: Ancestor, are you dead too?

Just after Duan Fei informed Gu Changsheng about the destruction of Chunyuan Building in Jubei City, he learned that the leader of the secret leader was visiting, so he came out to greet them.

Duan Fei looked at Commander An and the familiar face behind him, and asked doubtfully: “Commander An, are you here this time?”

Commander An waved his hand and said: “You’re welcome, Deputy Sect Leader Duan. Your Majesty said we are here as friends. Helping you investigate the Chunyuan Building in Jubeicheng.”

“…” Duan Feihan, Juhan, am I being polite? Also, you don’t need to explain your “friendship”, just in case I don’t know.

Duan Fei naturally understood what Murong Tianjian was thinking, and he no longer bothered with Commander An’s words. He invited Commander An and several others in.

In the sect hall, Duan Fei and An Commander took their seats respectively.

Commander An asked: “Deputy Sect Master Duan, what is your opinion on the matter of rejecting the Chunyuan Building in Beicheng?”

Duan Fei’s face was heavy when he heard this, and he said: “I have already informed the teacher about the situation. What will happen next? I don’t know what will happen.”

“What? Senior wants to take action personally?” Commander An was shocked. A few years ago, Gu Changsheng just snapped his fingers and killed the seven stars pretending to be scattered in different locations on Beichen Star. The people of Jian Zong still vividly remember the scene at that time. Now that Gu Changsheng takes action again, what will be the result?

“Deputy Sect Master Duan, I would like to take the liberty to ask, what was the senior’s attitude after learning about this incident?” Commander An asked.

Duan Fei shook his head and said, “The teacher just said to me, ‘I’ll handle it’ and then disappeared.”

Commander An secretly guessed that the tone of his words should be very calm, and the development of the matter should not be bad.

In Jubei City, Gu Changsheng, dressed in Tsing Yi, was walking on the street towards the Chunyuan Building in Jubei City.

At this time, the pedestrians on the streets of Jubei City were in a hurry. The Seven Star Sword Sect opened the Chunyuan Building in Jubei City. This was undoubtedly a great good thing for the casual cultivators in Jubei City. However, the destruction of the Chunyuan Building left A shadow fell over their hearts.

All this is because of Gu Changsheng.

They didn’t know Gu Changsheng, but they knew the contents of the ten-year agreement. During these ten years, anyone who dared to take action against the Seven Star Sword Sect would have to face Gu Changsheng’s liquidation. At that time, the contents of the ten-year agreement spread throughout Beichen. Star, unless you are deaf, there is no way you don’t know this.

Now there is more than a year left in the ten-year period, but the Chunyuan Building in Jubei City has been destroyed. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the strong man behind the Seven Star Sword Sect. If that strong man blames Jubeicheng, countless creatures in Jubeicheng will suffer. .

All the people in Jubeicheng were feeling extremely tormented at this moment. They all prayed that the strong man behind the Seven Star Sword Sect would not vent his anger on Jubeicheng.

Gu Changsheng was walking on the street feeling the emotions of others and knew what was going on without reading their minds.

“Do I seem to be such a cruel person?” Gu Changsheng asked himself, he seems not so cruel to anger others, right?

Gu Changsheng shook his head and walked to Chunyuan Tower.

At this time, Chunyuan Building was already under the control of people from the Seven Star Sword Sect, and because Gu Changsheng had preached to the Seven Star Sword Sect members not long ago, they naturally knew Gu Changsheng.

They were about to kneel down to greet Gu Changsheng, but were stopped by Gu Changsheng.

“Are you afraid that you won’t scare others to death?” Gu Changsheng said and walked in.

“Scaring others to death?” Several disciples looked confused, and soon they understood.

The people in Jubeicheng are now worried that their ancestor will anger them. If they know that their ancestor has come to Jubeicheng, some timid people may really be scared to death.

“Ancestor is so kind!”

“Yes, yes!”

Several disciples showed pride on their faces. Their ancestors had good intentions in order not to scare others.

After Gu Changsheng walked in, a strong smell of blood penetrated his nostrils, making him frown slightly.

“Ancestor, are you here?”

At this time, Chen Fan came over. He was in the big city near Jubei City before. After learning that something happened at Chunyuan Tower in Jubei City, he came to Jubei City without stopping. He was also the one who told the news Passed back to the Seven Star Sword Sect.

“Yes!” Gu Changsheng nodded and said, “Xiao Chen!”

“The disciple is here!” Chen Fan’s face straightened.

“Don’t be so nervous. Just don’t be too shocked later.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Yes!” Although Chen Fan had doubts in his heart, he did not say it out loud.

Gu Changsheng looked at the hall full of corpses, and a trace of anger flashed across his face.

He had made a ten-year agreement, but someone dared to take action against the Seven Star Sword Sect. That was a provocation to him.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and a magical scene appeared.

Those corpses seemed to have gone back in time, and the blood on the ground began to flow back. Soon, the dead people were standing in front of Chen Fan alive.

“This…this…” Chen Fan’s face was full of horror. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and even slapped himself. Feeling the hot pain, Chen Fan was sure that this was not a dream.


Chen Fan’s eyes were as wide as copper bells. It was not a dream, it was better than a dream. Resurrection from the dead was a legend in the legend. Throughout the ages, even the ancient emperors were unable to bring the dead back to life. Could it be that the old Zu has surpassed the Great Emperor?

Oh my god, if that’s the case, their Seven Star Sword Sect’s backers must be too big!

Chen Fan could no longer imagine it.

Gu Changsheng glanced at Chen Fan and said, “Didn’t I remind you not to be too shocked?” ”

Ancestor, if your disciples are not shocked by your heaven-defying methods, won’t they not give you face for this method?” Chen If you can’t laugh or cry, this is not a shock, then when will it be a shock?

“Am I dead?”

“Is this the underworld?”

At this time, the reborn people woke up, and they also noticed Gu Changsheng and Chen Fan.

“Forget it, Elder Chen. Ancestor, why are you also dead?”

Someone asked in shock.

Gu Changsheng’s face turned dark, and Chen Fan’s face turned even darker. What do you mean by “Forget it, Elder Chen?” My strength is not that bad, right?

“Why die? My ancestor used heaven-defying methods to resurrect you all. If you don’t thank me properly, why don’t you curse me? You are really…” Chen Fan was so angry that he couldn’t help but express his anger.


“Are we resurrected?”

“Oh, Wang Jiu, why are you pinching me?”

“Does it hurt? The pain is not a dream, we are really resurrected.”

“Then why don’t you pinch yourself? ?”

“I…I’m afraid of pain!”

“Why did you rush forward in the first place because you were afraid of pain?” The man said depressedly.

“Hey, when the situation was urgent, I forgot about my fear of pain.” Wang Jiu scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Okay, okay, don’t make trouble anymore.” Chen Fan quickly stopped them. Normally, forget it, but now that the ancestor is still here, are you acting decently like this?

“Ancestor, I’m sorry, we are just too excited.”

These people apologized to Gu Changsheng one after another.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and said, “You guys performed very well!”

Everyone was stunned.

“Ancestor, we have lost countless pure Yuan Crystals. We realize our mistake. Please punish us, Ancestor!”

Everyone thought that Gu Changsheng was sarcastic, so they all knelt down. When Chen Fan saw this, he knelt down to plead for them and said, “Ancestor, I have an unshirkable responsibility for the loss of Chun Yuan Building in Jubei City. If I had personally escorted them, this incident would not have happened. ”

Gu Changsheng looked helpless, and he waved his big hand to lift everyone up.

“When I say you performed well, I’m not being sarcastic, but you performed really well.”

“Wang Jiu, you are obviously very afraid of pain, but you were the first one to rush towards the enemy that day. What? You weren’t afraid at that time Does it hurt?”

Wang Jiu is a young man in his twenties. When his ancestor called his name, he said cautiously: “Those people want to steal our Sword Sect’s Pure Yuan Crystal, what can they do? Even if they die, We can’t be robbed by them.”

“Your courage is commendable, but your strength is a bit weak. Go back and practice hard for me!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Yes!” Wang Jiu said seriously.

Next, Gu Changsheng went through the people present one by one and told them how everyone was brave enough to protect the interests of the sect when they encountered danger.

“If my traitor knew that the sect he founded could have disciples like you, he would probably stick his butt out to the sky.”

Gu Changsheng chuckled. Although these people are weak, they have a bright future.

“Thank you for the compliment, ancestor!”

Everyone finally showed a relieved smile on their faces.

“Ancestor, do you already know who the murderer is?” At this time, Chen Fan said.

“Yeah!” Gu Changsheng nodded lightly.

“Who is it?” Chen Fan asked.

Gu Changsheng said: “Some fish slipped through the net!”

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