: Eternal Generation

The sound was still echoing between heaven and earth. Gu Changsheng looked at the person in front of him and couldn’t help but recall the scene where the eight great generals saluted him when they were still alive. The blood that had been silent for millions of years actually felt like it was boiling. .

Gu Changsheng waved his hand and said loudly: “Everyone is on the same level!”

“Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

Everyone stood up. Their movements seemed to have been practiced countless times. At this moment, it seemed that I had already prepared for it.

But Gu Changsheng’s mentality at this time is getting closer and closer to the original Human Race Holy Emperor Changsheng Great Emperor. He is the Human Race Holy Emperor, and the eight great generals are loyal ministers who follow him. The people in front of him at this moment are all descendants of loyal ministers. In front of them, he was in the true sense the Immortal Emperor of the Human Race, the Holy Emperor of the human race who used his own way to conquer all ways and defied heaven to become the emperor.

The sentence “all ministers are equal” already explains everything.

Gu Changsheng was excited, and naturally the others would not be calm either. They suppressed their excitement and looked at their Holy Emperor with the most admiration, waiting for His Majesty to speak. They knew that since His Majesty chose If they were born, then it would definitely not be as simple as just coming to see them. They believed that they were far from qualified to be cared about by His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

She Ji was also completely shocked by the scene in front of her. Of all the people present, she was the weakest. She had just become a saint. Among the others, the weakest were all above the sixth level of saints, and the strongest had even reached the level of saint. The legendary quasi-emperor is the closest state to the emperor, but even so, he knelt down without hesitation in front of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

She was born in Baiye Star on the Starry Sky Ancient Road. She had heard the legend of His Majesty the Holy Emperor since she was a child, but no matter how powerful the legend was, it was far less shocking than the reality.

In the past, she only knew the four words “His Majesty the Holy Emperor”, but now, she could vaguely feel the true meaning of “His Majesty the Holy Emperor”.

No matter how long it takes, it’s enough to inspire awe and even surrender.

Yes, surrender, Snake Princess is truly surrendering at this moment. It is the honor of her life to surrender under the majestic figure of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“I came here today. Apart from wanting to see you, my main purpose is to reform the Starry Sky Ancient Road.” ”

She Ji, please stand up and let everyone get to know you.”

Gu Changsheng suddenly named Snake Ji behind him, and Snake Ji also After regaining consciousness in an instant, she walked up to Gu Changsheng, first bowed respectfully to Gu Changsheng, and then introduced herself to everyone.

“My name is Snake Ji, and I am the princess of the Baiye Star Snake Tribe.”

As soon as Snake Ji finished speaking, she felt like she was being stared at by hundreds of eyes. She was extremely nervous for a moment. Each of these people were stronger than her.

However, everyone just glanced at her, although they still looked at Gu Changsheng, waiting for Gu Changsheng to speak.

Gu Changsheng said: “You should all know about the snake people, so I won’t say more. Let me talk about the reform of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.” After Gu

Changsheng finished speaking, a spiritual thought fell, and everyone present received it instantly. Gu Changsheng’s plan to reform the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Everyone had different expressions, and finally someone raised a question and said, “Your Majesty, how can we ensure that they will not make a big mistake again?” ”

That’s a good question.” Gu Changsheng smiled slightly, and then his expression changed and became extremely cold.

“I only give you one chance. I only punished the first culprit. If any tribe makes the same mistake again, it will be the Yi tribe!”

“Do you have any objections?”

Gu Changsheng asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

“Well, I will send a few strong men to assist in the reform soon. You are most familiar with the Starry Sky Ancient Road. With their assistance, it will be much easier.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.


Suddenly, a cough came from the crowd.

Everyone’s expressions changed slightly, and someone immediately said: “Please forgive me, His Majesty the Holy Emperor. After we heard the three bells ringing, in order to rush over as quickly as possible, many people did not hesitate to use the blood escape technique at the expense of their foundations. , The realm has fallen at this time, and I did not intend to make such a sound.”

“Please forgive me, His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

Everyone said together.

Gu Changsheng’s face was serious and he said in a deep voice: “Do you think I am a stingy person?”

Everyone shook their heads quickly and said no.

Seeing this, Gu Changsheng said cheerfully: “It’s because of me that they rushed back in such a hurry. Don’t blame them, blame me.”

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, how can I blame you…”

Someone said quickly, but was ignored by Gu Changsheng. Changsheng waved his hand to interrupt the conversation.

“The matter has come to this. It is useless to talk about this. Everyone who has used the blood escape technique should come forward.” Gu Changsheng said.


As the words fell, one-third of the hundreds of people had used the blood escape technique. The most serious one was Lao Yun who just made a coughing sound and fell directly from the peak of the Great Sage to the third level of the Great Sage. , the foundation is seriously damaged, if there are no heaven-defying means, it is estimated that he can only stay in the third level of the Great Sage for the rest of his life, and the body has also fallen into the root of the disease, which will definitely have a great impact on longevity.

Looking at the more than a hundred pale people in front of me, it is hard to imagine that these are strong men above saints. A saint can sink the earth with a drop of blood, and chop down the stars in the sky with a single hair. But now they look like a group of sick people. .

The stronger the blood escape technique, the more serious the damage will be after it is used by a person.

In their current situation, I am afraid that even if the Emperor is reborn, he will not be able to complete their foundation.

But is His Majesty the Holy Emperor an ordinary emperor? How can the great emperor live for millions of years and remain immortal?

His Majesty the Holy Emperor unexpectedly asked them to stand up. They believed that His Majesty the Holy Emperor had the means to heal them, because the person standing in front of them was His Majesty the Holy Emperor!

Gu Changsheng didn’t waste any time and directly shot out a divine light. The divine light dispersed into more than a hundred streams of light in mid-air, and the streams of light engulfed the bodies of those who had used the blood escape technique.

In an instant, they felt that a gentle force was repairing their bodies at an extremely fast speed, and their illusory state instantly returned to its peak. Such a magical scene happened to them, but they were not surprised at all, because it was a matter of course. This is how His Majesty should act.

Their mentality is actually the same as that of Gu Xinfei. They are both loyal to the Holy Emperor Sect. No matter how outrageous Gu Changsheng’s methods are, they all think it is natural.

What’s wrong with His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s unnatural methods? Couldn’t the most powerful emperor in history be a little more defiant?

They have grown up listening to the stories of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Although this is their first contact with His Majesty the Holy Emperor, they have seen His Majesty the Holy Emperor countless times, whether in dreams or fantasies.

“Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

“His Majesty’s strength has contributed to the destiny of nature, which is really a blessing for our human race!”

“His Majesty the Holy Emperor will live forever!”

Gu Changsheng smiled and listened to their kind words, but when he heard Qianqiu Even after Bandai, he still couldn’t hold himself tight.

Why don’t you talk about unifying the world?

Gu Changsheng looked around and saw that the person who said this turned out to be the boy Gu Xinfei. Forget it, Tong Yan Wuji was just a child who was several thousand years old, and he didn’t have the same experience as him.

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