I’m washing…listen attentively

At this time, Li Beifei had been taken to a room full of ancient books.

“Why did you bring me here?” Li Beifei asked, looking at the mountains and seas of ancient books.

Di Hong did not answer Li Beifei’s words, but with a wave of his big hand, he healed Li Beifei’s skin wounds.

Then Di Hong said: “Do you know my origin?”

“Nonsense, of course I don’t know!” Li Beifei curled his lips, if I knew your origin, how long would I have to live? If I live that long, how can I be hung up and beaten by the old guy?

Dihong didn’t pay attention to Li Beifei’s disrespectful attitude. This kid didn’t even have a sense of awe when facing fellow Taoist Gu. Such a person was the most suitable for his martial arts. Unfortunately, this kid’s heart for the sword was extremely firm.

“You have practiced the Immortal Art of Creation for thirty-three days!” Di Hong said calmly.

“How do you know?” Li Beifei was surprised. Only the old guy, senior sister and Qing Yi knew about the fact that he had practiced the Immortal Art of Creation for thirty-three days. Even Bai Yifei and the others didn’t know about it. How did the Di Hong family know?

He has already ruled out Bastard Li. Who makes Bastard Li not a Bastard?

“Haha!” Di Hong smiled softly, and then a breath came from his body, which surprised Li Beifei.

The aura on Di Hong’s body was exactly the same as the thirty-three days of creation magic he had practiced.

“Are you the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor?”

Li Beifei wanted to make a big deal out of him after saying this. When he accepted the inheritance of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Creation Immortal Technique, he witnessed the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor being taken away by a tower. This person in front of him How could it be the Red Earth Emperor?

“Could he be the son of the Emperor of Heaven?” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up and he muttered.


As soon as Li Beifei finished speaking, he felt pain coming from his head, and saw Di Hong looking at him with squinted eyes, full of danger.

“The Emperor of Heaven is my eldest brother, you should call me uncle.” Di Hong said angrily, this boy was forced to be demoted to a lower level.

“Oh!” Li Beifei nodded, and then suddenly changed his face. He looked at Di Hong with a smile on his face and said, “Uncle, this is the first time we meet, should you give me some greeting gift or something?” It doesn’t have to be too expensive, just give me 18 billion immortal sources and a few hundred pieces of immortal weapons. I won’t mind it.”

After hearing this, Emperor Hong almost got angry and left. Doesn’t this mean it doesn’t need to be too expensive? Don’t you dislike it yet? He quickly stabilized his memory. If he left, martial arts would be completely cut off.

“Want it? Ask your master!”

Di Hong said angrily.

“Ah? The old guy took it away in advance again? Damn it!” Li Beifei’s expression instantly collapsed, and he no longer knew how to vent his inner depression.

“You kid, you really don’t know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings. What’s the use of those immortal sources and immortal weapons? Compared with the secrets of the techniques in front of you, they are just the tip of the iceberg.” Di Hong said proudly.

Li Beifei glanced at the books on the bookshelf and said without interest, “I’m not interested in your inheritance. If I had known that all the treasures and wealth had been taken away by the old guy, I wouldn’t have come in.” ”

You…” Di Di Hongshi remembered what Gu Changsheng had said to him before. He sneered and said, “Don’t forget that your master has an explanation. Even if I beat you to death, it doesn’t matter.”

“Nah!” Li Beifei was instantly shocked. He was now But when people have to bow their heads under the roof, why are you pretending?

Li Beifei, who realized this, immediately smiled again and said flatteringly: “Uncle, if you have something to say, just tell me. As long as I can do it, no matter whether it’s going up a mountain of knives or going down into a sea of fire, I won’t even frown. I will definitely do it for you.”

When Emperor Hong heard this, he was happy. This kid won’t cooperate well unless he uses some tough moves and harsh words.

How to describe it? cheap!

That’s right, this kid exudes an aura of meanness all over his body. I don’t know how Gu Daoyou accepted him as his disciple. Although it is rare to have a sword body and a sword bone, but according to this kid’s temperament and character, Gu Daoyou will never take a fancy to him. He is right.

Forget it, I, a memory that can’t even be considered dead, won’t think too much about living people. It’s more important to leave martial arts to this kid.

After thinking about it, Di Hong said to Li Beifei: “I want you to help me find a suitable person to practice martial arts and teach him my martial arts.”

“Martial arts?” Li Beifei was confused. He had heard Di Hong say it before. These two words, but he had no intention of focusing on them at the time. Now that he came back to his senses, he found that the word “martial arts” did not appear at all in his memory of life.

“What is martial arts?” Li Beifei asked seriously.

Seeing Li Beifei asking such a serious question, Di Hong showed a hint of pride on his face. He said, “Martial arts is a brand new training system that I created that is different from the immortal way.” “A

new training system?” Li Beifei was surprised. Lao Liu knew that the old guy also created a new cultivation system, and then combined it with the immortal system. Each realm has three more small realms than others. This is one of the reasons why the old guy is so strong.

Now that he heard that Di Hong had also created a new cultivation system, could he not be shocked?

“Can I practice this martial arts?” Li Beifei asked enthusiastically.

Di Hong shook his head and said, “Your character is very suitable for practicing martial arts, but you can’t practice.”

“Why?” Li Beifei asked, since his character is very suitable for practicing martial arts, why can’t he practice?

“Can you give up the way of swordsmanship?” Di Hong asked.

Li Beifei shook his head decisively. Kendo was an indispensable part of his life, how could he give it up.

“Manpower is sometimes scarce. Since you are unwilling to give up swordsmanship, how can you practice martial arts?” Di Hong asked with a smile.

“Then why can I take care of the immortal way as well when I practice it?” Li Beifei asked again.

“Because the swordsmanship you practice is just a branch of the immortal way. It is not a new system, so it will naturally not conflict with it. Do you want to integrate swordsmanship into the martial arts based on the martial arts you practice? This is not impossible. But you can’t do it now unless you let your master do it.”

Di Hong explained with a smile.

“So troublesome? Then why can my master practice two different systems at the same time?” Li Beifei transformed into a curious baby and continued to ask questions.

“Here… come, let me give you a brief introduction to martial arts…”

“Uncle Master, you don’t know, do you?” Li Beifei asked aggressively.

“Be obedient, I’m going to teach martial arts…”

“Uncle, just tell me everything. If you really don’t know, just say a word… Oh, my Cao, you dare to hit me like this, ah… don’t Don’t fight, I won’t ask anymore, uncle, please tell me about martial arts, ah… I’ll wash it… ah… listen carefully…”

After a moment, Di Hong stabilized his body and said coldly: “If I had known, would I have asked you to help me preach here?”

Li Beifei squatted in the corner with a bruised nose and swollen face, wanting to cry without tears. This was the first time he was beaten by two people in one day!

“Come here!” Di Hong said.

“Okay!” Li Beifei walked over with a smile.

“You should memorize all these secret books first, and then I will teach you the martial arts!” Di Hong said, pointing to the mountain of books like the sea.

“What? There are so many, do you want to remember the year and month? Can’t you just pass it to my mind at once?” Li Beifei’s face turned ugly.

“I’m not the master, I’m just a memory of the master. It just so happens that I don’t have the memory of these secrets, so I can’t just pass them on to you.” Di Hong said helplessly.

“But don’t worry, the flow of time in this room is different from that in the outside world. A thousand or eight thousand years will pass here, while only one or two days will pass in the outside world, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

When Li Beifei heard this, he thought there was nothing to worry about?

“I’m in Nirvana, I can’t live that long!” Li Beifei was about to cry.

“I didn’t think of that. Just wait!”

After saying that, Di Hong disappeared. After a while, he came back again.

He also carried a pill that exuded immortal energy.

“This is called the Longevity Pill. After you take it, it can increase your longevity for ten thousand years. It also has the function of eternal youth and will not make you old.” Di Hong said the function of the pill.

“Elixir?” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up.

Di Hong shook his head and said: “How could it be an elixir? This is just an ordinary elixir in the heaven. They are all used by mortals in the heaven. The elixir can only be refined with the elixir of life. In the current world of mortals, it can’t be refined.” There are no more elixirs.”

“Just ordinary elixirs? How many more do you have? I want them all.” Li Beifei rubbed his hands, looking like he was jealous of the money.

“Each person can only take one Longevity Pill. It’s useless if you take more. What are you doing here?” Di Hong asked.

“Don’t worry about it. You’re useless now anyway, so what if you give it all to me?” Li Beifei said, already imagining that when he gave the Longevity Pill to Qingyi, Qingyi would be happy to know that he could stay young forever. Sometimes Qing Yi will kiss herself.

Thinking about it, Li Beifei’s tears started to flow.

When Di Hong saw this, how could he not know what this kid was thinking, but he waved his hand, and a jade bottle appeared in Li Beifei’s hand, and said, “This is all I have.”

Li Beifei checked excitedly, and added just now That one was exactly ten. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he still accepted it. Di Hong was an immortal in the past, and it was a miracle that he kept the things that ordinary people could eat. How could he ask for so much?

“Okay, after taking the Longevity Pill, you should record these secrets here. These are secrets about martial arts. You can’t cut corners for me.” Di Hong warned.

“Uncle Master, I have a question. Since I can’t practice, why don’t I pack up the secret book and take it away, and just wait until I find the right person to give it to him.” Li Beifei raised his inner doubts.

“Haha, do you know how I died?” Di Hong asked.

Li Beifei shook his head.

“I was struck to death by Heaven’s Punishment. Now is the Immortal Era, and a new cultivation system has emerged, which is to go against the will of heaven. Once these secrets leave this room and appear in the outside world, Heaven’s Punishment can strike you to death. Do you still bring them with you? ?” Di Hong asked.

“I’d better remember it!”

Li Beifei decisively picked up a secret book of exercises and recorded it carefully. With his photographic memory and the memory you gave him, he could record it in less than a cup of tea. When he wrote the secret book When I put it down, I found that the secret book turned into nothingness and disappeared.

“Uncle Master?” Li Beifei looked at Di Hong in surprise.

However, Emperor Hong waved his hand and said, “When I teach martial arts to you, I will also disappear. These secret books have been with me for countless years, so let them take the first step!”

Li Beifei nodded, but his heart felt a little heavy. This Although the uncle he had just met was beaten up by the old guy and he also beat himself up, Li Beifei did not bear any grudge against him.

“I will help you find a good successor!” Li Beifei promised, and then devoted himself to writing books.

Di Hong looked at Li Beifei and nodded happily. Although he was usually aloof, this guy was still very reliable at critical moments. At least when faced with temptation, he could resolutely protect the people around him. This would be eternal. Since then, few people have been able to do it.

One month, half a year, one year… ten years…

In the room, time is passing. Li Beifei, who is concentrating on it, does not feel the passage of time at all. He just memorizes one book and then continues to write down the next one, and the last one The secret book he had memorized disappeared as always.

While Li Beifei was memorizing the secret book in pain, this scene appeared in the arena.

“Three barrels! Four bars!”

“Gong! Hey, sir, I thought these four barrels didn’t get bars, but I didn’t expect you to let me go. Hey, I can touch Hongzhong alone.” Liu Yuran’s face Showing surprise.

“Ah, sister, you must have cheated. Why are you the one doing it again?” Liu Yanran looked in disbelief.

Bai Yifei was also surprised. Liu Yuran usually looked dull, so how could he be so good at playing this thing called mahjong? This requires card counting.

Gu Changsheng was also very depressed. He was the one who naturally taught this mahjong. He originally thought he could bully these three rookies, but he didn’t expect that after they mastered it, he never messed up a game. Instead, he fired every time.

“Hey, luck, luck!” Liu Yuran said sheepishly. She relied entirely on feeling when playing cards. As for counting and recording cards, she couldn’t do it, but when luck came, she couldn’t stop it.

“Master, you have to take care of everything in this game!” Liu Yuran said.

Gu Changsheng nodded helplessly. His move caused Liu Yuran to mishandle, so according to the rules, he would get the whole deal.

This girl’s luck seems to be unusually good. The traitor was able to be favored and followed by these two girls. I don’t know if Beichen’s good fortune has been taken over by this boy.

“I didn’t expect you to think of such a fun game, sir. When the young master comes out, I will teach him how to play it.” Liu Yuran was very happy, but he did not forget his young master.

“When we are on the road, we can have some fun when we are bored.” Liu Yanran said. Of course, the master will not join them on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, but the master’s position will be taken over by the young master in the future. It just happened that there were four of them.

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