The Tomb of Emperor Hong’s Family

“I found it. I didn’t expect that the entrance coincided with the ancient starry sky path set up by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. No wonder others couldn’t find it.” The old Supreme looked at the top of the five-color altar. That special wave was emitted there. It happened to be It coincides with the entrance of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

“I don’t know whether His Majesty the Holy Emperor did it intentionally or not!” the Old Supreme murmured. The entrance coincided with the ancient Starry Sky Road. Unless someone wanted to blaspheme His Majesty the Holy Emperor, who would have thought that the entrance was directly above the Teleportation Altar?

The old Supreme looked at it, formed a magic formula with both hands, and then fired a burst of energy. The energy suddenly disappeared without a trace above the teleportation altar, as if it had been swallowed by something.


The space where the energy disappeared suddenly collapsed, revealing a tall portal made of bluestones with five large characters engraved on it using ancient writing.

The tomb of Emperor Hong’s family!

As a person of that era, Old Supreme naturally knew these five characters.

“The tomb of Di Hong’s family! It’s really Di Hong’s family. I didn’t expect that this is his tomb.”

The old supreme expression couldn’t help but become extremely solemn. If this is the tomb of Di Hong’s family, it also means that the tomb of Di Hong’s family is here. He had transformed into a Tao before the great destruction of the world of mortals, otherwise there would be no tombs left. And the reason why his expression became extremely solemn was not because of how terrifying the tomb he lifted was, but because even powerful immortals like Di Hong would fall, and he was still feeling proud of becoming an immortal before.

Even immortals can die!

This is the deepest experience that the Old Supreme has at this time.

But a bigger doubt arose in the old Supreme’s heart, that is, why did Emperor Hong’s family fall, and who built his tomb for him. As a person who came from that era, he was extremely curious about all of this.

With curiosity in his heart, the old Supreme pushed open the bluestone door and walked in.

“Brother Bai, do you really don’t need to rest more? In fact, there is no need to be in such a hurry.” Just

after the old supreme entered the tomb of Emperor Hong’s family, Li Beifei and others also came to the teleportation altar. Of course, it was Li Beifei who spoke. . Li Beifei still felt very guilty for Bai Yifei’s almost death.

“Young Master, Young Master!”

Liu Yuran screamed at this time, pointing to the bluestone portal in the sky.

“I’m not deaf, why are you so loud? Is there a pie falling from the sky… Damn it!”

Li Beifei also thought Liu Yuran’s voice was too loud, but when he saw the bluestone portal in the sky, his own voice was even louder than Liu Yuran’s. Yuran is several octaves higher.

“Is the ancient starry sky road from the ninth level to the tenth level different from the previous ones?” Bai Yifei also looked at the bluestone portal in the sky in surprise, thinking that this was the passage of the ancient starry sky road.

“Sir, look, there are a few characters on the gate. They don’t look like the characters of our era.” Liu Yanran was very attentive. When everyone else was attracted by the bluestone portal, she was the only one who was observing the bluestone portal and noticed the words on it. Character.

“Although the fourth character is written differently than now, it looks like the character ‘zig’.” Bai Yifei can be said to be the most knowledgeable person present. He has grown up in Tianji Pavilion since he was a child, and his knowledge is naturally not comparable to that of Li Beifei. .

If we really talk about knowledge, Li Beifei can only rank last among the four. After all, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran were also trained and raised by Baihelou. In order to train them into qualified followers, Baihelou mastered all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. He must be proficient, unlike Li Beifei who has been alone since he was a child. After meeting Gu Changsheng, he was also taken care of by Gu Changsheng. Gu Changsheng had no interest in teaching him literary and artistic things such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Li Beifei looked at the five big characters on the bluestone portal, as if he were reading a book from heaven. Anyway, he didn’t recognize any of them, but don’t forget, he had his sixth son.

“Lao Liu, do you recognize the words above?” Li Beifei asked in his heart.

“The tomb of Emperor Hong’s family!” Lao Liuyan said concisely and comprehensively.

“The tomb of Di Hong? Isn’t the inheritance of Immortal Di Hong in it?” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up. How rich is the inheritance of an immortal. He has received the inheritance of Tianjian Immortal, and he knows the inheritance of immortals. The collection was so rich, but it was a pity that he didn’t get anything except ancient books on swordsmanship, and the old guy took them all away.

The euphemistic name was to keep it for him, but how could Li Beifei believe the old guy’s words? He cheated him out of hundreds of mid-grade source crystals but didn’t return them. Those treasures must have been beaten by meat buns…


Li Beifei suddenly cried out in pain. , attracted the attention of the three people.

“Master, are you okay?” Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran asked in unison.

Li Beifei shook his head, then slapped himself in the face and said, “Master, please stop thinking nonsense.” “Brother Li

, what are you doing?” Bai Yifei wondered, this scene is so familiar. , Li Beifei slapped himself twice during the party at Parkway Building and said similar words.

Could it be that Brother Li really respected and loved Senior Gu? Did you act mean in front of Senior Gu before to attract Senior Gu’s attention?

After thinking about it, Bai Yifei couldn’t help but admire Li Beifei. He would rather be beaten to attract Senior Gu’s attention. Brother Li had so much respect and love for Senior Gu in his heart!

“Brother Li, I’m sorry, I was wrong before!” Bai Yifei said seriously to Li Beifei.

“Ah?” Li Beifei was confused now.

“It’s okay, it’s all an accident.” Li Beifei waved his hands. He thought he was apologizing to Bai Yifei because he punched him before.

“Brother Li is so generous. I didn’t expect you to respect and love Senior Gu so much. It’s because I judge a gentleman with a villain’s heart.” Bai Yifei was greatly moved.

“What the hell?” Li Beifei wondered again, why can’t I understand you?

“Master, Master, the door is closing!”

Before Li Beifei could ask what Bai Yifei meant, Liu Yuran on the side became anxious.

Everyone looked up and saw that the bluestone door was slowly closing, fearing that it would close completely in just a few breaths.

“Let’s go!” Li Beifei was startled, and without saying a word, he rushed forward with two sisters, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran.

“Brother Bai, keep up, this is a huge opportunity.” Li Beifei reminded loudly.

Bai Yifei was startled, and without saying a word, he turned into a divine rainbow and flew towards the bluestone portal.


Just as they entered completely, the bluestone portal was completely closed. After closing, the bluestone portal gave off a faint light, and then completely disappeared into the air.

Just after they entered, Gu Changsheng walked out of the void.

“You brat, remember to eat and not to fight. How dare you program yourself as a teacher like this in your heart? I will beat you to death next time.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng glanced at the disappearing bluestone portal. It coincided with the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Of course it was him. Deliberately, if a suitable breaker appears, then the Bluestone Portal will appear, bring him in, and obtain the inheritance of the Dihong clan, but he never expected that the Starry Sky Ancient Road plus this opening would also be opened eleven times. Well, there are so many geniuses, but no one has been selected.

This reminded Gu Changsheng of what the subject teacher often said to them when they were in school.

“Your class is the worst class I have ever led.”

Gu Changsheng shook his head helplessly. He put the opportunity here, and there was nothing he could do if no one could find out.

“Huh? Looking for death!”

Suddenly, Gu Changsheng’s face darkened, his figure flashed, and he left the world of mortals.

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