Jiuyou completely destroys the quasi-emperor’s power (two-in-one)

A fish that slipped through the net? What slipped through the net?

Chen Fan and the others were confused, but Gu Changsheng didn’t say anything more. Instead, he left the matter of Jubeicheng to Chen Fan and disappeared and left Jubeicheng.

In a palace in a secret realm, a group of people exuding bloodthirsty gathered together. At this moment, their faces were full of smiles.

“Master, I didn’t expect the Seven Star Sword Sect to be so rich. Just the Pure Yuan Crystal and Source Crystal from a Pure Yuan Building in Jubei City are enough to give Jiuyou the capital to make a comeback.” A middle-aged

man looked at him with a smile on his face. The man sitting at the top.

Each of these people’s cultivation level is above the life and death realm, and the strongest one is naturally the man sitting at the top. His cultivation level has reached the holy realm. Listening to their conversation, it is not difficult to know that they are from Jiuyou, that is, The Jiuyou who was killed by Gu Changsheng because of the assassination of Hong Hong.

Gu Changsheng originally only asked his clones to destroy Jiuyou’s headquarters and major branches and confiscate countless source crystal treasures. However, some Jiuyou killers outside were lucky enough to avoid the death knot. Gu Changsheng believed that the Holy Emperor has a good life. I didn’t argue with them, leaving them with a glimmer of hope. However, they ransacked the Chunyuan Building in Jubeicheng. Isn’t this just a pure attempt to completely destroy the sect?

The leader in front of him was not a leader before, he was just an ordinary killer of Jiuyou. But now he is the strongest person among the remaining members of Jiuyou, so of course, he became the leader.

As the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings, and this is the man in front of me.

“Master, are you really not worried about the Seven Star Sword Sect? There is a terrifying strong man behind them.” At this time, someone said worriedly.

“Haha, don’t worry!” The leader waved his hand confidently and said: “Our secret realm can be isolated even by the saint’s consciousness. Besides, we killed everyone in the Chunyuan Building in Jubei City and there are no witnesses. Even if the Seven-Star Sword So what if the sect is stronger? Can they still bring people back to life?”

“Resurrection from the dead? Haha, the leader is joking, how can anyone in the world be able to bring the dead back to life, not even the ancient emperor can do it, is it possible that the powerful one behind the Seven Star Sword Sect is Can someone be stronger than the Great Emperor? In that case, the Seven-Star Sword Sect would have dominated the universe long ago. How dare we take action against them.” ”

Hahaha, what Elder Yu said is that it’s just the Seven-Star Sword Sect. If it weren’t for our Jiuyou’s great How can we make them arrogant if they can encounter unexpected events? They can’t take action against the Seven Star Sword Sect within ten years? Damn, I will take action, what else can they do to me? Hahaha… Uh”

The laughter of the laughing person It stopped suddenly, and everyone wondered if the laughter had stopped. They looked at the person who was laughing, but their pupils shrank, and their faces were full of horror.

I saw that the head of the laughing man had been separated from the body, and warm blood sprayed all over the ground, but the man still kept laughing, and he didn’t know how he died.

“Who is it? Come out!”

The leader suddenly stood up and looked around the hall with vigilance. The others also looked around with panic in their eyes.

There was no sound except for their rapid breathing, and oh, there was also the sound of blood dripping on the ground.

“Pretend to be a ghost, come out for a duel if you dare!”

A Jiuyou killer at the peak of the life and death realm shouted hysterically.

“A duel?”

At this time, Gu Changsheng stepped out of the void and came to him. He looked at this ant who was only at the ninth level of the life and death realm and said, “I heard that you want to challenge me to a duel?”

“I…” The moment the man saw Gu Changsheng, he didn’t even have the courage to speak. How could he dare to challenge him alone.


Gu Changsheng scolded, and with a wave of his hand, he cut the man into pieces.

It wasn’t that Gu Changsheng didn’t want to crush them all at once, but that he wanted to vent their anger on Wang Jiu and the others.

Wang Jiu was a person who was afraid of pain to death. Before he was resurrected, his body was divided into six parts. His hands and feet were separated from the body, and even his head was separated from the body. His death was tragic. For a person who was afraid of pain, his body was divided into six parts. He said that this was even more terrifying than Ling Chi, because Wang Jiu was a cultivator of immortals, and even if he was cut into pieces by five horses, he would not die for a while. He was hurt to death.

The executioner was the one who wanted to challenge Gu Changsheng in a duel.

Gu Changsheng looked at the others, counted the number of people, and frowned slightly.

“Two people are missing!”

The remnants of Jiuyou couldn’t understand Gu Changsheng’s words, and the leader asked in a trembling voice: “Who are you? Do you know how powerful our Jiuyou is?”

After many investigations by them, he discovered No one seemed to know about the changes that had happened in Jiuyou, so seeing how strong Gu Changsheng was, he decisively moved out of Jiuyou, a mountain that once suppressed all races in the universe and could not breathe. Little did he know that the person in front of him who he wanted to intimidate was now He was the mastermind behind the annihilation of Jiuyou Sect.

“Threatening me?” Gu Changsheng smiled. This was the first time in so many years that he had been threatened.

“Your Excellency, I am just telling the truth. You must have heard about the strength of our Jiuyou with your strength. If you don’t want to be chased by me, Jiuyou, please leave. I will treat today’s matter as if nothing happened. See, what do you think?” The leader forced himself to talk to Gu Changsheng calmly.

“In that case…”

The leader’s face lit up, thinking that Gu Changsheng had agreed.

“In that case, there are still two people left, so I’ll choose you.” Gu Changsheng said.

“Sir, what do you mean?” The leader frowned, but the next moment, he felt a chill on his neck, and then he saw that his body was still standing, but he fell down.

“Did I lose my head?” This was his last thought.

“Leader!” The others exclaimed, trying to escape, but their bodies felt as if a huge weight had been placed on them, unable to move.

“Don’t worry, I’ll see you later.” With that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and the leader who had lost his head miraculously recovered. He looked at Gu Changsheng in shock, thinking that everything he had just experienced was an illusion.

“Two more times!” Gu Changsheng said.


But before he could react, he felt a pain in his heart. At some point, his chest was pierced by a dagger. The dagger looked very familiar. Wasn’t this the weapon he used to assassinate? How could it get stuck in my heart?

Once again, he died doubtful.

The next moment, he was resurrected.

“Stop, what do you want to do?” The leader is now afraid. He has died twice and no longer wants to feel the horror of death. It is a kind of darkness that completely plunges people into despair and helplessness. It was a feeling worse than death.

Gu Changsheng ignored it, raised a finger, and said: “The last time!”

After saying that, the leader’s body exploded and turned into countless minced meat. This kind of death is the most miserable death for a disciple of the Sword Sect. There is no body left, and the executioner is the leader of this monkey who calls himself the king.

The remnants of Jiuyou who were suppressed and sealed on the side finally understood what Gu Changsheng did. They were still confused before, but now they have determined that the death method of the leader and the first two people was due to their use of the Seven-Star Sword at the Chunyuan Tower in Jubei City. What the disciples of the sect did.

The person in front of me is the person who made the ten-year agreement, the peerless powerhouse behind the Seven Star Sword Sect!

They were desperate, and now they wanted to eat the flesh of the bullshit leader. All of this was his plan. If he hadn’t insisted on ransacking the Chunyuan Building in Jubeicheng, how could he have provoked this evil star?

“In order to make you understand, I will reluctantly tell you something. In fact, I destroyed the Jiuyou organization. You remnants can just hide it. I have no time to care about you, but you actually dare to If you attack my disciples and grandchildren, then I will have to put in some effort to kill you all!”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng returned the death methods of the disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect to these people one by one. Of course, the Pure Yuan Crystal and the Source Crystal All recycled.

After all, Gu Changsheng is a very protective person. Back then, he uprooted Jiuyou because a little assassin from Jiuyou wanted to assassinate Honghong. Now, the remnant of Jiuyou brutally killed his disciples and grandchildren. How could he endure it? ?

Not only the remnants of the Nine Netherworld in Beichen Star, but also the remnants of the Nine Netherworld in the entire world of mortals were killed by him at this moment.

On this day, violent deaths suddenly occurred in various places, which shocked all forces and even alarmed the Immortal Force. The Immortal Force reported it to the Holy Emperor Palace. At this time, the Holy Emperor Palace was all Hou Tu’s clones to handle affairs. They After learning about it, after a series of discussions, I finally thought it was done by a lazy and drunkard.

A certain avatar sent a message to Gu Changsheng and soon got the answer, so they announced to the world that these people were the remnants of the Jiuyou Killer Organization.

As soon as the news came out, countless people were shocked.

Jiuyou, turned out to be Jiuyou!

They couldn’t help but think of the building related to Jiuyou that fell in a lake in the Eastern Region. Now thinking about it, it must have been His Majesty the Holy Emperor who suppressed Jiuyou.

“No wonder there has been no news about Jiuyou in these years. It turned out that His Majesty the Holy Emperor took action to suppress them.” “His Majesty the Holy Emperor

really worked hard for our human race. He has been silently guarding our human race. He even destroyed Jiuyou. You, this killer organization, has not been made public. His Majesty the Holy Emperor is indeed a great virtuous person and does not care about reputation at all.” ”

Yes! It is a great blessing for our human race to have His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

All the major forces expressed their gratitude to the people of that year. After speculation about the matter, he developed an incomparable respect for Gu Changsheng. For a time, the power of faith in the Holy Emperor Palace increased to a higher level, which made the clones of Houtu quite depressed.

“How come this guy can gather so much faith by doing small things?”

“It’s just that, we work very hard here every day to help him handle affairs, but he doesn’t have any faith in us. Oops, he wants to go on strike! ”

“Go on strike? Are you willing to do it? I think you are the most diligent person. You can handle the workload of three people. If the lazy guy knew about it, he might even regard you as his true self.”

“I want to go drink.”

“I I want to go shopping.”

“When will I be released from seclusion? I want to go out and play!”

Several avatars were chirping, but they did not neglect their subordinates at all. With their realm and strength, they could multi-task long ago. .

After Gu Changsheng completely destroyed Jiuyou, he did not return to the Seven Star Sword Sect, but came to Zhongyuan City in the middle of Beichen Star.

Zhongyuan City is one of the four old powers in Beichen Star. It is a super big city, and the person who controls Zhongyuan City is the Huang family, a quasi-emperor family.

In the center of Zhongyuan City, the Huang family’s mansion is one palace after another. The level of luxury is not even worse than that of the Huanggu family. People who don’t know it think that the Huang family is the Huanggu family.

At this time, the Huang family fell into an atmosphere of panic. For a quasi-emperor family, they had only been so frightened by the incident nine years ago. When the Seven Star Sword Sect suddenly emerged, they joined forces with the Xueyun Tower to try to Chunyuanlou controlled the Seven-Star Sword Sect, but he did not expect that there was an unfathomable strong man standing behind the Seven-Star Sword Sect. From then on, their Huang family forever lost their ancestor who thought they were the pinnacle of a saint.

But this time, the Chunyuan Building in Jubei City was destroyed. After a thorough investigation, they discovered that this incident was related to them!

Now, they were panicked.

At this moment, Huang Zizai, the head of the Huang family, was pacing in the main hall. At this time, a stream of light entered the hall. Huang Zizai hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “How is the matter going?” ”

Father, don’t worry, the young master has been left in Beichen. Star.” The person who came was Huang Zizai’s confidant and the housekeeper of the Huang family.

“That’s good, that’s good!” Huang Zizai breathed a sigh of relief.

But Butler Huang said: “Master, actually you don’t have to be so anxious about this matter. The young master doesn’t know that those people will really dare to take action against Chunyuan Building in Jubei City.” ”

Humph, this traitor, knowing that now is a critical moment, he He even colluded with the Jiuyou killer. If that person finds out, our Huang family will be exterminated.” Huang Zizai snorted coldly.

“Master, please calm down. The young master did such a stupid thing because he cared too much about our family’s reputation. However, judging from the current situation, the Seven Star Sword Sect has not made any big moves yet and should not be able to discover this matter. “Butler Huang said.

“That’s the best.” Huang Zizai nodded.



the heaven and earth shook, and the entire Zhongyuan City was trembling violently.

“What’s going on?” Huang Zi looked shocked.

The next moment, Butler Huang screamed: “Ah! Master, look… look at the sky!”

Huang Zizai looked up at the sky and saw a towering palm slowly pressing down on the Huang family.

“Get up, get up quickly!”

Huang Zizai shouted loudly.

As Huang Zizai’s words fell, a powerful shield was built over the Huang family. However, the moment the big hand touched it, the shield was broken in an instant as if it were made of paper.

“How is that possible?” Huang Zizai was shocked. It was a quasi-emperor level defensive formation, and it was broken so easily.

“Please, ancestor, please hurry up!” The Huang family also has an ancestor who is at the peak of the Great Sage and two ancestors who are saint kings, but no matter how Huang Zizai shouts, the ancestor of the Huang family seems to have completely passed away. , no response.


At this time, something fell from the sky.

“Master, be careful!” Butler Huang quickly pulled Huang Zizai away.


Just like a ball dropped to the ground, a round object bounced on the ground a few times, and finally landed in front of Huang Zizai.

“This is… this is the young master!” The first person to react was Butler Huang. He looked at the round thing on the ground in horror. It was the head of the eldest young master of the Huang family. He clearly remembered that he had sent someone away in person not long ago. How could the person who boarded the Dharma Ark that left Beichen Star appear here?

“It’s over!”

Huang Zizai suddenly understood whose big hand in the sky belonged to him.

The master who made a ten-year agreement!

“You traitor! Our Huang family’s tens of thousands of years of inheritance have been destroyed by you!” Huang Zizai went crazy and kicked his son’s head away like a ball.


The big hand fell completely, and the Huang family that ruled Zhongyuan City was completely in ruins. All the people of the Huang family’s blood were dead.

“The Huang family colluded with the remnants of Jiuyou to murder Chun Yuan Tower in Jubei City, which violated the ten-year agreement I made. I will destroy them today. I hope others will reflect on it!”

Gu Changsheng’s words rang out from heaven to earth.

The dark commander who was far away from the Seven Star Sword Sect almost fell off his chair.

He thought things would not be bad before, but he did not expect that the Huang family, which was as famous as Tianjian Southern Dynasty, would be destroyed.


for a moment, Commander An didn’t know what to say.

The destruction of the Huang family, a quasi-emperor family, completely shocked the entire Beichen Star.

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