist, you gave the Tianxin Seal to the man named Golden Ancient Emperor.” Tuoba Beier said.

“Oh, yes, let me tell you, this Ancient Golden Emperor disappoints me so much. I gave him a chance to become enlightened, but he actually killed himself and hid, leaving me to manage the universe alone for hundreds of thousands of years, which exhausted me to death. “…

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