Young Master, can you let me tell your fortune?

After Hou Tu solved the crisis in Yuanyang Realm, she sent the plundered Source Crystal Mineral Veins and Xianyuan Mineral Veins back to Yuanyang Realm. She already regarded Yuanyang Realm as the second world to be unified, so naturally she would not Will do things that harm Yuanyang Realm.

All living beings in the Yuanyang Realm can see another woman in red palace clothes in the sky using great magical power to re-implant the source crystal veins into the earth of the Yuanyang Realm. Every time that figure moves, they can feel it. The concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth is restored by one point.


At this time, someone shouted, and it was spread to ten, then to hundreds, first a continent, and then the Holy Spirits on all the continents in Yuanyang Realm were shouting “Savior”.

Houtu in the sky was stunned. She didn’t want to be a savior. Her idea was very simple, that is, to help Gu Changsheng unify the human race in all the worlds. In this case, she could also use the huge population base of the human race to serve as her brother. The sister is looking for a suitable successor. She is the only one left in the Ancient God Clan. Naturally, it is not completely destroyed, but she does not want the inheritance of her brothers and sisters to be interrupted. They can die, but their way and their inheritance must not be cut off.

Maybe she also likes this feeling of conquest, but most of all she wants to help other ancestor gods find suitable successors.

“Savior? Haha!” Hou Tu seemed a little disapproving, but he was a little proud in his heart. You are the Holy Emperor of the human race, and we are not bad at being a savior, hahaha.

Hou Tu was in a good mood and soon drove the plundered source crystal veins into the ground of Yuanyang Realm.


At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the space of Yuanyang Realm.

“What’s wrong? Are they reinforcements from those people?”

Some people are like frightened birds. Their previous experiences have formed a nightmare for them. They still remember that when those warships broke into their world, the sky was full of legends. This kind of change happened.

Just when countless creatures were worried, strange phenomena appeared in the sky.

First, a golden lotus appeared, and then countless golden lotuses appeared. They were divided into two parts, two-thirds floated to Houtu in the sky, and the remaining one-third floated to Tuoba The direction of the tribe.

Golden Lotus of Merit!

Hou Tu looked at these golden lotuses, which were the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue. Hou Tu was very familiar with this. She saved the Yuanyang Realm, and the heaven of Yuanyang Realm felt it and sent down the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue to thank her. It was normal, but…

” Why does that guy have one too?” Hou Tu muttered dissatisfied.

Gu Changsheng was stunned when he saw the Golden Lotus of Merit floating towards him in the sky. To be honest, this was the first time he got the Golden Lotus of Merit. Even though he was respected by all races in the world of mortals, he had never gotten the Golden Lotus of Merit before. After all, He has never done anything like Hou Tu to save the world.

“Why do I have it?” Gu Changsheng wondered, he seemed to have done nothing, so how could he have it too?

He didn’t know that he was like swatting a fly to kill the person who was full of murderous intentions towards him. He was also a member of the World Predator Organization. God’s law was just and it didn’t care whether Gu Changsheng did it intentionally or not. Anyway, Gu Changsheng’s behavior was against Yuan Yuan. If the Yang Realm is beneficial, then he also has a share of this merit.

Hou Tu quickly figured out the reason for this. After knowing the reason, Hou Tu became even more depressed.

“I originally wanted to disgust that guy, but am I doing something good with bad intentions?” Hou Tu couldn’t laugh or cry, but she didn’t pay much attention to the Golden Lotus of Merit, because for a strong man in the Dao-breaking realm, merit is useless. The biggest function of merit is to reduce the karma of cause and effect, but as long as you practice to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, you will transcend cause and effect. Cause and effect are useless to the Immortal Emperor. Only absolute power can eliminate the powerful people of the Immortal Emperor and above. Merits are worthless to her, because they cannot be given away.

But the Golden Lotus of Merit was useless to her, but it was of great use to the monks below the Immortal Emperor. Countless creatures looked at the Golden Lotus of Merit falling from the sky, and became even more convinced that Hou Tu was their savior, and they knelt on the ground to thank Hou Tu.

Hou Tu was about to leave, when five figures flew toward her. These five people were all powerful Immortal Kings, but their auras were unstable and they suffered serious Tao injuries. They might fall to the Immortal King at any time. fruit position.

“Lord Savior, please stay.”

At this time, a human Immortal King shouted.

Hou Tu turned around and frowned slightly when she saw their situation. These people would be her right-hand helpers in the future, so she fired a burst of energy, and the five seriously injured Immortal Kings instantly recovered as before, which made them stunned for a moment. .

“Thank you, Lord Savior!”

The five people reacted quickly and quickly saluted Houtu.

Hou Tu said calmly: “Don’t call me Lord Savior.”

“Then… don’t you know what we should call you?” one person asked.

“Empress Houtu!” Houtu said.

“Empress Houtu!” The five people savored the meaning carefully. When they came back to their senses, they found that Houtu had disappeared, but they all received the message Houtu left for them in their minds.

Hou Tu told them directly that he wanted to unify Yuanyang Realm, and asked them to be prepared. They could resist, but that would lead to death!

The five people had complicated expressions. Did they, Yuanyang Realm, just leave the wolf’s den and enter the tiger’s mouth again? But they shuddered when they thought about the unfathomable depth of the back soil.

“Longyang Immortal King, Empress Houtu mentioned a piece of information. She wants to help the Human Race Holy Emperor unify the human race in all heavens and worlds. Do you know this Human Race Holy Emperor?”

Someone looked at the Human Race Immortal King, Yuanyang. There were originally eight Immortal Kings in the world, two of which were occupied by the Human race. However, among the three Immortal Kings that fell before, another Human Immortal King was among them. Now the only human Immortal King left in the Yuanyang Realm is the Longyang Immortal King.

Immortal King Longyang shook his head.

“What do you think about this matter?” Immortal King Longyang asked.

The remaining four people were silent for a long time, and one of them said: “Now that Queen Houtu has given me the opportunity, I will lead my clan to surrender under Queen Houtu.”

Seeing that someone expressed their stance so quickly, the five of them soon reached an agreement. Unanimously, they all chose to surrender to Hou Tu. If before, they might have resisted, but after experiencing the invasion of the World Predator Organization, they knew that if they did not surrender, even if Hou Tu did not ask them to suppress it, the World Predator Organization would Will send people to Yuanyang Realm again.

It is impossible for the World Predator Organization to let go of the targeted world, not to mention that their people were lost in Yuanyang Realm. No matter what, the World Predator Organization will still find Yuanyang Realm.

Whether it is for one’s own life or death, or for the future of Yuanyang Realm, surrendering to Queen Tu is the only way out.

After Hou Tu returned to the Tuoba tribe, he found that his precious apprentice got along so well with Gu Changsheng, and he was immediately unhappy.

“Belle, come here!”

Houtu said.

Hearing this, Tuoba Beier immediately left Gu Changsheng, trotted to Houtu, and obediently saluted: “Master, are you back?” ”

Yes!” Houtu nodded, and then said, “That guy What have I told you?”

“Ahem!” At this time, Gu Changsheng coughed a few times, Hou Tu looked at him, and Gu Changsheng said: “I’m a little thirsty, I’ll go find some wine, you guys chat first .”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng started wandering around the Tuoba tribe as if nothing had happened.

Hou Tu looked at his back suspiciously, and intuitively told her that in the short period of time she left, Gu Changsheng said a lot of bad things about her to Tuoba Beier.

“Beier, be good, what did he just say to you?” Houtu knelt down and asked.

Tuoba Beier said, “Master, just now His Majesty the Holy Emperor was telling me about his past.”

“That’s it?” Houtu frowned.

“Oh, by the way, she also said that Master, you look like a girl in your twenties, but in fact you have lived for countless thousands of years. She also said that Master, you are an old leftover woman with a hot temper that no one wants.”

” Really?” Hou Tu asked.

Tuoba Beier nodded and asked, “Master, what does Lao Shengnu mean?”

“It’s not interesting, Beier, don’t communicate with him in the future, you will learn bad things, you know?” Hou Tu warned.

“But…but…” Tuoba Beier hesitated to speak.

“But what?” Hou Tu asked.

“But His Majesty the Holy Emperor gave me this. This is delicious and sweet. Master, do you want it?” Tuoba Beier took out a few candies with wooden sticks and put them in his hand. Hou Tu took a look. , I almost fainted. Isn’t this the lollipop sold every day in the mortal market in the world of mortals? These few lollipops are not even worth a penny, and they actually bribed you?

Hou Tu didn’t know what to say, so she said, “I want one.”

After saying that, Hou Tu picked up a red lollipop, tore off the wrapping paper, and put it directly into his mouth. As if the lollipop was an enemy, she crushed it with her teeth in a few clicks.

“Master, His Majesty the Holy Emperor said that this must be held in the mouth to have a soul. The way you eat it, the Holy Emperor said that it was because the wild dogs on the street saw the bones.” ”

Pfft !”

Tu spit out the candy pieces all at once. She stared at the innocent Tuoba Bei’er and said, “Did he really say this?”

Tuoba Bei’er nodded.

“Bei’er, be good, you go back to your grandpa’s place first, I’ll go back as soon as I can.”

After saying that, Hou Tu got up and looked for Gu Changsheng, but Gu Changsheng had already expected this situation, so he couldn’t wait for Hou Tu to settle the score.

At this time, Gu Changsheng had already arrived at a human city. Because they had just experienced an unusual disaster, the cities in Yuanyang Realm were in a panic. When Gu Changsheng came to this small city, he seemed a little depressed, and he could even feel the sky. There are countless innocent souls floating around, unwilling to go to reincarnation.

Gu Changsheng glanced at the sky with calm eyes. Then he found a restaurant, walked in, ordered a small pot of wine, and drank quietly.

At this time, an old man walked towards him.

“Sir, I think you have a strange face. Can you let me do your fortune-telling for you?”

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