Two Great Generals


The army of all races, under the leadership of various powerful tribes, rushed towards the endless monsters. For a moment, the evil energy was overwhelming, and the demonic clouds outside the demon-suppressing land were blasted away.

The comprehensive strength of the army of all races is much stronger than the monsters in the Demon Suppression Land, but there are too many monsters, hundreds of billions, while the army of all races has less than 100 million. Faced with such a huge disparity, Despite the huge disparity in numbers, the army of all races showed no sign of fear.

Among them, two forces performed particularly well. Even Gu Changsheng couldn’t help but express admiration when he saw them.

These are naturally the two immortal divine dynasties of the human race, the Daxia Divine Dynasty and the Jiuli Divine Dynasty.

“The divine strategy army, the sharp arrow battle formation, break up the formation of the monsters!” The Eighth Prince of Zhenbei of the Great Xia Dynasty shouted and gave orders to an army of ten thousand people in the Great Xia army.

The Great Xia Divine Strategy Army has existed since the founding of the Great Xia Divine Dynasty, with a total strength of 10,000. The minimum cultivation requirement to enter the Divine Strategy Army is to be in the Void-breaking Realm. One can become a Centurion in the Life and Death Realm, and one can become a Centurion in the Nirvana Realm. The captain, and the leader of the Shence Army, is the Eighth Prince, the younger brother of the current emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty. He entered the inheritance temple two years ago. Although he did not receive the inheritance from the ancestral god, his own cultivation has reached the level of a saint. realm.

But what this person is best at is not fighting alone, but arranging troops. This time the army of all races, the Holy King, the Great Sage and even the quasi-emperor also participated, but with his outstanding military ability, he became the leader of all races. The commander of one side of the clan’s army, even the Holy King and the Great Sage behind him, must obey his orders at this time.

“Got the order!”

The Shence Army took the lead and separated from the large army in an instant. Then the Ten Thousand Shence Army was headed by ten captains. The auras of each person were connected with each other, and finally turned into ten arrows that exuded evil spirits and ghostly light. , shooting towards the dark army of monsters in front of him.

Obviously, the name of the military formation called Front Arrow Battle Formation is similar to the name of the military formation of the secular kingdom, but the essence is completely different. The Front Arrow Battle Formation is a peerless combined attack formation created by Emperor Kaipai of the Great Xia Dynasty. It can perfectly condense the power of a thousand people into one person, turning it into a sharp arrow to tear the enemy apart. !


Ten arrows exuding powerful aura fell from the sky and landed in the army of monsters. The powerful force burst out and opened a bottomless rift, dividing the army of monsters here into There are two parts before and after.

“Army of all races, kill!”

Uncle Eighth King saw this and shouted, commanding the two million armies of all races under him to rush towards the monsters in front. Most of the army of all races were race, followed by the demon race, and finally It is an ancient tribe, and most of the demon tribe are willing to serve as mounts in this demon-killing operation, cooperating with the human army to become invincible cavalry.

Among the two million troops, there are one hundred thousand cavalry. Under their seats are three lions, three-tailed demon foxes, two-headed snakes, and all kinds of mounts.

Following Uncle Eighth Prince’s order, one hundred thousand cavalry took the lead in launching a charge. They held halberds, and each one of them was like a god of war, mercilessly harvesting the chaotic army of monsters.

Although the army of monsters is huge in number, they don’t know how to cooperate. And with the blessing of formations, the army of all races can exert more than ten times the power?

Under the command of Uncle Eighth Prince, the first wave of offensive had already harvested nearly 30 million monsters. Countless shiny pure crystals fell to the ground, but they did not pick them up, not to mention that now was not the time to clean the battlefield. Well, let’s just say that the quality of these pure Yuan Crystals are mostly below the Concentration Realm. To them, they are just some luminous stones.

The offensive here is so fierce that there is a person far away from the army of ten thousand races commanded by Uncle Eighth King, whose command is no less than that of Uncle Eighth King.

That was a general covered in a pair of silver armor. He came from the Jiuli Dynasty. Under the command of this silver-white general, the performance of the army of all races was no worse than that of the Eighth Prince Uncle. Even if In terms of destructive power, this silver-white general is even better.

The ground was filled with the remains of monsters, and even the pure crystals dropped by monsters were destroyed.

“Very good, brothers, keep charging for me!”

A melodious female voice came from inside the silver armor. Even without seeing her appearance, just hearing the voice is enough to make people imagine, but the sound of “I” It destroyed countless people’s expectations for her.

The performance of King Zhenbei of the Great Xia Dynasty and the silver-white female general of the Jiuli Dynasty successfully attracted Gu Changsheng’s attention.

“These two are rare generals!”

Gu Changsheng said softly.

The Golden Ancient Emperor on the side also nodded, but also said: “But compared with the eight great generals before you, boss, the cultivation talent is still far behind.” ”

Otherwise, do you think anyone can become my general? “Gu Changsheng glanced at him.

“Uh…hehe…” The Golden Ancient Emperor smiled but said nothing.

“We can focus on training these two people.” Gu Changsheng wrote down the two of them. Maybe their talents are not as good as those of the eight great generals, but their tactical ability is no worse than the eight great generals. In addition, the world will change imminently. The origin of the avenue is revived, and the world of mortals will usher in a new era. With the right time, place, and people, their future achievements will surpass those of the eight great generals.

After all, living people always have more opportunities than those who have passed away!

With the good start of the Zhenbei King of the Great Xia Divine Dynasty and the silver-white female general of the Jiuli Divine Dynasty, the armies of all races in other directions were not to be outdone. Under the command of their respective commanders, they harvested monsters like leeks.

Just the first wave of offensive by the army of all races killed more than 100 million monsters. Countless pure crystals that flashed the light fell on the battlefield, giving a dazzling light to the dark environment caused by the magic cloud.

However, the army of all races was not without casualties. In just one wave of offensive, the army of all races lost hundreds of thousands of troops. This battle loss ratio was quite large.

You must know that the army of monsters is conservatively estimated to be close to 100 billion, while the army of all races is only less than 100 million. If this battle loss ratio is maintained until the end of this demon-killing war, then even if the army of all races suppresses all the monsters, there will be only one left. There are not many people left, and even except for the strong men above saints, everyone else may die together.

But even so, the army of all races did not take a step back, but continued to fight with the endless army of monsters.


The area of 100,000 miles around the Demon Suppressing Place has become a battlefield, including the Demon Suppressing City.

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