In fact, my master is the Immortal Emperor, the Holy Emperor of the human race.

Li Beifei was surrounded by twelve divine rainbows of blood, which shocked the four sisters of the Heavenly Snake Tribe. Their expressions naturally fell into Li Beifei’s eyes.

“You…you actually embarked on the path of physical sanctification!”

Tian Xiaoxiao pointed at the blood-energy rainbow around Li Beifei and said in surprise.

“You seem shocked?” Li Beifei asked nonchalantly.


Seeing Li Beifei’s indifferent look, even Tian Yuanyuan felt a little unhappy.

And Li Beifei seemed to feel that he was too proud. In fact, it was not his fault. The main reason was that he had seen a lot of people with the blood energy rainbow. Gu Wei would not say that he had used it in front of the Tomb of the Emperor of Eternal Life. Seventy-two blood energy divine rainbows, directly powerful and powerful, killed a great sage ancestor in Taishi Holy Land.

In addition, there was Gu Tianjun, who not only showed the vision of the holy body in Tiandu Mountain, but also showed nine divine rainbows of blood and energy. At that time, he, Li Beifei, did not have the divine rainbow of blood and energy.

The last one is Qin Shaoshang. Although he has not fought with Qin Shaoshang personally, Qin Shaoshang has fought with the Sky Eye Princess in the Southern Wasteland. At that time, Qin Shaoshang also used the Divine Rainbow of Blood and Energy.

He has seen the Blood and Energy Divine Rainbow so much that he doesn’t think it’s rare anymore. Just like when he was with Gu Changsheng before, he had even seen the Immortal Lord and Immortal King. There is no awe anymore.

However, the sanctification of the physical body by the Divine Rainbow of Blood and Energy is an extremely powerful method of physical cultivation in the universe and even in all the worlds. Only Li Beifei, who was beaten by Gu Changsheng, did not take the sanctification of the physical body seriously.

The four Tian Yuanyuan sisters were only shocked for a moment and then calmed down.

Tian Xiaoxiao muttered angrily: “Why can this damn guy be able to condense the divine rainbow of blood? It’s so unreasonable!”

“Sister, beat him!”

Finally, Tian Xiaoxiao waved her pink fist and said to Tian Yuanyuan.


Tian Yuanyuan said nothing and swung his fist towards Li Beifei.

Li Beifei grinned and also punched.


Tian Yuanyuan was knocked back three steps, and Li Beifei was also knocked back one step.

Li Beifei was a little surprised. With the blessing of twelve blood energy divine rainbows, even an ordinary person in the holy realm could not withstand his fist, but Tian Yuanyuan was able to withstand it, and he was not too far behind.

As expected, one cannot underestimate the heroes of the world! Li Beifei warned himself again in his heart.

So Li Beifei no longer followed Tian Yuanyuan with bare hands. What he was best at was still swordsmanship.

“As the saying goes, if I have a sword in my hand, I have the world! Four fairies, be careful!”

After saying that, Li Beifei pointed to the sky with the Tianshu Sword in his hand. The energy of the surrounding heaven and earth continued to gather towards the Tianshu Sword, and in an instant, a formation was formed. A storm of energy.

And the sword intent in Li Beifei’s body had a sharp edge that could tear everything apart.

Tian Yuanyuan and others couldn’t help but look solemn.

“Split the sky!”

A cold shout fell, and with the swing of the Tianshu sword, Li Beifei slashed out a sword beam of a hundred feet. The sword beam tore through the layers of space and struck at the four sisters.

The Sky-Splitting Sword is a swordsmanship magical power that he realized after receiving the inheritance from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord. Although it is not as mature as the swordsmanship and magic power of the Seven Star Sword Art, it is something he has learned by himself, so it can be compared in actual combat. The Seven Star Sword Technique’s sword moves are even more powerful, and it is currently his most powerful sword.


At this time, a turtle-snake beast stood in front of the four sisters.

The strange beast that combines turtle and snake is naturally Xuanwu, one of the Four Symbols. It was the second sister Tian Fangfang who took action. As early as when Li Beifei gathered the energy of heaven and earth, she was ready to block Li Beifei’s sword.


The Baizhang Sword Light split the sky and struck Xuanwu with a sword. Xuanwu screamed and was instantly split into pieces. However, the power of the Sky-Splitting Sword Light did not diminish and it struck at the four girls with great momentum.



Tian Fangfang spat out a mouthful of blood and exclaimed. Her Xuanwu was broken and it was inevitable that she would suffer backlash. But she has the strongest defense among the four sisters, and even she couldn’t stop it. If Li Beifei struck out with his sword, the other three would not be able to block it.

Tian Yuanyuan’s expression also changed drastically. At this moment, she realized how strong Li Beifei was. Even the four sisters working together were no match for Li Beifei.


Li Beifei shouted softly and swung his long sword to scatter the light of the Sky-Splitting Sword.

After the sword light disappeared, the four Tian Yuanyuan sisters also breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you Mr. Li for being merciful. We admit defeat. Let’s just wipe out the past!” Tian Yuanyuan looked at Li Beifei with a complex expression. This was the first time since her debut that she and her sisters were defeated when they teamed up, and this defeat Their people have deceived them with words before. Although it is harmless, they will still be a little tangled in their hearts.

The person who feels the most uncomfortable must be Tian Xiaoxiao, but she is not a cheating person. She has made an agreement before that no matter she wins or loses, all the previous matters will be written off, so it will be written off. Although her name is Tian Xiaoxiao, But he has a big heart!

The third sister, Tian Zhengzheng, also withdrew the Four Elephants Formation of God’s Will. She looked at Li Beifei and said, “It seems that we have to study a stronger combined attack formation to compete with Mr. Li.”

They are quadruplets, and they can do whatever they want. They are together, and naturally they will defend themselves against the enemy together. Among them, she is responsible for the formation. If they can develop a stronger combined attack formation, then their strength will naturally be stronger.

“It would be great if I could get the legendary Zhuxian Sword Formation of the Ancient Emperor!” Tian Zhengzheng’s eyes showed a look of yearning. The Zhuxian Sword Formation of the Ancient Emperor is not only the first killing formation, but also the first combined attack formation. The Four Swords of Zhuxian , and they happen to be quadruplets, so what a fate they are.

When Li Beifei heard this, he touched his nose. In fact, he really wanted to say that the Ancient Emperor you mentioned is my senior brother. I can even get the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but after thinking about it, he still didn’t say it. What he said, Maybe Tian Xiaoxiao will be denounced again.

After all, I had deceived them once before, and the credibility of what I said needed to be improved.

“Damn it, it’s all that dog’s fault. Why did he urinate and defecate casually? In the end, I had to solve the problem.” Li Beifei decisively passed the blame to Heilong.

Li Beifei felt his credibility crisis for the first time.

“Master Li, forgive Yuanyuan for asking, who do you learn from?” Tian Yuanyuan said. The other three girls also looked at Li Beifei curiously. Who could defeat the four sisters with such force, who would be the descendant of any immortal force? Bar?

“You won’t believe me if I tell you!” Li Beifei said.

“But it doesn’t matter!” Tian Yuanyuan said.

Li Beifei said mysteriously: “Actually, my master is our human race’s Holy Emperor, the Immortal Emperor!”

“That’s it!”

Tian Yuanyuan nodded.

“Do you believe it?” Li Beifei looked at them with wide eyes. Do you all believe this?

“Actually, to be honest with Mr. Li, we are actually the descendants of His Majesty the Holy Emperor!” Tian Yuanyuan said sternly.

“What I said is true. I know his name.” Li Beifei argued with reason.

“We know it too.”

“Then you tell me!”

“You tell me first!”

“…” Li Beifei.

Sure enough, I didn’t believe it, and that’s right. I’m afraid no one would believe it when the news came out that the old guy was still alive, right?

Little did they know that now the world of mortals knew that His Majesty the Holy Emperor was still alive.

“Sir, help me!”

At this moment, anxious calls for help came from the distance!

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