Chunyuan Tower was destroyed

“Didn’t you say that this magical power was left by the founder of your Tianji Pavilion? Who else could it be if he didn’t create it?” Li Beifei asked doubtfully.

Bai Yifei shook his head and said: “I have known about this not long ago. In fact… this is what the mother of Princess Tianyan, the Queen of Tianyan, gave to our ancestor. It is said that it was found from the ruins of an ancient era, not our Tianji Pavilion. Created by the Patriarch.”

“I see, hey, wait a minute, are you talking about Queen Tianyan giving it to your Patriarch?”

Li Beifei’s eyes almost bulged out as if he had heard some super gossip.

“What? I didn’t say it, I didn’t say anything.” Bai Yifei quickly denied it. He just let it slip and he was determined not to say it again.

“Fart, you said it just now, hurry up, is there some adultery?” Li Beifei asked closer.

“Get out!” Bai Yifei dodged directly. One was his ancestor and the other was his mother-in-law. He couldn’t even talk about it even to death.

Bai Yifei didn’t say anything, but Li Beifei became more and more curious.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll ask Princess Tianyan when I have the chance.”

“Damn it, Li Beifei, it’s your uncle’s fault!” Bai Yifei was furious.

“Then do you want to tell me?” Li Beifei looked at him with a smile, knowing that he had a chance to win.

“Damn, meeting you is the most ridiculous thing that has happened to me, Bai Yifei, in my life!”

Bai Yifei cursed, but finally told the story about Queen Tianyan and Old Man Tianji.

“Tsk tsk, no wonder Princess Tianyan said that there is no good person in Tianji Pavilion. There is a reason!” Li Beifei remembered that when he was at the top of Beishan, Princess Tianyan came up and challenged Bai Yifei by name, and also said that there was no good person in Tianji Pavilion. Now think about it, What Princess Tianyan said is true.

What Old Man Tianji did to Queen Tianyan, wasn’t it just chaos at first and abandonment at the end? Princess Tianyan is the daughter of Queen Tianyan and Old Man Tianji.

For Old Man Tianji, Li Beifei no longer had the respect he had before, but instead had a bit more contempt.

Bai Yifei naturally felt the change in Li Beifei’s attitude towards his ancestor, but he didn’t say anything about the matter between Queen Tianyan and Old Man Tianji, no matter what the process was, the result was that Old Man Tianji abandoned Queen Tianyan and Princess Tianji. Therefore, Bai Yifei can only promise to love Princess Tianyan even more in the future, and will never let their ancestor’s affairs fall on them.

This is also the reason why he fought so hard after the ancient prince Qilin insulted the Heavenly Eyes Princess. He felt in his heart that he was indebted to the Heavenly Eyes Princess.

“By the way, why did the ancient prince Qilin chase you? Did you really steal some of his treasures?” Li Beifei asked.

“Grab this treasure, the ancient prince Qilin just wanted to kill me for any reason!” Bai Yifei said disdainfully, and then took out a holy medicine.

“You said, isn’t it just a holy medicine? Do you need to hunt me for three days and three nights?” ”

Yes, there is really no need to go to war with a holy medicine. It seems that the ancient Qilin tribe is hostile to the human race is not a lie. .” Li Beifei nodded.

In fact, they had wronged the ancient prince Qilin. The ancient prince Qilin was indeed chasing Bai Yifei for this holy medicine. The reason why Li Beifei and Bai Yifei thought the holy medicine was not important was because they had too many nine-turn life-sustaining pills. A nine-turn life-sustaining pill is worth several holy medicines. They really don’t value a holy medicine too much, but they won’t throw it away casually.

“Forget it, it’s useless to talk about this. You killed the ancient Qilin Prince.” Li Beifei waved his hand and skipped the topic.

Bai Yifei nodded, and then he asked: “What’s the matter with you? Are you afraid that Fairy Qingyi will kill you with a sword if she finds out?”

“No way? They are all swordsmen I found for Qingyi.” Li Beifei said.

“Are you helping Qing Yi find the swordsman now? Are you sure it’s not for yourself?” Bai Yifei looked unbelieving.

Li Beifei nodded seriously, and then used a spiritual thought to tell Bai Yifei how he got to know Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran, including of course the background of the two women.

After learning what happened to the two women, Bai Yifei also had a look of sadness on his face.

“They are all pitiful people!” Bai Yifei sighed. He regards following the strong as his life goal. This goal is absurd and has no freedom at all. It turns out to be the driving force for their survival.

Apart from being pitiful, Bai Yifei didn’t know how to describe this kind of person.

“Sir, we are back!”

At this time, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran came back.

Li Beifei nodded, and then he said to Bai Yifei: “Brother Bai, are you going to continue your adventure on your own or come with us?”

“Let’s go together!” Bai Yifei said. He didn’t have much ambition to win, and he only held the hope of becoming an emperor. A try attitude, compared to others, he is not that determined.

Since we can be together, of course we have to do it together.

“Well, if we can meet Xuan Mingzi and the others next, then our five-person team can gather together.” Li Beifei said with a smile.

“It’s not that simple.” Bai Yifei smiled bitterly. He was lucky enough to meet at the eighth level. If he wanted to meet the other three people next, it would be even harder than climbing to the sky.

“I believe in my luck.” Li Beifei said with a smile.

After a few people packed up, they headed towards the teleportation altar. There was no trouble on this trip, and the group of people successfully set foot on the ancient starry sky path to the ninth level.

Just as Li Beifei and Bai Yifei were heading to the ninth level together, in the Beichen Star Seven Star Sword Sect, Gu Changsheng ended his half-month-long sermon.

After this sermon, the comprehensive strength of the Seven Star Sword Sect members has almost doubled. The biggest gains are naturally the three powerful saints of the Xiaoyue Tianlang clan. Among them, Xiaotian’s father Xiaolang King has gained the most thanks to this lecture. Gu Changsheng preached that he had broken through to the realm of the Holy King. King Howling Wolf was even more determined and glad that he had made the decision to join the Seven Star Sword Sect.

Originally, given his qualifications, he might not be able to break through the shackles of the Saint Peak even if given hundreds of years, but now he has only joined the Seven Star Sword Sect for two and a half years, and he has become a Saint King-level powerhouse. This is very important to him. It was simply an opportunity sent from heaven.

On this day, Gu Changsheng was drinking wine in the yard, but Duan Fei walked in in a hurry.

“Even if the sky falls, I will hold you up. Why are you anxious?” Gu Changsheng asked, putting down his wine glass.

“Teacher, just now, just now, one of our Chunyuan Towers was destroyed.”

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