The Original Demon Lord and Soldier Training (2-in-1)

In the core area of the demon-suppressing place, the huge demonic shadow threw the wand in his hand high, and the wand hovered in the void. Then the demonic shadow chanted a magic word. As the magic word was chanted, the wand gradually emits a spooky and terrifying sound. There was a dim light, and the magic clouds and mist in the sky seemed to be pulled by the magic wand, quickly converging towards the magic wand, and finally being absorbed by the magic wand.


As the wand absorbed more and more magic clouds and mist, the light on the wand became stronger and stronger, and there were slight vibrations in the space, as if it could not bear the wand.

At this time, among the thousands of humans who were captured here, two people quietly woke up. They were Ah Xiong and Aaron.

“Huh? Aaron, why are you here?” When Ah Xiong saw Aaron next to him, he was suddenly shocked. His memory was still discussing renting a yard with someone, but suddenly his vision went dark and he woke up. Here it is.

“Elder brother, Master asked me to come to you. By the way, do you know where this is?” Aaron’s eyes were full of confusion.

“Shh!” Ah Xiong suddenly became cautious.

“What?” Aaron asked in a low voice.

Ah Xiong pointed at the magic wand in the sky. Aaron looked at it and his pupils shrank.

“I’m afraid we were kidnapped.” Ah Xiong said cautiously. At this time, he had noticed the unconscious human next to him.

“Kidnapping?” Aaron was shocked and asked quickly: “What should we do?”

Ah Xiong shook his head and said, “We can only wait for Master to come and save us.”

After hearing this, Aaron also hung down in frustration. Boss, they don’t know where this place is, how can they escape?


Suddenly, the ground shook, but strangely, Ah Xiong and Aaron were as steady as a mountain. Not only them, but also the other unconscious people. No matter how much the earth shook, they were not affected. This made They were very curious.

At this time, the magic wand in the sky seemed to have shed its old skin and became brand new, exuding a terrifying demonic aura.


A roar from ancient times suddenly sounded, the voice full of anger and unwillingness.

“Ye Hongchen, you can’t trap me, hahahaha…”

Crazy laughter resounded throughout the world, stirring the sky, forcefully breaking the demonic clouds in the sky into a vacuum.

“Demon cubs, kill them for me. Slaughter all the human race. Without Ye Hongchen, the world of mortals will be the world of my original demon king, hahaha…”

“Follow the demon’s orders!”

the huge black shadow responded loudly. , then he recalled his wand, waved it to the sky, and said loudly: “Charge, kill the human race!”




Various monsters made various sounds. With the terrifying sound, tens of billions of monsters seemed to have received bonuses, and their strength increased by leaps and bounds. Even monsters above saints appeared in dozens.

And these monsters above the saints also gave birth to extraordinary spiritual intelligence. Under the command of the huge demonic shadow, they divided the monsters under the saints into dozens of armies, and marched out of the place to suppress the demons. go.

The huge demonic figure turned around, faced the direction of the magic mountain respectfully, and said, “My lord, how long will it take for you to get out of trouble?” ”

Three days, only three days, the power of the seal left by Ye Hongchen will reach its maximum. When I am weak, I will reappear in the sky.” Speaking of Ye Hongchen, the original demon’s voice was very cold, because it was Ye Hongchen who sealed him here, and he only had boundless anger and hatred for Ye Hongchen.

“How did you do what I asked you to do?” the original demon king suddenly asked.

The huge demonic figure trembled, and he lowered his head and said, “If I return to the Lord, these are the human race born during the yin and yin period of the entire world of mortals.” ”


After the original demon lord finished speaking, the demon mountain emitted a burst of divine thoughts. The fluctuation enveloped thousands of human races.

“Huh? Someone actually woke up, interesting!” The original demon lord’s voice was surprised, obviously he had discovered Ah Xiong and Aaron.

But the huge demonic figure was frightened. He knelt down quickly and said tremblingly: “Please forgive me, Lord!” “Don’t worry,

how can I blame you? You have done so many things for me, and you have made great contributions. Not only will I not blame you, I will also reward you with eternal life!” The original demon lord said in a faint voice.

When the giant demonic shadow heard that the original demon king was going to reward it with eternal life, its body trembled with excitement. It said: “Thank you Lord, I… uh…”

Before the giant demonic shadow could finish speaking, the magic wand in its hand suddenly A tentacle condensed with demonic energy was stretched out to penetrate its body, and then the wand emitted a strong suction force. A monster at the peak of the quasi-emperor was absorbed by the wand in less than two breaths.

The aura of the magic wand that absorbed the magic shadow increased to a higher level, and it slowly flew to the magic mountain and merged with the magic mountain.

At this time, the voice of the original demon lord sounded: “Become one with me, and you can live forever!”

When Ah Xiong and Aaron saw this scene, they were immediately frightened and did not dare to move. They were afraid that they would die the next moment. them.

“Little guy, don’t be afraid, maybe one of you can become my body, so I won’t hurt you!” The eerie voice of the original demon lord sounded in the ears of the two people, and they were immediately scared and hugged each other.

But Ah Xiong still had the courage to say: “You said you want to seize our bodies?”

“Seize our bodies? That’s not right. One of you people’s soul is the reincarnation of half of my soul. Speaking of this , something went wrong with this bullshit reincarnation, so even I can’t accurately find out who is the reincarnation of half of my soul, so I can only capture all of you who match the reincarnation of my soul.” The

original demon said in a depressed tone. At that time, he was the only powerful Immortal Lord in the world of mortals, but he was sealed here by a man named Ye Hongchen with the realm of half-step Immortal Lord. This made him hate Ye Hongchen and the human race to the bone.

But after seeing the power of Ye Hongchen, a human being, and after sensing that Ye Hongchen’s aura disappeared, he forcibly divided his soul into two parts at the cost of weakening his own cultivation, and sent them out of the Demon Suppression Land. He was reincarnated into the human race, but who knew that after the world of mortals experienced the greatest destruction, there was a problem with reincarnation. After his soul was reincarnated, he could not determine who was the reincarnation of his soul.

Until the power of the seal left by Ye Hongchen gradually weakened, he had several times created monsters above the Great Sage to help him find the reincarnation of the soul, but they were all suppressed by strong people outside. Until not long ago, he Sensing that the great road of the world of mortals was about to revive, and Ye Hongchen’s sealing power was at its weakest, he created the huge demonic shadow from before, and captured all the human beings in the world of mortals who were suitable for the soul’s reincarnation. After he is completely unblocked in three days, he can personally identify who is his reincarnation.

When the two parts of the soul are reunited, his strength will reach an unprecedented level, and he can even break through the shackles of the Immortal Lord and become a peerless Demon Emperor.

“Aaron, do you understand what he said?” Axiong looked at Aaron in confusion.

“I don’t know, what about the reincarnation of the soul, what about the reincarnation problem, it’s so neurotic, it looks like the psychosis that Master said.” Aaron said.

The topics that the Primordial Demon Lord talked about were too high-level. They had not been exposed to them at all, so naturally they could not understand them, so they took it for granted that the Primordial Demon Lord was a psychopath.

“Bold, who is your master? After I go out, I will peel off his skin, crush his bones and spread his ashes.” The

original demon lord snorted coldly.

“Hmph, you’re a lunatic and you don’t deserve to know our master’s name.” Ah Xiong said very forcefully. Although he couldn’t understand the topic of reincarnation that the original demon lord said, they could hear that the original demon lord is not now We will take action against them, but they are still very safe now.

“I am angry. You’d better hope that you are the reincarnation of my soul, otherwise when I come out, your soul will be lit.” The original demon roared, and the demon clouds rolled in the sky. He was venting his anger.

“Tch, our human race has His Majesty the Holy Emperor. You are just a monster, but our Holy Emperor can suppress you with just one thought.”

Aaron said disdainfully.

“Holy Emperor of the Human Race? What the hell is that?” The Original Demon Lord was very disdainful. He had never heard of this name.

“Boss, calm down, calm down. You promised me to take action, but you can’t go back on your word!” On the Demon Suppressing Land, the Golden Ancient Emperor used his mortal body to pull Gu Changsheng’s thigh, preventing him from entering. A place to suppress demons.

“What are you doing? You are a majestic golden ancient emperor, and you are still in front of your disciples. How is it appropriate to do this? Let go, I am going to kill that girl.” Gu Changsheng said angrily.

“What kind of decency? Boss, as long as you promise me that you won’t take action, I will let go. Anyway, I already lost face by being kicked away by you, so that’s not bad.” The Ancient Golden Emperor refused to let go.

Ah Wu and the other two people covered their eyes, indicating that no one could watch anymore. Is this still their master who has many great principles? Why do you look like the gangsters on the street?

Gu Changsheng looked at the Golden Ancient Emperor and said helplessly, “Okay, I won’t take action. Can I let go?”

“Really?” the Golden Ancient Emperor said doubtfully.

“Really!” Gu Changsheng nodded.

“Whoever lies is a puppy!” After the Ancient Golden Emperor finished speaking, he stood up with a calm expression, as if what just happened had never happened.

“Damn!” Gu Changsheng cursed, but he didn’t want to continue attacking the original demon. He didn’t want to be a puppy.

“If you don’t let me make him cry, I will make you cry!” Gu Changsheng said harshly to the Golden Ancient Emperor.

The Golden Ancient Emperor shrank his neck. He originally wanted to use the Original Demon Lord to hone his skills, but now it seems that this cannot be done. He has to kill him as soon as he goes up. He doesn’t want to be tortured and cried by the boss. .

“You are so bold that you dare to be rude to our Holy Emperor. If you dare, come out and challenge me now. If you can’t come out now, you are Aaron’s son. No, you are my grandson’s grandson’s grandson.” Grandson!” Aaron heard that the Primordial Demon Lord dared to insult their Holy Emperor, so he looked in the direction of the Demon Mountain angrily, rolling up his sleeves as if he really wanted to fight with the Primordial Demon Lord.

“It’s unreasonable. A mere ant actually uttered arrogant words, ah…”


The magic mountain shook violently, scaring Aaron’s pupils to shrink, but soon, the magic mountain stopped moving, and he relaxed. After taking a breath, he continued to stimulate: “Grandson’s grandson’s grandson’s grandson, can you do it? If I give you a chance, you will be useless. If I were you, I would definitely kill you with a piece of tofu. It’s so embarrassing, ugh …”

Aaron’s disappointed look made the original demon gnash his teeth in anger. The demon clouds in the sky were affected by his emotions and rolled like boiling water.

“You kid with a yellow mouth and a sharp mouth, I think your master is also a bastard!” the original demon lord shouted angrily.

“Hey, Lao Huang, I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be anxious!” Gu Changsheng patted the Golden Ancient Emperor’s shoulder and forcefully left the Golden Ancient Emperor in place.

“Damn it, boss, he called me a bastard. You can call me a bastard, but others can’t!” The Golden Ancient Emperor was so angry that his eyes were about to spit out fire.

When Gu Changsheng heard this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“Boss, are you still laughing?” The Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Gu Changsheng in disbelief.

The upward curve of the corners of Gu Changsheng’s mouth did not change, and he said, “Yes? Did you see it wrong? I definitely didn’t smile!”

“You did!” the Golden Ancient Emperor said with certainty.

“Fart, if I said no, it wouldn’t happen!” Gu Changsheng’s eyes narrowed, but he was still smiling, so you dared to stop me just now. If I can’t vent my anger, how can I let you vent it?

“o(╯□╰)o” The Golden Ancient Emperor looked embarrassed, and looked like this again, okay, if you say no, then there is none. If you say I saw it wrong, I saw it wrong.

The three of them, Ah Wu, watched quietly as their master and their uncle argued with each other. This was a rare annual drama. If the world knew who the Holy Emperor’s uncle was really like, would their faith collapse?

Ah Wu and the other three shook their heads, not daring to imagine it anymore.

Aaron and the original Demon Lord were still yelling at each other, but the Demon Lord, who had been sealed away for countless years, obviously could not keep up with the times. Aaron is the most articulate among the five of them. Before meeting the Golden Ancient Emperor, he helped the five of them beg for a lot of food with his clever words. How could the original demon, a demon who only knows killing, be able to He is Aaron’s opponent.

At this time, the original demon king also regretted swallowing the demon shadow and the wand. If the wand was still there, he could control the wand to teach Aaron a lesson, but now he has to attack the seal power left by Ye Hongchen with all his strength. If it is separated again If he doesn’t have enough strength, the day he will break the seal will be delayed again.

“Hmph, brat, just wait. In three days, I will let you know what is the most terrifying punishment in the world!” The original demon lord snorted coldly, and then closed his six senses. operate.

After Aaron continued to scold for a while, he found that the original demon king had stopped making any sound. He looked at Ah Xiong triumphantly and said, “Elder brother, do you think I’m sorry?” ”

…” Ah Xiong refused to answer this. question.

“You offended him so badly and he comes out to retaliate against you. What will you do?” Ah Xiong said worriedly.

“Elder brother, you have to believe in our master and our Holy Emperor. His Majesty the Holy Emperor can kill mere monsters with just a thought,” Aaron said.

“You sound like you have met His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Ah Xiong curled his lips.

“I’ve definitely never seen it before, but others say that His Majesty the Holy Emperor has surpassed the immortals long ago. Even immortals are no match for His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and neither is a monster.” Aaron said.

“I hope so!” Ah Xiong sighed.

At this time, dozens of saints and above led countless monsters to the outskirts of the Demon Suppression Land.

At this time, the major immortal forces in the world of mortals and the ancient demon clan had already sent large armies to surround the huge demon-suppressing land. However, when they saw the monsters that were as dense as a black ocean, they were all numb. !


At this time, the Great Xia God gave an order to an ancestor of the Saint King, and the army of millions of monks behind him rushed towards countless monsters.

The war has begun!

In the sky, Gu Changsheng watched this scene calmly. In this battle, many human races, ancient races, and demon races would die. He could avoid all this. He could kill countless monsters with one thought, but he did not do it.

Hou Tu needs to unify all heavens and realms, and these countless monsters are just a good opportunity for the major forces in the world of mortals to train their troops.

Yes, this is Gu Changsheng’s test against the major racial forces in the world of mortals.

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