We are waiting to see His Majesty the Holy Emperor

The headquarters of the Presbyterian Council composed of the four great general families is in the center of Starry Sky City.

Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian came here with Gu Changsheng and others. Both of them were members of the Presbyterian Church, so there was no traffic jam, and there were no roadblocks like dogs looking down on others.

What a joke, Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian are both monks at the pinnacle of sainthood. Who would dare to stop them? And those who are stronger than them are all their elders, why are they making things difficult for their own people? There are no fools in the world of immortality.

But at this time, an old man sitting in the Elder’s Hall discovered Gu Xinfei.

The old man dodged and came to several people. He looked at Gu Xinfei and said in a deep voice: “Gu Xinfei, you should be in charge of Baiye Star at this time, but you left your post without permission? Do you know what crime this is?”

Gu Xinfei Before he spoke, Gu Changsheng looked at Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian and asked, “Didn’t you… send back the news of my arrival?”


There was a trace of embarrassment on their faces.

Yun Tian smiled bitterly and said: “Well… His Majesty the Holy Emperor, we were so excited when we learned that you were still alive. We forgot about this, please forgive me.”

Then Yuntian said to the old man: “Senior Liu, this is His Majesty the Holy Emperor. !”

“His Majesty the Holy Emperor?” Liu Yun took a quick look. As a member of the four great generals’ families who were older than Yuntian, he naturally could not fail to recognize Gu Changsheng. At this sight, Liu Yun’s legs trembled. , when he was about to kneel down, he was supported by a gentle force.

“Go and call all the powerful men above saints.” Gu Changsheng said.


Liu Yunyi suppressed his inner excitement and responded loudly, but shocked Long Xiaoyun and Yuntian next to him. As for what?

But they didn’t know that among the four great general families, the older they were, the deeper their respect for His Majesty the Holy Emperor was, because they were closer to that era.

“Dang!” “Dang!” “Dang!”

At this time, three melodious bells resounded through the sky, and the lingering sound echoed between heaven and earth.

“The Shocking Bell, the Shocking Bell has rang!”

“Oh my god, it rang three times. Could it be that darkness and chaos are coming again?”

After the three bells were recorded, countless creatures on the Ancient Dao Star changed their expressions and began to speculate. What happened.

“Whoosh!” “Whoosh!” “Whoosh!”

At this time, under the sky, powerful auras streaked across the sky one after another, heading towards Starry Sky City at great speed.

Among these powerful figures, the lowest are saints, and the strongest have even reached the level of quasi-emperor.

They were very fast, and even some strong men who were far away from Starry Sky City did not hesitate to use blood escape techniques to rush forward, just because of the three bells.

According to ancient records, the last time three bells rang in succession was a dark turmoil hundreds of thousands of years ago that was related to the fate of all races in the universe. Since then, the eight great general families have been left to four major families.

This time, three bells rang in succession, which meant that something major had happened that affected the fate of all races in the universe. Under such circumstances, what did it matter if they lost a little foundation?


The sound of breaking the sky kept coming from the sky above Starry Sky City. Although they were very anxious inside, they quickly restrained their aura after arriving at Starry Sky City. There were many children in Starry Sky City, so they couldn’t scare or hurt them. They, these are the future of the human race.

The first to arrive were the four quasi-emperors. They came from the families of the four great generals. They usually claimed to be the source of their gods to reduce the consumption of life span. They would only be born when something big happened.

The quasi-emperor of the Liu family looked at Liu Yunyi and asked in a deep voice: “Yunyi, why did you ring the shocking bell three times? Is something big happening?”

“Ancestor, yes, something big happened, but… …”

“Nothing, where is the enemy? Let me destroy him!” At this time, a dragon shadow fell and disappeared, revealing a burly middle-aged man.

“Long Batian, can you please stop being so impulsive? The world-shaking bell rang three times. That is a major event that concerns all the races in the universe. Can you handle it?” With a sweet shout, the quasi-

emperor of the Guxin family Walking out, it turned out to be a female quasi-emperor.

“Gu Xinying, hum, I don’t have the same experience as you.” Long Batian snorted coldly, but when he looked at Gu Xinying, he kept dodging, looking like he was telling a story.

“Haha, even if I take off my clothes, you don’t dare to do anything to me, you coward.” Gu Xinying looked at Long Batian with a hatred of steel.

“What nonsense are you talking about? As a woman, please pay attention to your image.” Long Batian’s face turned red from holding back.

“Haha!” Gu Xinying laughed.

Liu Yunyi on the side was worried in his heart, “Dear ancestors and grandmothers, can you pay attention to the occasion? Normally, forget it, but now His Majesty the Holy Emperor is watching.

“Hey, you came very quickly, are you arguing again?” At this time, the quasi-emperor of the Yun family arrived late, but his face looked like he was watching a show. It seems that everyone is talking about Gu Xinying and Long Batian. They all know it.

At this time, Gu Changsheng was drinking tea in the hall. Long Xiaoyun and others beside him were sitting on pins and needles without sitting down. Ancestors, what are you doing? Can these words be said?

Several people quietly observed Gu Changsheng’s expression, and found that Gu Changsheng was drinking tea with a calm expression, and later commented on the good tea. It seemed that he did not care about what the previous quasi-emperor ancestors said throughout the process.

It seems that His Majesty the Holy Emperor doesn’t care about this, which is fine.

Soon, other powerful men above saints came to the elders’ hall one after another. Gu Xinying and Long Batian stopped. These people are their juniors, so they can’t embarrass themselves in front of their juniors, right?

“What happened? Why did you ring the Shocking Bell three times to summon us?”

At this time, a pale-faced Great Sage asked.

“Lao Yun, what are you…” When Liu Yun saw him, he was stunned. Is this still the Lao Yun he knew?

“It’s okay, I just lost a few realms.” Lao Yun waved his hand, looking unconcerned.

He had previously traveled to the other side of the planet, which was the furthest away from Starry Sky City. The distance was more than hundreds of millions of miles. However, in order to rush back to Starry Sky City as quickly as possible, he used the Blood Escape Technique three times, and his realm was from the peak of the Great Sage. He has fallen to the third level of the Great Sage. If he uses the Blood Escape Technique again, he will probably fall to the Great Realm.

But he did not regret it. The three ringings of the Shocking Bell meant that something big was going to happen. Not to mention falling into the realm, if the matter could be solved, then why not die?

“I asked him to summon you here.”

At this time, Gu Changsheng walked out, followed by Gu Xinfei and She Ji.

“You are…”

Everyone was stunned when they saw Gu Changsheng.

“In the center of your Elder Hall, there is a portrait of me hanging. Although nearly a million years have passed, my appearance should not have changed, right?” As

soon as Gu Changsheng finished speaking, everyone came under the leadership of the four powerful quasi-emperors. , knelt down in unison.

“We are waiting to see His Majesty the Holy Emperor.”

Hundreds of powerful men above the Saint level spoke in unison. Their momentum was like a rainbow, which directly cracked the sky. Their voices echoed on the huge ancient stars.

They are all descendants of the four great generals. Each family enshrines a portrait of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and a portrait of His Majesty the Holy Emperor hangs in the center of the Presbyterian Church for future generations to admire day and night, even if they forget themselves. It is impossible to forget the face of his relatives and the appearance of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

Standing in front of them at this moment is His Majesty the Holy Emperor, whom they admire so much!

At this moment, the destiny dragon in the sky became more solid. It raised its head to the sky and roared silently, then knelt down in the direction of Gu Changsheng.

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