: Men’s character

She Ji, who had easily survived the Great Sage Tribulation, warmly invited Gu Changsheng and Honghong to visit the Snake People. Gu Xinfei said that in line with his duty as a gatekeeper, he had to go to the Snake People to inspect. What was he actually thinking? , everyone knows it well, isn’t it just about chasing stars and succeeding? His expression looked calm, and the depth of his eyes betrayed his thoughts.

The snake people naturally like shady places, so they built a complex of buildings under the desert suitable for the snake people to live. Gu Changsheng and others, led by Snake Ji, came to the territory of the snake people.

Gu Changsheng discovered that the underground buildings of the Snake Tribe were different from those of other races. Instead, they resembled the European and American style of the Middle Ages. There were Snake Tribes everywhere with human heads and snake bodies. The men were tall and tall, while the women were delicate. Beautiful and full of exotic customs.

If some people who like exotic customs come here, they will probably think that this is their hungry fairy world.

The people of the Snake Tribe curiously looked at the guests brought by their princess, and even chattered about Gu Changsheng’s identity. They had all seen Hong Hong, but they had never seen Gu Changsheng. The princess actually brought a man home. , Wow…

Princess She Ji listened to the tribe’s scattered discussions, her face full of embarrassment, she turned to Gu Changsheng and said: “Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, they have never seen the world, so please don’t be offended.”

Gu Changsheng shook his head, he It’s not so boring to blame some passers-by.

Seeing that His Majesty the Holy Emperor didn’t mean to blame at all, she was relieved. Then she said seriously to the tribesmen: “Don’t look at it, it’s all gone.”

Seeing that the princess had already spoken, they did not dare to stay, but some people who had just begun to fall in love The snake girls all stared at Gu Changsheng secretly before leaving.

There is no way, Gu Changsheng has a handsome face, mature and extraordinary temperament, and is the most attractive to these girls who are just starting to fall in love.

Gu Changsheng also knew it, and he sighed inwardly, who told us to be handsome? I am also the dream of countless girls! But don’t be obsessed with me, he already has a wife!

Honghong, who was holding Gu Changsheng’s hand, looked at her master in confusion. The master looked calm on the surface, but he must be happy inside. She knew what kind of character the master was, and to be disrespectful, the master was a bit petty. He has a sultry personality, and if you praise him to his face, he may not react at all, but if you do it secretly and casually like now, it will hit the master’s point of view.

If the junior brother could grasp Master’s character, he wouldn’t have to be beaten every time. It’s a pity that the junior brother is a short-tongued guy. If he could deal with Master with 100% of his thoughts when getting along with Sister Mu, You can’t be beaten either!

Snake Ji looked at the young tribe girl, feeling dumbfounded. She signaled the elders of the Snake tribe with her eyes. The elders immediately understood and came out to evacuate the tribe.

She Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and then made a respectful gesture of invitation to Gu Changsheng: “Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, please come this way!”

Under the leadership of She Ji, everyone came to a palace, where someone had already placed the A variety of special spiritual fruits from Baiye Star.

After everyone sat down, She Ji pointed at a plate of fist-sized heart-shaped fruit in front of Gu Changsheng and said, “Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, this is the snake heart fruit. It is the most distinctive spiritual fruit of our snake people. It contains spiritual power… Uh, it tastes fresh and sweet, His Majesty the Holy Emperor might as well give it a try.”

Snake Princess originally wanted to say that the spiritual power contained in it was abundant, and eating it would be beneficial to one’s cultivation even in the Nirvana realm, but when she thought of the unfathomable strength of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, She skipped the spiritual power part.

“Master, the princess is right, this snake heart fruit is delicious. Try it quickly.” Honghong quickly picked up a snake heart fruit, rubbed it, and handed it to Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng originally had no interest in fruits. He only liked barbecue and drinking wine, but when he was given a snake heart fruit, it was so red that he would eat it even if he didn’t like it.

“Well, let me try!” Gu Changsheng smiled and took it over, then took a bite and immediately felt a burst of juice hitting the back of his tongue, and then he felt a sweet taste spread from his taste buds to his brain. As for the weak spiritual power, well, I didn’t feel it at all.

“How is it?” Honghong asked.

“That’s right!” Gu Changsheng gave a pertinent answer. After hearing this, Snake Lady’s face suddenly burst into smiles. It was a great honor to be recognized by His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

Honghong was also very happy after hearing this. Of course she also knew that Master did not like to eat fruits, but only liked wine and barbecue.

Sure enough, the next moment, Gu Changsheng said to She Ji: “Do you have any wine here?”

She Ji looked embarrassed when she heard this.

“What? No?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Yes, there are, but they are all low-grade fruit wine. I’m afraid they are not suitable for His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” She Ji quickly explained.

“It’s okay, just come, as long as you have wine!” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Okay, His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” She Ji responded, and then went to get wine for Gu Changsheng herself.

Gu Changsheng took advantage of the time when She Ji went to get the wine and looked at Gu Xinfei.

“How is the Guxin family now?”

Gu Changsheng asked. Although the ancestor of the Guxin family, Gu Xin’ao, is as powerful as the Great Emperor, he is not the Great Emperor after all. Without the emperor’s weapons to be passed down to future generations, the Guxin family cannot be immortal. It is not easy for the power to be so enduring and to be passed down for nearly a million years. You must know that there was a dark turmoil during this million years. Although it was stopped by Gu Changsheng without causing any loss of life, it was still Many Holy Spirits have died in this dark turmoil.

If it were other families, Gu Changsheng might not be worried, but the families of the eight great generals would definitely fight to the death to protect the human race.

“Thanks to His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s concern, the family was almost extinct during the dark turmoil 600,000 years ago. Fortunately, there were mysterious strong men who suppressed the dark turmoil at that time. Otherwise, the Guxin family would have really disappeared into the long river of history. Hit.” Gu Xinfei said sadly. Suddenly, his expression changed and he looked at Gu Changsheng.

“May I ask His Majesty the Holy Emperor, were you the strong one who suppressed the dark turmoil?” Gu Xinfei asked. The inheritance of their Guxin family has not been destroyed, so many historical events have been recorded for millions of years, otherwise he would not have May know what happened six hundred thousand years ago.

Gu Changsheng nodded lightly.

“Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor. If you hadn’t taken action, our Gu Xin family would have been extinct.” With that, Gu Xinfei stood up from his seat and wanted to kneel down to Gu Changsheng again, but was stopped by Gu Changsheng.

“Don’t kneel too often. Our human race’s knees are not meant for kneeling!” Gu Changsheng said seriously.

“Yes, His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Gu Xinfei looked excited, sighing in his heart that he was indeed His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Whatever he said was a wise saying to the human race!

“Haha, don’t you blame me for pretending to be dead and hiding in seclusion? If I had always been in charge of the universe, there would have been no darkness and turmoil.” Gu Changsheng asked.

Gu Xinfei shook his head repeatedly and said: “Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, you must have your reasons for retreating, and we can’t live under your wings all the time, otherwise our human race will lose the motivation to become stronger. If one day, Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, something happens to you If you leave the human race, wouldn’t the human race at that time be at the mercy of other races?” ”

I think His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s retreat is a good idea. Only in this way can we give us pressure and motivation.”

“No matter what, our Guxin family I will always support His Majesty the Holy Emperor.”

Honghong on the side felt that Gu Xinfei’s previous words were very reasonable, but when she heard the last part, she knew that this was completely the speech of an idiot fan, although what he said was very correct. But it would be better if you remove this last sentence!

“Haha, you kid, you can talk, so I’ll just say it. I’m not being lazy. If only I could have the awareness like you!” Gu Changsheng laughed, feeling like he was looking for a confidant. Finally, someone recognized him. This method of pretending to be dead and retiring is great!

Humph, you little bitch, just work for me!

At this time, Princess She Ji also came out with the wine brewed by the Snake Tribe. She respectfully poured a glass of wine for His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Gu Changsheng took a sip and his eyes lit up.

“Not bad, sweet but not astringent, what a fruit wine!” Gu Changsheng praised, it is not much worse than his Zuixianju wine, and the style is different. After drinking too much spicy wine, he occasionally has some sweet Chinese wine. Wine is also good.

“Stop standing here and have a few drinks with me, Honghong. You have grown up and can drink.”

Someone understood what he was doing, and with the company of fine wine, Gu Changsheng was in a good mood.

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