Two Li Beifei

Li Beifei didn’t know the current situation of the Seven Star Sword Sect. There was still a year and a half before the ten-year appointment, and his cultivation level had reached the eighth level of Nirvana. But he knew that this was far from enough, so he was still very anxious at this time. , even when flying to the teleportation altar, he was a little more eager than usual.

The two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran, who had been following Li Beifei for a long time, could naturally feel the change in Li Beifei’s mood, but they didn’t know what happened, and they didn’t know whether they should ask if the young master didn’t tell him.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering sound came from the front.

Li Beifei came back to his senses instantly, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

The two women who had been paying attention to the changes in their master’s mood also felt the changes in Li Beifei for the first time. Liu Yanran asked: “Master, why are you happy?”

Li Beifei showed a smile on his face and said: “There are people fighting in front, and one of the The aura is that of a friend of mine.”


The two women were confused, but before they could ask, Li Beifei waved his hand and flew forward at the lead, and they quickly followed after seeing this.

Soon, Li Beifei and the others came to a mountain peak. Dozens of miles ahead, two figures were chasing each other in a chase in the sky.

The figure being chased among them was dressed in white, and even though he was being chased and beaten, he was still holding a folding fan, which seemed to be elegant despite the embarrassment.

“Sir, that man is so pretentious!” Liu Yuran said.

Li Beifei touched his nose and said, “He is your young master’s friend.”

“Oh, no wonder, he is still so graceful when being chased!” Liu Yuran’s expression remained unchanged, but his words changed. He had followed the young master for so long. Well, you have to learn to be thick-skinned.

“Bai Yifei, you can’t escape. Leave the treasure quickly. I can spare your life for the sake of Princess Tianyan.”

At this time, a voice sounded.

“Bai Yifei? He is Bai Yifei!”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran instantly remembered that wasn’t this the name of the person the young master pretended to be before? It turns out that the young master did not lie, there really is such a person, and he is really the young master’s friend.

Li Beifei touched his nose and didn’t say anything. The worst he could do was give him a few more Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pills. What a big deal!

But the person who was chasing Bai Yifei…

Li Beifei narrowed his eyes and found out that he was the ancient prince Qilin of the ancient Qilin clan.

Bai Yifei, who was being chased by the Ancient Qilin Prince, didn’t look very embarrassed. Every time he was able to dodge the attacks of the Ancient Qilin Prince, it seemed that he was at a disadvantage, but in fact he was just consuming the Ancient Qilin Prince.

Hearing the ancient prince Qilin mentioning Princess Tianyan, Bai Yifei laughed and said: “Ancient prince Qilin, just wait for me. When I find my wife, let her beat you until you call me grandpa!

” Hearing this, he became furious and shouted angrily: “You pretty boy, I don’t know how blind Princess Tianyan fell in love with you. You really embarrass our ancient clan.”

Bai Yifei stopped instantly and turned to look at the ancient prince Qilin, his expression gloomy.

“Oh, you’re not running away?” The ancient prince Qilin was startled, and then looked at Bai Yifei disdainfully.

Bai Yifei said in a deep voice: “What did you just say?”

“What did I say? I said you were a pretty boy, and the Heavenly Eyes Princess had to be blind to fall in love with you. Why, are you so angry?” The ancient prince Qilin laughed, his laughter full of Due to his disdain for Bai Yifei, he has been chasing Bai Yifei for three days. Bai Yifei is no match for him at all. In his opinion, Bai Yifei at this moment is undoubtedly incompetent and furious.

“You are looking for death!”

Bai Yifei roared angrily, and as soon as he opened the folding fan, he waved out a strong wind and hit the ancient prince Qilin.

“Little trick!” The ancient prince Qilin punched out with disdain, breaking Gang Feng. Just when he wanted to quickly take down Bai Yifei, his expression was shocked. In front of him, it was no longer Bai Yifei, but himself.

Li Beifei, who was about to take action in the distance, was also stunned. Just when he was about to take action, Bai Yifei instantly turned into the ancient prince Qilin, and the feeling was not that he had taken the Yi Rong Dan, but that he had truly become a prince. The ancient prince Qilin’s soul and aura are exactly the same.

“Sir, what is going on? How did your friend become his enemy?” The

two sisters were also stunned. This was the first time they had seen such a magical scene.

Li Beifei shook his head. He had known Bai Yifei for so long, but he had never seen Bai Yifei do anything. Even during the Tianjiao Competition, Bai Yifei and the Tianyan Princess only competed in the way of Tianji. Regarding fighting, Bai Yifei had never known anything about it. It has been used by everyone.

“Damn it, they all say that I am the sixth child. I think you are the real sixth brother, Brother Bai. I have known you for so long and I didn’t even know you had such a method.” Li Beifei cursed angrily, feeling extremely aggrieved. Why am I the sixth child? Bai Yifei can hide it better than me. Why don’t you call him the sixth child?

The two sisters didn’t know why the young master would curse, but now their attention was attracted by the two ancient Qilin princes.

The ancient prince Qilin was stunned for a moment and then came to his senses. He squinted his eyes and said, “It is rumored that Old Man Tianji created a magical art that can change one’s face. It turns out it is true.” ”

Change one’s face? Haha. , Ignorance!” The ancient Qilin prince Bai Yifei transformed into laughed like the real ancient Qilin prince, and the laughter was full of disdain for the ancient Qilin prince.

This scene is very strange, one fake mocking the other real, just like the fake trying to kill the real thing.

Bai Yifei didn’t wait for the ancient Qilin Prince to react. A Qilin shadow appeared behind him and then punched out.


The Qilin behind Bai Yifei roared angrily and bit into the ancient Qilin prince.

“Seeking death!” The ancient prince Qilin was furious, and a phantom of Qilin condensed behind him, colliding with Bai Yifei’s Qilin in the air.


The two phantoms were like twin brothers, colliding with each other and biting each other. For a while, Li Beifei and the three people watching the battle couldn’t tell which unicorn belonged to whose.

“What a magical technique. Not only did he become the ancient Qilin prince, but he also simulated the magical powers of the ancient Qilin prince, and even restored them 100%.”

Li Beifei exclaimed. This was the second time he was shocked by Bai Yifei. The first time was naturally when he was proposed to marry by Princess Tianyan.

When the ancient prince Qilin saw that Bai Yifei had even simulated his own magical powers, his heart sank, but he did not believe in evil.

“I don’t believe you can completely simulate my magical power! Qilin’s true body!” The

ancient Qilin prince shouted loudly, and his body turned into a huge Qilin.

Bai Yifei frowned slightly when he saw this.

“How is it? Isn’t it possible?” The ancient prince Qilin mocked.

Bai Yifei chuckled and said, “It’s just that I’m not familiar with you. Do you think I really can’t imitate it?”

“You have to be stubborn even when you are about to die!” said the ancient prince Qilin.

“Let you have a taste of Brother Li’s swordsmanship!” Bai Yifei waved his hand, and the unicorn shadow in the sky disappeared, while Li Beifei, who was watching the battle from a distance, had a bad premonition.

There were two surnamed Li in their five-man team, but one was called Brother Li and the other was Brother Ruoyu, plus the word “kendao”…

“Fuck!” Li Beifei exclaimed, and Bai Yifei suddenly transformed and turned into his appearance. , even the sword intent on his body is so familiar.


“I turned into a young master? Didn’t I dream?”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran were also dumbfounded. They looked at the young master in front of them, and then looked at the people who looked exactly like him in the distance. I can’t even tell which one is real and which one is fake.

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