The Ancient Sky Star Attacks

Along with the cry for help coming from the distance, two graceful figures appeared in front of Li Beifei and others.

Li Beifei’s face darkened, and it was naturally his two sword attendants Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran who called for help. At this time, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran were in a very embarrassed state, with their hair flying wildly, many scars appearing on their bodies, and their green clothes They were stained red, and their faces were full of panic.

Li Beifei’s figure flashed, and he shrank to an inch before arriving in front of the two women.

“Sir, help!”

When Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran saw Li Beifei, the fear on their faces lessened slightly, but only slightly. Li Beifei could feel the fear deep in his eyes without even looking. Li Beifei supported them , feeling their bodies trembling, which is a manifestation of extreme fear.

Li Beifei lowered his voice and asked gently, “What happened?”

“Sir, it’s… it’s Gu Tianxing!” Liu Yanran took a deep breath and said the name that frightened their sisters.

“Gu Tianxing?” Li Beifei frowned. The name seemed familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

“It’s Gu Chenxing’s brother who was killed by the young master!” Liu Yuran explained.

“It turns out it’s him!” Li Beifei narrowed his eyes. When he first met the two sisters, after killing Gu Chenxing, the two sisters cried loudly, saying that they couldn’t survive. All this was because of Gu Chenxing. Morningstar has an older brother.

“Sir, Gu Tianxing is very strong, and he also has a blue bird. We are no match, so we have to run away.”

Liu Yanran lowered her head like a child who sat in the wrong seat.

Li Beifei looked at the scars on their bodies, with a look of distress on his face. He said softly: “It’s okay.”

Then Li Beifei took out two Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills.

“Take the elixir and you’ll be fine soon.”

The two women didn’t know that what Li Beifei was holding was the Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining elixir, but they could feel the terrifying power of the elixir. They shook their heads quickly: “Sir, we’re fine, it’s just that I suffered a slight injury and will recover soon. This elixir is too precious and we can’t eat it.”

“Huh?” Li Beifei’s face darkened and he looked at them seriously.

Seeing this, they had no choice but to take the elixir obediently and swallow it under Li Beifei’s gaze.

The moment they swallowed it, their injuries healed, but before he and the others could sigh at the power of the elixir, a sound of birdsong frightened them so much that they turned pale.

Along with the chirping of birds, a huge green figure appeared in the sky. It flapped its wings gently and swept away the surrounding clouds, and the sky instantly became cloudless.

“Master, he’s here!”

The two sisters’ bodies were trembling violently. Li Beifei felt that the fear in their hearts was even greater, and his heart sank. He didn’t know how strong Gu Tianxing was, but he would accompany him from the first If a person reaches the seventh level and is so frightened, then this person deserves to die.

Li Beifei sent the two girls to the four sisters of the Tian She clan. He said to Tian Yuanyuan, “Fairy Yuanyuan, please help me take care of them. I’ll be right back.”


Tian Yuanyuan said without saying anything else. accepted.


Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran’s faces were still pale at this moment, and their eyes were full of worry when they looked at Li Beifei.

“Be careful!”

In the end, they only said these two words.

“Don’t worry, you young master, I am very strong!”

Li Beifei smiled confidently. When the two sisters saw Li Beifei’s confident smile, their inner fear weakened a lot.

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Li Beifei’s figure flashed and he came to the blue bird. At this time, Gu Tianxing, who was standing on the blue bird’s back, was also staring at Li Beifei.

“Are you the person behind those two bitches? You are quite powerful. No wonder you can kill my useless brother. But no matter how useless he is, you shouldn’t kill him. You are slapping me in the face. Gu

Tianxing said with an indifferent expression.

Li Beifei looked at Gu Tianxing expressionlessly. When he heard the other person’s name for the two sisters, a surge of anger surged in his heart.

“Boy, my master is talking to you, how dare you not answer?” Qingniao asked Li Beifei, speaking human words.

“Huh?” Li Beifei looked at the blue bird and said in a cold voice: “The blue bird, the legendary beast, how does it taste when roasted?” ”

Arrogant boy, how dare you want to eat me?” The blue bird was furious, With a flap of its huge wings, it set off a piercing wind and struck Li Beifei.

“Little trick!”

Li Beifei used his hand as a sword, and with a wave of his big hand, a sword light appeared and chopped Gangfeng into pieces.

“Some strength!” Gu Tianxing narrowed his eyes when he saw that Li Beifei defeated the blue bird’s attack.

“Some strength?” Li Beifei looked at Gu Tianxing with contempt, and then shouted softly: “Teng Snake, why don’t you come out to work?”

As Li Beifei fell with a sound, the Teng Snake attached to Li Beifei’s arm appeared, and it transformed into As the main body was a hundred feet in size, Li Beifei naturally landed on the head of Teng She.

“It turned out to be Soaring Snake!” Gu Tianxing was surprised. Soaring Snake, like the blue bird under his seat, was a legendary beast with extraordinary blood. I didn’t expect that this person could subdue Soaring Snake.

“Master, I want to eat it!” The blue bird looked at the Soaring Snake, with desire in its eyes. As long as it eats the Soaring Snake, its bloodline will definitely improve to the next level, and it will become stronger by then.

The blue bird wanted to eat the soaring snake, and the soaring snake naturally wanted to eat the blue bird. Li Beifei said, “Okay, I’ll bake it and eat it when the time comes!”

“Okay, master!” the soaring snake said happily.

“I’m going to clean up the pretender. You are responsible for holding the bird and not letting it scare away.” After Li Beifei finished speaking, he jumped up and landed on the back of the blue bird in an instant. Without saying a word, the Tianshu Sword was released. sheath.

“Seeking death!”

Gu Tianxing showed a trace of anger in his eyes when he saw that Li Beifei actually attacked him.

Gu Tianxing clenched his fist and punched Li Beifei.


His fist hit Li Beifei. Li Beifei took advantage of his strength and jumped into the air. He said to Gu Tianxing: “In this battle in the sky, don’t hurt my food.” ”

Arrogant!” Gu Tianxing stepped forward and arrived. In front of Li Beifei, his momentum surged and he launched an attack on Li Beifei.

Upon seeing this, Soaring Snake immediately attacked the Blue Bird. It was similar in strength to the Blue Bird and had the same bloodline level. It would definitely not be able to tell the winner quickly. Its purpose was just to hold the Blue Bird back.

In the sky, Li Beifei also collided violently with Gu Tianxing.

Gu Tianxing’s weapon is a square-shaped painted halberd. His moves are wide open and close, and he is extremely domineering. He can subdue the blue bird, so his strength is naturally not weak.

But Li Beifei was not in the mood to spend time with him. He wanted to use his strongest posture to kill Gu Tianxing. Who let Gu Tianxing scare his two lovely swordsmen?

“Sister, why didn’t Li Beifei fight back?”

Tian Xiaoxiao saw that Li Beifei was passively defending, and his face was full of anxiety. Could it be that this guy just used his ultimate move to be weak?

Tian Yuanyuan said, “Master Li is gathering momentum!”

“Really?” Tian Xiaoxiao’s eyes widened.

Tian Yuanyuan nodded.

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