Four Symbols of Providence

Li Beifei just smiled softly after hearing Tian Xiaoxiao’s words. With his character, he should have counterattacked Tian Xiaoxiao’s words, but he came here to resolve conflicts rather than intensify them. He was wrong in the first place, so he should give in appropriately. It’s not impossible.


Li Beifei held out the Tianshu Sword and made a gesture of invitation. It looked so appropriate.

“Hypocritical guy.” Tian Xiaoxiao muttered.

Tian Yuanyuan said loudly: “Third sister!”

“Here we come!” Tian Zhengzheng responded. He took one step forward, and mysterious formations appeared under his feet. At this moment, the four sisters were already standing in the four directions of heaven and earth. , surrounding Li Beifei in the center.

“Master Li, be careful!” Tian Zhengzheng warned, and then made a hand seal, as did the other three.


Li Beifei felt that he was in a special space and lost contact with the outside world, but he could see the outside world with his naked eyes.

Formation, and it is also a combined attack formation!

Li Beifei held the Tianshu Sword and looked around cautiously.

“Master Li, we are about to take action!” Tian Yuanyuan reminded again.

Li Beifei said helplessly: “Actually, you don’t need to remind me, it will make me look like rubbish!”

“Suzaku Fire!”

As soon as Li Beifei finished speaking, a scream sounded out, and suddenly, a huge bird covered in fire appeared in the sky. , that was the Suzaku, and the Suzaku crowed, and then a hot flame was sprayed towards Li Beifei.


Spider web-like cracks appeared in the space because it could not withstand the temperature of the flame.

“Fuck, I didn’t say a word when we started fighting.”

Li Beifei felt the hot flames, and the temperature of his body began to rise rapidly. If he was directly hit by the flames, he would lose a layer of skin even if he died.

No wonder Soaring Snake had to drop several pieces to escape. The strength of these four sisters is really extraordinary.

“Haha, you said you didn’t need to remind me just now.” Tian Xiaoxiao’s proud laughter rang in Li Beifei’s ears.

“…” Li Beifei was speechless.


Facing the extremely hot Suzaku Fire, Li Beifei swung the Tianshu Sword and slashed out a beam of sword light.


The moment the sword light met the Suzaku fire in mid-air, it exploded immediately, and the terrifying energy aftermath blasted a huge pit into the earth.

“Not good!”

Suddenly, Tian Yuanyuan exclaimed. In the center of the explosion was the teleportation altar of the Starry Sky Ancient Road. If their battle destroyed the teleportation altar, it would be a huge bad thing.

“Fairy Tian Yuanyuan, don’t worry, the old guy refined it himself!”

At this time, Li Beifei’s figure appeared beside Tian Yuanyuan at some point, and Tian Yuanyuan subconsciously waved her fist, and her fist condensed The phantom of a white tiger only hit Li Beifei’s Tianshu Sword.

“Hey, are you White Tiger?” Li Beifei looked at Tian Yuanyuan in surprise.

“That’s right!”

Tian Yuanyuan said.

The combined attack formation they used at this time is called the Four Elephants Formation of God’s Will, and the position she occupies is the position of the white tiger in the west. The white tiger is the main attacker and has the strongest attack power among the four images, which is also in line with her character.

The Suzaku just now was Tian Xiaoxiao. Tian Xiaoxiao had a fiery temper, like a volcano, which would ignite at a moment’s notice. Zhuque was the perfect match for her.

The second sister Tian Fangfang is Beizhi Xuanwu. She is good at collecting information on the battlefield, but it also takes enough time to collect information, so her defense is the strongest.

The third sister Tianzhengzheng is naturally the position of the Eastern Qinglong. The Qinglong belongs to wood and governs the path of vitality. She is responsible for support and treatment.

“Then I won’t be polite!”

Li Beifei said, his sword intention surged, and with a “boom”, the Suzaku in the sky was torn apart by his sword intention.

“How is that possible?”

Tian Xiaoxiao exclaimed. The cultivation of the four sisters was similar to that of Li Beifei, but Li Beifei was able to tear her transformed Suzaku into pieces with just his sword power. Li Beifei’s strength shocked her.

“So strong!”

Tian Yuanyuan’s eyes full of fighting spirit finally showed a hint of solemnity, but more of it was excitement.

Even Tian Xiaoxiao often calls her savage, which shows how much she advocates martial arts. The stronger the enemy, the more excited she becomes!

At this time, Tian Yuanyuan felt that his blood was boiling, and his fair skin was flushed due to excessive excitement and excitement.


Tian Yuanyuan shouted softly, punched out, and rushed towards Li Beifei with a roaring sound.

“Well done!”

Li Beifei shouted, and also waved a sword light, and started fighting Tian Yuanyuan.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

The two people were attacking each other back and forth in the sky. Tian Yuanyuan wore a black glove on his fists and punched very hard. Every time he punched, the space was like It looks like it’s about to burst, unable to withstand the weight of the fist.

Li Beifei was holding the Tianshu Sword and used the sword to block Tian Yuanyuan’s fist every time. Every time, he could feel that the power coming from Tian Yuanyuan’s fist was getting stronger and stronger, and the opponent’s momentum was getting stronger and stronger. The more prosperous he was, he could still be on par with Tian Yuanyuan at first, but now, the other party had vaguely surpassed him.

“The universe is so vast that it is full of wonders. Although there are many geniuses in Tianhuang Star, we cannot underestimate the geniuses in other places.” Li Beifei thought to himself that there are three people in Tianhuang Star who can pose a threat to him, Senior Sister Honghong, and Old Guy Their descendants Gu Tianjun and Bai Yifei’s soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Princess Tianyan, and even Qin Shaoshang were a little weaker than them.

He originally thought that after setting foot on the Ancient Starry Sky Road, except for these three people, he would be able to compete with him, but he didn’t expect that Tian Yuanyuan would teach him a lesson.

Don’t underestimate the world’s heroes!

Li Beifei put away his contempt, concentrated his attention, and the sword intent in his body exploded again.


Li Beifei swung a sword. There was no sword energy, no sword light, no sword radiance, nothing could be seen, but the sword intent that penetrated the heaven and earth frightened the four sisters.


Tian Fangfang, the second sister who is the most sensitive to breath, changed her face slightly and said loudly: “Sister, be careful!”

Tian Yuanyuan understood the idea. The four sisters are quadruplets. They have already achieved spiritual communication. Tian Fangfang said this Shouting, she punched the right side of her body.


There was a loud bang, and Tian Yuanyuan became the first person to successfully crack Li Beifei’s traceless sword technique.

Li Beifei narrowed his eyes and was very surprised. Even his senior sister Honghong relied on her abnormal defense to resist his Wuhen. He didn’t expect that Tian Yuanyuan would break it today.

No, it should have been cracked by the four sisters. Each of the four sisters has their own special ability. The one who just shouted was the second child Tian Fangfang. It seems that she is very sensitive to things like breath. No wonder she was there in the first place. The vast stars can always chase me.

But that’s not all I have!

It’s time to show off the results of being beaten by the old guy!


Li Beifei shouted angrily, his momentum surged, and he forcefully forced Tian Yuanyuan back.

“This is…blood energy turning into a rainbow!”

When the four sisters saw twelve divine rainbows appearing on Li Beifei’s body, they were all shocked!

After Li Beifei was beaten, he condensed the tenth blood energy divine rainbow. After more than a year of practice, he cultivated two more, and now he has twelve!

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