Then I have no choice but to ask my wife to help me

Emperor Hongxing, this is an ancient star at the ninth level of the Ancient Starry Sky Road, but this ancient star is one of the thousands of ancient stars on the Ancient Starry Sky Road. It can be considered a very special ancient star, because on this ancient star, there is a legend There is a legend that the legend of the Immortal Di Hong is passed down on the Emperor Hong Star. How can someone with the surname of Emperor be so simple?

After Li Beifei and the four left Yelan Star, they came to Emperor Hongxing by chance. Naturally, they also heard about this legend, but they didn’t pay much attention to it. Legends are legends after all, and most of them are exaggerations, which are often very different from reality. big.

There is also a legend of suppressing a peerless evil demon in the Demon Suppressing Land of Tianhuang Star. For countless years, no major disaster has occurred in the Demon Suppressing Land. Even the city lord of the Demon Suppressing City was only in the Void-Breaking Realm at the beginning. That’s it. If the legend is true, the land of suppressing demons has long been divided up by the major immortal forces. How can it be the turn of the Yin-Yang Sect to take over the demon city?

Li Beifei was not interested in the legend of Emperor Hongxing, but he was very interested in the Seven-Star Sword Sect far away in Beichen Star. He didn’t know that the old guy in his mouth had helped him reduce the difficulty in disguise, and now he only had to face There were only two quasi-emperor forces, Xuantian Sword Sect and Splitting Sky Sword Sect, but without knowing the truth, he was still worried about the future of Seven Star Sword Sect.

In Dihong City, the main city of Emperor Hongxing, Li Beifei and the others rented a secluded courtyard. In the yard, Liu Yanran was making tea for Li Beifei and Bai Yifei, while Liu Yuran obediently massaged Li Beifei’s shoulders. This scene Seeing this, Bai Yifei wished he could rush to the street to collect the two maids, but if Princess Tianyan found out about this, he would definitely have to give up the money and add turtle shells. Thinking of this, Bai Yifei thought it was better to forget it.

But his envy for Li Beifei could no longer be hidden.

“Brother Bai, there’s something I don’t know whether I should say or not.” Li Beifei’s eyes were confused and he subconsciously touched his nose, which was a small gesture that he felt was embarrassing.

When Bai Yifei heard this, he felt that Li Beifei was a bit inexplicable today. No, not just today, but ever since he met him at Ye Lanxing, he felt that he was a bit strange.

“Brother Li, tell me the truth? Have you been taken over by me?” Bai Yifei asked bravely.

Li Beifei rolled his eyes and said, “I said I was taken away by the Sword Emperor Li Beichen. Do you believe it?” “I

don’t believe it!” Bai Yifei shook his head decisively. This is the Li Xiong he knew. The little man’s posture just now was not Brother Li can do it.

“I’m not afraid to tell you that I am really the reincarnation of Li Beichen, otherwise why would I create the Seven Star Sword Sect!” Li Beifei said calmly.

“…” Bai Yifei.

“Brother Li, although there is only one name difference between you and Sword Emperor, there are countless people with the same name as Sword Emperor in the world. Aren’t they more like the reincarnation of Sword Emperor than you?” Bai Yifei complained about Li Beifei’s name. If you have the same name as Sword Emperor, The resemblance to the Sword Emperor is his reincarnation, so if I change my name to the same as the Changsheng Emperor, am I also his reincarnation?

“To be honest, forget it if you don’t believe it. But what I talked about today is indeed related to the Seven Star Sword Sect.” Li Beifei picked up a cup of hot tea, blew it on, and pretended to take a sip. In fact, he didn’t know how to taste tea. He usually drank it like a cow.

Bai Yifei took the tea that Liu Yanran poured for him, and after saying thank you, he said to Li Beifei: “By the way, I am still the guest elder of our Seven Star Sword Sect, but until now I don’t know what the Seven Star Sword Sect does. You might as well introduce it to me today.”

Li Beifei also concealed it. He said: “Actually, the establishment of the Seven Star Sword Sect was entirely due to a trial task given to me by my master…”

Li Beifei explained the establishment process of the Seven Star Sword Sect. As well as the problems he was facing now, he told Bai Yifei one by one. At first, Bai Yifei admired Li Beifei’s way of pretending to be a tiger and pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, but when he heard it, he felt something was wrong, especially after hearing about the ten-year appointment. The tea in his mouth spurted out, right into Li Beifei’s face.

“…” Li Beifei.

“Brother Bai, although this is a little unexpected, you won’t squirt in my face, right?” Li Beifei took Liu Yanran’s towel and wiped the water stains on his face with a depressed look on his face.

“Damn it, you actually have the nerve to say this is a small surprise? Those are the three major quasi-emperor forces, each of which is comparable to our Tianji Pavilion. Aren’t you pushing us into a pit of fire? You bastard Goods!” Bai Yifei said angrily.

Li Beifei touched his nose awkwardly.

Bai Yifei snorted coldly and said, “I’m just telling you why you’ve been acting weird lately. You don’t care if I look like you and punch you. It turns out you feel guilty!” ”

Hey, hey. , Don’t talk nonsense, do I, Li Beifei, look like the kind of person who likes to care about everything? My name is Dadu, do you understand Dadu?” Li Beifei is not happy, how come I have become a villain when it comes to you?

“Haha!” Bai Yifei chuckled. How could he not know what kind of person Li Beifei was? Although I am not a person with a small belly, I would not call him generous if I were to say that he is generous. I think he is quite decent.

When Li Beifei saw this, he immediately acted like a rogue and said, “I don’t care. Anyway, you have taken a lot of my nine-turn life-sustaining pills, and you have paid a hundred years in advance. Anyway, you have decided to board this pirate ship and want to get off it.” ? Okay, withdraw the elixir!”

Li Beifei stretched out his big hand and hooked his fingers, the meaning was obvious.

“No one is missing!” Li Beifei chuckled, his smile was so mean that even his two swordsmen turned their heads away from him, as they were afraid that the young master’s image would reflect back on him.

How could they not understand at this time that the young master was deceiving people from the beginning, but the young master must have his reasons for doing this, yes, that’s it.

The two women immediately came up with a reason for Li Beifei. Seeing the young master smiling like this is not so mean!

“If you don’t have any pills, you’ll lose your life!” Bai Yifei rolled his eyes and acted like a rogue.

To deal with rogues, you can only be more rogue than the other party.

“Why do I want your life? Hurry up and help me figure out how to survive this disaster. I don’t want the sect I spent countless efforts to build to disappear like this.” Li Beifei said.

Bai Yifei frowned slightly and said: “Senior, will you really be so cruel to watch the sect be destroyed?”

Li Beifei said seriously: “The old guy really can! It’s not like you have never seen me beaten to death by him in the academy. With that miserable look, I respect and love him so much that I am not willing to do anything cruel to him, and my disciples and disciples are even more cruel and cruel.”

When Bai Yifei heard this, he felt something was wrong. You respect and love your senior and you still call him an old guy? I think you are a bitch and deserve to be beaten.

“That’s not right. Senior was very kind to Miss Honghong.” Bai Yifei cited Honghong as an example.

When Li Beifei heard this, he couldn’t help but look at Bai Yifei with resentment, as if to say, why do you have the nerve to compare me with your senior sister?

“Anyway, the old guy will definitely not break the agreement he made. Otherwise, where would he put the face of a saint… a powerful person above the saint?” Li Beifei was secretly frightened and almost spilled the beans. This old guy is very He likes to hide his identity. If he spills the beans, countless slaps may come from the sky.

“What you said is not unreasonable. The strong keep their promises. But this matter is indeed a bit troublesome!” Bai Yifei’s eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

“A bit troublesome?” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up. “It’s a bit troublesome. That means the problem is not big and there is hope!”

“Don’t count on the old guys in my school. They always say that I am not motivated enough and wish that I was hunted down.” Bai Yifei touched his chin, as if he was thinking about something.

“What should we do?” Li Beifei frowned.

“If I have no choice, then I have no choice but to ask my wife to help me!” Bai Yifei said with a smile.

“Damn, I despise you!”

Li Beifei said with envy and hatred. He even called her a lady, so shameless!


Bai Yifei chuckled with a happy face.

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