: Conquered an Immortal Emperor after drinking wine

The old man has white hair and an old face, but his eyes are extremely clear, without the turbidity of his twilight years. He is wearing an old Yin and Yang Taoist robe. He holds an order flag in his left hand and a Bagua compass in his right hand. The order flag reads “I don’t know before.” So then, I don’t know why.” This actually made Gu Changsheng interesting.

The old fortune teller was kind-hearted, and without waiting for Gu Changsheng’s consent, he sat down opposite Gu Changsheng, even picked up a wine glass and poured the wine, then put the wine into his mouth, but said: “The taste is a bit bad. ”

When others saw that he was so thick-skinned, they couldn’t help but curse inwardly. He even thought the wine tasted bad without asking for help. Do you have the ability to pay for it yourself? Look at the shabby clothes you’re wearing, you can’t afford the drinks…

Everyone around looked at the old fortune teller strangely, and after seeing the words written on his flag, they all thought he was a liar because he was young. If people are easy to get along with, just eat and drink.

The old fortune teller ignored the gazes of others. He poured another glass of wine, drank it down in one gulp, and continued: “The taste is indeed worse than before. I remember that when I drank it before, the taste was more mellow. Could it be that I changed it? Boss?”

After saying that, he poured another glass and drank it down again. This time he didn’t say anything, but his expression was dissatisfied, obviously he was still dissatisfied with the taste of the wine.

Gu Changsheng didn’t say anything, just looked at him quietly, and even had a faint smile on his face.

“Sir, I see that you have a strange face, so I can’t help myself!” The old fortune teller chuckled. His smile revealed his old yellow teeth. I don’t know if his teeth have turned yellow because of frequent eating and drinking. .

“Didn’t you just say that you wanted to tell me a fortune? You drank three glasses of wine from me. If you don’t tell me the reason, you won’t be able to leave.” Gu Changsheng chuckled, then picked up the wine glass and drank. He took a sip and frowned slightly. The taste was indeed not as good as the wine made by his Zuixianju family, but it was much better than the chili wine he made himself.

“Master, do you know the meaning of the above two sentences?” The old fortune teller pointed to the command flag on the side. Without waiting for Gu Changsheng to speak, he continued: “Fortune tellers in the world all know how many years they will have before and how many years they will know later. It’s a pretense, but in my opinion, it’s all bullshit and they’re all scamming people out of money, but I’m different.”

The old fortune teller looked at Gu Changsheng pretending to be profound, but Gu Changsheng asked with a smile: “What’s different about you? ?”

When the old fortune teller saw Gu Changsheng asking so cooperatively, he smiled proudly and said, “Just like the words on the flag, I don’t know anything.” ”


The people on the side listened to his previous words of looking down on fortune tellers in the world. , everyone thought he had some real material, but this is the result? But if you think about it carefully, this old man is indeed different. Others can exaggerate their fortune-telling as much as they want. Knowing five hundred years in the past and five hundred years in the future is just a small thing. Some even claim to be the reincarnation of immortals, knowing everything about heaven, earth, and people. I don’t know, of course, anyone who’s not stupid won’t believe it. With such ability, why don’t you explore the ancient secrets and still make a living by setting up a stall on the street?

Thinking about it this way, this old man is indeed a little different from other fortune tellers. If he doesn’t know, he just says he doesn’t know, but so what? It’s not like there are no real materials.

“I know everything, I don’t know anything, it’s just one word missing.” Gu Changsheng said calmly.

The old fortune teller’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Gu Changsheng continued: “If you don’t know anything, I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave.”

“Haha, you need to do some math to know.” The old fortune teller smiled softly, and then looked at Gu Changsheng’s face. Looking at it made him frown. At first, when he looked at Gu Changsheng’s face, it was extremely strange, and his body exuded this mysterious aura, which made him involuntarily get closer and want to make a fortune for Gu Changsheng, but Looking at Gu Changsheng’s face now, he could no longer feel the strange and unpredictable aura before. Instead, he felt like he was facing boundless chaos. No, chaos couldn’t compare.

Just when he wanted to take a closer look, he found that Gu Changsheng’s face had quietly changed and turned into a calm spring, as if he had misjudged the boundlessness he had seen before.

The old man frowned, but his heart was already in turmoil. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing after living for so long.

“How’s it going? What’s the calculation?” Gu Changsheng’s faint voice rang out, instantly waking up the old fortune teller.

The old fortune teller chuckled, hiding his inner thoughts, and said, “Look again, look again, don’t be in a hurry.”

Gu Changsheng raised his glass, drank it down, and said, “I just said, if you don’t count, No matter what, you won’t be able to leave today.”

“Don’t worry, sir!” the old fortune teller smiled, but his hand couldn’t help but reach for the command flag and the Bagua compass on the table, but before his hand touched the Bagua compass, , the Bagua Compass was taken into Gu Changsheng’s hand with a “swish”, and the old fortune teller’s hand suddenly stopped in the air.

Gu Changsheng held the Bagua compass in his hand and said to the old fortune teller: “How about I give you a fortune teller?”

“Young Master knows how to tell fortunes?” The old fortune teller forced a smile, but he knew that today he might have to violate his original promise. Promise has used some tricks.

Gu Changsheng weighed the Bagua compass in his hand and said, “You know a little bit about it!”

“Please!” the old fortune teller said, but he was a little disapproving in his heart. In the field of fortune telling, he claimed to be second in all the worlds, and no one dared to claim it. First.

Gu Changsheng said: “The divine fortune teller, the master of heavenly secrets from the Tianyan clan, the most mysterious and unpredictable immortal emperor among the three thousand immortal emperors in all the worlds, was targeted by the great avenue of heaven and earth because he leaked too many secrets. , I had to be forced to proclaim myself a cultivator and hide in anonymity for countless years. Hey… you actually lived for three eras of chaos? Interesting!”

Gu Changsheng looked at the divine fortune teller with interest. He didn’t expect that the divine fortune teller could rely on the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor to cross the border. After three great catastrophes of the Chaos Era, he can already be called the strongest Immortal Emperor, if not counting his combat power.

“Who are you?”

The clear eyes of the fortune teller were full of shock. He looked around and found that the people around him were doing everything as usual. He didn’t seem to hear their conversation, but there was already a turmoil in his heart. His identity, Even those chaos gods and demons couldn’t figure it out, but the young man in front of him knew it. At this time, he didn’t believe that he had been calculated.

“Do you know me?” The fortune teller continued to ask. This is the only possibility. He doesn’t believe that someone can be stronger than him in Tianji Dao for you. He can even avoid the cause and effect of the destruction of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Although his cultivation is He has not reached the realm of breaking the path, but he was able to survive the great catastrophe of the era, which is equivalent to a different kind of breaking the path.

“Don’t panic, don’t be anxious, I haven’t finished the calculation yet!”

Gu Changsheng said: “This is all your past. I am not interested in your past, but I am quite interested in your future. I have calculated it, your future He will contribute to the development of our human race, and will become the right-hand man of the Holy Emperor of the human race. He will be a very good worker.” ”

Well, that’s enough.”

After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he looked at the fortune teller.

“…” The fortune teller felt that he was being targeted. What do you mean that I will contribute to the development of the human race in the future? Although my Celestial Eye clan is no different from the human race except for the extra celestial eye between my eyebrows, I am not a human race either. Also, who is the Holy Emperor of the Human Race? Has there ever been such a person in all the worlds? Also, I will be a very good part-time worker. What is this mess?

“Have you considered it?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“What are you considering?” The fortune teller was confused.

“It is your honor to be my right-hand man!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Are you the Holy Emperor of the human race?” the divine fortune teller asked.

“Otherwise? Ask the others and see who dares to claim to be the Holy Emperor of the Human Race?” Gu Changsheng said.

The divine fortune teller took a look at the Bagua compass in Gu Changsheng’s hand. It was a treasure he discovered while traveling through chaos, but compared with freedom, he didn’t want it. The fortune teller wanted to use his magical power to stay away from Gu Changsheng, but found that he had used it, but found that he was still sitting opposite Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng chuckled and said: “I said, you drank three glasses of wine from me. If you don’t figure out a reason for me, you won’t be able to leave. What I said is more effective than the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.”

The fortune teller found himself His cultivation was not sealed, but he couldn’t move no matter what. This made him regret it. He was curious about seeing the other person’s face, so he got involved. Is this his fault?

Curiosity killed the cat!

The divine fortune teller couldn’t help but think of this proverb spread by the human race, but now it’s too late to regret it. With his cultivation at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, he was like a three-year-old child to the other party. The other party was a strong Taoist realm? The fortune teller secretly shook his head. He had seen powerful people in the Broken Dao Realm, but he wanted to run away, and since the Broken Dao Realm couldn’t keep him, there was only one possibility. The other party had surpassed the Broken Dao Realm and became the master of chaos!

The master of a chaotic world is the controller of chaos! In this way, it will be easy for the other party to figure out his origin.

Thinking of this, the fortune teller couldn’t help but feel discouraged. He knew that he had to admit defeat today.

“I didn’t expect that I, the divine fortune teller, had calculated all the secrets of heaven and earth, and that such a calamity would happen today! Your Excellency, please do it, I have been hiding in Tibet for three ages of chaos, and thinking about this kind of life is enough I hope that after my death, the Great Way of Heaven and Earth will allow me to enter reincarnation.”

After the fortune teller finished speaking, he closed his eyes and welcomed the coming of death.

“I said you old man can’t understand human language? I asked you to contribute to the development of our human race. Why do you think I want to kill you? Who the hell do you think you are?”

Gu Changsheng was so embarrassed by him. He laughed angrily, for a Holy Emperor who is respected by countless people, you actually think that I am a murderous devil?

“Really? As long as you don’t die, you can do anything.” After the fortune teller heard that he really didn’t need to die, his expression changed quickly, as if he was not the person who just died so generously.

Gu Changsheng looked at the little old man, “What? Don’t you want to die?”

“Haha, His Majesty the Holy Emperor is joking. If you can live without death, it would be better to live without death. Besides, there is a saying in the human race that I like very much, that is, those who know the current affairs. As a hero, the old man is also a hero.” The fortune teller chuckled, and even called His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

Gu Changsheng looked at him. He didn’t know how strong this old man was, but he was as thick-skinned as his traitor.

But for him to subdue a strong Immortal Emperor just for a drink, this was beyond his expectation.

“Bring this old man back, then the old ladies should be able to calm down, right?”

Gu Changsheng muttered.

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