: Changes in the Demon-Suppressing Land (2-in-1)

After Gu Changsheng left Dihong Star, he returned to Tianhuang Star. As soon as he returned to Tianhuang Star, he felt a familiar aura silently filling Tianhuang Star.

“This old Huang is quite fast!”

A smile appeared on Gu Changsheng’s face.

In Zhongshenzhou, a relatively luxurious city in the Jiuli Divine Dynasty, the Golden Ancient Emperor brought his five disciples into the city. Now the aura on his body is becoming more and more immortal, and even his temperament is also… Much different than before.

“Ah Xiong, go buy a yard and we will live here temporarily.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said to a tall young man next to him.

“Yes, Master!” Ah Xiong nodded. His original name was Ah Xiong, but now he has changed his name to Ah Xiong. Because he was the oldest among the five, he naturally became the senior brother among the five.

After several years of growth, Ah Xiong has grown a lot. Due to his cultivation, his temperament is not comparable to that of the beggar before. Although he is not a handsome boy, he is still a handsome boy.

“Senior Brother, it’s best to choose a location next to the restaurant.” His original name was A Gou, now his name is Aaron. He is the second oldest among the five.

“Why?” Ah Xiong was puzzled.

Aaron explained: “Look at Ah Si, he hasn’t looked away from the roadside stall since he entered the city. If the master hadn’t been here, he would have rushed over to eat out.”

Hearing this, Ah Si withdrew his gaze. , glared at Aaron, and said: “Nonsense, I’m just familiar with the terrain.”

“We will believe you if you take the saliva away from the corner of your mouth.” Asan said narrowly.

“Ah?” Ah Si quickly wiped the corners of his mouth with his hands, but there was no saliva. He was angry that Ah San, who was competing with him for the position of third senior brother, had taken advantage of him just because of his name, making him the third senior brother, while he was Became the fourth junior brother.

“Okay, okay, Master has gone far away, and you are still making trouble. Senior brother, why don’t you buy a yard quickly? It’s getting dark. You don’t want to live on the street again, do you?”

In the end, you were the youngest. Ah Wu made the final decision, ending their fun.

As soon as Ah Xiong saw the sky, he quickly used his skills and left.

None of the five of them are very talented. Even if the Golden Ancient Emperor cleanses and cuts the marrow for them, they are only more talented than ordinary people. Compared with geniuses with special physiques, they are still far behind. Ah Xiong is now They are only in the middle stage of Yuefan, and the other four are only in the early stage of Yuefan.

As they entered the world of cultivating for longer and longer, they also realized the shortcomings of their talents, but they never complained, because the life they live now has exceeded the limit of their previous dreams. Being able to follow their master They are contented to be by their side.

However, they were not worried about themselves. Instead, they were afraid that the Master would be embarrassed because of their own reasons. But after the Master learned about their worries, he just smiled and said: “Talent is extremely important to practice, but it is only an advantage in the early stage. , The key to cultivation is perseverance, and surviving to the end is the biggest winner.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor walking in front listened to the words of the boys and girls behind him, with a smile on his face.

He never expects them to be as good as those peerless geniuses in cultivation. He only hopes that they can live a carefree life. Anyway, he is just one enlightenment away and he is sure to become an immortal. In terms of longevity, He can make them nearly immortal.

The meaning of cultivation, besides becoming stronger, isn’t it also about eternal life?

They can take their time to become stronger, but they can have immortality soon!

At this time, the Golden Ancient Emperor was full of confidence. At this stage, half of his body had already entered the gate of the immortal way, and the remaining half of his body could follow him at any time. He had a strong feeling that this moment would not take long.

After thinking about it, half an hour had passed and they came to a pub and sat down.

“What’s taking you so long, Senior Brother? Is he eating secretly?” Ah Si, a foodie, speculated full of “malice”.

“Do you think Senior Brother is as greedy as you?” Aaron said with a smile.

“The ancients said: Food is the most important thing for people, so I don’t call it gluttony. This is the way of my cultivation. You don’t understand.” Ah Si said mysteriously.


Several people disagreed. Ah Si, like them, had only been practicing cultivation for a few years. How could he possibly know the truth of the Tao? It was just his excuse.

“But the senior brother has been gone for a long time. Master, I’m going to find the senior brother.” Aaron said to the Golden Ancient Emperor.


The Golden Ancient Emperor, who was thinking about things, nodded lightly.

Aaron also left, but half the time of burning incense had passed. Not only did Aaron not find Ah Xiong back, but he didn’t come back either.

Now everyone knew something was wrong.

“Master, Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother have not come back, what should we do?” Ah Wu said anxiously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll look for them.”

After the Ancient Golden Emperor said that, his spiritual consciousness instantly covered the entire city, but strangely, no trace of Ah Xiong and Aaron was found in the city.

The Golden Ancient Emperor controlled his spiritual consciousness to spread around.

In fact, with his strength, his consciousness can cover many star fields in an instant, but this is the Tianhuang Star, and he has to give face to the boss.

But soon, his consciousness had covered the entire Central China, and he could not find Ah Xiong and Aaron, which made his face serious.

“Boss, it’s not that I don’t give you face, it’s really urgent!”

After the Golden Ancient Emperor muttered, the divine sea rolled, and his divine consciousness instantly covered the entire Tianhuang Star. Soon, he found Ah Xiong and Aaron figures appeared, and beside the two of them, there were many people with similar cultivation levels to him.

“This is… the place where demons are suppressed!” The Ancient Golden Emperor’s expression changed slightly.

The Demon Suppressing Land belongs to the Eastern Region, which is hundreds of millions of miles away from the territory of the Jiuli Divine Dynasty where he is located. It is impossible for even a quasi-emperor to be able to send people from Central China to the Eastern Region so quickly.

Teleportation array!

The Golden Ancient Emperor instantly thought of this possibility. As for a powerful man above the Supreme Realm taking action, he didn’t believe it. The Supreme Realm would take action against some little guys who only had the Mortal Realm? That’s a big joke.

Although the Golden Ancient Emperor had doubts in his heart, his top priority was to rescue Ah Xiong and Aaron.

“Let’s go!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor waved his hand and left the tavern with Ah San, Ah Si and Ah Wu.

“Sir, your wine is here. Hey… where is the person? He was sitting here just now.” At this time, the waiter of the tavern came out with a jar of wine, but found that the Golden Ancient Emperor had already disappeared. The figure is gone.

“It’s strange. I’ve seen many people eat Overlord’s meal, but this is the first time I gave it to Overlord Yuanjing!” The waiter shook his head. Ah Wu had paid for drinks before, so the tavern didn’t lose money anyway.

Suppressing Demon City, due to the Chunyuan Building founded by Gu Changsheng, is now much more prosperous than it was back then, and even the size has almost doubled. Mu Qingyi’s head family, the Mu family, has also become more prosperous because of Mu Qingyi in recent years. The reason is that a rising tide lifts all boats.

Within a million miles, you can not know that the Demon Suppressing City is under the jurisdiction of the Yin Yang Sect, but you can’t help but know that Fairy Tsing Yi’s family, the Mu family, shows how influential Mu Qingyi is.

Since the appearance of the ancient tribe, four fairies have appeared in the Tianhuang Star Office.

The adult daughter of Yaochi is naturally one of them, then there is the fairy in green, or simply the fairy in red, and finally the princess of Tianyan. Someone who is interested made a Tianhuangxing rouge list, and they are tied for the first place in this rouge list. With their existence, even Princess Jiuli can only succumb to them.

Back to the subject,

the Mu family was very anxious at this time, because the Mu family’s three-year-old young master had disappeared. The head of the Mu family sent people to search the entire Demon Suppression City but could not find him. For this reason, the City Lord’s Mansion was alerted, and the City Lord’s Mansion was informed. Knowing that the young master of the Mu family was missing in the Demon Suppressing City, he was also shocked. He was the biological brother of Fairy Qingyi and the brother-in-law of the disciple of the boss. If he had any trouble in the Demon Suppressing City, even if he had the yin and yang behind him The teacher’s compensation is not enough.

So the Lord of the Demon Suppressing City almost went out to help the Mu family find the three-year-old young master.

But no matter how they searched, they almost turned the Demon Suppressing City upside down and still couldn’t find the person.

In the Mu family hall, Mrs. Mu cried so hard that she was heartbroken.

“My Feng’er, where have you been? I’m so worried about you for my mother’s sake!” Mrs. Mu cried.

No matter how much Patriarch Mu tried to persuade her, Mrs. Mu kept crying.

“Madam, please stop crying. It won’t help if you continue to cry.” The head of the Mu family said helplessly.

“Master, I’m sorry for you. I finally gave you Feng’er, a male son who will inherit the incense, but he disappeared for some reason. I just went to the toilet, and he disappeared when I came out. Master, if Feng’er has any shortcomings, I’m really sorry for you!”

Mrs. Mu was extremely sad and guilty. She had been married to the head of the Mu family for decades, and she only had a daughter like Mu Qingyi before. However, whether it was traditional thinking or for the future of the Mu family, she wanted to They had worked hard for many years to give birth to a boy for Patriarch Mu. During this period, she even asked Patriarch Mu to take a concubine, but Patriarch Mu refused, which made her feel even more guilty.

Now she finally gave birth to a baby, named Mu Qingfeng, because just when the couple gave up, she was pregnant like a gentle breeze.

Mrs. Mu was extremely happy for this, but just this afternoon, she and her son were playing in the backyard. She just went to the toilet, and her son disappeared after she came out. At first, she suspected that her son was playing hide-and-seek with her, but when she found There was no sign of their son in Mu’s family, and then they realized the importance of the matter.

So there was the above scene.

The head of the Mu family listened to Mrs. Mu’s words. He patted Mrs. Mu’s back with his big hand and said softly: “Madam, Feng’erji has his own destiny. I believe he will be fine.” ”

Master, I remember Beifei. The child’s master is a very powerful man, is there any way you can ask him to come out?” Mrs. Mu said.

As a mother, she naturally knows about Li Beifei and her daughter Mu Qingyi. She is also quite satisfied with Li Beifei’s child. He has a handsome appearance, extraordinary talent, and a strong background. How could she be dissatisfied with such a son-in-law?

After hearing this, the head of the Mu family looked embarrassed and said, “I don’t have your senior’s contact information, but the Chunyuan Building opened by your senior is still in the city. Maybe they have a way to contact your senior.” ”

Then what are you waiting for, master, hurry up and leave Ah!” Mrs. Mu said anxiously.

The head of the Mu family also knew that his wife was anxious, so he took people to Chunyuan Building without delay.

At this time, a woman walked in under the leadership of the housekeeper.

“Master Yan! I happened to have something to see Master Yan, but I didn’t expect you, Master Yan, to come in person.” The head of the Mu family was shocked when he saw the woman, and couldn’t help showing joy on his face.

Although the cultivation of the woman in front of her was only at the late stage of the Concentrating Soul Realm, she could make the Demon Suppressing City quake with just one stamp of her foot.

Because she is the current shopkeeper of Chunyuan Building, her surname is Yan, and she is known as the owner of Chunyuan Building.

Master Yan saluted Master Mu gracefully and said, “Master Mu, I know what you want from me. My master asked me to send you a message. Your son will be fine. Don’t worry!” “Really? That’s great

. , thank you senior for me.” Family Master Mu was overjoyed, and with such words from senior, he was completely relieved.

But as a mother, Mrs. Mu was particularly sensitive. She quickly asked: “Master Yan, do you know where my son is?”

Master Yan shook his head and said, “The master didn’t tell me.”



Mrs. Mu still wanted to speak, but Patriarch Mu stopped her. He then said to Master Yan with an apologetic face: “Master Yan, I’m really sorry. She really cares about Feng’er too much. Please forgive me.

” The poster nodded with a smile and said, “The master said this was expected, but he wants you to rest assured that not only will Qingfeng be fine, but he will also have a great opportunity.” “A great opportunity?

Mu The head of the house and Mrs. Mu looked at each other, and when they were about to ask about the opportunity, Master Yan resigned and left.

“Master, is what Louzhu Yan said true?” Mrs. Mu asked.

“I believe what Master Yan said.” The Mu family leader nodded, not so much that he believed in Master Yan, but rather that he believed in Gu Changsheng.

Ten years ago, Gu Changsheng and Li Beifei took away his precious daughter from him easily. Now his precious daughter is one of the four famous fairies in the world, sought after and respected by countless people.

Senior Gu said there is a great opportunity, then there must be a great opportunity!

Patriarch Mu has no doubt about this!

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