Do you understand how to cultivate? (2-in-1)

At this moment, only half of the world is left in Yuanyang Realm, and the rest has turned into pieces and pieces floating in the chaos. There are still some creatures on it. They are wailing and shouting in despair. , shouting the name of the savior who had saved their world not long ago.

Empress Houtu!

But Hou Tu had already entered deep seclusion and was unable to respond to their prayers and cries.

The remaining creatures are not safe either. Each of their bodies is as if poison has entered their bodies. Everyone has sores and pus on their faces. Some even turned into ashes in the frightened and helpless eyes of others. He died in a pool of blood, even his soul disappeared, and the chance to enter reincarnation was gone.

“Help, please help me. I feel so much pain. Dad, Mom, where are you? I feel so much pain, wuwu!”

On a fragment of the world, among the ruins, a little boy of only five or six years old appeared. The girl’s legs were pressed down, and her body was covered with dust and blood. Her face, which should have been delicate, was now covered with green sores, which was daunting.

The entire Yuanyang Realm has been exposed to severe poison.

In the void of chaos, five battleships still appeared. The appearance of the battleships was exactly the same as the battleships of the previous world predators.

“Hahaha, the world is collapsing, and the creatures are making desperate sounds. It is indeed the most beautiful music in the world.”

In the battleship, a strong man listened to the desperate wailing of countless creatures, as if he had heard the most beautiful music in the world, with a smile on his face. Full of joy.

This person’s name is Venerable Duyun, and he is a genuine and powerful immortal. He is the culprit of the tragedy in Yuanyang Realm.

“Look, that human child, I painted her face with exquisite poisonous makeup, and she is screaming in shock because of the makeup I painted on her!” Venerable

Poisonous Cloud motioned for others to look at the person who was pressed in the ruins. The joy on Venerable Duyun’s face became even stronger when he saw the malignant sores on the little girl’s face and the helpless despair deep in his eyes.

“Venerable Duyun, there is someone!”

Just as Duyun was squatting with his eyes closed and enjoying the desperate music, an Immortal King next to him reminded him.

“Human? Where is he?” Venerable Duyun looked in the direction pointed by the Immortal King, and saw a man in green appearing in front of the little girl who was crushed in the ruins.

“Venerable Duyun, do you want to take action?” said the Immortal King.

Venerable Duyun waved his hand and said: “He is actually able to ignore my poison. He should be the mysterious strong man who saved Yuanyang Realm. If we take action, it will be like seeking death. Go and ask for help.” …


Changsheng is here . Arriving at the ruins, he gently helped the little girl lift the building that was holding her down, and then gently picked her up, not caring about the blood, dirt and sores all over her body.

The little girl didn’t know why the moment Gu Changsheng appeared. She felt no pain in her body and no itching on her face. She didn’t resist being picked up by Gu Changsheng. She felt a strange sense of security from Gu Changsheng. This sense of security is something I have never experienced even with my parents.

“Uncle, are you sent by Empress Houtu to save us?” the little girl asked. Houtu’s rescue of Yuanyang Realm had already spread throughout the Yuanyang Realm, and the name of Empress Houtu had also spread throughout Yuanyang Realm. Yang world.

Gu Changsheng shook his head, but nodded again and said, “Our empress is busy now, so I’m here.” After

saying that, Gu Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved it gently, and the little girl felt warm all over her body. , she found that her unconscious legs had returned to their original state. She touched her face and it was as smooth and tender as before.

“Thank you, uncle fairy!” The little girl finally showed a smile on her face.

“Want to beat up bad guys?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Think!” The little girl’s tone was so decisive that Gu Changsheng was surprised. But when Gu Changsheng saw the surrounding environment, he was relieved. The little girl is less than six years old, but she has witnessed the destruction of the world with her own eyes. , the death of a loved one, at this moment, she was no longer a little girl, but an avenger.

“Then uncle will take you to fight the bad guys, and you will take action later, okay?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Okay!” The little girl was still so decisive and didn’t consider anything else at all.

When Gu Changsheng saw this, he chuckled, his figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared in a battleship.

“When you see someone later, punch him, got it?” Gu Changsheng said.

“I know.” The little girl said.

“Very good!”

Gu Changsheng put her on his shoulders and walked slowly inside the battleship.

Soon, they met the first person, which was an Immortal King. Before he could react, the little girl raised her pink fist at her and fired out a burst of energy. Then the Immortal King was beaten. exploded.

“Well done!” Gu Changsheng praised him and continued walking into the battleship.

Soon, everyone in the battleship was beaten to death by the little girl.

Then came the second, third, and fourth warships. It was not until the fifth warship that Gu Changsheng and his two men were discovered.

A black shadow stood in front of Venerable Duyun and others. He looked at Gu Changsheng and said, “Who are you? Why do you want to fight against us?”

Gu Changsheng also looked at him. Just as he was about to speak, the little girl on his shoulder He raised his fist and pointed it at the black shadow.


The black shadow exploded into pieces.

“Sir!” Venerable Duyun and others exclaimed, and then a look of horror appeared on their faces. Although the black shadow just now was just a flash of your spiritual thoughts, it was also the spiritual thoughts of a strong man in the Breaking Dao Realm. It was enough to crush a strong man below the Immortal Emperor, but now he was beaten to death by a little girl?

Wait, why does this little girl look so familiar? Isn’t this the human girl who was in the ruins just now? How could she be so strong? If you are so strong, why did you get poisoned by me before?

Venerable Duyun discovered the little girl on Gu Changsheng’s shoulder and confirmed that this was the girl under the ruins.

But this discovery made him feel scared. He didn’t believe that the girl was so strong, so all the reasons were on this man.

The little girl seemed to have noticed that Uncle Immortal seemed to have something to say, and she quickly said: “I’m sorry, Uncle Immortal, I just acted out of habit.”

Gu Changsheng shook his head and said, “It’s okay, I just hit a big moth. The next step is up to you.”

“Yeah!” The little girl nodded, and then under the doubtful eyes of Venerable Duyun, the little girl waved her fists alternately, and all she heard was “bang” and “bang” The sound rang out, and the people present continued to explode, frightening Venerable Duyun.

“I surrender, don’t kill me!” Venerable Duyun knelt down.

But the little girl did not stop, but gave him the last punch.


With the death of Venerable Poison Cloud, the team of the World Predator Organization and the divine thoughts of the Chaos Gods and Demons were completely revealed here.

But the little girl was not happy because her revenge was successful. Instead, her face was full of sadness.

“Don’t be sad. Uncle Immortal will create a spell for you.” Gu Changsheng placed the little girl on the deck. Under the little girl’s puzzled eyes, he waved his hand, and the Yuanyang Realm that had been broken into countless pieces instantly recovered. People were also resurrected.

“It’s so magical!” The little girl was delighted, and then she saw that her parents were also resurrected.

“Thank you, Uncle Immortal… Hey, where is he!”

Just when the little girl was about to thank Gu Changsheng, she found that Gu Changsheng was missing.

“Yuhan, Yuhan!”

At this moment, the little girl heard her parents calling her, and she didn’t know when she returned to her parents.

“Dad, Mom!” The little girl ran over and jumped into their arms.

“Yuhan, just hope you’re okay. You scared your parents to death. Where did you run? Your father and I have been looking for you for several hours.” asked the little girl’s mother.

“Mom, don’t you remember?” The little girl looked confused.

“Remember what? You little girl, don’t run around next time. Do you know how anxious your mother and I are?” the little girl’s father blamed him distressedly.

“I’m fine. It was the fairy uncle who saved me. I went to fight the bad guys with the fairy uncle.” The little girl smiled.

“Uncle Fairy? What are you talking about? Forget it, go back quickly. The family’s awakening ceremony is about to begin. I hope Yuhan can awaken our family’s bloodline. In that case, you don’t have to work so hard like your mother and I.”

With that said, the little girl’s father picked up the little girl and ran towards his family with his wife.

In the void, Gu Changsheng looked at the happy smile on the little girl’s face, and said with a smile: “Just because you said “uncle fairy”, I won’t erase your memory. I hope to hear your name in the world in the future. .”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng left.

In the Zulong Hall, Zulong and Hun Kun, old enemies, were playing chess. Beside them, there was a middle-aged man wearing a Yin-Yang Taoist robe standing respectfully.

“Taixu, hurry up and pour me a cup of tea, uncle.” Zulong said to Taixu Immortal Lord.

“Pah!” After Hunkun laid a seed, he said: “Go and pour a cup of good tea for your uncle Zulong.” ”

Pah!” Zulong also laid down a seed and said: ” The fart is Master Zulong, what kind of uncle, don’t teach the children bad things.”

“Uncle is just uncle, it doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it.” Hun Kun said.

“Damn it, grandma, I’m a little older than you, so I should be called uncle.” Zu Long scolded.

“Damn it, who told you that you are older than me? I also said that I was conceived by Chaos before you, you stinky and shameless old loach.” Hun Kun is not used to Zulong.

“You big old bird, how dare you call me a loach? If you don’t accept it, let’s go out and practice. Whoever wins will be older.” Zulong became angry. Since he got the Hongmeng Purple Qi, his strength has taken another step forward. , just looking for a chance to suppress Hun Kun.

“Okay, who is afraid of whom? Do you think you are the only one who has improved your strength?” Hun Kun said disdainfully.


“Let’s go!”

Taixu Immortal Lord looked helplessly at his master and Uncle Zulong or Uncle Zulong. He wanted to persuade them not to be impulsive and said: “Master, master…” ”

Well ?”

Hun Kun and Zu Long looked at him at the same time.

Hun Kun said: “Call him uncle!”

Zu Long said: “Call me uncle!”

“I…” Taixu Immortal Lord was about to cry without tears, as if he had two bayonets on his neck. It feels like if the neck is tilted to either side, the ball must be completed.

“You are very leisurely!”

At this time, a voice broke the deadlock.

As the words fell, Gu Changsheng, wearing a blue robe, walked out.

“Boss!” Zulong and Hunkun immediately gave up the chess game and stood up to greet Gu Changsheng.

“I have met His Majesty the Holy Emperor!” Taixu Immortal Lord bowed and saluted with an extremely sincere attitude. Ever since he became a disciple of Hun Kun, Hun Kun gave him a brief introduction to Gu Changsheng’s identity and strength. After learning that Gu Changsheng’s strength had surpassed his master by many, Taixu Immortal Lord didn’t know why, but he felt a kind of feeling in his heart. It was such an honor to die once and be resurrected in the hands of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. At least this kind of treatment was something his master could not get.

Gu Changsheng nodded to Taixu Immortal Lord. He was deeply impressed by Taixu Immortal Lord. After all, the world where his wife lived was the Taixu Realm ruled by Taixu Immortal Lord.

“Boss, you’re here just in time. I developed the Kunpeng Feast not long ago, so I can give you a try.” Zulong said hehely, while Hun Kun on the side looked at him with wide eyes.

Naturally, Hun Kun was not to be outdone, and said: “Boss, I have also developed a stir-fried dragon tendon, but it only requires the dragon tendon of a real dragon, but in all the worlds, there is only one true dragon left, the ancestral dragon. What a pity. ”

Hey, you actually want to slap my dragon’s tendon, so cruel! ” Zulong cursed inwardly.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand and said, “I’m not here for food, but I have something to tell you.”

“Boss, please tell me!”

Zu Long said seriously.

“Have you heard of the World Predators Organization?” Gu Changsheng said.

“Of course I’ve heard of it!” Hun Kun and Zu Long nodded. Not to mention them, even Taixu Immortal Lord had heard of it.

“Okay, I’ll give you a mission to kill a few of the people behind them. I also want a change.” Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“Boss, have they offended you?” Zu Long asked.

“It’s not like she offended me. It’s just that Hou Tu wants to unify all heavens and all realms. Yuanyang Realm has been conquered by her. But just now, Yuanyang Realm was destroyed by them. If I hadn’t sensed it, then Yuanyang Realm would have been destroyed by them.” The world is really gone.”

Gu Changsheng briefly explained what happened to the Yuanyang world.

“I see, I understand.” Zu Long nodded.

“But boss, the people behind the World Predator Organization are just like me and Big Old Bird, they are all Chaos Gods and Demons. Although the two of us have made breakthroughs in strength recently, we still can’t kill them all in one fell swoop.”

Hun Kun said.

“Are you stupid? Didn’t you hear what the boss told us just now? The boss just asked us to kill a few, not to catch them all in one fell swoop. To catch them all would have to be handed over to fellow Taoist Hou Tu, and we were just a wave of charging soldiers. ”

Before Gu Changsheng could say anything, Zulong took the opportunity to mock Hun Kun.

“Anyway, I’ll leave the matter to you two. Otherwise, how can this be okay if you are more leisurely than me?” Gu Changsheng left after saying this.

After Gu Changsheng left, Hun Kun said: “By the way, with the boss’s strength, he can easily destroy them, why do you still want to ask us to take action?” ”

Huh, you don’t understand this, right? The World Predator Organization is unified The biggest obstacle in all the worlds, if the boss destroys them, who will be the opponent for fellow Taoist Hou Tu?” Zu Long said inscrutably.

“Wouldn’t it be better to have no opponent?” Hun Kun frowned.

“Do you understand how to cultivate?”


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