There are many more workers

Hong Hong said seriously: “Master, you have imprisoned so many races, and there will definitely be many geniuses like Princess She Ji who can break through the saints. Instead of wasting them here, it is better to take them for your own use.” ”

According to what I know. You know, there are thousands of ancient stars in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, and the gatekeepers of each ancient star are strong men of our human race, and they can be guarded for thousands of years. Thousands of years are an extremely long time for a saint. Time, they have almost dedicated their whole lives to guarding the gate, and have not been able to see their families, relatives and friends for thousands of years. Isn’t this a disguised form of imprisoning our strong human race on the ancient road of the starry sky? They have not made a mistake! Lord Baiye, how long has it been since you went back to see your relatives?”

Honghong looked at Gu Xinfei.

“It is our Guxin family’s honor to be able to share the worries of His Majesty the Holy Emperor and contribute to the human race!” Guxin said non-seriously, with an expression on his face that it was my greatest honor to be a gatekeeper.

“…” Honghong was speechless. This Gu Xinfei was a crazy fan of Master. Isn’t it in vain for me to ask him?

“What you said makes sense, but I didn’t think twice about it when I made the rules for my master. I only thought about imprisoning the tribe that made mistakes, but I forgot that this rule would also imprison the strong human race in disguise. Hong Hong, continue talking.” Gu Changsheng said.

A smile flashed across Hong Hong’s face, and she continued: “My idea is very simple. After strong people like Princess She Ji break through to become saints, then let these people go to different ancient stars to replace our strong human beings and become the new ones.” Gatekeeper, if it is you, Master, this matter is just a matter of words. All races respect you extremely. As long as you speak, these ethnic groups who have made mistakes will definitely obey. This will not only It shows that Master, you are kind and can allow us strong humans to escape and reunite with our families. Master, what do you think?”

“Are you flattering me?” Gu Changsheng smiled, if If someone else said Honghong’s words, he would definitely dismiss them, but when Honghong said these words, it would be different. Honghong was his beloved disciple. In order to prevent Honghong from getting hurt, he not only refined it for her Gu Changsheng obtained a treasure garment that could not be broken even by the person who controlled it, and even specially helped her find a future protector like Hou Tu. Gu Changsheng’s doting on Hong Hong meant that he really regarded Hong Hong as his biological daughter.

“Hey, I’m just telling the truth.” Honghong said, but she didn’t brag about this, because she found that the ancient stars on the Starry Sky Ancient Road seemed to know more about the deeds of the Holy Emperor than the outsiders, maybe because they all It’s because it comes from the same line, has never experienced ups and downs, and has a complete inheritance. But no matter whether they are the demon race, the human race or the ancient race here, when they talk about their master, they will respectfully say “His Majesty the Holy Emperor”, which is something you will never see in Tianhuang Star.

“Haha, then just do it your way.” After saying that, Gu Changsheng looked at She Ji, “Snake Ji, what do you think?”

“She Ji represents the snake people and is willing to serve His Majesty the Holy Emperor!” Snake Ji After kneeling down, several elders of the snake people also knelt down quickly and gave Gu Changsheng high respect.

“Very good, let’s start the reform of the Starry Sky Ancient Road from you snake people.” There are countless more powerful people working for the human race!

After saying that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand and removed the restrictions on several ancient stars in the first thirty levels of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

As soon as the restriction was lifted, She Ji’s expression changed, and then the sound of “rumbling” thunder came from the sky.

The moment His Majesty the Holy Emperor removed the restriction, she had a feeling of heaven and man. Her path was rising rapidly, and her saint’s calamity was about to come.

“Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and thank you Miss Hong Hong.” After Princess She Ji thanked Master and Disciple Gu Changsheng, she transformed into a hundred-foot-long dragon and soared straight into the sky to welcome her to save the saint’s tribulation.

“Master, will the princess be okay?” Honghong asked Gu Changsheng worriedly. She also wanted to find out when she had rescued She Ji. This was her first time coming to Baiye Star. Logically speaking, she should be It was the first time he met She Ji. He couldn’t remember when he saved She Ji’s life.

“It’s okay. She has accumulated a lot of experience and has practiced great skills. Saint Thunder Tribulation will be a great addition to her.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile. He looked at the hundred-foot-long dragon. If he read it correctly, The exercises practiced by Snake Princess are not the ones inherited by the Snake Tribe, but the “Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Silkworms” written by the Ancient Heavenly Silkworm Emperor. As for how Snake Princess obtained the Emperor’s Imperial Scripture, Gu Changsheng is not interested. Everyone has their own By chance, She Ji is also a person with great luck, otherwise she would not have met Hong Hong.

Every breakthrough in “Celestial Silkworm’s Nine Transformations” is a huge transformation, and the bloodline can evolve because of it. Snake Ji is a snake-human race, and her “Celestial Silkworm’s Nine Transformations” only completed the first transformation and thus broke through the bloodline. Shackles evolved into a dragon, which shows how terrifying “Nine Transformations of the Celestial Silkworm” is.

The Ancient Celestial Emperor is an ancient emperor who is much older than Gu Changsheng. However, no matter how powerful the “Nine Transformations of Celestial Silkworm” is, the Ancient Celestial Emperor has not been able to become an immortal, and the Ancient Celestial Clan has also gradually withdrawn as time goes by. the stage of history.

“Big supplement?” Honghong wondered, could it be that Princess She Ji wanted to eat Lei Jie.

But then she was dumbfounded.

I saw the vast thunder calamity condensed in the nine heavens. Before it could land, a huge shadow appeared behind Princess She Ji, which was more than ten times bigger than her body. It was a silkworm, but Different from ordinary silkworms, this silkworm has four pairs of wings on its back. When its wings flap, the sound of wind and thunder can be heard in the sky.


Princess She Ji transformed into a hundred-foot-long dragon roaring high into the sky, while the Celestial Silkworm behind her opened its mouth like an abyss and faced the calamity cloud in the sky. The calamity cloud seemed to be pulled by some force and moved towards it. With just a few breaths, Princess She Ji’s Saint Thunder Tribulation was completely devoured by Tiancan, and Tiancan’s body actually solidified a little. Only Gu Changsheng noticed this. It seems that the giant silkworm behind Princess She Ji has not changed at all.

“Interesting, I have underestimated the ancients.” Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes, Ancient Emperor Tiancan is not dead yet!

Honghong, on the other hand, covered her mouth in surprise. This was the first time she had seen this method of overcoming a tribulation.

“Oh my God, is Princess She Ji invincible? She actually swallowed all the lightning strikes.” Hong Hong’s face was full of shock.

“Tsk, it’s just a trick. My teacher defeated the Thunder Tribulation with one punch back then. There is no need to create such a big momentum.” Gu Changsheng felt as if he had eaten sour plums.

“Hehe, Master must be the most powerful, I’m just sighing.” Honghong immediately held Gu Changsheng’s hand and said.

“You can speak.” Gu Changsheng flicked her forehead.

Gu Xinfei on the side looked at Honghong with envy, it would be great if His Majesty the Holy Emperor could treat me like this.

“Huh?” Gu Changsheng felt something. He looked at Gu Xinfei, but Gu Xinfei had a respectful look on his face, and there was nothing unusual about him.

Is it an illusion? Gu Changsheng shook his head.

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