A lonely and proud friend

The person most closely related to the Ancient Starry Sky Road is naturally Gu Changsheng himself. However, after he built the Ancient Starry Sky Road, he handed over the management of the Ancient Starry Sky Road to the eight great generals. It is still unknown what model it has developed into.

A Dharma boat was flying under the stars. Gu Changsheng, Gu Xinfei and She Jilai were standing on the deck together. Gu Xinfei was telling Gu Changsheng about the current situation of the descendants of the eight great generals.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, all the eight great generals had their families left in the beginning. However, after more than 900,000 years of evolution, there are now only four major families left, namely our Guxin family, the Long family, the Yun family and the Liu family. “Home.”

“In order to protect the Ancient Starry Sky Road, the ancestors of our four families opened up an ancient star within the scope of the Ancient Starry Sky Road, and led the people to thrive on this ancient star. After hundreds of thousands of years, The evolution can be regarded as a prosperous ancient star. Of course, it is incomparable with the Tianhuang Star where you are located, His Majesty the Holy Emperor.”

After hearing this, Gu Changsheng’s face was filled with sighs. The eight great generals all left him in the family. Of course he knew, after all, he was the matchmaker and witness to the three great generals back then.

The eight great generals are Gu Xin’ao, Jun Haotian, Ling Yunfei, Wenzong, Long Wu, Yun Yang, Liu Guang and Chen Yu.

Among them, Jun Haotian, Ling Yunfei and Long Wu all married Taoists under his witness.

At that time, their strength had not yet reached its peak, that is, they had just broken through to the quasi-emperor level at the age of a few thousand years. At that time, he had already lived for a hundred thousand years. To him, a few thousand years old was no different than a child, but now they are It has disappeared into the long river of history, and it has been reincarnated countless times.

“Thank you for your hard work!” Gu Changsheng said.

Gu Xinfei shook his head quickly and said: “How can this be hard? It is our honor to be able to share the worries of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. If Ancestor Gu Xin Ao knew that His Majesty the Holy Emperor was still alive, he would definitely be happy to death… Uh…”

Gu Xinfei realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly stopped what she wanted to say.

“Haha!” Gu Changsheng laughed, not caring about Gu Xinfei’s words.

The flying boat slowly flew into the range of an ancient star with prosperous life. It was immediately sensed by the strong men on the ancient star, and two powerful auras came towards the flying boat.

“Stop, this is the Ancient Dao Star. Who is coming?”

These two people were both saints. When they sensed the arrival of an extraterrestrial aura, they rushed out and stopped in front of Feizhou.

“Long Xiaoyun, Yuntian, you are tired of living, and you dare to stop His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Gu Xinfei walked out of the flying boat with a curse, looked at the two of them with a gloomy face, and said their names as soon as he opened his mouth. Obviously they know each other.

“Gu Xinfei? Didn’t you go to be a gatekeeper? Why did you suddenly come back? Aren’t you afraid of being punished?” Long Xiaoyun, one of the two, was also very shocked when he saw Gu Xinfei.

Yuntian also said quickly: “Go back quickly. We will pretend we didn’t see you. Otherwise, if the people from the Presbyterian Church find out, you will be in trouble.”

Logically speaking, Gu Xinfei is currently working as a gatekeeper on Baiye Star. There is no order. You cannot leave Baiye Star, otherwise you will be convicted of leaving your post without permission by the elders of the four major families. Although your life will not be in danger, there will still be punishment.

In order to better manage the Starry Sky Ancient Road, the four major families established the Council of Elders, which was not only responsible for dispatching strong people to become gatekeepers, but also looking for strong human beings in the universe. Ye Xin’ao, whom Gu Changsheng met before, was among the four. Selected by the elders of the big family.

Strength of character is indispensable.

“You two actually want to practice favoritism?” Gu Xinfei looked at the two good friends who had grown up with him with wide eyes, feeling extremely anxious.

“Damn it, don’t be so loud, okay? We are all doing this for your own good, and you actually scold us in return?” If it weren’t for the fear of alarming the people in the Presbyterian Council, Long Xiaoyun would definitely roll up his sleeves and talk to Gu Xinfei got into a fight.

Yun Tian hurriedly tried to persuade him: “Okay, okay, Xiaoyun, please stop saying a word. Gu Xinfei, please leave quickly, otherwise you will be discovered and we will suffer.”

Gu Xinfei was so anxious, he had just said His Majesty the Holy Emperor? Why didn’t you two listen to what I just said? If you do this now, isn’t this the old man seeking death by hanging himself?

“You…” Gu Xinfei didn’t know what to say.

“What are you doing? Get out of here and pretend we didn’t see you.” Long Xiaoyun said.

“Alas!” Gu Xinfei sighed. He turned to Fa Zhou, saluted seriously, and said, “I hope His Majesty the Holy Emperor will not blame them. I will bear their faults alone.” ”

I I think it’s very good and very humane!”

Gu Changsheng also walked out, and She Ji followed behind.

Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian were dumbfounded when they saw Gu Changsheng. Gu Xinfei was able to recognize Gu Changsheng, and they were no exception. He was really His Majesty the Holy Emperor!

Suddenly, their bodies trembled and they knelt down quickly.

“Long Xiaoyun (Yuntian) saw His Majesty the Holy Emperor. He just bumped into His Majesty the Holy Emperor. I hope His Majesty the Holy Emperor will forgive me.” The two said in unison.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, lifted the two of them up, and said, “Excuse me? What are you guilty of? Why do you want me to forgive you?” Upon

hearing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they Suddenly they remembered what Gu Xinfei said at the beginning, but when they saw it was Gu Xinfei, they were worried that he would be punished, and for a moment they forgot that Gu Xinfei had mentioned His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“I pretended not to see it this time, but there won’t be another time. The rules still need to be followed.” Gu Changsheng said.

When Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian heard this, they all looked at Gu Xinfei.

Gu Xinfei was startled and asked: “Why are you looking at me?”

Long Xiaoyun ignored Gu Xinfei and said to Gu Changsheng: “Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, you are right, I think I want to kill Gu Xinfei You must be escorted back to wait for the decision of the Presbyterian Council.”

“Yes, yes, that’s how it should be.” Yuntian quickly agreed.

His Majesty the Holy Emperor said that we must abide by the regulations. If they go back with Gu Xinfei, it is in compliance with the regulations.

“You…” Gu Xinfei looked at these two children speechlessly. They were the safest at the most dangerous time, and the most dangerous at the safest time.

bad friend!

Gu Changsheng was stunned for a moment at first, but he understood what they meant in an instant. He laughed, looked at Gu Xinfei, and said, “You are very lucky to have such a friend.” It is

rare in a person’s life to have such a friend. Confidants, but Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian would rather risk being punished to let Gu Xinfei go unpunished. Wouldn’t it be a blessing to have such friends?

“Hehe, His Majesty the Holy Emperor has given me a reward. They usually don’t screw me up.” Although Gu Xinfei said this, the smile on his face was still very happy. Obviously, this “misfortune” was caused by each other between friends and brothers. What a trap.

“You have the nerve to accuse us. If it hadn’t been for you last time, how could I have gotten married so early?” Long Xiaoyun glared at Gu Xinfei.

“Then do you think Liu Yu is good to you?” Gu Xinfei asked.

“This… is good, but…”

“You’re nothing, Liu Yu is the most beautiful among the four of our peers. It’s your blessing that she likes you. You still complain, you keep complaining. I’ll tell the head of the Liu family.” Now Yuntian couldn’t stand it anymore.

“No, no, no, I’m just saying it, just saying it, and you guys take it seriously, really!” Long Xiaoyun was immediately frightened.

“Ahem!” Gu Changsheng coughed twice at this time.

The three of them were startled, and then they realized that the extremely noble His Majesty the Holy Emperor was standing next to them.

“Your Majesty, we…”

The three of them hesitated.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand and said: “Don’t worry, we should go in. Don’t you think it’s quite deserted here?”

Gu Changsheng pointed to the void around him. Occasionally, one or two meteorites floated over and were caught by the formation on the flying boat. The Dharma was shattered and there was no life left except for them.

“His Majesty the Holy Emperor, please come this way!”

The three of them woke up and quickly led the way.

“Yeah!” Gu Changsheng nodded.

Snake Girl on the side looked at the three of them curiously. Is this still a strong saint? Their conversation just now was no different from ordinary people, right? Is it because my time for sanctification is still short that I am not adapted to the rhythm of a saint?

On the way, Long Xiaoyun did not forget to introduce Gu Daoxing’s situation to Gu Changsheng.

But Gu Changsheng said: “Since you are married, you should live a good life with your wife. Even outside, you can’t criticize your wife, you know?”

Long Xiaoyun was startled, and before he could react, Gu Changsheng He walked away with the other two, leaving him alone in deep thought.

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