I’m not polite to you anymore.

Di Hong had already made up his mind at this time, but he still wanted to see if Li Beifei could become a qualified preacher and had to test his quality.

Di Hongshi suddenly remembered that there was not a suitable evangelist beside him? Why bother to find someone else?

“Fellow Taoist, how about I leave my martial arts to you and you help me choose a suitable successor?” Di Hong looked at Gu Changsheng expectantly.

Gu Changsheng glanced at him, chuckled, and said, “No time!”

“Yes, it was me who was abrupt.” Di Hong nodded. With Gu Changsheng’s unpredictable cultivation, he naturally had to focus on his pursuit. At a higher level, there is no time to help him find a successor. He really thinks too much.

“I’m busy making wine every day, so how can I find time to find a successor for you?” Gu Changsheng said bluntly.

Di Hong’s shadow staggered and almost died. He stabilized his figure and asked: “Fellow Taoist, are you exploring the cultivation system of wine?” It’s not surprising that

Di Hong thought so, he was really very good. It’s hard to imagine that Gu Changsheng just wanted to brew some ordinary mortal wine.

“Exploring a new cultivation system? Is there something wrong with you or me? How could I do such a troublesome thing? I just want to make some wine to drink myself. Otherwise, I would always have to drink. With such a noble status like me It would be very troublesome if someone is recognized!”

As Gu Changsheng said this, he took out a wine flask that had been with him for who knows how many years and started drinking.

Although Di Hong was just a memory, he could still see that the wine Gu Changsheng drank had no spiritual energy at all, it was just ordinary wine that couldn’t be more ordinary.

The corner of his mouth twitched, but in the end he thought it would be better to observe Li Beifei’s performance. At least Li Beifei could bring him some hope.

Li Beifei walked along the deep bluestone passage to the depths of the tomb. Before he passed the stone wall inlaid with the source of immortality, Li Beifei couldn’t help but think of the scene where he fought hard with his sword. Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise he would definitely have to Got laughed at.

“The setting of leaving separately is quite humane!” Li Beifei was not used to the time when Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran were not with him, but when he thought that no one saw his silly scene just now, they were not around. Good thing.

The tall and glorious image of the young master cannot be destroyed!

Li Beifei couldn’t help but speed up, and was gradually running at full speed.

During the high-speed movement, the scenery on both sides of the person seemed to be retreating at an extremely fast speed, so that he did not have to see the fairy source embedded in the stone wall.

What a simple and unpretentious method, I had never thought of it before.

Just when Li Beifei was thinking wildly, a bright light appeared in front of him.


Li Beifei stopped suddenly and found that he had arrived at the auditorium of a huge arena, and the bluestone passage he was walking on seemed to be the entrance passage to the arena.

Li Beifei jumped towards the arena and landed firmly behind it. He found that the arena was also made entirely of bluestone. How much did Emperor Hong love bluestone?

“It’s strange, why is there a gladiatorial arena in a tomb? Do you want the people who come in to perform?” Li Beifei looked thoughtful.

“Welcome, trespasser!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, startling Li Beifei.

“Who? Is it a human or a ghost? Come out, I can tell you, I am not even afraid of Gu Changsheng, you can’t scare me.”

Li Beifei looked around nervously, Tianshu Sword and Tianxuan Sword It had been unsheathed, and even the long-lost Seven-Star Sword Box was carried on his back, as if to embolden him.

“…” Di Hong’s family.

“Fellow Taoist? You, my disciple, are not afraid of you but were frightened like this by my voice. Is that really okay?” Di Hong looked at the nervous Li Beifei speechlessly.

“Traitor!” Gu Chang was so angry that he was so embarrassed. He was so embarrassed that he was afraid of ghosts.

When Li Beifei saw that the voice didn’t appear again for a long time, he felt even more nervous.

Damn, this is the tomb of an immortal. There won’t be a corpse transformation, right? Damn it, if an immortal turns into a corpse, that would be a big disaster, and the old guy has to come to suppress it.

“Don’t be nervous. I’m not a ghost, and I haven’t transformed into a corpse. I am the owner of this tomb, Di Hong.”

Di Hong’s voice sounded.

“Di Hong’s family?” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up and he immediately said, “Are you here to give me your inheritance? Come on, I’m ready.” ”

…” Di Hong’s family.

“The rebels are stubborn, fellow Taoists, please bear with me.” Gu Changsheng resisted the urge to go out and beat Li Beifei. It was embarrassing, so embarrassing.

“If you want my inheritance, you must pass my test.” Di Hong said.

“Whatever test, just come!” Li Beifei said with great confidence. What test can stop him, Bai Yifei? He is a man who is not even afraid of Gu Changsheng.

“The test is very simple, that is to kill the people who came in with you. As long as you kill them, you can obtain a legacy comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor.” After

Di Hong finished speaking, Bai Yifei, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran Appearing in front of Li Beifei, they were already lying peacefully on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

“How?” Di Hong asked again.

Li Beifei’s expression changed after hearing Di Hong’s words. When he saw Bai Yifei and the three of them lying on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead, his expression turned completely gloomy.

Li Beifei’s face was sullen. He looked up around him. The bluestone wall inlaid with fairy sources emitted a faint light. In this tomb, it looked a bit eerie. But Li Beifei was not afraid of any ghosts now. He was completely filled with anger. Filled.

Li Beifei hurriedly walked to the three of them. After checking, he found that although there was still life in them, they could not be woken up no matter how much he screamed.

Suddenly, Li Beifei stood up, with Tianshu Sword in his left hand and Tianxuan Sword in his right hand. The two swords pointed at the sky, as if pointing at the Dihong family. He said angrily: “I’ll go to your uncle’s Dihong family. You What did you do to them? Damn it, if they do anything wrong, I won’t dig up your body, crush your bones and spread the ashes.” ”

Be brave, I will give you the opportunity to inherit my supreme orthodoxy, forget it if you don’t cherish it, you are Huangkou kid actually spoke wildly and dared to make me crumble, who gave you the courage?” Di Hong’s angry voice sounded.

“Bullshit supreme orthodoxy, who cares about your inheritance? Wake up my friend quickly, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.” Li Beifei held two swords and threatened an immortal. Even though this immortal has passed away for countless years, he still It’s not something that a little guy at the ninth level of Nirvana can match.

Emperor Hong seemed to laugh angrily at his remarks. He said, “I will give you one last chance. Kill them, and you will inherit my inheritance that is comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor.”

Li Beifei’s face became even more gloomy when he heard this. , he said sternly: “Although I, Li Beifei, am not a good person, I cannot betray my relatives and friends for profit. I will also give you one last chance to wake them up, otherwise I will be really rude.” ”

Hmph. ! Shameless, I want to see how you, a mere little ant in the Nirvana realm, can be rude to me.” Di Hong laughed angrily, although this was just a test for Li Beifei, and he had been dead for countless years. , but his majestic martial ancestor Di Hong was threatened by a young boy with a sword. If he told it, he would definitely be laughed out of his mouth.

If nothing else, Daoyou Gu on the side was suppressing a smile.

“Fellow Taoist, you disciple, are you too high-spirited?” Di Hong was speechless and helpless. He originally wanted to simply test Li Beifei’s character, but he didn’t expect that Li Beifei would stun Bai Yifei and the three of them because of him. As for confronting him directly, even if he was just a memory of Di Hong’s true identity, Li Beifei was not something Li Beifei could contend with. Where did Li Beifei find the courage to be rude to him?

However, he has clearly seen Li Beifei’s character. He is a little greedy for money. Sometimes he is careless and feels stupid, but he is sincere to the people around him. No matter how strong the enemy is, he will still fight. , rather than accepting fate.

Isn’t this the best seedling to practice martial arts? What a pity, why are you so obsessed with kendo!

“I really give you another chance to wake them up quickly, otherwise I will be really rude.” Li Beifei emphasized again.

Di Hong really smiled now, and said, “You’re welcome? Then you’re welcome to show me one.”

Hearing this, Li Beifei’s eyes flashed with a ruthless look, and he said, “You forced me to do it!”

Gu Changsheng was also curious about how this traitor could be rude to Di Hong’s family. Could he let Lao Liu improve his cultivation? This is a method, but after improving your cultivation level, you will never make any progress in your life. Could it be that this kid can do this for the sake of those three little guys?

Just when Gu Changsheng was also curious, Li Beifei finally made some movement.

I saw Li Beifei’s anger sinking into his Dantian, his mouth constantly absorbing the vitality of the world around him. Soon, his belly became bigger than the ten-month pregnancy.

“What does this traitor want to do?” Gu Changsheng was confused. The next moment, his expression changed.

Di Hong was also dumbfounded.

“Gu Changsheng, your uncle, come out and beat me. Li Beifei is begging for abuse. You haven’t beaten me in a year. I feel really uncomfortable. Come out. If you have the guts, come out and beat me. You If you don’t come out, it means you’re afraid of me, then sing “Conquer” to me in a weird way, Gu Changsheng, do you hear it, Gu Changsheng… uh…”

Li Beifei’s voice stopped abruptly.

Gu Changsheng still held the wine bottle in his hand. He looked at Li Beifei with a gloomy face and sneered: “Is this your method? Scold, why don’t you stop scolding?” ”

Hey, Master, um… don’t hit me.” Is your face good?” Li Beifei didn’t explain, but looked at Gu Changsheng with pleading eyes. With the old guy’s strength, he must know why I scolded him. I was forced to have no choice. Otherwise, I wouldn’t ask you. Without you, my good brother and two lovely swordsmen will be in danger. Master, I am also forced to have no choice.

“Haha!” Gu Changsheng took a sip of wine, then slowly put away the wine bottle, came to Li Beifei, gently pinched Li Beifei’s face, and said with a smile: “How could I hit my beloved disciple in the face. ”

Really… Ouch, I promised not to slap my face, but you not only slapped me, but also swung your arm around my face. Ouch… be gentle, be gentle, my appearance is ruined… ah… Master, please forgive me…” …Ah, it hurts…Grandma, old guy, you beat me to death, beat me to death and see how you explain to Aunt Bai…Ah, I know it’s wrong, I know it’s wrong…I won’t dare next time …”

“Every time I say I won’t dare next time, which time did you not dare?” Gu Changsheng rolled up his sleeves and continued to beat him hard.

Di Hong’s mouth twitched as he watched the interaction between master and disciple. Now he understood what Li Beifei meant when he said, “I’m not even afraid of Gu Changsheng.” This wasn’t the first time that this guy with feelings had been beaten like this.

And, is this a way to be rude to him? Well, although this method is quite explosive in the ages, I have to say that it is a very good method.

I actually lost to a little guy in the Nirvana realm. It seemed like I was really going to give up.

Although this guy has various minor flaws in his character, he is a very good character. It is not a bad thing to entrust martial arts to him.

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