What are you doing? Don’t mess around

Gu Changsheng tidied up his appearance, while Li Beifei was lying on the bluestone ground like a dead dog, his body seemed to have gained weight. I am afraid that even acquaintances would think that this was just a look-alike when they saw Li Beifei at this time. Li Beifei is just a fat man with a bruised nose and swollen face.

After Li Beifei lay down for a few breaths, he stood up nimbly. He did not forget that the purpose of calling the old guy here was not to ask for a beating, but to be rude to the Dihong family.

It’s just that the old guy was beaten so hard that one of his front teeth fell out, and he could feel the cold wind in his throat.


“Huh?” Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes, revealing danger and a hint of unfinished meaning.

Li Beifei was immediately frightened, and quickly changed his words: “Master, please seek justice for this disciple. The Emperor Hong clan forced his disciples to inherit his inheritance, and said that if I didn’t inherit it, he would kill my friend. There are two lovely sword attendants. Master, I am your old man’s disciple. Naturally, I cannot inherit his bullshit inheritance, so I can only invite you out in a disrespectful way.”

Gu Changsheng and the Di Hong family listened in the dark. The corners of Li Beifei’s mouth twitched at his half-truths. If Gu Changsheng hadn’t witnessed the conversation between Li Beifei and Di Hong just now, he wouldn’t have been able to tell whether Li Beifei’s words were true or false if he didn’t read minds.

“You kid, you’re good at telling lies with your eyes open!” Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei with a half-smile.

Li Beifei winced, but he thought that no matter how rebellious he was, he was still Gu Changsheng’s disciple, so he shouldn’t be trying to undermine him at this time.

But just because Gu Changsheng didn’t dismantle him, it didn’t mean that Di Hong didn’t.

“Fellow Taoist, you are a very thick-skinned disciple. No wonder I only suffered a few superficial injuries after being beaten like this by you.” Di Hong’s shadow came out. He looked at Li Beifei, who had gained weight, and his heart was extremely complicated.

He has decided to hand over the martial arts he created to Li Beifei, and let Li Beifei help him find the right person to pass it on, and he can completely accept the result of its demise with peace of mind.

But Li Beifei’s shamelessness exceeded his imagination.

“Why do you have the feeling that if I had half the thickness of your skin, I wouldn’t have fallen to the punishment of heaven?” Di Hong looked at Li Beifei with strange eyes.

When Li Beifei heard Di Hong’s familiar voice, he quickly pointed at Di Hong and said to Gu Changsheng: “Master, it’s him. This guy wants to harm the disciples. Not only does he want to harm the disciples, he also wants to harm my friends. And lovely maid, please master, please make the decision for me!”

The corner of Di Hong’s mouth twitched, this Li Beifei, who was scolding Gu Changsheng just now, calling him old guy Gu Changsheng, now seems to be a different person. A master is so thick-skinned, so thick-skinned.

Di Hong ignored Li Beifei and said to Gu Changsheng: “Fellow Taoist, I leave my martial arts to him. Let’s not worry about whether he can find a suitable successor. His face alone makes me think that I will die. , martial arts will not die.”

Gu Changsheng smiled bitterly, and he naturally understood what Di Hong said. The traitor’s shamelessness made Di Hong think that he could protect the inheritance of martial arts with his face alone.

“What the hell? Why can’t I understand what you are talking about? Do you know each other?”

Li Beifei looked at Gu Changsheng and Di Hongshi in hindsight. Damn it, if these two people knew each other, wouldn’t it just be a fight? play? No, or it was a test for him.

If it was really just a test, nothing bad would happen if I didn’t summon the old guy. Could it be that his beating was in vain?

“Damn it!” Li Beifei cursed subconsciously when he thought of this.

“Looking for a beating!” After Gu Changsheng heard this, he kicked Li Beifei’s butt, which was already higher than before. Li Beifei screamed in pain and flew out.

Gu Changsheng said to Di Hong, “I’ll leave him to you. If there’s any problem, just beat him. It doesn’t matter if he’s beaten to death. I can resurrect him anyway.”

Di Hong shook his head helplessly. He had no violent tendencies. And after all, he was asking for Li Beifei, so how could he hit him? However, if Li Beifei was worried about Cai Cai’s affairs, he could still hit him if he had to.

When Li Beifei heard this, his heart went cold. Just as he was about to say something, he was caught by Di Hong.

“What do you want to do? Don’t mess around, Master, save me, Master…”

Li Beifei, who didn’t know why, was taken away by Di Hong’s family. Only Gu Changsheng and three others were left in the arena, sleeping peacefully on the ground. people.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Changsheng lifted the seal that Di Hong had placed on them.

Soon Bai Yifei and the others woke up.

“Where is this place? Hey, sister, Mr. Bai, why are you here too?” Liu Yuran woke up first and found his sister and Bai Yifei, his tone was full of surprise.

Bai Yifei and Liu Yanran were also at a loss.

“I remember I was fighting a monster. Why did it appear here?” Bai Yifei asked confused.

“I’m fighting a machine puppet, and I don’t know why it appears here.” Liu Yanran frowned slightly.

“Fight?” Liu Yuran looked confused, what kind of battle.

“Sister, what were you doing before coming here?” Liu Yanran asked.

“I…” Liu Yuran’s face suddenly turned red. She hesitated and said, “I… I… am… with the young master…”

Liu Yanran’s face changed slightly. Could it be that the younger sister is with the young master? ? But Young Master?

“You are with the young master, but where has the young master gone?” Liu Yanran asked.

“Actually… mine is just an illusion.” Liu Yuran said embarrassedly.

“I’m dizzy!” Liu Yanran held her forehead. This rotten girl is really hopeless. She still wants to be like the young master in the illusion. If the young lady finds out about this, she will definitely be driven away. No, she has to find time to correct herself. Check out this girl’s thoughts.

Bai Yifei ignored the conversation between the two sisters. As an outsider, he naturally knew much more about their thoughts than Li Beifei. The two sisters completely surrendered their bodies and minds to Li Beifei, but Li Beifei only had Qing Yi as his heart. The fairy just didn’t feel it.

Bai Yifei looked around, but when he saw Gu Changsheng, he was shocked. He quickly stood up and walked to Gu Changsheng, greeting him respectfully: “Junior Bai Yifei has met senior Gu.”

Bai Yifei’s reaction also alarmed the two sisters. They came to Gu Changsheng in a swish, bowed their bodies at ninety degrees, and said respectfully: “I have met the master.”

Gu Changsheng waved his hands, indicating that they did not need to be polite. He looked at Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran and said: “I injured you last time, don’t you blame me?”

The two sisters shook their heads repeatedly, and Liu Yanran said: “It’s all our fault. We were the ones who attacked you first. We are already merciful that you were not killed. We How could I blame the master?”

“Yes, yes, actually, my sister and I are very grateful to you, master. If you hadn’t broken our swords, the master would not have given us such a good sword. We thank you very much. It’s too late, how can I blame you?” Liu Yuran took out the sword given to her by Li Beifei. This was the sword that the young master prepared for the future, but it was mixed with some fairy gold. It was better than the swords they used before. How many times better.

“Haha, I don’t know what kind of bad luck this traitor like me had to meet you.” Gu Changsheng said with emotion.

“Master, where is the young master?” Liu Yuran asked.

“He is in pain and happiness at the same time!”

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