The Limitations of Yantian Divine Technique

After Bai Yifei used the Sky-Splitting Sword to kill the ancient Qilin Prince, his body swayed and he almost fell from the sky. In an instant, he returned to his original appearance, his face extremely pale.

“Brother Bai, are you okay?” At this time, Li Beifei flew over to help him.

Bai Yifei shook his head and said: “It’s okay, the energy is too much, just take a rest, but you…Brother Li, why haven’t you seen such a good relationship with women in Tianhuang Star?” Bai Yifei glanced at

Li Beifei. The two women behind him, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran, had good temperament and excellent looks. They were rare beauties. Bai Yifei could tell at a glance that these two women were following Li Beifei because of their expressions and attitudes. It was obviously Li Beifei who was the main one.

Li Beifei chuckled, and then said: “Let me introduce you!”

After saying that, Li Beifei let go of the hand holding Bai Yifei. Bai Yifei stumbled and fell from the sky. When Li Beifei saw this, he quickly used Shrink to dodge. Support Bai Yifei.

“I’ll go, don’t you say it’s nothing serious? You can’t even fly, you…”

“Sir, Mr. Bai seems to be asleep!” Liu Yanran said at this time.

“Uh…” Li Beifei looked at Bai Yifei after hearing this. He was not asleep. He was clearly unconscious.

“This boy actually fights like this for the Heavenly Eyes Princess!” Li Beifei shook his head. In the past, Bai Yifei was still reluctant in every way after learning that he was sold to the Heavenly Eyes Princess by Tianji Pavilion. He even thought about having a showdown with the Heavenly Eyes Princess. But now it’s better. Ancient Prince Qilin just verbally scolded Princess Tianyan, but his attitude was even tougher than when he was being chased by Ancient Prince Qilin, and he even fought to the death with Ancient Prince Qilin.

However, Li Beifei agreed with Bai Yifei’s move. If someone insulted Qing Yi in front of him, he might do something crazier than Bai Yifei.

For some reason, Li Beifei always felt that he owed Mu Qingyi a lot, as if he had failed Mu Qingyi in his previous life, and he needed to repay it in this life.

But this feeling is not bad!

“Go back to the city!”

Li Beifei waved his hand and carried Bai Yifei and the two girls back to Yelan City.

Originally, according to his original plan, he would leave Yelangu Star for the ninth level today, but now it is obviously impossible.

half a month later!

Bai Yifei slept for a full half a month. On this day, he suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly: “Prince Qilin, how dare you scold my wife? I’ll beat you with your life…” “Lie down

” Fuck!”

With a cry of surprise, the house where Bai Yifei lived collapsed, and then two figures walked out in embarrassment.

Bai Yifei looked embarrassed, while Li Beifei was speechless.

“You can just forget about it, but you’re still serious about it?” Li Beifei said with a dark circle under his eye. He just wanted to go in and observe Bai Yifei’s condition. After all, being comatose for half a month is not a trivial matter. As soon as he entered, he was punched. After hearing Bai Yifei’s words, it was obvious that this guy regarded him as the ancient prince of Qilin.

“Young Master… you… pfft…”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran heard the sound and rushed over. When they saw a big black circle on Li Beifei’s left eye, they couldn’t help but laugh.

“Are you still laughing? Don’t you know if I’m worried about you, sir?” Li Beifei stared at the two sisters who were becoming more and more unruly, blaming himself for being too doting on them.

“Young Master, are you… are you okay, haha… I’m sorry, Young Master, I just can’t bear it any longer.” Liu Yuran burst into laughter.

Liu Yanran seemed to be more reserved, but she covered her mouth and tried her best not to laugh out loud.

“Smile, smile, if you laugh again I will throw you here.” Li Beifei said viciously.

“No, we’re not laughing!”

The power of Li Beifei’s words was still terrifying. Regardless of whether he was joking or not, the two women took it seriously and immediately stopped laughing.

Li Beifei sighed, and he could only use this method to make them obedient. Then he waved his hands and said, “You two go and pay the money to others!” ”

Yes, sir!”

The two girls were very happy when they heard this. He quickly left the yard.

They rented this yard, and now that they have damaged someone else’s house, compensation is very reasonable.

“Ahem, Brother Li, I’m sorry.” At this time, Bai Yifei said to Li Beifei, but his face was twitching, and he had obviously been laughing for a long time.

Li Beifei rolled his eyes at him and said, “If you don’t laugh, I’ll really think you’re apologizing.”

After saying that, Li Beifei rubbed his left eye with the dark circle caused by Bai Yifei’s eyes, and he quickly recovered.

“This means that I am physically strong. If someone else was hit by you like this, they would be seriously injured even if they were dead.” Li Beifei said with lingering fear. Fortunately, he did not let Liu Yanran or Liu Yuran come to observe the situation. The two sisters’ His body couldn’t withstand Bai Yifei’s punch just now.

“Brother Li, your physical strength has become stronger again.” Bai Yifei also secretly felt lucky. Although the punch just now was punched by him unconsciously, unconsciousness is the most terrifying thing. The punch he just punched, but Used all his strength.

However, Li Beifei was able to withstand his attack with his physical body, which showed that Li Beifei’s physical body was already stronger than his.

“Brother Li, you are really perverted.” Bai Yifei said.

“Let me go, why are you still swearing?” Li Beifei looked at Bai Yifei with wide eyes.

“You are said to be physically abnormal.” Bai Yifei said.

“Forget it, let’s talk about your Heaven-Evolving Divine Technique. This is the first time I’ve seen such a perverted technique.”

Li Beifei came to a stone chair and sat down, waiting for Bai Yifei to explain his doubts.

Bai Yifei sat opposite him and said without hiding anything: “The Divine Art of Yantian is the secret of our Tianji Pavilion. It is the magical power left by the founder of our Tianji Pavilion, the old man Tianji. It has the ability to change the world. But now I just When you reach a small level of cultivation, you can only fight as someone you are familiar with, and when you become someone else, you can only use the magical power that the opponent is best at. For example, if I become Brother Li, I can only use your swordsmanship. I can’t use other secret arts and magical powers.”

“And the Yantian Divine Technique cannot simulate the physical body, otherwise I will definitely turn into Gu Tianjun. After all, Gu Tianjun can directly crush the Qilin Prince. However, Gu Tianjun’s physique and abnormal phenomena are not the same. It belongs to the category of supernatural powers, so it’s useless to imitate him.”

“Wait a minute, why do I feel like you were forced to imitate me?” Li Beifei looked at Bai Yifei depressedly.

Bai Yifei shrugged and refused to answer his words, and continued: “Maybe it’s because of my insufficient cultivation. Anyway, this Heaven-Evolving Divine Art has great limitations, and it’s not as perverted as you think, Brother Li.” ”

No wonder!” Li Beifei Suddenly he realized that it was not that Bai Yifei did not want to use the thirty-three days of creation magic, but that the Yantian magic could not simulate the thirty-three days of creation. If the Yantian magic could simulate the thirty-three days of creation, it would at least have to be the same. The Thirty-Three Heavenly Creation Immortal Techniques must be equal. Now it is obvious that the level of Yantian Divine Technique is lower than that of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Creation Immortal Techniques.

“Old Man Tianji is really a genius, he was able to create such magical powers.” Li Beifei exclaimed in amazement.

“Telling you that this was created by our ancestor?” Bai Yifei said.

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