The Dragon of Luck mistook the Holy Emperor for his idol

The ancient star from the starry sky. The ancient star means the ancient star that was jointly developed by the four great god general families. After two to three hundred thousand years of evolution, the ancient star has gradually accepted many members from the original four great god general families. Alien humans and monsters.

Although the Ancient Dao Star is not as prosperous as the Tianhuang Star, it is a bit more prosperous than the Beichen Star where the Seven Star Sword Sect is located, and because the four great gods and generals’ families are connected with each other, the atmosphere of the Ancient Dao Star is more peaceful. People here won’t be too wary when seeing strangers.

Starry Sky City is the largest city in the Ancient Dao Star. The four great general families are located in all directions. If anyone who is good at the secrets of heaven comes to Starry Sky City, they will definitely be shocked by the good fortune of Starry Sky City.

Above the Star City, there is a destiny dragon that is swallowing the vitality of heaven and earth. This is a destiny dragon that condenses its true body. Most people cannot detect it at all. Only the strong ones above the saint can sense it.

As a member of the Snake Tribe, Snake Princess had transformed into a dragon at this time, but when she first stepped into Starry Sky City, she felt as if she was being targeted by some incredibly powerful being. The oppressive feeling coming from deep within her bloodline almost made her gasp. Don’t get angry.

She Ji was extremely horrified in her heart. She had already become a strong saint, but she would be overwhelmed by something in the dark.

At this time, Gu Changsheng spoke. As Gu Changsheng spoke, She Ji’s body suddenly relaxed. She knew that His Majesty the Holy Emperor had helped her, and she was extremely grateful in her heart.

“What a divine dragon of luck. With the help of the admiration of all races in the universe for the ancient starry sky, a divine dragon of fortune that is no less than the peak of the quasi-emperor has been condensed. This should be the secret method left by that boy Long Wu, right?”

Gu Changsheng chuckled. Looking at the thousand-foot-long divine dragon in the sky, the only person he knew related to dragons, besides Zulong, was Long Wu, one of his eight great generals.

Long Wu’s surname was not Long, but Wu. However, he changed his name to Long Wu because he received the inheritance about dragons.

Long Wu’s skill inheritance is all about dragons, so when he saw the destiny dragon, Gu Changsheng subconsciously thought of Long Wu.

Sure enough, Long Xiaoyun, a descendant of Long Wu, said: “His Majesty the Holy Emperor is wise, this luck dragon method is indeed left by the ancestor Long Wu. This luck dragon not only suppresses the ancient starry sky, but also strengthens our human race. Luck. Unfortunately, according to records, the strength of the Luck Divine Dragon reached the pinnacle of quasi-emperors a hundred thousand years ago, but no matter what methods we use, we can’t advance it to become a great emperor.” Long

Xiaoyun’s face was filled with emotion . Pity.

“It’s not that it can’t advance to the Great Emperor, but it doesn’t want to advance to the Great Emperor.” Gu Changsheng said.

Everyone was wondering, why wouldn’t they want to be promoted to the Great Emperor?

But before they had time to ask out their inner doubts, they were recognized.

“Elder Long, Elder Yun!”

At this time, several boys and girls came over. When they saw Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian, they quickly came over and saluted respectfully to greet them.

“Who are you?”

Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian frowned slightly. Even though they were very cautious and respectful in front of Gu Changsheng, their identities were high-ranking elders on the Ancient Dao Star. They were members of the Presbyterian Council and their status was very important. Others It’s not surprising that they can be recognized, but they can’t recognize these people.

“Elder Long, Elder Yun, I am Liu Xiaobie.”

“I am Yun San.”

“I am Long Xiaoliu.”

“I am Gu Xinyue!”

Gu Xinyue is the only woman among the four.

Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian nodded. These are the juniors of their four major families.

“What’s the matter with you?” Yun Tian asked, then cast an apologetic look at Gu Changsheng who was standing aside.

“Elder Yun, Elder Long, we are your idols…Oh no, you are our fans…Oh…wrong, wrong…”

The girl Gu Xinyue didn’t know if she was too excited, and she spoke nervously. Regardless of priority.

Liu Xiaobie on the side quickly took over: “Elder Yun, Elder Long, I apologize for Xiaoyue, she is too nervous. In fact, we have grown up listening to the stories about you and Elder Gu Xinfei since we were young, so we are all very nervous. I like you. I didn’t expect to meet you on the street today. I’m so excited. Please don’t blame me.”

Gu Xinfei was also stunned when he heard his name. These four teenagers were probably only eleven or twelve. When he was about 2,000 years old, it was normal that he didn’t recognize him. After all, he went to Baiye Star to be a gatekeeper more than two thousand years ago, and he never returned to Gudao Star during this period.

Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian were stunned for a moment, and then they realized that these children were their fans. How could they feel proud? Aren’t you supposed to be calm when encountering this kind of situation? What happened today?

Could it be that because His Majesty the Holy Emperor was around, they subconsciously regarded themselves as children of the younger generation, as if they suddenly met someone who admired them in front of their parents, as if this situation could be recognized by their elders.

This can be regarded as a kind of vanity!

“Elder Long, Elder Yun, can you give us your signature?” Liu Xiaobie asked.


At this time, Gu Xinfei coughed twice to attract Liu Xiaobie and others, but they could not recognize him. All their thoughts were on Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian, and they did not pay attention at all. to him.

Gu Xinfei looked slightly embarrassed.

Long Xiaoyun smiled and said: “Of course, where can I sign it?”

“On clothes, on clothes!”

Several people said in unison, and they took out the magic weapon Taoist pen from nowhere, as if just to prepare for this day, they said Hand the pen to Long Xiaoyun.

After Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian signed their names on their clothes, Long Xiaoyun said: “You are very lucky today, your elder Gu Xinfei is also here.”

“Elder Gu Xinfei is also here? Where are you?” Several people looked behind Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian, their eyes swept over Gu Xinfei, Gu Changsheng and She Ji. She Ji was eliminated by them immediately, but Elder Gu Xinfei was a man.

Finally, they set their sights on Gu Changsheng.

Otherwise, because Gu Chang is handsome and has a more outstanding temperament than Gu Xinfei. Although they are young, as members of the four great general families, it is still very easy to distinguish temperament.

So several people quickly ran to Gu Changsheng and saluted respectfully.

“I’ve seen Elder Gu Xinfei.”

“…” Gu Changsheng!

“…” Gu Xinfei.

“…” The other three people.

“Elder Gu Xinfei, please sign your name for us!”

The four teenagers looked at Gu Changsheng with hope.

Gu Xinfei wanted to explain, but Gu Changsheng took the Taoist pen from their hands and said, “You should still sign it on your clothes, right?” ”

Yeah, yeah, let’s sign it on your back this time, so that you have both the front and the back.” !”

Liu Xiaobie said, and the other three people also nodded. Just now, Elder Long and Elder Yun signed in front, and Elder Gu Xinfei signed in the back, becoming their strongest backing.

“Haha, no problem.” Gu Changsheng chuckled and signed his name behind them one after another.


After signing the name, there was sudden lightning and thunder in the sky, as if some peerless treasure had been born and was about to face the test of heaven and earth.

An extremely heavy atmosphere suddenly filled the world. Countless creatures on the Ancient Dao Star looked towards the sky, staring at the world-destroying vision.

“Is there any strong man who can’t survive the great calamity?”

The strong men who were in retreat came out one after another. When they saw the black calamity cloud in the sky, their faces were extremely solemn. The calamity cloud in the sky gave them a feeling of supremacy, as if As long as the thunder disaster falls, their ancient Dao star will disappear into thin air.

Gu Changsheng raised his head and looked slightly cold.

“Get back!”

A cold shout came out, and the dark clouds of calamity in the sky instantly dissipated, leaving only many strong men filled with doubts. Is this thunder calamity caused by constipation? Why did it disappear again?

The four boys and girls did not know that the clothes on their bodies had turned into peerless treasures because of the addition of three characters. They bid farewell to Gu Changsheng and the others with joy.

Gu Xinfei had a wry smile on his face. When he said goodbye at the end, his fans had not yet learned that he was the real elder Gu Xinfei.

Gu Changsheng looked at their backs as they left happily and said: “Train them well.”

Upon hearing this, several people immediately became interested. His Majesty the Holy Emperor not only signed his real name on them, but also specifically told them that there must be some of them. deeper meaning.

Long Xiaoyun and others all took note of Liu Xiaobie and others, and they must give instructions to their clan members after they return.

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