: The weekend system in the world of immortality and Honghong’s knowledge of her life experience

After drinking for three rounds, Gu Changsheng put down the wine glass in his hand. Seeing this, the others quickly put down their wine glasses as well.

Everyone looked at Gu Changsheng, who did not disappoint them and said to She Ji: “Snake Ji, since you have become a strong saint, then I will send you to other ancient stars to become the new gatekeeper. Can you What’s the point of knowing the gatekeeper?”

She Ji thought for a while and said cautiously: “Guarding the descendants of sinners?”


“Okay, this counts as one, but there are no sinners now, so this answer No. Gu Xinfei, come and talk to him.”

With that, Gu Changsheng poured a full glass of wine into the glass.

When Gu Xinfei saw His Majesty the Holy Emperor calling him, he quickly said with a serious expression: “The meaning of the gatekeeper is to share the worries of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.”


The wine Gu Changsheng had just drank in his mouth immediately spurted out, Fortunately, he had previous experience with Hou Tu and didn’t spray anyone.

“No…forget it, let me say it.” Gu Changsheng wanted to correct Gu Xinfei’s personality cultism, but seeing his serious expression, he knew that even his words could not change Gu Xinfei’s heart. The thought came to me, alas, it’s all my fault for my irreplaceable personal charm!

“The most important thing about a gatekeeper is the word ‘guard’. This ‘guard’ means to protect. In addition to ensuring the stability of the ancient stars at the Starry Sky Ancient Road, the most important task of the gatekeeper is to open the Starry Sky Ancient Road.” When the time comes, protect the trespassers from being chased by monks from three or more realms. Otherwise, if some old man is not ashamed to sacrifice his face and massacre the trespassers, then what is the meaning of the ancient starry sky path I established?”

“She Ji understands!” She Ji nodded, just like Miss Honghong is now at the fifth level of Nirvana Realm. If she is a gatekeeper, if she sees a strong man from Xiaoyao Realm or above chasing down Miss Honghong, then she needs to protect Honghong. Girls, and capture or kill those who violate the rules.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, if I go to other ancient stars, then my people…”

“Princess Snake Princess, you don’t have to worry about this. As long as you become a gatekeeper, your people will be protected by the great power of the human race. As long as you Unless your tribe makes a big mistake, even the immortal forces can’t do anything to you.”

Before She Ji finished speaking, Gu Xinfei on the side answered She Ji’s doubts for Gu Changsheng.

“That’s it!” She Ji’s eyes lit up. In this case, she becomes a gatekeeper. As long as the Snake People don’t make big mistakes, then the Snake People will be equivalent to having a death-free gold medal. This is a great good thing. Except for a strong saint like her, the strongest elders of the Snake People are only at the pinnacle of the Extraordinary. None of them have reached the Saint Realm, let alone the Free and Unfettered Realm. The strong men of the Snake People can be said to be inconstant and severely disconnected. .

Now as long as she becomes the gatekeeper, the snake people can develop steadily for a long time, and there may be a second and third saint appearing by then.

Thinking of this, She Ji quickly expressed her gratitude to Gu Changsheng respectfully.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand and said: “In view of the problem Honghong mentioned before, I will adjust the time to become a gatekeeper. Every five hundred years, you can take a two-hundred-year break. Well, this is called the double-rest system!” ”

Double-rest system!” Rest system?” Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. This was the first time they had heard this word.

“That’s right, I also thought of the double break system temporarily. During the two hundred years of rest, you have free time and can act as you like. And as long as you serve for two thousand years, you can relieve yourself of the responsibilities of the gatekeeper!” Gu Changsheng said.

“The Holy Emperor is merciful!”

Gu Xinfei was the first to speak. His Majesty the Holy Emperor is indeed His Majesty the Holy Emperor. The system he came up with on the spur of the moment is so humane. It’s amazing!

If Gu Changsheng read Gu Xinfei’s heart at this moment, he would definitely laugh or cry. This five-hundred-year class and two-hundred-year cultivation are exactly the same as the five-year-old and two-hundred-year cultivation in the previous world. It’s just that in the world of cultivating immortals, time has to be adjusted. Five hundred years, For a saint, it is almost one-tenth of his life, which is not short at all.

Regarding the reform of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Gu Changsheng did not just talk casually. Later, he would send the Old Supreme and others to implement the reform. It was enough for Zhenxianjing to personally supervise this matter.

“Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor!” She Ji’s face was full of excitement. As a descendant of a sinner, His Majesty the Holy Emperor not only did not argue with her, but instead made her the guardian of the Starry Sky Ancient Road to perform meritorious deeds. Although becoming a gatekeeper does not provide that much freedom, it also ensures the development of the tribe. This is a great gift to her.

Therefore, she was both grateful and in awe of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“Master, I have something to say.” At this time, Hong Hong, who had drunk a lot of fruit wine, had a red face and was really cute. She raised her white hand to signal to Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng looked at this girl, it seemed that her drinking capacity needed to be tempered.

These fruit wines are all brewed from spiritual fruits, and even Honghong can’t use her powerful cultivation to resolve alcoholism.

“Say it!” Gu Changsheng said dotingly.

“Hehe…” Honghong smiled and almost fell down when she stood up. Prince Tianpenggu who was beside him was so frightened that he quickly used crutches.

“I’m not drunk, no need to help me!” Hong Hong said, then walked towards She Ji and asked: “Princess She Ji, you said before that I saved you, why don’t I have any impression?”

Regarding this question, Hong Hong was I have been holding it in my heart for several hours and never waited for the opportunity to ask it. Now that I have been drinking, my mind has been troubled by this question, so I asked it.

Hearing this, a flash of memory flashed across Snake Ji’s face, and then she said slowly: “When I reached nirvana, my soul left my body and Baiye Star for some unknown reason. When I woke up, I found that I was in a strange place. I also became a silkworm that had just emerged from its cocoon. I remember it was a very cold day. When I could hardly bear it, two small figures appeared. One of them was you, Miss Honghong. You were not even two years old at that time. Years old, the other one is a little older than you. She is your sister. It was you sisters who saved me. Although more than ten years have passed, I am very familiar with the aura on your body, so the egg I turned into will always follow you. It also caused the misunderstanding at the time…”

“Wait a minute…” Honghong woke up instantly and interrupted She Ji. She looked at She Ji with bright big eyes and asked, “You said I was still there at that time? Do you have a sister?”

“Yes, I am a demon clan, and I am extremely sensitive to blood. Your two sisters’ blood auras are very close, so they must be biological sisters.” She Ji nodded.

“How come…I actually have a sister?” Honghong was stunned. She didn’t expect that besides her master and junior brother, she also had blood relatives alive.

Honghong looked at Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng touched his nose awkwardly and said, “I told you before that you would have your own surname.”

“Smelly Master, why didn’t you tell me about such a big thing earlier? What if something happened to my sister? You have to help me with this problem.” Honghong pouted in dissatisfaction.

“Ahem, in fact, your sister’s life has been a thousand times better than yours after you met me. She has been with you before entering the Starry Sky Ancient Road, but she is worried that you will learn her true identity. What would you think later, so I never told you.”

Gu Changsheng said.

“Could it be…”

Before entering the Starry Sky Ancient Road, there were two women older than her who had been accompanying her. It was impossible for Sister Mu, so there was only one possibility.

The Saint of Yaochi!

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