: Fighting with the enemy means stabbing him to death

Next to the teleportation altar, Li Beifei built a bonfire on the spot and was roasting the blue bird.

The Blue Bird’s body was very big, no smaller than the Soaring Snake’s body, but even so, it was eaten to pieces by Li Beifei, and the rest was divided equally among the six women. As for the Soaring Snake, after drinking the Blue Bird’s blood , returned to Li Beifei’s hands, and his evolutionary bloodline was probably going to sleep.

Li Beifei’s body was so powerful that even though he ate most of it, he still felt that he was still unsatisfied.

But even if the intention is still unfulfilled, the blue bird has already been eaten.

“Mr. Li, thank you for your hospitality!”

It was also the first time for Tian Yuanyuan to eat the meat of a legendary beast like the blue bird. Not to mention that it was a great supplement, the texture alone was very delicious.

Li Beifei waved his hand and said, “It’s okay. We are all friends. If the conditions here were not so simple, I would definitely treat you to Zuixianju for a good meal!” The

four Tian Yuanyuan sisters had naturally heard of Zuixianju, and I often visit Zuixianju and am no stranger to Zuixianju.

A few people were chatting, and suddenly Tian Yuanyuan asked: “Master Li, when you fought with us just now, you didn’t use your full strength!”

Li Beifei was startled, and then smiled bitterly. He naturally understood what Tian Yuanyuan meant. He didn’t use his full strength in the battle. That is a disrespectful behavior towards the other party.

Li Beifei smiled bitterly and said, “We are friends, not mortal enemies. Friends don’t have to go all out to compete, right?”

“That’s right!” Tian Yuanyuan nodded.

The other three sisters all looked at their eldest sister in surprise. According to the eldest sister’s previous personality, shouldn’t they be very angry when they learned that Li Beifei didn’t fight them with all his strength just now? Why are you so talkative today? You feel like a different person.

“Master Li, we are very happy to get to know you and hope to meet you again in the future.” Tian Yuanyuan said. Obviously, these were the words before parting.

Li Beifei smiled softly and said, “I believe in fate with the four fairies. We have met twice in a row.”

“Is it fate? Maybe!”

Tian Yuanyuan said with a smile, and then stepped onto the teleportation altar.

“Master Li, see you later!” Second sister Tian Fangfang said.

“Master Li, next time we meet, I will definitely study the Four Symbols of God’s Will to be even stronger. Please give me some advice then.” The third sister, Tian Zhengzheng, destroyed the four sisters’ Four Symbols of God’s Will with one sword strike at Li Beifei. Still grudged.

“Hmph, I didn’t expect you, a hateful guy, to be so strong. Wait, I will suppress you when I find a peerless immortal treasure later.” Tian Xiaoxiao snorted lightly, and after some threats, he also embarked on the teleportation journey. altar.

“Haha, four fairies, see you later!” Li Beifei waved his hand.

A burst of colorful light fell, and the four sisters of the Heavenly Snake tribe entered the ancient starry sky path to the eighth level.

“Master, why don’t you go with them?” Liu Yuran asked.

When Li Beifei heard this, he knocked on her forehead angrily and said, “You think we are here for sightseeing? You two just have an unhealthy mentality. Although your cultivation in the past two years has barely kept up with my pace, your swordsmanship My cultivation has stagnated. From today on, you have to swing your sword to me ten thousand times every day.”


The two women were shocked. If you swing your sword ten thousand times, they will have less time to move around freely. ?

“Ah, what, in order to make you stronger, I will also seal your cultivation.” Li Beifei said.

“Master, no!”

The two women were so frightened that their faces turned pale. In the past, if they shouted like this, Li Beifei would definitely relent, but now he seemed to be determined and said coldly: “If you still want to do what you did today. If you are being chased by people like Gu Tianxing, then you don’t have to practice, but I’ll start with my ugly words. I have been suppressing your young master’s cultivation for a long time, and I will break through soon, and it won’t take long to be able to step on it. Entering the extraordinary realm, if you can’t keep up with me, don’t blame me for abandoning you!”

“Let’s practice!”

The expressions of the two women changed and they immediately changed their attitudes. It doesn’t matter anything else, but they can’t be treated as such by the young master. Waste is thrown away.

“Very good, you need this attitude. An old guy once told me that the faster the sword, the stronger it is. You are too slow and too hesitant to use your sword. Otherwise, with your talents, you will not be defeated by this stupid thing like Gu Tianxing.” Bullying.”

Li Beifei said, thinking that when he was practicing Kuai Sword, not only was his cultivation level sealed, but the gravity was also increased. Now that he only seals your cultivation level, he is already very good to you.

“Sir, we understand!” Liu Yanran said seriously.

Liu Yuran, on the other hand, looked suddenly enlightened and said in a shocking voice: “No wonder you are so fast, Master!”

The power that Li Beifei had just gathered was almost destroyed by Liu Yuran. He rolled his eyes at this rotten girl in the world of immortality. Then he said: “Let’s go too.”

As the colorful light fell again, the three of them also set foot on the ancient starry sky path to the eighth level.

Yelan Ancient Star, the main city is Yelan City.

Half a year ago, Li Beifei took Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran to temporarily live in the main city of the eighth level. While practicing and understanding the way of swordsmanship on his own, he taught the two girls the way of swordsmanship.

Although Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran’s kendo talents are not as good as his, they are still kendo geniuses. After half a year of training, their cultivation not only broke through to the seventh level of Nirvana, but their kendo cultivation has also made great progress. .

Moreover, Li Beifei received the lifelong inheritance from the Heavenly Sword Immortal. His swordsmanship is unique among all the worlds. It is not difficult for Li Beifei to teach two little girls in the Nirvana realm.


In a courtyard, two beautiful figures were vigorously waving the swords in their hands. There was no fluctuation in their cultivation level, and they relied entirely on their physical bodies to swing the swords. At this time, they were sweating profusely, but Li Beifei beside them was swaying. counting!

“Nine thousand, very good, there are still one thousand more, keep up the good work!”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran’s expressions remained unchanged. They have been swinging their swords like this for half a year. The first thing they do after breakfast every morning is swing their swords. Ten thousand times, and his cultivation was sealed by the young master.

At the beginning, the process of swinging the sword was extremely difficult for them. The sword in their hands was given by the young master and was extremely heavy. In the beginning, after they finished swinging the sword ten thousand times, the sun was already silent in the western mountains. After a month, Then they slowly changed.

From taking a day to half a day, and now less than half an hour, they can clearly feel their bodies getting stronger while swinging their swords.

After a while, when Li Beifei shouted “ten thousand”, the two women stopped.

Li Beifei handed them towels and asked them to wipe the sweat from their bodies.

“Thank you, sir!”

They happily took the towels.

Li Beifei said, “You don’t have to practice swinging your sword like this anymore.”

“Ah, why?” Liu Yuran asked in confusion, with regret on his face.

When Li Beifei saw this, he couldn’t help but find it funny. The two of them looked reluctant before, but now they say they don’t need to practice anymore, but they are reluctant to let it go?

“Swinging the sword is no longer useful to you. If you want to make another breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship, you need actual combat.” Li Beifei said. Although Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran are extremely talented, they have too little actual combat experience. We have to let them accumulate practical experience.


The two women listened to Li Beifei’s words very obediently. This attitude made Li Beifei very satisfied.

“Remember, when fighting the enemy, the sword must be stabbed to death!” Li Beifei warned.

“Are you going to die if you compete with the young master?” Liu Yuran asked.

“Am I your master’s enemy?” Li Beifei said angrily, has this girl been reading those Spring and Autumn books again recently? No, she has to find an opportunity to cheat.

“Let’s go, it’s time to get out of here!”

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