Experience the feeling of being rich and willful

It has been a year since the Starry Sky Ancient Road was opened, and some powerful geniuses have already been able to reach the fourth level.

Magnolia Ancient Star is the ancient star where the fourth stage of the Starry Sky Ancient Road is located. This ancient star is much larger than the ancient stars in the first three stages. On Magnolia Ancient Star, there are not only human races, ancient races, but also demon races. It can be said to be an ancient star with a prosperous race.

Magnolia City is the largest city in Magnolia Ancient Star. Here, many talented young people from all corners of the universe gather.

Gu Changsheng came to Magnolia City with the divine fortune teller (always thinking about the divine grandson emmm).

Gu Changsheng put down the divine fortune teller. The divine fortune teller no longer had the demeanor of a powerful Immortal Emperor.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, in fact, as long as you tell me the location, I can teleport here myself.” The fortune teller said resentfully.

“I’m not making excuses, you really can’t come to this place.” Gu Changsheng said.

“Really?” The fortune teller looked at Gu Changsheng suspiciously.

Gu Changsheng shrugged and said: “This is the place where I give training to the geniuses of all races in the world of mortals. Because some changes happened before, I opened up a world to accommodate this place. Without my permission, not even Houtu can enter. Come on, do you think we can still come in?”

“Is this possible?” The divine fortune teller’s eyes flashed, and he was obviously making calculations. Soon, he was sure that what Gu Changsheng said was true. There are extremely powerful things in this world. The barrier, well, is stronger and harder than the Chaos Barrier. He doesn’t know if a strong person in the Broken Dao Realm can break it. Anyway, even if he can use the power of the Immortal Emperor normally, he can’t break it.

“But His Majesty the Holy Emperor, please don’t lift me by the neck next time something similar happens. It’s embarrassing.”

The fortune teller said to Gu Changsheng. The way he was being lifted just now was very much like a cat or a dog being carried. The way his neck moves, strictly speaking, this is no longer embarrassing for a strong Immortal Emperor, but a kind of humiliation.

But the divine fortune teller took a look at Gu Changsheng’s expression, and the other person’s face was calm. It could be seen that His Majesty the Holy Emperor really didn’t lie to him. He was really used to mentioning people like this, and he didn’t know who was often carried away by the neck.

“At this time, there was a surge of pedestrians on the street, and many monks were heading in one direction, as if there was something lively to see there.

“Let’s go and take a look. ”

Gu Changsheng also looked like a melon-eater, with a look of curiosity on his face.

“Holy…” Before the fortune teller could finish speaking, Gu Changsheng followed the crowd. He didn’t have the demeanor of a strong man at all, but looked like a Just like ordinary monks.

“Didn’t you say you would help me find a successor?” What is this and what? “The fortune teller followed with a sad face.

The two followed many monks out of Magnolia City, and walked for a long time, and finally came to an open field. At this time, there were many people around, and Gu Changsheng and the fortune teller also They could only squeeze in the periphery.

This was the first time the fortune teller encountered this situation. He wanted to push away the people around him, but seeing that Gu Changsheng was enjoying it, he did not dare to do so.

“Young man. ”

Gu Changsheng patted a middle-aged monk in front of him. The middle-aged monk turned around. When he saw the young-looking Gu Changsheng calling him a young man, he almost took action. But when he saw the thing in Gu Changsheng’s hand, he suddenly stopped. The boy smiled happily.

“Senior, what are your orders? “The middle-aged monk stared at the high-grade source crystal in Gu Changsheng’s hand and said.

“Would you like us to change places? “Gu Changsheng handed him the high-grade source crystal.

“Okay, okay, seniors, please!” ”

The middle-aged monk happily took the high-grade source crystal. He is only in the realm of breaking the void. One high-grade source crystal is enough for him to practice for ten days and a half. If he changes his position, he can earn one high-grade source crystal. He wishes he could do it every day. There is such an opportunity.

The people on the side looked at Gu Changsheng with golden eyes, and Gu Changsheng did not disappoint them. He took out another high-grade source crystal and exchanged it with the female monk in front. The female monk saw Gu Changsheng After choosing himself, he was extremely pleasantly surprised. He quickly took the high-grade source crystal and thanked Gu Changsheng continuously.

“Senior, I have a good location here and can see the scenery in front. “Senior, my place is better. Choose me. Choose me. ”

“Fart, my place is obviously better. ”

“You’re the only one who farts. Your whole family farts. ”

For a time, people nearby began to promote their positions in order to obtain the high-grade source crystals in Gu Changsheng’s hands, but Gu Changsheng only identified the position in front of him and kept taking out high-grade source crystals to exchange positions. This scene It actually became a spectacle at the scene.

“Grandstanding! ”

Seeing this, some monks who were not short of source crystals all showed disdainful sneers.

The fortune teller was also very puzzled by Gu Changsheng’s actions. Did His Majesty the Holy Emperor have any deep meaning in doing this? It’s not easy to ask now. Let’s ask again later when we have the opportunity. .

Soon, Gu Chang spent more than a hundred high-grade source crystals, and the two of them also walked from the outside to the inside.

At this time, a very large area was opened in the center of the field, and it looked like someone was going to duel here. Generally speaking, but now it seems that neither party is present.

The fortune teller found the right moment to ask his inner doubts.

Gu Changsheng smiled and said: “I just want to experience the feeling of being rich and willful, there is no deep meaning. ”

…” The fortune teller was speechless. He thought that His Majesty the Holy Emperor had any deep meaning in doing this. It turned out that he had overthought everything. He was

just simply experiencing the feeling of being rich and willful? The fortune teller smiled bitterly.

“What do you think?” Who will win? ”

It’s hard to say. The Son of God has a great reputation and has never been defeated since his debut. Although the Heavenly Eyes Princess is a female monk, she is so powerful that most people can’t even take one of his moves. She is the direct bloodline of the Heavenly Eyes Queen.” If the two sides fight in a decisive battle, it will probably be evenly matched. ”

At this time, there was a low-pitched discussion next to it, which attracted the attention of the divine

fortune teller. The God Clan is a race born with great power in the world of mortals. When a baby of the God Clan is born, his power is equivalent to the mortal realm, but Due to the special characteristics of the God Clan, it is extremely difficult for the God Clan’s bloodline to reproduce. Now the entire clan is estimated to have less than twenty people in total.

“Did you hear that? Gu Changsheng asked.

The divine fortune teller nodded, “Princess Tianyan, is she the successor you found for me, right?” Gu Changsheng nodded and said, “This girl is a ruthless person. Even I look at her with admiration. ”

“oh? Then I really need to take a closer look. “The fortune teller is full of expectations for Princess Tianyan.

“It’s coming, it’s coming! ”

There was an exclamation, and then a burly figure appeared in the sky. He exuded a powerful divine radiance, which made the sun in the sky comparable to his shoulders. His powerful momentum even suppressed a handful of grass in the field. After a handful, a powerful wave of air formed.

Shen Haotian, the son of the God Clan.

At this time, a graceful figure descended from the sky and confronted Shen Haotian in the air. She was dressed in white robes, just like a fairy walking out of a painting. With her enchanting figure and dazzling appearance, all the male monks who were watching the battle were fascinated.

“I heard that Princess Tianyan is already married, what a pity, what a pity! ”

When everyone thought of that rumor, they couldn’t help but feel envious, jealous, and hateful towards the unknown man who could win the favor of Princess Tianyan. As soon as

Princess Tianyan appeared, the fortune teller felt the familiar aura from her body.

There is no mistake, That was the unique aura of their Sky Eye clan.

At this moment, the divine fortune teller’s heart, which had been silent for countless years, suddenly burst out with an emotion called excitement.

“I will accept this girl. “The fortune teller said in a serious tone.

“…” Although there is ambiguity in this statement, accepting a disciple is indeed “accepting”!

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