Test and Bet

At this time, accompanied by a childish voice, a pretty little girl rushed into Fang Wei’s room, her face full of worry.

“Little Huniu, what’s going on?” Fang Wei asked.

“Little Huniu” is a nickname for a little girl. In a small mountain village like Xucun, the adults have not gone to school for a few years, and they don’t even know a single Chinese character. Of course, the name given to them is not very elegant, but the nickname of “Little Huniu” is Xu Xiaohui. , when Fang Wei gave her a name, he felt that a girl could not be harmed by just one name.

“Grandpa Sacrifice the Spirit, there is a monster outside the village entrance. It is so fierce and big. You’d better go quickly. Dad and the others have already gone,” Xiaohui said.


Fang Wei nodded, and disappeared in a flash. The little girl Xiao Hui was stunned for a moment, “Wow, Grandpa Sacrifice Spirit is really a god. He disappeared in a flash.”

Xu Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides and has only one exit. At the entrance of the village, all the strong men in Xu Village are holding weapons. , looking warily at the black shadow outside the village entrance.

“Village Chief, have you notified the Lord Sacrificial Spirit?” someone asked the middle-aged man in the lead. He was Xu Xiaohui’s father and the head of Xu Village, Xu Da.

Xu Da said: “I’ve asked Little Huniu to invite me. I believe she will be here soon.”


“No, village chief, it is coming towards us.”

As soon as Xu Da finished speaking, the person in charge of vigilance at the front People immediately raised the alarm.

“Prepare for war!”

Xu Da shouted and rushed to the front with an ax in hand.

And the huge black shadow at the entrance of the village gradually came into their sight. It turned out to be a cow, but its body was as big as a house, and it exuded a violent aura.

“Be alert!” Xu Da shouted, and he led the people around him to look at this unknown and fierce bison with vigilance.


The ferocious bison roared, then suddenly accelerated and crashed into the crowd.

“Be careful!” Xu Da exclaimed, but it was too late. The bison was huge, but its speed was extremely fast. Two people couldn’t dodge, so they were pushed several meters away by it and fell to the ground, painfully. Wailed.

“Goudan, Huzi…” Xu Da shouted anxiously, his heart burning with anger, and he struck at the bison with the ax in his hand.

To be able to become the village chief, although Xu Da is not a monk, his body is stronger than ordinary people, and he has also practiced three-blade axes. In addition, the ax in his hand was refined by Fang Wei, and ordinary awakening monsters were chopped down. It also needs to be ripped apart.

Xu Da jumped up angrily and struck hard at the cow’s huge head.

“Go to hell!”

Xu Da shouted angrily, and the ax in his hand fell on the cow’s head.


Hearing only a sound of iron and stone, Xu Da felt that his hand was about to be broken off, but the bull’s head in front of him was unscathed.

“How is that possible?” Xu Da was shocked. This was a magic weapon taught by Master Ji Ling, but it couldn’t cause any harm?


The cow was angry when someone hit it on the head with something. It nudged the cow’s head, and Xu Da was knocked away.

“Village Chief!” The other young people were shocked and pulled Xu Da and the remaining two injured people back.

“Roar!” At this time, the huge cow rushed towards them like crazy.

Everyone’s expressions changed. Behind them was the village. If this beast was allowed to enter, even if there was a spirit worshiper, if it caused trouble like this, there would definitely be a lot of losses, and there might even be casualties.

There are less than two hundred people in their village, and everyone is precious, but they cannot suffer any losses. The last time the wolf demon attacked, they lost two young people, and they were sad for a long time.

Fortunately, at this moment, Fang Wei arrived in time.

“How dare you come to Xu Village to hurt people and seek death!”

Fang Wei fell from the sky, like an immortal descending to the world. He hit the cow on the head with his palm, making a muffled “bang” sound. The head was about the size of a house. The bull was repelled by Fang Wei.

“Lord Sacrifice the

Spirit is mighty!” The people in Xu Village looked shocked. As long as the Lord Sacrifice the Spirit comes out, all problems will be solved.

Fang Wei didn’t feel happy at all on his face. He said to the people in Xu Village, “Go back to the village quickly. It’s very dangerous here.” ”

Sacrifice to the spirits…”

“Go quickly!” Fang Wei looked anxious.

“Quickly, listen to Lord Sacrifice Spirit and go back.” At this time, Xu Da said with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth.


Soon, these young people from Xu Village returned to the village, leaving only Fang Wei alone at the entrance of the village facing the huge cow.

“The ferocious beast, the barbarian bull, how can there be a ferocious beast here?”

Fang Wei looked at the barbarian bull in front of him with an ugly expression. The barbarian bull is a ferocious beast, a species even more cruel than the monster beast. This one in front of him Man Niu’s power is even stronger than him. If he is allowed to enter Xu Village, nearly two hundred people in Xu Village will be killed in its mouth.

“We can’t let it pass!” Fang Wei was extremely determined.

He is already seventy-eight years old this year. With the help of the “Soul Sacrifice Method” given by His Majesty the Holy Emperor, he has cultivated from an awakening monk to the middle stage of concentration in just a few years. He is very grateful to His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“His Majesty the Holy Emperor can protect all races in the universe. I don’t have that ability, but I can definitely protect a Xu village!”

Fang Wei clenched his fists. The “Soul Sacrifice Method” only has the method of cultivating faith, but Without the means of Kung Fu, Fang Wei could only use the three-legged cat attack method he bought from the street before.

Fang Wei concentrated the spiritual power in his body on his fists, swung his fists at Man Niu, and started a life-or-death battle with Man Niu at the entrance of Xu Village.

Fang Wei has already fought hard for Xu Cun behind him.

Above the clouds, Gu Changsheng and Hou Tu were watching Fang Wei’s battle with Man Niu.

“You lose!” Gu Changsheng looked at Hou Tu with a smile.

Hou Tu’s face was livid. They had discovered Fang Wei when they came to this small mountain village before. Naturally, they also knew that Fang Wei had borrowed people from Xu Village to practice the “Spirit Sacrifice Method”. Hou Tu and Gu Changsheng had differences over this.

Hou Tu believed that Fang Wei’s approach was not advisable, but Gu Changsheng believed that Fang Wei was protecting Xu Village in his own way.

After the two had a disagreement, Hou Tu refused to accept it and made a bet with Gu Changsheng on whether Gu Changsheng would risk his life for the people of Xu Village.

Gu Changsheng naturally agreed, so he hired Zu Long to play the role of the villain Barbarian Bull. Otherwise, if he found a real Barbarian Bull, he might not be able to control it properly and really harm the lives of the people in Xu Village. That would be bad.

In fact, this was also a test for Gu Changsheng and Fang Wei.

Now that the results have come out, Fang Wei is doing his best to fight the bull that the ancestor dragon has turned into, and he is completely abandoning defense in the fighting style, and he has the momentum to not stop until the bull is killed.

“How’s it going? Is it time to fulfill the bet?” Gu Changsheng looked at Hou Tu with a smile.

Hou Tu was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: “Brother Changsheng!”


Gu Changsheng laughed.


After saying this, Hou Tu sighed. This guy is only a million years old, but he actually asked me to call him big brother. Damn it, lazy guy, drunkard, go to hell…

Hou Tu kept cursing in his heart. Looking at Gu Changsheng.

The battle below has also entered a fierce stage.

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