: Immortal fluctuations

In the main palace of Dihong City, the gatekeeper Zhao Kai is currently receiving an honored guest.

This distinguished guest is from the Presbyterian Church, and in addition to the distinguished guest, there is also a strong female saint. With Zhao Kai’s experience and eyesight, he can tell at a glance that this female saint is not a human race, and she exudes a naturally cold aura. , if he guessed correctly, it should be a snake-like demon clan.

As for the distinguished guest from the Presbyterian Church, he didn’t recognize him, but he looked like an old man, and the vicissitudes in his eyes seemed to have been lived for countless years. Zhao Kai’s intuition told him that he was a strong man who surpassed a saint. , at least a quasi-emperor.

Thinking of this, Zhao Kai respectfully led the two people into the hall and asked the old man to sit on the upper seat, while he stood respectfully aside.

The old man is naturally the Old Supreme, and the one beside him is She Ji, the princess of the Snake Tribe.

The reform of the Starry Sky Ancient Road has been going on for a year, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. However, because Gu Changsheng has just released the restriction, the races trapped on the ancient stars have not given birth to many saints, so most of the ancient stars are still controlled by the human race. Gatekeeper.

Snake Ji was assigned to Emperor Hongxing by the Council of Elders, and now she came to Emperor Hongxing just to take over Zhao Kai’s position and become the new gatekeeper of Emperor Hongxing.

However, when the Old Supreme heard about Emperor Hongxing, he wanted to come with him. Those in the Presbyterian Church naturally did not dare not listen. The Old Supreme was a genuine and powerful immortal, so he was naturally highly respected.


“Junior Zhao Kai, senior can call me junior Xiao Zhao!” Zhao Kaixin understood and immediately introduced himself.

The Old Supreme nodded and said: “You must have been notified about the reform of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, right?”

Zhao Kai nodded and said, “This junior knows!”

The Old Supreme nodded, looked at Snake Fairy beside him, and said: ” Her name is Snake Ji, from the Snake Tribe. She will succeed you as the new gatekeeper. After you return to Ancient Dao Star to receive the reward, you can return to your family.”

Zhao Kai was overjoyed when he heard this, but he hesitated. Asked: “Senior, I wonder what the term for receiving a reward is?”

When he was a gatekeeper before, there was no such thing as receiving a reward. In other words, by becoming a gatekeeper, his family will receive the blessing of the Presbyterian Council and various Such support is the greatest reward. Now he has to go back to the Ancient Dao Star to receive the reward. He really doesn’t know.

“This is a decision made by His Majesty the Holy Emperor out of sympathy for you. Each person will receive different rewards according to the number of years he has been a gatekeeper. You have been a gatekeeper for more than two thousand years, and you should be able to receive three nine-turn life-extending coins. Dan.” Old Supreme said.

“Three Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills?” Zhao Kai’s eyes widened. To him, the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills were no less than the elixir of immortality. They were pills that could directly extend life spans for thousands of years. They were real life-sustaining pills. The life-giving medicine, and there were three of it, was like a bolt from the blue to him.

“Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor!” Zhao Kai expressed his gratitude to the mysterious Gu Changsheng.

“His Majesty the Holy Emperor said, this is what you deserve, no need to thank you.” The old Supreme said.

“Yes!” Zhao Kai responded respectfully, but his respect and admiration for Gu Changsheng in his heart was even higher.

Feeling the emotional changes in Zhao Kai’s heart, the Old Supreme couldn’t help but sigh at His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s methods of control. He could only say that he was worthy of being respected by all races.

“Xiao Zhao, how much do you know about the inheritance of Immortal Dihong?” Suddenly, the old supreme asked.

“The legend of Immortal Dihong?”

Zhao Kai was startled. He is a third-level monk in the Holy King Realm. He has been stationed in Emperor Hongxing for more than two thousand years. He has naturally heard a lot about the legends passed down by Immortal Dihong. He He had also explored Emperor Hongxing, but even though he searched the entire Emperor Hongxing, he could not find any clues about Immortal Emperor Hongxing, so he personally believed that this was just a rootless legend.

But since the senior asked, he naturally answered truthfully.

“This junior has heard of this legend. I searched all over Emperor Hongxing but couldn’t find any clues about the legend, so I think this is just a false legend.” Zhao Kai said.

“False legend?” The Old Supreme shook his head, disapproving of Zhao Kai’s words, but he was also sure that Zhao Kai didn’t know much about Di Hong, and he would have to find the rest by himself.

“Okay, I have already conveyed what needs to be conveyed, and the remaining matters to be handed over will be left to you.” After saying that, the old supreme figure flashed and disappeared.

“Senior is indeed a powerful quasi-emperor, he is so elusive.” Zhao Kai sighed.

“Quasi-Emperor?” She Ji showed a strange smile on her face.

“Fellow Daoist She Ji, did I say something wrong?” Zhao Kai asked.

She Ji nodded and said: “The old man is not a quasi-emperor. Not long ago, he was a supreme powerhouse, and now he has surpassed the supreme.”

“Beyond the supreme? Doesn’t that mean he has become an immortal?”

came the message from the City Lord’s Mansion. Zhao Kai exclaimed.

After leaving the city lord’s palace, the old supreme came to the outer starry sky. He looked down at the Emperor Hongxing. The super powerful spiritual consciousness belonging to the Immortal True Immortal overwhelmingly covered the Emperor Hongxing. He carefully explored the Emperor Hongxing. .

As someone who has experienced the era of destruction, he naturally knows that Di Hong is not just a legend, but that there really is such an immortal.

This immortal had already become a legend before he embarked on the path of cultivation.

In fact, Di Hong is not named Emperor as the world says, but is called Di Hong. In his impression, Di Hong has a close relationship with the Hongchen Emperor. It is said that the two are sworn brothers. This does not matter to him. Know if it’s true.

But there was a legend about the inheritance of the Di Hong family in Di Hongxing. He believed that it was true, but the inheritance was hidden too deeply, so no one discovered it.

His Majesty the Holy Emperor may have discovered it, but with His Majesty’s strength, he probably doesn’t care much about the inheritance of the Dihong clan.


The old supreme expression paused. He felt that the space-time node in a certain direction of Emperor Hongxing exuded a unique fluctuation. This kind of fluctuation could not be felt by even the supreme one. Only he, who is also an immortal, could Can feel slight fluctuations.

This kind of fluctuation belongs specifically to immortals. Immortals and the Holy Spirit below immortals are creatures of two different dimensions. No matter how strong the supreme realm is, it will be bound by heaven and earth. His lifespan is limited. Now that he has become a true immortal, he can also I dare not say that I can beat His Majesty the Holy Emperor who just became the emperor, but His Majesty the Holy Emperor also relied on the Qinglong elixir to live in the second life, because His Majesty the Holy Emperor only had incredible combat power, but his life essence was still in the “human” state. category.

The old Supreme gathered his thoughts and headed towards the space fluctuations he sensed.

At this time, Li Beifei and Bai Yifei had almost reached the teleportation altar of Emperor Hongxing. They wanted to rush to the next level, so that they would have a chance to meet the Sky Eye Princess.

When Bai Yifei said he wanted to ask Princess Tianyan for help, he wasn’t just talking about it, he actually took action.

As for Li Beifei’s contemptuous look, he thought it was all the negative emotions caused by Li Beifei’s envy, jealousy and hatred.

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