: Go out and pick up magical powers

Although Fang Wei’s cultivation level is in the middle stage of the Concentration Realm, it is a pity that he does not have the corresponding attack methods. Facing the slightly stronger Barbarian Bull, he can only fight with bare hands. His attack is even more powerful for an ordinary Barbarian Bull. , it’s just scratching an itch, not to mention that the barbarian bull he faced was transformed from a chaotic god and demon, and he wanted to leave scars on the ancestor dragon? This is a series he never dreamed of.

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”…

Fang Wei wrapped his fists with the spiritual power in his body and kept hitting the bull’s huge head. Every time he hit a punch, there would be a dull sound like thunder. On this three sides It echoes constantly in the mountain villages surrounding the mountains.

People in Xu Village could hear this thunderous crash deep in the village, and they couldn’t help but have worried looks on their faces.

“Dad, Grandpa Ji Ling will definitely win, right?” Little Huniu came to Xu Da and asked.

“Yes, we have to believe in the spirit sacrifice master!” Xu Da squeezed out a smile on his face and cheered everyone up, but there was still worry deep in his eyes. Although he didn’t understand cultivation and didn’t know what the world of immortality was like, But he is not stupid. The Lord Sacrificing Spirits anxiously asked them to return to the village, which clearly shows that the huge bison has extraordinary strength, and even the Lord Sacrifice Spirits needs to treat it with caution.

However, Xu Da still has great prestige in Xu Village, and his words calmed the uneasy hearts of the villagers.


Fang Wei punched the bull’s head again, but no matter how he attacked, he couldn’t cause any damage.

“Damn it, how come there is such a strong defense?” Fang Wei cursed. It’s not like he has never encountered a bull before, but this is the first time he has seen a bull with such abnormal defense. This kind of defense is not good at all. Maybe someone who was stronger than him could realize it. If he hadn’t known that it was impossible for a ferocious beast to hide its cultivation, he would have thought that the cultivation level of the wild bull in front of him was much higher than his.

Zu Long, who transformed into a bull, was feeling depressed. Although Fang Wei’s words were a disguised praise for his strength, but hey, he was a strong man in the Dao Breaking Realm, being praised by a little person in the Condensing Realm who was not even an immortal. No matter how he heard it, it felt strange. ?

But the task was given by the boss, and no matter what, it had to be done to perfection, without hurting the old-looking little guy in front of him, or letting him see that he was acting. It was too simple for him.

But, is he needed for such a simple task? He is a majestic ancestral dragon, and his strength is at the forefront among the Chaos Gods and Demons. Now he is reduced to acting with a little guy. If other Chaos Gods and Demons find out about this, they will laugh to death, right?

“Damn, you’d better laugh that old bird to death.” Zu Long no longer expects this matter to be hidden for a long time. At least that old bird Hun Kun will know and he will definitely laugh, so it’s best to laugh him to death. After death, all heavens and realms will be pure.


Zulong, who was thinking about something, was hit by Fang Wei’s fist again.

“Damn, what on earth is this? The defense is so strong!” Fang Wei’s cursing voice sounded.

Zulong secretly laughed in his heart, if you break through my defense, then I, Zulong, will have to commit suicide in front of the old bird. And throughout the ages, except for the boss who can hit me on the head, you are the only one who can hit me on the head. You are not satisfied yet. , you should be enjoying yourself secretly.

Zu Long wished he could manifest himself and let Fang Wei open his eyes to see what an honor it was to be able to hit him on the head, but unfortunately, the boss had ordered that there should be no mistakes or flaws in this exhibition match.

Fang Wei was helpless at this time. His attacks could not break through Man Niu’s defense. If this continued, even Man Niu would not be able to hurt him and he would be dragged down.

“Could it be that this savage bull knows that he is no match for me, so he wants to rely on his perverted defense to wear me down, and finally take advantage of it?”

Fang Wei was shocked. If this was the case, then Xu Cun would be in danger.

When Zu Long heard this, he almost couldn’t help but exposed it, “What do you mean I want to drag you down?” Old boy, can you stop having so much imagination and just beat me up honestly? Why do you think so much?

“No, we must not let this evil beast step into Xu Village.” Fang Wei’s face looked a little pale due to excessive consumption, but his eyes were extremely determined.

Evil beast? Your whole family is an evil beast! Zulong cursed in his heart. If he had known he would be scolded, he would not have taken this job. He would have let that old bird Hun Kun do it. He is the evil beast, and all monsters are evil beasts.


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At this time, Fang Wei roared, his momentum suddenly surged, and his realm suddenly improved from the middle stage of concentration to the late stage of concentration, and did not stop until he reached the peak of concentration, but his body had spider web-like cracks. , obviously this sudden power is not something he can control.

“What the hell, are you risking your life?” Zu Long was shocked in his heart. The boss said he couldn’t harm this kid’s life, but this kid’s sudden behavior at the expense of himself really shocked him.

Gu Changsheng and Hou Tu on the cloud also looked surprised, but they were not surprised by Fang Wei’s desperate approach, but by Fang Wei’s sudden improvement in cultivation.

Hou Tu praised: “He is really a good young man who cultivates the way of faith.”

Gu Changsheng nodded.

Just now, along with Fang Wei’s roar, a force of yin and yang suddenly surged out from the Holy Emperor’s Palace, instantly crossing billions of time and space and landing on Fang Wei, helping him break through to his current cultivation realm.

Although the “Soul Sacrifice Technique” was created by him, Fang Wei was able to establish a connection with the power of his faith after practicing this technique. This talent may not even have been discovered by Fang Wei himself.

Fang Wei didn’t know that he could inspire Gu Changsheng’s power of faith, because now he didn’t have time to think too much. The “Soul Sacrifice Method” he practiced mainly belonged to the power of the spiritual level, and with his old age, When he entered the path of spiritual practice, his physical body was quite weak compared to other people’s.

The sudden surge of power almost burst his body. He had to vent the power in his body, otherwise he would soon explode and die.


Fang Wei shouted angrily and hit the bull’s head with his fist.

There was a “boom”, and the barbarian bull finally retreated under Fang Wei’s attack.

Of course, this was intentional by Zu Long, because the boss just sent him a message.

“It’s almost okay.”

Since it’s almost okay, the scene is about to end.

It just so happened that Fang’s cultivation level had skyrocketed, so it was natural for him to repel him.


Zulong’s decent opponent roared angrily, while Fang Wei stood ready, all his spiritual energy concentrated on his fists. Just when he was about to punch again, he found that the bull-headed bull turned around and ran away. And it doesn’t feel cumbersome at all when running, but the movement is elegant.

Fang Wei was dumbfounded, was this still a ferocious beast? Aren’t the ferocious beasts unstoppable once they fight an enemy? It was not that he had never encountered a barbarian bull before. He had also killed a barbarian bull with weak cultivation before, but this was the first time he had seen a barbarian bull that escaped and escaped so neatly.


Fang Wei suddenly found something left where Man Niu had been. He walked over and took a look, and it turned out to be a piece of animal bone.

“Can it still explode equipment?”

Fang Wei picked up the animal bones and felt cold in his hands. When he took a look, he found that there were dense fonts engraved on the animal bones.

“This turns out to be an offensive magical power.” Fang Wei was shocked. From the text description on the animal bones, although he didn’t know the name of this magical power, he knew that it was a magical power that could make him stronger. Attack supernatural powers.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, thank you for your blessing so that I can go out and pick up magical powers!”

Fang Wei knelt down devoutly and prayed to the sky.

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