Di Hong’s request before his demise

Two days have passed in the outside world. In the room, Li Beifei finally memorized the last secret book about martial arts in his mind. Then this last secret book, like the previous ones, disappeared into nothingness.

Li Beifei was about to reach out for the secret books, but found that he had grabbed them all. He looked up and looked around blankly, with a startled look on his face. The secret books that had been piled up like a mountain were now empty, leaving only the shadows of him and the Di Hong family.

It’s just that the shadow of Di Hong’s family is now even more illusory than before.

“Uncle Master, you…”

Just as Li Beifei was about to speak, Di Hong waved his hand to stop him. Di Hong said, “I don’t have much time, so I won’t say anything more. Since you have already memorized it, Then I will pass on the martial arts training system to you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Hong opened his eyes, and blue rays of light appeared in front of his forehead, and the rays of light gradually converged into a ball of blue light. The seeds were only as big as a fingernail, but Li Beifei seemed to be able to feel the weight beyond his imagination.

It seems that it is not just a seed, but a road to the sky.

Martial arts?

Li Beifei thought to himself. He looked at Di Hongshi motionlessly and even held his breath. He did this just to prevent his every move from affecting Di Hongshi. Although the possibility of Di Hong being affected was extremely low, he didn’t want to take any chances.

Nearly half the time of burning the incense had passed, and the small blue seeds finally completely condensed. Di Hong controlled the seeds, which condensed his lifelong martial arts experience and martial arts inheritance, and slowly moved towards the center of Li Beifei’s eyebrows.

“This seed contains my lifelong martial arts experience and martial arts inheritance. I leave it to you!”

When the martial arts seeds merged into Li Beifei’s divine sea and settled in an inconspicuous corner of the divine sea, Di Hong’s face revealed A smile of relief.

“Uncle Master, will we have a chance to meet again in the future?”

Li Beifei suddenly asked.

Di Hong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: “I’m afraid I can’t. Even though I can communicate with you now, in the end I am just a memory of me, not even my consciousness and will. I came down because of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth. He died as a result of heaven’s punishment and didn’t even have the chance to be reincarnated. If you want to meet again, you have to destroy this chaotic world and restart chaos, but so what? It doesn’t make much sense!” ”

You just need to help me master the martial arts. I will be satisfied if I pass it on to the right person and let the martial arts flourish.”

After saying that, Di Hong’s figure became weaker and weaker. After a few breaths, even though Li Beifei had excellent eyesight, he could only see a faint trace of Outlined.

“Li Beifei!” At this time, Di Hong’s voice came up again.

“My nephew is here, what other instructions does the master have?” Li Beifei asked.

“I always feel that my eldest brother is not dead yet. When he was still in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he killed the Chaos Gods and Demons. I don’t believe that he will die so easily. I believe that he must be trapped somewhere. If If possible, please help him in the future.”

Di Hong said in an astonishing way.

“My nephew understands!” Li Beifei was shocked in his heart. When he accepted the inheritance of the Thirty-three Heavenly Creation Immortal Technique, he witnessed the Hongchen Emperor being taken away by a terrifying tower. He thought that the Hongchen Emperor must have died, but now he thinks Thinking about it, it is possible that the Red Earth Emperor did not fall, but it is certain that he was trapped.

He remembered that the Emperor of Heaven sacrificed the Immortal Emperor’s Dao at the last moment and successfully entered the Broken Dao Realm. If the person who could kill the chaotic gods and demons in the Broken Dao Realm in the Immortal Emperor himself broke through to the Broken Dao Realm, then what? How scary must it be?

“Thank you!”

Di Hong said sincerely, and finally, he disappeared completely.

“Pfft!” Li Beifei kowtowed three times to the place where Di Hong disappeared.

“Master uncle, go on your way. My nephew will definitely fulfill your last wish, find someone suitable for martial arts, and carry forward martial arts. If the Red Dust Emperor is still alive, I will definitely help him get out of trouble.”

When Li Beifei returned to the arena. , Gu Changsheng and the four of them were still playing mahjong happily, laughing continuously.

Li Beifei was originally feeling a little heavy because of Di Hong’s departure. When he heard that they didn’t know what they were playing and were not having fun, and then thought about how many years he had spent in the room before he could write down all the secrets, his heart suddenly changed. It’s not balanced.

“Young Master!” x2

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran both shouted in surprise when they saw Li Beifei.

Li Beifei nodded and walked towards someone.

“Hey, old guy, what did you make? It looks fun. Can you teach me how?” Li Beifei walked up to Gu Changsheng and, not knowing whether intentionally or not, shouted “Old guy” directly to his face.

“Huh?” Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes, glanced at the traitor, and then said to Bai Yifei and the three of them: “That’s it for today. I have some housework to deal with.” ”

Family? What can I do here? ?” Liu Yuran asked.

Liu Yanran also looked confused.

When they first met Gu Changsheng, they were knocked unconscious by Gu Changsheng, so they didn’t know that their respected young master was given a love education by their master, and now they naturally didn’t know what was going to happen next.

Bai Yifei said, “You will find out later, but don’t be frightened by your young master’s behavior.”


The two women looked at each other. Is the master’s family affairs related to the young master?

Next thing they knew what was going on?

Gu Changsheng slowly stood up and walked slowly towards Li Beifei.

Li Beifei was immediately frightened and took a few steps back, shouting: “Don’t come over here, I’m not polite!”

Gu Changsheng was happy when he heard this. Why did these words sound so familiar?

“I would like to see why you are so rude to me!” Gu Changsheng was not in a hurry to take action and looked at Li Beifei with interest.

Is it possible that this traitor can summon another one?

“Hey, Master, are you thirsty? Yanran is good at making tea, why don’t we sit down and sip tea and chat about life?” Li Beifei’s expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Gu Changsheng with a doggy smile on his face.

“…” Everyone.

“Get out!” Gu Changsheng kicked Li Beifei on the butt and kicked him out.


It was the first time for Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran to see such a big scene. They hurriedly ran to Li Beifei, helped Li Beifei up, and greeted him for a while. After learning that Li Beifei was okay, they breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sir, why don’t we stop messing with the master in the future? You just called me the old guy,” Liu Yanran said.

Li Beifei waved his hands and said, “I’m fine. I feel much better after being kicked by the old guy.”

“Ah?” The two sisters looked at Li Beifei in surprise. How could he still feel better after being beaten? Does the young master have masochistic tendencies? I haven’t noticed it in the past few years.

“You brat!” How could Gu Changsheng not see that this kid only provoked him to ease his inner mood? However, there are so many ways for this kid to relieve his mood. If he had to choose to be beaten, he wouldn’t have been beaten too many times by me. What attributes are awakened?

Thinking of this, even he shuddered.

It’s not a good place to stay for a long time!

“Now that everything is over, you can leave!”

Gu Changsheng sent the four of them away with a wave of his hand, leaving him alone in the empty arena.

“My old friend has passed away, and there is no point keeping this place.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand gently, and the tomb that had carried the Emperor Hong family for countless years slowly left the world of mortals and entered the world of chaos. , the days of wandering in chaos began.

“I’ll go!”

At this time, a voice sounded, attracting Gu Changsheng’s attention.

He took a closer look and saw an embarrassed figure flying out from Di Hong’s tomb. This person was none other than the Old Supreme Being.

“I actually forgot that there was this old boy. Forget it, he slipped away. If he didn’t see me, he wouldn’t know that I did it.” Gu Changsheng muttered and disappeared.

In the starry sky outside the Dihong Star Territory, the Old Supreme watched helplessly as the tomb of the Dihong family rushed into the chaos, with a helpless expression on his face.

After he entered the tomb of Emperor Hong’s family, he found a lot of records about the heaven. These records were very attractive to him. After all, he had witnessed the fall of the heaven with his own eyes. Naturally, he yearned for the heaven very much. , now that he saw the ancient books recording information about the heavenly realm, he became obsessed with it.

“It’s a pity that the inheritance of the Dihong family was not found.” There was a hint of regret on the old supreme face. It was not that he wanted the inheritance of the Dihong family, but that he was very curious about the Dihong family and wanted to see it. A legendary immortal. Unfortunately, he is obsessed with ancient books and cannot extricate himself. Now the tomb has entered the vast chaos for some reason. If he wants to find the tomb again, it will take an unknown amount of time. He does not have so much free time. He As the number one general under Queen Houtu, he has a lot to do.

The old Supreme shook his head helplessly and left!

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