: The Current Situation of the Seven-Star Sword Sect The little fat man also has a crush on someone

There is still a year and a half left before the ten-year agreement Gu Changsheng has made with the Seven Star Sword Sect and the three quasi-emperor forces.

At this time, everyone in the Beichen Star Seven Star Sword Sect was actively preparing for war. After nearly ten years of development, the Seven Star Sword Sect had become the fifth largest force under the four major quasi-emperor forces.

The reason is not because the strength of the Seven Star Sword Sect members has improved qualitatively. The Seven Star Sword Sect has only been established for nine years. Even if it has abundant resources and talented disciples, it is impossible for it to become the fifth largest force in Beichen Star in such a short period of time. .

The fundamental reason is because of Xiaotian.

Xiaotian, as a member of the demon clan who witnessed Gu Changsheng’s lectures, decided to join the Seven Star Sword Sect, a human sect, and when he first joined, his cultivation had already reached an extraordinary peak. After Gu Changsheng’s lecture, Xiaotian After the baptism of the Tao, coupled with the abundant training resources supported by joining the Seven Star Sword Sect, he has now reached the fifth level of the Saint Realm.

Originally, Xiao Tian was the most powerful warrior in the Seven Star Sword Sect, but he was no longer the one two years ago.

Xiaotian’s true form is Xiaoyue Sirius, coming from the north of Beichen Star. .

The scale of Beichen Star is not that of Tianhuang Star. It only has a huge continent, which is comparable to the Eastern Territory of Tianhuang Star. Before the establishment of the Seven Star Sword Sect, the continent was divided into five regions. The eastern part was ruled by the Tianjian Dynasty, the southern part was headed by the Xuantian Sword Sect, the strongest force in the western part was naturally the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, and the central part was Zhongyuan City.

Only the northern part is a virgin forest where monsters roam freely, and is called the Forest of Monsters by the world.

The Xiaoyue Sirius clan that Xiaotian belongs to is the overlord of the Forest of Monsters, and its status is equivalent to that of the Tianjian Dynasty that rules the east.

As for Xiaotian, he was the biological son of King Xiaoyue Sirius. As for why he was living in the Tianjian Dynasty and joined the Seven Star Sword Sect, it was all because Xiaotian did not want to accept the marriage arranged by his father.

To put it simply, Xiaotian was in the rebellious stage at the time. He happened to hear Gu Changsheng’s sermon and believed that the Seven Star Sword Sect had the protection of a saint, so he chose to join the Seven Star Sword Sect to compete with his father.

After Xiaotian’s father learned that Xiaotian had joined the Seven-Star Sword Sect, and combined with the fact that Gu Changsheng destroyed the three saints of the three major forces, Xiaotian’s father was also a decisive person and decided to lead Xiaoyuetian as soon as he made the decision. The wolf clan joins the Seven Star Sword Sect.

Xiaotian’s father is not a weakling. His cultivation has already reached the realm of a saint. That’s why he knows how terrifying it is for Gu Changsheng to easily destroy three saints. With the strength Gu Changsheng showed at that time, even the peak level master It is impossible for a saint to kill three saints across a long distance. In the opinion of Xiaotian’s father, the person standing behind the Seven Star Sword Sect is at least a quasi-emperor, and a very terrifying quasi-emperor.

This is a great opportunity for the Xiaoyue Sirius clan.

Therefore, because of Xiao Tian, the entire Xiao Yue Sirius clan also joined the Seven Star Sword Sect, and as the Xiao Yue Sirius clan was the overlord of the Monster Forest, the demon clan affiliated with them also naturally joined the Seven Star Sword Sect. Zong.

In addition to Xiaotian’s father, who is a strong saint, the Xiaoyue Sirius clan also has two ancestors who are at the peak of sainthood.

As a result, the Seven Star Sword Sect gained three powerful saints, making the Seven Star Sword Sect the fifth largest force in Beichen Star.

Duan Fei, as the actual manager of the Seven Star Sword Sect at this time, faced the sect that was getting stronger and stronger, and he woke up with a smile every day.

On this day, Duan Fei was dealing with sect affairs, when a voice interrupted him.

“Not bad, he’s decent!”

Duan Fei wanted to angrily say who interrupted him from handling matters, but he looked up and saw a familiar figure. Then he quickly stood up and said respectfully: “Disciple has met the teacher! ”

The person coming is naturally Gu Changsheng. There is still a year and a half before the ten-year appointment. Although he doesn’t seem to care, he still has great expectations for the Seven Star Sword Sect in his heart.

After all, the people of the Seven Star Sword Sect are all his disciples and grandsons.

“Teacher, please sit down!”

There was only one chair next to Duan Fei in the room, so Duan Fei naturally gave up his seat to Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and said, “When did you become so polite? When you and your boss complained about me behind my back, I didn’t see you being so polite.” ”

Hey, weren’t you ignorant back then?” Duan Fei was embarrassed. He scratched his head. He didn’t know Gu Changsheng at the beginning, so when Li Beifei complained, he also complained a few words. Naturally, he got beaten like Li Beifei.

Gu Changsheng smiled softly and stopped worrying about this matter. He looked at Duan Fei, the little fat guy, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

“Yes, you really succeeded in the formation with your body.”

Although Duan Fei’s cultivation level is still at the Shattering Void Realm, his strength does not depend on his cultivation level. With Duan Fei’s current strength, it is already comparable to the peak of the Extraordinary Realm. .

“Everything I have as a disciple is given by my teacher. If you hadn’t provided me with the method of cultivation, I’m afraid I could only become a mediocre monk in the Shattering Void Realm in this life. Teacher, please accept my disciple’s respect!”

After Duan Fei finished speaking, he knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Gu Changsheng helped him up and said, “It would be great if that traitor was half as grateful as you!”

“Boss… Hehe…” Regarding the boss Li Beifei, Duan Fei just smiled and did not comment. He was his mentor, the boss who helped him when he was in trouble and gave him absolute trust. He didn’t want to offend either of them, so he had no choice but to smile to ease the embarrassment.

But the boss is really mean-mouthed sometimes!

“Teacher, why do you have time to come to my place?” Duan Fei asked.

“What? I can’t come yet?” Gu Changsheng asked with a chuckle.

Duan Fei quickly shook his head and said: “Of course not, it’s just…Teacher, are you really His Majesty the Holy Emperor?”

“Hmm? How do you know this?” Gu Changsheng raised his eyebrows slightly, but he deliberately made people temporarily The person who blocked the news about Beichen Star had revealed his voice on Beichen Star. If the three major forces knew about his relationship with the Seven Star Sword Sect, then the ten-year agreement he had made would be meaningless.

“This… Disciple, because I often go to Zuixianju, I overheard the person in charge of Zuixianju mention that the person he described is very similar to you, teacher. I was just skeptical at first, but now that I heard you say it, then I’m sure.”

Duan Fei felt a little embarrassed when he mentioned Zuixianju.

Others go to Zuixianju because it is high-end and high-end, but he goes to Zuixianju purely for the popular and spicy food. He has gained weight recently!

“You greedy little fat man, be careful not to find a wife!” Gu Changsheng said with a bitter smile, Bai Xianju is opened by his Gu family, so the person in charge is naturally a member of the Gu family, and the Gu family may not know about other things. , but how could they not know that their ancestor was the Holy Emperor of the Human Race?

In the end, it was my family members who leaked the news.

“Apart from you, no one else knows, right?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“I didn’t tell anyone.” Duan Fei said.

“Really?” Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes.

“Uh…except Xiaohua!” Duan Fei blushed and scratched his head.

“Who is Xiaohua?” Gu Changsheng frowned.

“Xiao Hua is the princess of the Snow Fox Clan. The Snow Fox Clan is also a subordinate demon clan of our Sword Sect. I…I also met her not long ago.” Duan Fei blushed even more.

“The Snow Fox Clan, I heard that all the women in the Snow Fox Clan are voluptuous and charming, how could they fall in love with you?” Gu Changsheng said depressedly.

“Teacher, we are also the deputy sect leader after all. We have been in a high position for a long time, and we still have a certain temperament!” Duan Fei said, dumbfounded.

“Okay, I don’t care about you young things. As for me, I’m here mainly to give you some advice on your cultivation problems. There’s still a year and a half left, so you have to work hard!” ”

Really?” Duan Fei His face lit up with joy.

Gu Changsheng nodded.

“I just didn’t expect that the little fat man also fell in love with someone!”

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