The fortune teller’s heart

The fortune teller was drinking wine in his yard at this time, and he didn’t even notice Gu Changsheng came in.

The way the fortune teller was drinking a small drink comfortably seemed to Gu Changsheng to be a self-destructive person.

“Magical fortune teller!”

Gu Changsheng shouted.

When the divine fortune teller turned around and saw Gu Changsheng, he smiled and said, “You rare visitor, why did His Majesty the Holy Emperor come to my place? Shouldn’t you be following Empress Houtu at this time?” ”

Huh? What do you mean?” Gu Changsheng frowned. Frowning, does this divine fortune teller have such dirty thoughts?

“Ahem, please don’t get me wrong, Your Majesty the Holy Emperor. I didn’t mean that. I mean, shouldn’t you be discussing important matters with Empress Houtu at this time? It’s a major matter for the development of the human race.”

Shen Shuanzi explained quickly, and finally made it clear. It’s a matter of the development of the human race. Otherwise, what’s the point of discussion? That would be intriguing. If His Majesty the Holy Emperor misunderstood, his old bones would not be able to withstand the torment. He knew that His Majesty the Holy Emperor had a wife, even though the Holy Queen was not born yet!

That’s right, the divine fortune teller has already acquiesced that Gu Changsheng’s unborn daughter-in-law is the Holy Queen, and it will be a matter of time anyway.

Gu Changsheng glared at him, unable to speak clearly, what a trick!

However, Gu Changsheng came to him not to argue with him, but to find a way to help him get out of the shadow of being hit by him. However, he still has no good solution now. He can only take it one step at a time. Let’s talk now. Bar.

“Fortunate God, you go out here and drink all day long. You are too self-indulgent. You have to remember that only I can live this kind of life, and no one else is worthy of it. Have you reached the Broken Dao realm in cultivation? If not, What qualifications do you have to surrender? There is a controller above the broken path. You have a long way to go in the future, and now you are willing to surrender?” ”


Facing Gu Changsheng’s words, the fortune teller was speechless. .

After a long time, the fortune teller finally reacted.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, you are right. It was me who let myself down, alas!”

As he spoke, the fortune teller took a sip of wine, his face full of melancholy.

Gu Changsheng took a look and realized that since he had realized his mistake, shouldn’t he correct his mistakes and move forward bravely? Why does it feel like I have become even more depraved? Is what I said wrong?

After Hou Tu, who had been watching the screen in the Holy Emperor’s Palace, heard Gu Changsheng’s words, he slapped his forehead with a bitter look on his face.

“Does this divine fortune teller have a grudge against you? When you say this, don’t you just think that he didn’t attack him enough?”

Hou Tu regretted leaving the divine fortune teller to Gu Changsheng to deal with. This man, although what he said was all the truth, But sometimes telling the truth can be very frustrating. But now it’s too late to regret it. If I go back now, who knows what Gu Changsheng will say again. If he breaks the truth of the divine fortune teller by then, then the divine fortune teller will be destroyed.

“What the hell is this!” Hou Tu felt a headache for the first time in countless years. Even though he was being chased by enemies from the Central God Realm back then, it wasn’t as troublesome as it is now.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor.”

After swallowing the wine in his mouth, the fortune teller couldn’t help but look at Gu Changsheng.

“I feel that I am the most aggrieved powerful Immortal Emperor. I have survived three catastrophes of the Chaos Era with the cultivation of Immortal Emperor, and I consider myself to be a part of creation, but so what? Seeing my disciples, relatives and friends helplessly They fell in front of me. I still remember their expressions of fear, helplessness and despair when they faced the catastrophe of the era. I wanted to save them, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t save them. That feeling, Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, do you understand?”

“Uh… I really don’t understand.” Gu Changsheng shook his head.


The fortune teller was speechless for a moment, and continued: “I have survived three catastrophes of the Chaos Era, but I can only live for countless years with self-proclaimed cultivation. Even the three immortals of the World Predator Organization can show off their power in front of me. , but I can’t do anything about it. Life like this is really frustrating.”

The fortune teller picked up the wine glass again and took a sip. The melancholy on his face did not diminish, but became even more melancholy.

Kong has a powerful cultivation level, but because he leaked too many secrets, he was targeted by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. As long as he exerts his strength above that of the Immortal Lord, he will be punished by annihilation. Although Gu Changsheng has not experienced this kind of day, he just listens to it. The fortune teller felt aggrieved when he said this.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, sometimes I think that if I can find a suitable successor to pass on my mantle, I will accept it even if I die, but I have traveled all over the world, but I have not found a suitable successor, alas! ”

Shen Suanzi’s face was filled with sadness.

Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes and asked, “Are you troubled by this matter?”

“Yes! My secret way… well, except for you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor, I think I am invincible in all the worlds, even I can also calculate those innate chaotic gods and demons. It would be a pity if they were lost like this.”

said the divine fortune teller.

“You told me earlier, I always thought I was the one who hit you.” Gu Changsheng said dissatisfied.

The divine fortune teller paused for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: “When I first met His Majesty the Holy Emperor, I was indeed shocked, but I soon thought about it. Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, you are the real Gongshen creation. I will not lose to you.” It’s embarrassing. Anyway, I have defeated His Majesty the Holy Emperor in other aspects. His Majesty the Holy Emperor, your way of manipulation…” ”

Stop, don’t talk about playing chess.” Gu Changsheng stopped the fortune teller and continued, I will be ridiculed by the old ladies later.

“Haha…” The fortune teller laughed.

“You are so ridiculous, tell me, what kind of person can become your successor?” Gu Changsheng asked, since this is the destiny of the fortune teller, then as long as he finds a suitable successor for him, then his destiny It will naturally be solved. When his state of mind improves, he can burst into the realm of breaking the Tao. Then the task of enlightening the divine fortune teller this time can be considered completed.

The divine fortune teller shook his head and said: “I have basically given up the idea of looking for a successor, because only the Sky Eye clan has the chance to inherit my legacy. However, I have been searching for countless years and traveled almost all over the world, but I have never found one. The Sky Eye Clan, maybe because of me, the Sky Eye Clan has been cursed by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and has been completely wiped out.”

As he said that, the fortune teller began to feel sorry for himself again, thinking that the absence of the Sky Eye Clan in all the worlds was all his. The reason is that he offended the Heaven and Earth Avenue, which is why the Heaven and Earth Avenue did not evolve into the Sky Eye Clan.

“I said…do you take yourself too seriously?”

Knowing that it was not because of himself, Gu Changsheng didn’t speak politely.

“How do you say this?” The fortune teller knew that there was something in Gu Changsheng’s words, so he didn’t care.

“The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth has no wisdom. It is only targeting you. It will not wipe out the Sky Eye Clan because of you. Since your inheritance can only be inherited by the Sky Eye Clan, do you pay attention to the purity of your bloodline?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“That’s not true, as long as you have the blood of the Sky Eye Clan.” Shen Shuanzi said.

“Very good, that girl can be considered my human wife, so she is a good choice.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“??” The fortune teller was confused, but before he could ask, Gu Changsheng grabbed him and left.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, that’s my neck, don’t hold me up like this.”

“Sorry, I’m used to it, just bear with it for now.”

Hou Tu watched as Gu Changsheng left with the fortune teller’s neck in his hands. Fortunately, Gu Changsheng didn’t Do this to her, otherwise she will fall out, although she can’t beat her!

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