The Divine Art of Evolving Heaven

Li Beifei watched in amazement as Bai Yifei transformed into himself, while Prince Qilin’s eyes were filled with some incredulity when he saw Bai Yifei transform into Li Beifei.

“You actually think that this timid waste is my opponent?” The ancient prince Qilin looked at Bai Yifei in confusion. Li Beifei’s rejection of the challenge of the ancient prince Huang Jin was well known, and they all thought that Li Beifei was cowarded and did not dare to Facing the golden ancient prince, he was timid and refused.

Ancient Prince Qilin was naturally one of the people who had this idea.


If Guan hadn’t wanted to see how powerful Bai Yifei was, Li Beifei would have been tempted to draw his sword and hack Prince Qilin to death for daring to slander him.

“Brother Bai, chop him to death!”

Li Beifei said in a message.

“Huh?” Li Beifei’s voice suddenly appeared in his mind, and Bai Yifei was stunned for a moment.

“I’m watching. How dare you chop him to death? Damn it!” Li Beifei cursed through his voice.

“Okay!” Bai Yifei agreed. He was going to hack Prince Qilin to death anyway, and it didn’t matter if he scolded himself. But if this beast dared to scold his wife, he would have no choice but to die.


Suddenly, Li Beifei continued to transmit.

“Huh?” Just when Bai Yifei was wondering what else happened to Li Beifei, a sword suddenly appeared in the sky, which was Li Beifei’s Tianshu Sword.

“How can you cut without a sword!”

Li Beifei said through a message.

“Thank you!” Bai Yifei said.

“Who among us is saying thank you?” Li Beifei was surprised. This was the first time Bai Yifei said thank you to him.

Bai Yifei just smiled and didn’t say anything.

Without the Tianshu Sword, he really had no confidence in suppressing the ancient prince Qilin, but now that he had the Tianshu Sword, it would be much easier to suppress the ancient prince Qilin.

The ancient prince Qilin looked at the sudden appearance of the Tianshu Sword in surprise, but Bai Yifei didn’t give him time to think about it. At this moment, he transformed into Li Beifei, and he didn’t feel unfamiliar at all holding the Tianshu Sword.

“Tianshu Sword Territory, open!”

Bai Yifei roared. With him as the center of the circle, the Tianshu Sword Territory was enveloped for dozens of miles. The expression of the ancient prince Qilin changed, and the spiritual power in his body and the consciousness in the divine sea were circulating. It was actually slow.

“Ancient Prince Qilin, I invite you to go to heaven!”

Bai Yifei shouted angrily, swung the Tianshu Sword, and struck the ancient Prince Qilin with a shocking sword light.

“Want to kill me? You can’t!”

The ancient prince Qilin roared angrily, opened his huge mouth, and condensed a terrifying energy to spray towards the sword light.


The earth shook, and two different energies burst out, turning the sky into darkness.

It is said that as long as the light is brighter than the sun, the sun’s light will be absorbed by the light, causing the surrounding area to become dark due to lack of light.

“So strong!”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran looked at each other in shock. Anyone on the battlefield was stronger than the Gu Tianxing they met before.

Li Beifei, on the other hand, stared at Bai Yifei. Although Bai Yifei also used the Tianshu Sword Domain, the power of the Tianshu Sword Domain seemed to have stayed before he entered the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Compared with his current Tianshu Sword Domain, A big difference.

“It seems that Brother Bai’s skills also have limitations.” Li Beifei breathed a sigh of relief. It would be too abnormal if Bai Yifei’s magical power could simulate him at any time.

And Li Beifei also discovered one thing, that is, after Bai Yifei turned into him, Bai Yifei’s physical strength did not become stronger. It seemed that he could not completely imitate him 100%.

“Can you only simulate the magical power I have cultivated? If so, you can crush that beast just by using the Thirty-Three Heavenly Creation Immortal Technique, or you can’t simulate the Thirty-Three Heavenly Creation Immortal Technique…”

Li Beifei’s heart flashed. After many thoughts and doubts, he really wanted to know how far Bai Yifei’s magical power could reach.


Bai Yifei waved the Tianshu Sword, and an invisible and qualityless sword energy struck at the ancient prince Qilin. The ancient prince Qilin did not have Tian Fangfang’s talent of being extremely sensitive to aura, so he only felt an extremely powerful sword energy. The intention mixed with the strong murderous intention attacked him, but he didn’t know from which direction it came.


Since he didn’t know, the ancient prince Qilin roared angrily, exuding divine radiance all over his body, and protected his body under the divine radiance.


The sword energy directly cut through Shenhui and landed on the ancient Qilin prince. A long sword mark appeared on the huge Qilin body.

“Roar!” The ancient prince Qilin roared in pain, and his eyes when he looked at Bai Yifei were filled with disbelief again.

“Impossible, how could this waste be so strong?”

Bai Yifei said softly: “It was just that Brother Li didn’t want to fight the Golden Ancient Emperor. Do you really think that Brother Li was weak? Do you still remember when you were raped by a certain member of our human race? Gu’s genius was seriously injured with one move? Brother Li is no worse than him!”

“You…” The ancient prince Qilin opened his mouth to speak, but didn’t say anything. He was seriously injured by Gu Tianjun with one move, and he regarded him as For the greatest shame in his life, he set foot on the ancient starry sky path just to seek revenge on Gu Tianjun for his defeat in the first place.

“I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, I’ll send you to heaven right now!”

Bai Yifei shouted softly, his sword spirit surged around his body, and the Tianshu Sword in his hand shone brightly. At this moment, Bai Yifei’s face changed, and then he changed and changed back. own appearance.

“Pfft!” Bai Yifei spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face turned extremely pale.

Tianshu Sword Domain also disappeared as a result.

Seeing Bai Yifei’s appearance, the ancient prince Qilin laughed and said: “Hahaha, although your Tianji Pavilion’s Heaven-Evolving Magic is very strong, claiming to be able to simulate all the Holy Spirits and magical powers in the world, the stronger the magical power, the greater the price you pay. , you used the Heaven-Evolving Divine Technique twice in a row, can your body withstand it?”

Bai Yifei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: “Don’t worry, don’t worry!”

After saying that, Bai Yifei took out a pill and spoke. It was the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill. After taking the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill in one gulp, Bai Yifei’s pale face instantly returned to rosy, and even his sluggish momentum instantly returned to its peak.

“You…are a waste of natural resources!” Prince Qilin couldn’t help but show pain in his eyes when he saw Bai Yifei taking the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill as a battery-sustaining pill.

That was the legendary nine-turn life-sustaining elixir, and it was actually taken as a battery-sustaining elixir.

After taking the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill to return to his peak, Bai Yifei once again transformed into Li Beifei’s appearance.

In the distance, Li Beifei saw Bai Yifei changing his mind whenever he asked, and he actually felt like I was the fake Li Beifei.

“Go to hell!”

The ancient Qilin prince did not give Bai Yifei a chance to take action, and stretched out a huge Qilin hoof to press towards Bai Yifei.

But Bai Yifei’s figure was like a dream, and he easily dodged the attack of the ancient prince Qilin.

Shrink to an inch!

The corner of Li Beifei’s mouth twitched, and even shrinking to an inch was imitated. What is the origin of this divine magic of Heaven Expansion?


At this time, Li Beifei, who had escaped the attack of the ancient prince Qilin, swung the Tianshu Sword and slashed out a shocking sword light. The sword light was mixed with the sword intent that tore apart everything, and even the surrounding space was cut into pieces by the sword light. .

“Holy shit, I can also use the Sky-Splitting Sword?” Li Beifei’s eyes widened again, but he found that Bai Yifei’s Sky-Splitting Sword seemed to be still very immature, almost the same as when he first understood it, and the same as he is now. Quite a far cry from that.

“It seems that Yantian Divine Technique can only simulate my original appearance.”

In the end, Li Beifei came to a conclusion.

But despite this, the Yantian Divine Technique is also an extremely terrifying magical power.

“Let’s go!”

Li Beifei said to the two women.

“But Young Master, the battle is not over yet?” Liu Yanran was confused.

“It’s over.” Li Beifei smiled confidently. He was extremely confident with his sword that split the sky. It was the magical swordsmanship he had learned based on the lifelong swordsmanship experience of the Heavenly Sword Immortal. It was not something that an ancient Qilin prince could withstand. .

Sure enough, in front of the sky-splitting sword, the ancient prince Qilin was split into two halves in an instant. Before he died, he was still wondering why Li Beifei was so strong.

The ancient prince Qilin was unwilling to give in. He did not lose to Bai Yifei, but to Li Beifei. He was unwilling to die like this, but he could only accompany the ancient Qilin clan with his unwillingness.

After all, the ancient Qilin clan was also wiped out.

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