if you forgot!)

After saving the people in the small mountain village, Fang Wei also stayed in the small mountain village because the “Soul Sacrifice Method” he practiced needed believers, and he took action to save the small mountain village. In the midst of the crisis, the people in the small mountain village regarded him as a god sent from heaven, which made him extremely happy.

He had been worried about how to find followers before. If he went to a crowded place, others would definitely regard him as a magic stick. The small mountain village of Xu Village just opened a path of cultivation for him.

There are many cities in Tianhuang Star, but there are more small mountain villages like Xu Village.

Fang Wei settled down in Xu Cun and became the sacrificial spirit of Xu Cun. He was responsible for protecting Xu Cun, and Xu Cun was responsible for enshrining him.

This small village of less than 200 people allowed him to cultivate from an early stage person in the Mortal Realm to the middle stage of the Concentrating Soul Realm in two years. This is no worse than those young geniuses in the outside world.

And recently, he found that his cultivation speed was faster than before. He felt that he would break through to the late stage of Concentration Realm in a few days, which made him extremely grateful to Gu Changsheng.

He was not a fool. Considering the young man he met before and the birth of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, the person he met in front of the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor that day must be His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, I will always be your most loyal believer!” Fang Wei said sincerely, but he gathered a power of faith in his body and flew towards the Holy Emperor’s Palace in an instant.

Of course, he cannot sense the power of faith now. Although the “Soul Sacrifice Method” is a method of faith, after all, his cultivation is still shallow.

“Grandpa Sacrificial Spirit, it’s not good, there are monsters outside the village!”

(There will be another update later)

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