: Training the second Holy Emperor?

“He should thank Empress Houtu!”

Houtu said angrily. She was the one who threw down the animal bone. With her strength, it was easy for her to drop a rare animal bone without anyone noticing. She She did this out of pity, but Fang Wei actually thanked someone other than her, which made her unhappy.

Even if you are not grateful to anyone, it is better than being grateful to this lazy guy!

“Hmph!” Hou Tu snorted to Gu Changsheng to express his dissatisfaction.

Gu Changsheng said nonchalantly: “Women like to care about every detail.”

Hou Tu wanted to refute, but Zu Long came back at this time.

“Hi, boss, Fellow Taoist Houtu!” Zu Long greeted the two of them.

Hou Tu nodded lightly and responded gracefully: “Fellow Taoist Zulong!”

But Gu Changsheng was different. He stretched out a hand and slapped Zulong on the back of the head, cursing: “I said it was almost enough, you bastard Isn’t it too different? He actually ran away after being punched? Will a beast with no intelligence like this run away?”

When Hou Tu saw this, he couldn’t help but jump in his heart. Fortunately, Gu Changsheng had never treated her like this before. Otherwise she wouldn’t be able to bear it.

A dignified being in the Dao-breaking realm is now being scolded by Gu Changsheng like a child. If this were spread, who would believe it?

If he hadn’t seen it on the spot, Houtu wouldn’t have believed it.

Hou Tu couldn’t help but feel pity for Zu Long having such a boss as Gu Changsheng, but Zu Long’s actions almost broke her heart.

“Ouch…Boss, please calm down, calm down. I’ll cut a few kilograms of dragon spine meat later, and we’ll have a hot pot to make amends for you!”

Zu Long said with a low eyebrow, completely lacking the dignity of a strong man in the Taoist realm.

“Fellow Taoist Zulong…”

“Fellow Taoist Houtu, you also want to eat. Then, I want to eat too.” Zulong thought Houtu wanted to eat too, so he said quickly.

“Fellow Taoist Zulong, I…”

“No need to thank us, we are all colleagues and we should help each other.” Before Houtu could finish speaking, Zulong interrupted Houtu again.

Hou Tu was speechless, how much do you want others to eat your dragon meat? Forget it, in this case, if you don’t eat it, it’s free. They are both in the Broken Dao realm, and she has never eaten dragon meat at the Broken Dao level.

Although Zulong calls Houtu his Taoist friend, as an old dragon who has lived for eighteen chaotic eras, he will not just regard Houtu as Gu Changsheng’s subordinate. He is now a subordinate, in case he becomes the leader in the future. Woolen cloth? Anyway, if you cut off a few kilograms of dragon meat, it will be a cut, and if you cut off a few more kilograms, it will be a cut. Now that I have won Hou Tu’s favor, I will be able to boast in front of that old bird Hun Kun in the future.

It’s not a loss, it’s not a loss at all! !

Zu Long was thinking beautifully in his heart when he was suddenly slapped by Gu Changsheng again.

“If you continue to think wildly, I will turn you into the first eunuch dragon in history.” Gu Changsheng said viciously.

Zu Long subconsciously clamped his legs and said quickly: “I don’t think about it anymore. I don’t think about it anymore.”

The boss’s ability is really abnormal, he can sense it.

“Huh?” Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Zu Long dangerously.

Zu Long felt a chill in his body and quickly put aside his thoughts, letting his heart feel empty and not thinking about anything.

“Let’s go!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Huh? Aren’t you going to take him back to train him?” Hou Tu wondered. Of course what she was talking about was Fang Wei. Fang Wei’s physical talent was average, but on the path of faith, even she was surprised. It can be seen that Fang Wei How terrible is the talent in the way of faith? Shouldn’t such a person be picked up and trained as soon as possible? It won’t take long for him to be able to cultivate a peerless strong man again.

“Take him back, and then what?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Of course…” Hou Tu wanted to say something, but couldn’t say anything for a while.

Fang Wei practices the way of faith. If you take him back to practice, do you want Fang Wei to succeed Gu Changsheng and become the faith of the human race? This is obviously impossible.

In a place where information exchange is developed, no one can replace Gu Changsheng as a believer, not even her, let alone a single person. If you take Fang Wei back, not only will he not be able to grow, it will also harm him.

Rather than doing this, it is better to let him develop in some small places.

After becoming a sacrificial spirit in Xucun, Fang Wei has been promoting the deeds of the Holy Emperor of the Human Race. In Xucun, Fang Wei is the second believer under Gu Changsheng, and in small mountain villages like Xucun, there are countless Tianhuang Stars. , only in such a small place can Fang Wei’s “Soul Sacrifice Method” be useful.

And because of Fang Wei’s absolute faith in Gu Changsheng, he always focused on “His Majesty the Holy Emperor” when he promoted his faith. Even if Fang Wei became stronger in the future, His Majesty the Holy Emperor would still be the first belief of his followers. And he may also become the second faith of all races.

In other words, he will become Gu Changsheng’s spokesperson. When Gu Changsheng is about to step down from the position of Holy Emperor, Fang Wei may even become the second Holy Emperor.

Thinking of this, Hou Tu’s eyes lit up. She looked at Gu Changsheng and said, “So you want to cultivate a second Holy Emperor!”

“What?” Gu Changsheng looked at Hou Tu in confusion.

“Huh? Isn’t it?” Hou Tu asked back.

“Uh… I understand what you said, but I’m just lazy.” Gu Changsheng silently read Hou Tu’s heart, and then he understood Hou Tu’s thoughts, but he still calmly said what was true in his heart idea.

“What?” Hou Tumei looked at Gu Changsheng with wide eyes. She had thought so much about feelings just now, and it was all because of her own passion. This guy didn’t take Fang Wei back to train him simply because he was lazy. This guy… is so hateful. Got it!

“The second Holy Emperor? This is a good idea and worth looking forward to. Haha, you have given me a good excuse to mess up, hahaha…”

Gu Changsheng suddenly laughed loudly, which made Hou Tu Very uncomfortable.

After losing the bet, this guy became her “immortal big brother”, but you actually called yourself brother in front of Zulong, are you sincere?

Hou Tu was depressed. She had always wanted to ask Gu Changsheng to contribute to the development of the human race, but now that she had given him such a bad excuse, wouldn’t he really be willing to do it in the future?

“I want to die!”

Hou Tu muttered.

“What?” Gu Changsheng’s laughter stopped abruptly.

“Nothing, let’s go. Didn’t you say you want to eat dragon meat hot pot?” Hou Tu asked. She still felt bad about eating the meat of fellow Taoist Zulong, but now she wanted to eat it right away. She could only accept the anger from Gu Changsheng. This was transferred.

“Yes, Zulong, let’s go to your house to eat hot pot.” Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and the three of them headed towards Zulong’s Zulong Palace.

At this time, Fang Wei also dragged his injured body back to Xu Village to recuperate. His cultivation level inexplicably broke through from the middle stage of concentration to the peak stage of concentration. He felt that it must be because of the “Soul Sacrifice Method” he practiced. This magical technique allows him to practice at a rapid speed regardless of his cultivation qualifications, all because of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, people in mountain villages like Xucun have basically never heard of your deeds. I will definitely spread your glorious deeds to all the stars in the universe and all the wastelands in the universe.”

Fang Wei prayed. Afterwards, he started to exercise and heal his injuries.

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