Meeting Gu Tianxing on the Road

Li Beifei took the two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran to the teleportation altar, where the four sisters from the Sky Snake tribe were already waiting here.


Li Beifei’s sense of direction can be said to be very, very poor. In addition, the sky was covered with dark clouds and the sun was nowhere to be seen. For Li Beifei, who often got the wrong direction, this time, he got the wrong direction again.

“Hey, why does this place feel so familiar?”

An hour later, Li Beifei looked at the scenery along the way and felt a familiar feeling in his mind. However, he had never been to the Teleportation Altar, so he shouldn’t feel familiar.

“Young Master, we passed by here not long ago. At that time, Young Master, you used your magical power to take your slave and your sister with you. It must have been too fast, and you didn’t have much impression.” Liu Yanran explained at this time.

Li Beifei stopped flying immediately. He looked at Liu Yanran and said, dumbfounded, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I thought the young master was going back to the city!” Liu Yanran said.

“Back to the city? Okay, okay, it’s good to go back to the city!” Liu Yuran’s face lit up. She could buy books again when she returned to the city.

“Let’s go!”

Li Beifei turned around and changed direction without saying a word.

“Master, are you not going back to the city?” Liu Yuran asked depressedly.

“What city are you going back to? Young master is going to the teleportation altar to defeat those little girls.” Li Beifei said and flew forward.

“Hey…wait a minute, young master…why are you speeding up? You’re going in the wrong direction!”

Sister Liu Yanran shouted anxiously.

“Whoa!” Li Beifei turned into a stream of light and returned to the original place, and asked calmly: “Where is the teleportation altar?”

“Is it in the northeast?” Liu Yanran asked.

“Then…where is the northeast?” Li Beifei asked again.

“Uh… over there!” Liu Yanran pointed in the direction.

When Li Beifei saw this, he left behind the words “I’ll go first and you guys can follow me”, and then he shrank to the ground and fled towards the northeast.


Liu Yuran chuckled, “I didn’t expect that the young master… he was actually a crazy person, hahahaha…”

Liu Yanran was not as presumptuous as Liu Yuran, but she still tried her best to suppress her laughter. She had been with the young master for two years. Well, this was the first time they discovered that the young master was a road fool.

At this moment, Li Beifei felt ashamed in his heart. The leader of his majestic Seven Star Sword Sect was actually a road idiot. If other people found out about this, wouldn’t they laugh it off?

Damn it, it’s all because of the weather, why are you blocking the sun for no reason? It’s raining for you.


Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder, and a thunderstorm suddenly fell.


Li Beifei was caught off guard and was completely drenched by the sudden heavy rain.

“You have the guts!” Li Beifei raised his middle finger to the dark clouds in the sky, but at this moment, the sky seemed to be sensing something, and a bolt of lightning struck down. But this time, Li Beifei had to be careful. He was flying so high during a thunderstorm and was struck by lightning. It’s also normal.

Li Beifei easily dodged the lightning.

“Small, a mere natural thunder and lightning wants to hurt me? Naive!”

Li Beifei shrugged, dried his clothes, used his spiritual power to block the rain, and continued flying towards the teleportation altar.

A quarter of an hour later, the two sisters Liu Yanran followed Li Beifei’s breath to the place where he was struck by lightning.

“Sister, what are you doing so fast, young master? We can’t even catch up.” Liu Yuran said.

“Stop talking so much and continue on your way.” Liu Yanran said.

“Oh!” Liu Yuran stuck out her tongue, which was really cute.


At this moment, the air trembled slightly, the dark clouds in the sky were driven away by a powerful whirlwind, and a huge blue bird landed in front of them.

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran’s expressions changed, with a hint of fear deep in their eyes.


The two women speeded up in the direction of Li Beifei without saying a word. They knew who the owner of the blue bird was, that’s why they were so frightened.

“Master, they escaped!”

Blue Bird said.

“Run away as soon as you see me. It seems that my unsatisfactory brother is in danger!” Gu Tianxing’s eyes were indifferent. When he mentioned his brother Gu Chenxing, he did not feel sentimental at all, even if he expected that his brother was dead.

This is a ruthless person, ruthless and destructive!

“Master, do you want me to kill them?” Qingniao asked.

“Don’t worry. Although my brother is very disappointing, he is still my Gu Tianxing’s brother. He is dead. No matter what, I have to find out the truth. Otherwise, how will outsiders view me?” Gu Tianxing said.

“Follow them. I want to see who is behind them. With their strength, it is impossible to kill Gu Chenxing.”

Gu Tianxing said.


The blue bird responded, and then flew towards the two women. However, it did not approach, but hung far behind it. As a bird and beast, its eyes could see thousands of miles away as if it were right in front of them.

Li Beifei didn’t know that his two maids were fleeing for their lives, and he had already arrived at the teleportation altar.

As soon as he arrived at the teleportation altar, he discovered the four sisters of the Heavenly Snake clan.

“Hi, four fairies, you’re welcome and well!” Li Beifei came forward to greet him warmly, ignoring Tian Xiaoxiao’s look that wanted to eat him.

“Huh!” Tian Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, but she didn’t fight as hard as she did at the beginning. However, she still asked, “Why are you here?”

Li Beifei touched his nose and said, “If I don’t come, how many of you will Will the fairy leave?”

The four sisters shook their heads.

“That’s why I came!” Li Beifei said with a smile.

“If you come to apologize, I will consider forgiving you, but the dog must be handed over.” Tian Xiaoxiao said.

“Who said I was here to apologize?” Li Beifei asked.

“Then what are you here for?” Tian Xiaoxiao was stunned. You’re not here to apologize. Are you here to fight?

“I’m here to fight with you. If you lose, then the past will be wiped out.” Li Beifei said.



Tian Xiaoxiao still wanted to speak, but was stopped by Tian Yuanyuan.

“Hmph!” Tian Xiaoxiao snorted dissatisfiedly, but still stood back obediently.

“Mr. Bai, we agree to your conditions. Moreover, even if you lose, the past will be wiped out. However, I hope that this time, Mr. Bai, you will not show weakness again.” Tian Yuanyuan said sternly.

Li Beifei nodded and then said: “Actually, there is one more thing. Bai Yifei is the name of a friend of mine, and my real name is Li Beifei.” ”

I said he even lied to us about his name. You still don’t believe it, but he still uses His friend’s name is so shameless.”

Tian Xiaoxiao said as if he had been stepped on the tail of a snake.

The other people looked at Li Beifei with strange eyes.

“Bai… Mr. Li, it must be difficult to be your friend, right?” Tian Yuanyuan asked.

“Difficult? How is it possible? They live many times better than me.” Li Beifei thought of Bai Yifei, Xia Wuji and the others, who had been pampered by them since they were young. It was not like him, who worshiped a master and beat five people for three days. If the sky beats them hard, what do I call them if they have a hard time? Purgatory on earth is nothing more than this, right?

“Okay, let’s stop talking nonsense. Let’s go together!”

“You said… we four sisters will go together?” Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Li Beifei with wide eyes. Isn’t this kid too arrogant?

“Sister, he looks down on you, beat him hard.” Tian Xiaoxiao said.

But Tian Yuanyuan said: “Get ready to come together!”


Except for Tian Xiaoxiao, Tian Fangfang and Tian Zhengzheng looked at the eldest sister with wide eyes and disbelief. This was the first time the eldest sister said, “Come together.” “Well, although the four of them are the strongest as one, no one has been able to force the four of them to play together since their debut.

But since the eldest sister has spoken, let’s go together.

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Li Beifei and said, “Don’t worry, I will be very careful not to hurt you.”

(Fans qun, consider whether to get one)

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