Li Beifei’s strongest posture

Tian Yuanyuan was right, Li Beifei was indeed building momentum.

When Li Beifei had just fought with the four Tian Yuanyuan sisters, after Li Beifei used his whole sword intention to cast the Sky-Splitting Sword, his sword intention and momentum were no longer as good as their peak state. Although he could kill Gu Tianxing now, he had to use his best strength to kill Gu Tianxing. The strong attitude crushed Gu Tianxing, and he wanted Gu Tianxing to taste what the two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran felt just now.

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran have been following him for two years. In the past two years, apart from sleeping and flushing in the toilet, they have done everything very well. To Li Beifei, they are no longer just swordsmen. They were servants, but more important people. When Gu Changsheng beat them until they vomited blood, he subconsciously cursed them. Now that the two sisters were tortured like this by Gu Tianxing, Li Beifei’s inner anger was almost uncontrollable.

He wanted Gu Tianxing to feel fear, a fear of being crushed by him.

The sword intent in his body became stronger and stronger, but it was all hidden by him.

Not enough, just a little less!

Li Beifei thought to himself.

“Qiang” “Qiang!” “Qiang!”…

The long sword and the euphorbia collided fiercely in the sky, but from the beginning of the battle, it was Gu Tianxing’s fierce attack, and Li Beifei’s passive defense looked like Under Gu Tianxing’s offensive, Li Beifei could only parry.

Soaring Snake and Blue Bird also had a fierce battle. Both sides did not know each other before, but they both had a deep desire for each other in their bloodlines, and they both longed to devour the other and help themselves evolve, so the battle between them It was even more intense, like an enemy that would never stop fighting, and a brief confrontation destroyed the mountains and forests hundreds of miles around.

They naturally paid a little attention to the battle between Li Beifei and Gu Tianxing, which was related to who would win in the end.

When he saw Li Beifei being pressed down and beaten by Gu Tianxing, Qingniao was shocked, roared, and said with pride: “My master has already beaten your master, and soon your master will be beheaded by my master.” Under the halberd, you will eventually become the material for the evolution of my bloodline!”

“Idiot!” Teng Snake responded disdainfully. It has followed Li Beifei for two years. Although its cultivation level has not made a big breakthrough, Li Beifei’s I have learned a little bit about its characteristics.

That means you have to stay confident at all times!

The master can maintain extreme self-confidence even when being beaten by the master. It’s just an ancient star. As long as the master is willing, he can be destroyed in a flash.

“Hmph, you’re so tough!” Blue Bird snorted coldly, thinking that Soaring Snake was just tough-talking to save face. Now that its owner has the upper hand, it won’t take long to win. Let’s see how tough you still are then.


High in the sky, Gu Tianxing waved his Fang Tian painted halberd to repel Li Beifei, but he did not continue the attack, but his face was full of disappointment and disdain.

“It seems that I was wrong. Your strength is only a little stronger than my incompetent brother.” Gu Tianxing said.

“Have you ever felt fear?” Suddenly, Li Beifei asked.


“If you have never felt fear, then I will let you feel the taste of fear today!” Li Beifei said, and the Tianxuan Sword appeared in his hand.

Tianshu Sword in his left hand, Tianxuan Sword in his right hand, and suddenly a sword intent and… anger that was even more powerful than when he faced Tian Yuanyuan and the others broke out from him!

“Master Li is angry!”

Tian Yuanyuan suddenly said.

“Young Master!”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran looked at Li Beifei in the sky, and they could naturally feel Li Beifei’s anger. They knew that the Young Master was venting his anger on them.

Gu Tianxing gave them fear, but now Young Master also wanted to make Gu Tianxing feel fear.

And if someone like Gu Tianxing can feel fear, there is only one way, which is for his peers to crush him with absolute strength.

But does Li Beifei have it?


“Tianshu Sword Domain, open!”

“Blood Qi Divine Rainbow, open!”

As two voices fell, Tianshu Sword Domain instantly enveloped Gu Tianxing, and twelve blood Qi Divine Rainbows appeared around his body. His momentum has also reached an unprecedented peak.

“This guy didn’t even use his full strength just now!” Tian Xiaoxiao felt the change in Li Beifei’s momentum and muttered angrily.

Tian Yuanyuan had a wry smile on her face. Li Beifei was powerful beyond her imagination.

And Gu Tianxing’s face also changed suddenly, no longer expressionless, but full of horror.

“How could your strength be so strong?”

“Strong? Not enough!” Li Beifei sneered. Gu Tianxing was just horrified, but he was still a little short of fear. If that’s the case, then…

“Thirty-three days of creation. Technique, open!”


Along with the angry voice, Li Beifei’s momentum increased again, and the originally cloudless sky suddenly became dark.

The most obvious area is the dozens of miles centered on Li Beifei. This is the range covered by his Tianshu Sword Domain. From the first few feet to the current dozens of miles, Li Beifei’s domain of Tianshu Sword Domain is getting deeper and deeper. .

Such a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky. The sky inside the Tianshu Sword Domain was dark and gloomy, but the sky outside the Tianshu Sword Domain was bright and sunny.

Li Beifei’s momentum at this time actually caused the world to be divided into two colors.

The four Tian Yuanyuan sisters next to the teleportation altar opened their little mouths slightly with shock on their faces.

“How can this guy be so powerful?” Tian Xiaoxiao said in shock. If Li Beifei had shown his current strength just now, they would have had no chance to take action. It would be difficult for them to resist Li Beifei’s momentum.

“So strong!” Tian Yuanyuan, who advocates force, looked at Li Beifei with confused eyes. For the first time, she actually felt like being conquered!

Li Beifei has practiced the Thirty-Three Days of Creation Immortal Technique to the 19th level. At this time, although his cultivation is only at the seventh level of Nirvana Realm, his combat power is enough to sweep away the ordinary peak saints.

He was just a little short of crossing three major realms.

And Gu Tianxing’s eyes finally showed a hint of fear. He couldn’t believe that there was someone stronger than him among his peers.

“You… how is it possible? How can you be in the Nirvana realm? It’s impossible. You must have hidden your cultivation. Yes, you must have hidden your cultivation… It’s impossible for anyone to be better than me. It’s impossible… …”

“Split the sky!”

Li Beifei didn’t talk nonsense. He raised his two swords high and slashed with the combined force. The sword that split the sky reappeared, but it was more than ten times more powerful than the sword that split the sky just now.


The sword light flashed past, and Gu Tianxing was directly chopped into powder.


Qingniao exclaimed in surprise when he saw his invincible master being killed instantly, but then he wanted to run away.

“Want to escape? If I let you escape, wouldn’t I have to be roasted and eaten?”

Teng Snake chuckled and stood in front of Blue Bird.

“Get away!” the blue bird shouted hysterically.

“Your master is dead. As a mount, you should let him go!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a sword light shot down from the sky and cut off the blue bird’s head, causing blood to splash.

“I’m going, don’t waste it!”

Teng She quickly opened her huge mouth to catch the splashing blood, and even used her spiritual power to simulate two big hands, grabbing the blue bird’s head with one hand, and grabbing the blue bird’s body with the other, and raised her mouth Swallowing the blood flowing out.

“Hey, Master, when mortals kill chickens, they cut

their necks and bleed them. Do you think I did it right?” Soon the blue bird’s blood was sucked dry by the snake, and then it carried its huge body to Li Beifei to claim credit.

“You idiot, wipe your mouth clean quickly.”

Li Beifei looked at the blood remaining at the corner of Teng She’s mouth, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

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