Houtu’s road to breakthrough

Gu Changsheng returned to the Tuoba tribe with the divine fortune teller, and when he was about to find Hou Tu to tell her that he had found a capable general for her, Tuoba Beier came up to her.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, Master said she was going to lead people to go through the Immortal Tribulation, and she asked me to show you something.” Tuoba Beier said.

“What?” Gu Changsheng asked curiously.


Tuoba Beier raised her pink middle finger towards Gu Changsheng, and even her voice imitated Hou Tu’s appearance.

Gu Changsheng’s face darkened, but when he saw the little girl Tuoba Bei’er, he couldn’t argue with the little girl. This old woman had made sure that he would not argue with Tuoba Bei’er before letting Tuoba Bei’er turn around. Take the gesture.

Depend on!

Gu Changsheng cursed in his heart, and with a smile on his face, he said, “Beier, don’t show this gesture to others casually in the future, you know?”

“When can you do that?” Tuoba Beier asked.

“Hmm…” Gu Changsheng thought for a moment and said, “When you encounter a heinous enemy.”

“Oh!” Tuoba Beier nodded. Then she looked at the fortune teller behind Gu Changsheng and asked: “Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, did you bring back a beggar from outside? Does he want something to eat? I’ll go get it right now!”

After saying that, before Gu Changsheng and the fortune teller could react, Tuoba Beier He hurried back to his home, and it seemed that he really got food for the fortune teller.

The fortune teller was confused. He was still in a trance caused by Gu Changsheng, but now he was treated as a beggar by a little girl. He was a powerful Immortal Emperor, and he was a powerful being in the world. Being treated as a beggar?

What a shame!

“You are indeed dressed like a beggar.”

At this time, Gu Changsheng gave Shen Suanzi a patch of hair, which made Shen Suanzi extremely depressed. His robe looked a bit worn out, but it had experienced three catastrophes in the Chaos Era and it had not been completely eliminated. The peerless treasure robe of destruction cannot be judged by its appearance alone. The dissatisfied fortune teller told Gu Changsheng the origin of his Taoist robe.

In the end, Gu Changsheng dismissed it and said, “That’s it? Look at the clothes I’m wearing. They’re made of three thousand avenues. Have I told anyone else?” ”

…” Divine Counter.

You are justified in forcing me, but I don’t share your common sense!

“Old beggar grandpa, give it!”

At this time, Tuoba Beier walked out with a bowl of food on her head and placed it in front of the fortune teller.

“Old beggar grandpa, is it enough? If it’s not enough, tell Belle and she will go get it.” Tuoba Belle said, pointing to the food in the basin.

Gu Changsheng had a strange look on his face when he looked at the basin. There was nothing wrong with this basin, it was very clean, but using the basin to hold food always gave it a feeling of feeding. He also knew that Tuoba Beier didn’t mean it, and that Beier just wanted to Put more food in a basin and give it to the fortune teller. After all, in Belle’s eyes, the fortune teller is a beggar who came to beg with the Holy Emperor. She felt that he was very pitiful, so she gave him a little more food, that’s all.

The fortune teller also knew that Tuoba Beier had good intentions, but first, he was not a beggar. Second, although the bowl of food in front of him was very rich, he couldn’t eat it. If he did, he would really become a beggar.

The fortune teller quietly glanced at Gu Changsheng. He couldn’t eat this food. Just now, he saw this little girl making indecent and disrespectful gestures towards His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and he heard it clearly. Yes, that was what the little girl’s master asked her to convey. Although she didn’t know who her master was, but she dared to make such an indecent and disrespectful gesture to a chaos controller, she must be very strong. The most important thing is that He must have a good relationship with His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

But despite this, the little girl made such an indecent and disrespectful gesture to His Majesty the Holy Emperor, but His Majesty the Holy Emperor laughed it off and did not blame the little girl. Then the little girl’s status is special.

In just a moment, many thoughts flashed through the fortune teller. In the end, he thought that he couldn’t survive without eating this food. Being considered a beggar can be explained later, but if he offends the little girl by not drinking, he may suffer in the future.

“Thank you!” The fortune teller squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and thanked Tuoba Bei’er.

However, Tuoba Beier thought that the fortune teller might not have eaten for a long time, so he was so hungry that even his smile was ugly. I feel more compassion for the fortune teller.

“You’re welcome, old beggar grandpa, if it’s not enough, I’ll get it for you again.” Tuoba Beier said.

“That’s enough, that’s enough!”

The divine fortune teller quickly rejected Tuoba Beier’s kindness. If he really wanted to do this, he would have truly established his reputation as a beggar. He didn’t want to be said in the future, “This is not a beggar’s fortune telling.” Son?” something like that.

In the end, it was Gu Changsheng and Tuoba Beier who explained the identity of the fortune teller.

“Oh, it turns out he’s not a beggar, but why does Grandpa eat as fast as a beggar?” Tuoba Beier said.

The fortune teller’s movements were stagnant. He just wanted to finish eating quickly and then change the story. Didn’t he expect that he would be self-defeating?

Gu Changsheng also looked at the fortune teller speechlessly, you said you are not a beggar, why are you eating in such a hurry? No one forces you to eat.

Since Hou Tu took Old Supreme and the others to become immortals, Gu Changsheng felt bored, so he settled down in the Tuoba tribe.

Three months later, Hou Tu brought the old supreme master back with them. At this time, each of their faces was filled with joyful smiles, and their bodies exuded the aura of immortality. Obviously, they had all reached the realm of immortal immortals. , reaching this state, their longevity will be as long as heaven, and they no longer have to worry about longevity.

“I’d like to thank His Majesty the Holy Emperor for his kindness in rebuilding.”

The Old Supreme and the others knelt in front of Gu Changsheng, extremely pious.

At this time, Gu Changsheng was playing chess with the fortune teller. He waved his hand and said softly: “Why are you thanking me? If you want to thank me, thank our Empress Houtu.” ”

They have expressed their gratitude to me a long time ago.”

At this time, a whole body Hou Tu, who was dressed in red palace clothes, walked over. When he saw the fortune teller playing chess with Gu Changsheng, his eyes narrowed. If he hadn’t seen the fortune teller in person, she wouldn’t even have felt her presence.

“Old fortune teller, I have seen Queen Houtu.”

The fortune teller saluted Houtu. He had seen Houtu take action with his own eyes, so he also knew Houtu’s strength. He was a real Tao-breaking existence. It’s just that it was during this period that he learned that Hou Tu was the actual manager of the human race. In other words, Hou Tu was his immediate boss, so naturally he couldn’t be rude.

Hou Tu nodded to the fortune teller, and then said to Gu Changsheng, “You’re such a bad chess kid, you still drag others to play chess?” The

fortune teller was ashamed. Hou Tu was right. In the past three months, it was indeed Gu Changsheng who pulled the strings. As a chess player, Gu Changsheng told him not to use Tianji Dao, but as for Gu Changsheng himself, he didn’t know if he used it. Anyway, even if he did, he wouldn’t be able to feel it with his strength.

“Why, who stipulates that bad chess players can’t play chess?” Gu Changsheng said.

“Hmph! You can only bully the small with the big, but if you are capable, you can only rely on your true ability, right?” Hou Tu said disdainfully.

“Isn’t it true that I am strong?” Gu Changsheng chuckled.

Hou Tu said nothing. When it came to strength, she thought she could not beat Gu Changsheng.

“Hmph, lazy boy!” Hou Tu snorted softly, then turned around and left to find her apprentice Tuoba Beier. After not seeing her for three months, she didn’t know if this girl would be taught bad things by that lazy boy.

The fortune teller was ashamed again. He felt that his immediate boss was no longer someone to be trifled with. Even His Majesty the Holy Emperor dared to attack him. What else could she not dare to do?

The next day, Hou Tu approached Gu Changsheng.

“What’s going on with the World Predator Organization?” Hou Tu asked directly. Regarding the World Predator Organization, she still only knew about the existence of this organization. She didn’t know about the deeper level. She thought It had to be calculated, but unfortunately, there was a force not weaker than hers blocking Tianji, leaving her helpless. She had no choice but to look for Gu Changsheng. She had a hunch that the World Predators Organization would be a stumbling block to her grand ambition to achieve hegemony.

“I thought you wouldn’t ask me out of anger.” Gu Changsheng took out the small wine bottle from his arms and motioned to Hou Tu if he wanted a drink. Hou Tu rolled his eyes at him, and his meaning was obvious.

Gu Changsheng muttered not to forget it, and then said: “The so-called World Predator Organization is an organization that takes pleasure in plundering the world. All the worlds they target, so far, only Yuanyang Realm has been lucky enough to escape. Tribulation, but it won’t be long before they come looking for you again. But this time their ultimate goal is not the Yuanyang Realm, but the Mortal Realm, or in other words, the ultimate goal is your Twelve Ancestor Gods!” ”

Is this happening?” Hou Tu’s eyes were slightly cold, he actually dared to attack the ancient gods, and the murderous intention that had calmed down for countless years in his heart suddenly emerged again.

Gu Changsheng felt the killing intent in Hou Tu and struck: “With your current strength, if you face the World Predator Organization, there is no other way but defeat.”

“Huh?” Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng in confusion. .

“Behind the World Predator Organization, there are Chaos Gods and Demons, and there are quite a few of them. Unless you break through to the broken path, you will not be their opponent.” After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he looked at Hou Tu , he wanted to see Hou Tu’s reaction.

But Hou Tu was very calm. She didn’t even let Gu Changsheng take action. She just asked: “How can I break through to the realm of the controller?”

“Hongmeng Ziqi!”

Gu Changsheng said: “If I met you earlier, I I can give you one, but unfortunately, now I have finished dividing it, and all of them are owned.”

“Is there no other way?” Hou Tu asked.

Gu Changsheng was silent, and Hou Tu looked at him calmly, waiting for his words.

“Okay, there are still two ways. The first is to use absolute power to break through the shackles of breaking the path and become the master. The second way…” ”

What is the second way?” Hou Tu asked quickly.

“That is to unify all heavens and all realms, gather the destiny of all heavens and all realms, and help you break through, but…” ”

Okay, I choose this one!” Houtu said domineeringly.

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t bother yourself too much.” Gu Changsheng regretted telling her.

“Actually, there are others…”

“No, I will choose this path and I won’t take any other path.” Before Gu Changsheng could finish speaking, Houtu left.

Gu Changsheng was dumbfounded. He seemed to have said the wrong thing, right? Originally, Hou Tu wanted to unify all the heavens and all the realms, but now he told her that after unifying all the heavens and all the realms, he could break through the shackles of the realm. Wouldn’t this further arouse her desire to conquer?

I hope that all the creatures in the world will not blame him, he really did not mean it.

“Actually, you can still practice the Immortal Sutra!” Gu Changsheng still said the last words, but Hou Tu left and returned.

“Do you have the Immortal Sutra?” Hou Tu looked at him. She had naturally heard of the legend of the Immortal Sutra.

Gu Changsheng nodded.

“Give it to me!”


“I am helping your human race unify the heavens and the world. There is no credit but hard work. Give it to me.” ”


In the end, Gu Changsheng still used the cultivation methods of the Immortal Sutra. Passed to Hou Tu.

“Thank you!”

After Hou Tu said this, he left.

“This old lady actually thanked me? Did I hear you correctly?” Gu Changsheng was shocked. Hou Tu thanked him, which was truly unprecedented.

“It seems that the status of the Ancient God Clan in her heart is really extraordinary.” Gu Changsheng sighed. In fact, the Ancient God Clan is to Hou Tu what the Human Race is to him. Since he is the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, he is naturally happy for the Human Race to develop more and more. The better.

“I don’t know who this old lady will marry in the end? Who can resist her who has practiced the Immortal Sutra!” Gu Changsheng thought evilly.

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