The strong woman Hou Tu

In the blink of an eye, one year has passed.

During this year, all the races in the world of mortals entered a period of peace that was far better than before. Because the Holy Emperor of the human race was born, and under the management of Empress Houtu, all races in the universe surrendered under the Holy Emperor’s Palace. Of course, , there are also some races that hate the human race very much. The descendants of these races have no mercy and directly wiped them out with a slap, including an ancient royal family.

This ethnic group is the ancient Qilin tribe of Tianhuang Star.

However, the Ancient Qilin Clan was not completely destroyed, because the Ancient Qilin Prince was now within the Starry Sky Ancient Road. It was not known whether Gu Changsheng did it on purpose or not, but he did not remind Houtu that there was still an Ancient Qilin Prince in the Qilin Ancient Clan.

However, in this matter, it is very likely that Gu Changsheng himself has forgotten the existence of such a person as the ancient Qilin prince.

The demise of the ancient Qilin clan has accelerated the trend of submission of all races in the universe. Among them, some races are forced to surrender to the human race. As powerful as they are, there are naturally races that can accept them with peace of mind.

The Ancient Sky Eye Clan and the Sky Fox Demon Clan are two of them.

Leaving aside the ancient Sky Eye clan for the time being, their highest-ranking Sky Eye princess has become the quasi-daughter-in-law of the human race, and they are the closest in appearance to the human race. Except for the extra Sky Eye in the sky, they are no different from the human race. They have never had They have been hostile to the human race, so they have no complaints about surrendering to the human race led by the human race’s holy emperor.

Naturally, the Sky Fox Demon Clan is related to their saint Su Wanqing.

Soon after Su Wanqing was taken back to the Tianhu Star Territory by Tu Shanhong, she successfully ascended to the position of the saint of the Tianhu clan. Those who had murdered Su Wanqing’s mother before were all executed by her after Su Wanqing returned.

Naturally, there were quite a few conflicts during this period, but Tu Shanhong was a powerful man at the peak of the Great Sage. He could easily suppress the rebellion at the beginning, and now it was no problem. Because of Gu Changsheng’s instructions, this time Tu Shanhong showed no mercy, he killed when it was time to kill and exterminated the family when it was time to do so, and showed no mercy at all.

With the help of Tu Shanhong and Su Wanqing’s iron-blooded methods after taking office, the Sky Fox Demon Clan has only Su Wanqing to obey. However, when Su Wanqing opened the Star Sky Ancient Road, she set foot on the Star Sky Ancient Road, and the Sky Fox Clan also The newly appointed Grand Elder Tu Shanhong has taken over the management for the time being.

Tu Shanhong had met Gu Changsheng. Although he didn’t know that Gu Changsheng was the Holy Emperor of the human race at the time, he was definitely a powerful human race. At that time, he was able to make him, a monk at the peak of the great saint, have no power to resist, even at the peak of the quasi-emperor. .

When the Holy Emperor of the human race was born, the first figure that came to his mind was Gu Changsheng, whom he had met once before. So when Hou Tu launched a plan to unify all races in the world of mortals, Tu Shanhong ignored the obstruction of other elders of the Tianhu clan. , determined to take the lead in surrender.

Facts have proved that his decision was wise. After he surrendered on behalf of the Sky Fox clan, nothing in the Sky Fox clan changed. There was even a mysterious formation in the Sky Fox clan. Through this formation, they were able to connect to the mysterious inheritance temple. , afterwards they learned how terrifying the inheritance temple was, it was the inheritance of existence beyond immortality.

After that, those elders who had opposed him all switched sides and supported his surrender.

After surrendering, not only were they not restrained, but they became stronger. How could they not accept it?

As all the people in the world of mortals returned home, Hou Tu had to deal with more and more affairs. Normally, she would go to Gu Changsheng’s yard to taste the wine that Gu Changsheng made, but recently she was no longer in the Holy Emperor’s Palace. Out of the house.

Gu Changsheng was tinkering with the newly brewed wine in his yard. He looked towards the Holy Emperor’s Palace in the sky. Under his gaze, many streams of light entered and exited the Holy Emperor’s Palace. These were all matters for Hou Tu to decide.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and muttered: “Why bother? Isn’t it good to be a salty fish like me?”

Gu Changsheng shuddered when he thought of having to deal with this and that every day. He actually lived this kind of life back then. After more than 100,000 years, why didn’t you fake your death earlier and go into hiding? Damn, you were so stupid back then.

Gu Changsheng became fierce and scolded himself back then.

“Serve the wine!”

At this time, a gentle but cold voice sounded, and at some point, Hou Tu was already sitting in Gu Changsheng’s yard.

“What did you just say?” Gu Changsheng looked at her and said, “Don’t ask me to remind you every time.”

Hou Tu’s face changed slightly, even if it was a year ago, even if he had shouted during this year It happened more times, but every time she shouted it out, she felt ashamed.

“Brother Changsheng, serve me some wine!”

Houtu finally said it stiffly with a straight face.

“Hey, that’s right, I’m your big brother!” Gu Changsheng came to the wine cellar with a smile and took out a jar of wine.

The wine is an ordinary spiritual wine, but the wine cellar is not an ordinary wine cellar. In order to be able to drink mellow wine, Gu Changsheng added a time-accelerating formation to the wine cellar. There are wines of all years in the wine cellar.

When Gu Changsheng built this wine cellar, Hou Tu sneered and said that Gu Changsheng was really an alcoholic, but now, Hou Tu likes to drink the wine made by Gu Changsheng.

All I can say is that the fragrance is everywhere.

Gu Changsheng poured Hou Tu a glass of wine to show his dignity, and then asked: “Shouldn’t you be dealing with business at this time? Why do you have time to come to my place for a drink?” ”

Well, I am taking care of it!” Hou Tu He said lightly, then picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

“What? Myself?”

Gu Changsheng took a look and realized, good guy, the Hou Tu in front of him is really an incarnation.

“What, no?” Hou Tu asked.

“Okay, that’s okay, but you’re putting the cart before the horse a little bit. I’m actually busy, and my clone comes out to enjoy it. This is really… weird!” Gu Changsheng didn’t know what words to describe it.


Hou Tu sneered and said, “For me, dealing with all kinds of affairs of all races is a pleasure. Unlike you, a lazy and drunkard, you don’t know that I am enjoying it!”

Gu Changsheng touched his nose. , these old ladies are still brooding after all this time.

“Strong woman!” Gu Changsheng gave a thumbs up. Whoever loves him can live this kind of life, but he can’t live it anyway.

However, Gu Changsheng still warned: “It won’t be long before the world of mortals is about to recover. At that time, reincarnation will automatically be repaired. You… better do it as soon as possible!”

Hou Tu paused, put down his wine glass, and said: ” I understand.”

In the Holy Emperor’s Palace, Hou Tu, who was dressed in a palace red robe, was sitting in front of the chopping board. She put down a jade slip in her hand and said softly: “Reincarnation? It’s time to try that method!”

After saying that , Hou Tu once again divided into several incarnations, and she said to the incarnation: “You guys help me deal with these things, I am going to retreat.” ”

I, are you sure you want to do this? There is a danger of falling!” one of the avatars asked.

Hou Tu smiled and said: “Danger is often accompanied by great opportunities. If I want to unify all the heavens and realms, I will inevitably face those chaotic gods and demons. With my current strength, I am no match for their joint efforts. Even if I can’t break through the path Even if you are shackles, you have to go further on the road to break the path.” ”

Then why don’t you tell… Big Brother Changsheng?” asked another clone.

Hou Tu rolled his eyes at her, “You’re not my clone, are you?” Have you ever done such harm to me?

“It doesn’t matter whether you say it or not!!”

After saying that, Houtu disappeared.

“Hey, I hope I succeed. Although we are clones, we don’t want to disappear!” ”

What are you talking about, work, hahaha, there are so many things to deal with, I am so happy!”

Houtu’s clones Soon I was busy.

In the yard, Gu Changsheng glanced at Hou Tu’s clone and said, “It’s time for you to leave.”

Hou Tu put down his wine glass and asked, “If I fail, will you resurrect me?”

“It’s so good. I can’t bear to lose my job as a worker!” Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“Go to hell!” Hou Tu became angry and disappeared.

Gu Changsheng laughed and said, “I can’t die even if I want to!”

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