The rotten girl and spring and autumn in the world of immortality

Li Beifei was worrying about how to resolve the conflict with the four sisters from the Heavenly Snake tribe, but the four sisters from the Heavenly Snake tribe actually came to the teleportation altar in the seventh level to wait for Li Beifei.

“It’s so abominable, Bai Yifei has been lying to us, and we still treat him as a friend in vain!”

Little sister Tianxiao said angrily, and the waves in her chest became even more turbulent because of her anger.

The second sister Tian Fangfang comforted her: “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry!”

“How can you not be angry? Sister, what do you think?” Tian Xiaoxiao looked at the eldest sister Tian Yuanyuan.

“Yeah, very strong!” Tian Yuanyuan said.

“Sister, what are you talking about?” Tian Xiaoxiao was furious.

“I mean he is very strong. It seems that he is the person I am looking for.” Tian Yuanyuan said.

“Sister, are you saying that the person you met in the desert sea of Cangwu Star was Bai Yifei?” Tian Fangfang raised her eyebrows slightly. As someone who can restore the scene of the battle, she would naturally also be familiar with the master who had encountered that aura. very curious.

“Yeah!” Tian Yuanyuan nodded and said, “Otherwise it wouldn’t have been such a coincidence.

When they were chasing that breath, they finally met “Bai Yifei”. They didn’t think much about it at the time, but now that they think about it, The owner who can guess the aura is “Bai Yifei”.

“Why are you still worried about this matter? Maybe his name was made up to fool us. “When Tian Xiaoxiao heard that the eldest sister and the second sister were talking to her about the same person, but their attitudes were completely different from hers, she immediately became unhappy. But she didn’t know that her angry words were true.

“Okay, Xiaoxiao, He ran away immediately when he saw us just now. He obviously knew that he was wrong. Do you still want to kill him for such a trivial matter? “Tian Yuanyuan asked.

“I…” Tian Xiaoxiao hesitated.

“Then he has to be taught a lesson. And that dog is so abominable. He has no sense of morality at all. He defecated everywhere. It’s really It’s so abominable. “Tian Xiaoxiao said viciously, but after all, the only word to describe Li Beifei and Heilong was “hateful”. She couldn’t say any other vicious words.

“Of course you have to teach me a lesson, you know I’m looking for you. He actually pretended to be weak! ” Tian Yuanyuan’s eyes revealed an astonishing fighting spirit. She is the strongest and most belligerent among the four sisters. Even Tian Xiaoxiao said she was savage before!

“Let’s wait here for him to come! “Tian Yuanyuan said.

“What if he doesn’t come? “Tian Xiaoxiao pouted. This guy is even willing to deceive such beautiful quadruplets. There is nothing he can’t do.

“He is so strong, I believe he will come! “Tian Yuanyuan is extremely confident. This is a tacit understanding between the same strong men.

“Do you think there is any other way to bypass the teleportation altar and go to the next level? “Li Beifei looked at the two people, a dog and a turtle.

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran shook their heads and said in unison: “Master, we don’t know. The black

dragon barked and ignored Li Beifei, while Li Wangba glanced at him and said, “Can’t you just ask your master about this?” “If I could ask, why should I ask you? ”

You don’t even know this, and you still call yourself a Chaos God Demon, Mana. “Li Beifei expressed disdain.

“Go away, Lord Turtle, I’m going to continue sleeping. Don’t disturb me if you have nothing to do.” ”

After saying that, Li Wangba consciously opened the special space in Li Beifei’s body. Upon seeing this, Black Dragon glanced at Li Beifei with disdain and went in.

“Damn it, you treat my body as your room, right? Depend on! “Li Beifei cursed, but still let them go in.

“Sir, what should we do now? Liu Yanran asked.

“Let me think about it.” “Li Beifei found a stone and sat down, then he looked like he was racking his brains. After thinking for a long time, he couldn’t come up with a normal solution.

“Young master, the slave family has a solution. “At this time, Liu Yanran walked up to Li Beifei excitedly.

“What can I do? Tell me quickly! “Li Beifei said quickly.

“The slave family has read in the book that someone as handsome as the young master must be the male protagonist in the book. If something like the four sisters of the Sky Snake tribe happens to you, young master, all you need to do is defeat them. . Liu Yuran said.

“It’s not difficult to defeat them, but is it that simple? ” “Li Beifei frowned, always feeling that Liu Yuran’s words were unreliable.

“Don’t worry, young master, I haven’t finished talking yet. “Liu Yuran glanced at Li Beifei angrily.

“Then continue. “Li Beifei signaled.

“Hey, after the young master defeats them, they will definitely fall under the young master’s wisdom and martial arts. When the time comes, as long as you raise your finger, young master, they will let you do that. ”

That way?” What’s that like? “Li Beifei looked at Liu Yuran in confusion.

Liu Yanran on the side covered her face in shame and did not dare to read. As an elder sister, she naturally knew how open and explicit the books her sister usually read were. She said no Okay, Liu Yuran is a rotten girl in the world of immortality. She has no practical experience, but the theoretical experience learned from books is absolutely rich. Although

Li Beifei is thick-skinned, he has never been exposed to these explicit books. Although his relationship with Mu Qingyi It has become clear, but, from the beginning to now, he has never even touched Mu Qingyi’s little hand. It’s not that Mu Qingyi doesn’t want to, but that this girl is just a coward and is afraid that Mu Qingyi won’t like it.

Now he naturally I couldn’t understand what Liu Yuran was talking about.

“Oh, Master, the slave family is a girl, do you have to make it so clear? “Liu Yuran, who is also a man, blushed with embarrassment. She usually only shared with her sister when reading books. This was her first time telling the plot of the book in front of a man.

“What do you want to say? “Li Beifei frowned. Liu Yuran’s words made his head tremble.

“That’s it… that’s it… Master, after you defeated them, they were conquered by you. From now on, they will listen to you and do whatever you want. how. ”

Liu Yuran lowered his head and said.


No matter how ignorant Li Beifei is about men and women, he is really a fool if he doesn’t understand it now.

“I thought you could come up with some good ideas, but it turns out It’s just some whimsical passages in the book. You can’t read these books again. “Li Beifei said seriously.

Liu Yuran’s body trembled and he agreed with an “Oh”.

“To prevent you from reading these banned books again, take them out to me now, right away. “Li Beifei stretched out his hand and said to Liu Yuran.

“Master! “Liu Yuran looked at Li Beifei pitifully, but Li Beifei was unmoved.

Liu Yuran pouted, and then took out a pile of books from the storage ring. At a glance, there were no less than twenty books.

Li Beifei He lowered his head and flipped through the title of the book, and hehehe said: “The name is quite domineering, Spring and Autumn? I’m still in summer and winter! ”

After saying that, Li Beifei put the books into his storage ring with a wave of his hand.

When Liu Yuran saw this, she looked at Li Beifei dumbfounded. She thought that Li Beifei was going to destroy these books, and she would be extremely distressed by that. Yes, but what’s going on now? Master, you accepted it yourself?

“What’s your look? Do you think I can read these books like you, young master? ”

Liu Yuran shook his head quickly.

“That’s okay, let’s go! Li Beifei said. ”

Sir, where are we going?” Liu Yuran asked.

“You still have to face them, defeat them and let them retreat.” “Li Beifei said.

When Liu Yuran heard this, he looked at Li Beifei’s back and then at his sister beside him.

Liu Yanran shrugged and followed quickly.

“In the end, didn’t you just follow the method the Nu family said? ”

Liu Yuran curled her lips and followed her unhurriedly, but she touched her arms with a sly smile on her face.

Hum, those Spring and Autumn Editions are all old editions, and the ones in my arms are the latest ones. version, luckily the young master didn’t check my body, haha!

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