Send the ancestor off to heaven

The Demon Suppressing City is not far from the Demon Suppressing Land. As soon as the war started, the Demon Suppressing City became the center of the battlefield.

Countless monsters rushed towards the Demon Suppressing City, trying to break through the defensive formation of the Demon Suppressing City, but the defensive formation was already crumbling.

“City Lord, the defensive formation can no longer hold up.” Under the city wall, Deacon Yan looked solemnly at the black army of monsters outside the city. It was really dark clouds that were threatening to destroy the city.

“Have all the people in the city finished evacuating?” the Lord of Demon Suppression City asked.

“All have been evacuated!”

At this time, a voice fell, it was a saint ancestor of the Yin Yang Sect.

The Lord of Demon Suppression City and Deacon Yan were about to salute, but the saint ancestor said, “I won’t be able to take care of you later.” ”


The Lord of Demon Suppression City was confused.

My saint ancestor looked at the black army of monsters and said solemnly: “I feel an extremely powerful demonic energy. There is no mistake. Monsters above saints have already appeared.”

“Saints and above .” A monster?”

The two of them were startled, but before they could ask any more questions, a thunderous roar came from the distance.

“Crack, click, click…”

Spider-web-like cracks appeared in the defensive formation of Demon Suppression City.



Countless monsters, like cats smelling fish, crazily climbed onto the defensive shield in various twisted and strange postures, biting at the cracks that appeared.

“Evil beast!”

The Saint Ancestor snorted coldly, and in a flash, he walked through the formation and appeared outside the city. Then his aura burst out and he punched the black army of monsters.


There was a loud noise, and the monsters in front of the Demon Suppressing City were instantly cleared. With this punch, he killed at least millions of monsters. This was even if he had some room to spare. After all, the Demon Suppressing City is Behind him, if he used all his strength, he would definitely sink the Demon Suppression City.

“Ancestor is mighty!”

This was the first time for the Lord of the Demon Suppressing City and Deacon Yan to see a powerful saint take action with their own eyes. With one action, millions of monsters were killed. If they were allowed to take action, they would not be killed by the monsters. , will also be exhausted.


At this time, the familiar roar sounded again. As the roar fell, a huge monster appeared in the sky. It had three heads and six arms, like the angry-eyed King Kong in Buddhist legends, but it was completely black and had a long stripe on its back. Its tail exudes a terrifying demonic aura, and its mouth has two long fangs, like an evil ghost from the Nine Netherworld, and it looks ferocious.

“This monster is stronger than our ancestor!” the Lord of Demon Suppression City said with a solemn expression.

“City Lord, how do you know?” Deacon Yan was stunned. In front of him, with the three-headed and six-armed monster, he was like a lonely boat on the endless sea, and could be submerged by huge waves at any time.

“Look at the expression on the ancestor’s face.” The Lord of Demon Suppression City said.

Deacon Yan looked around and saw that the expression on his ancestor’s face was even more serious than theirs.


“Human race, die!”

The three-headed and six-armed monster roared and rushed towards the saint ancestor of the Yin Yang Sect.

The monster’s body was huge, but its speed was extremely strange. It arrived in front of the saint ancestor of the Yin Yang Sect in an instant, and swung one of its fists and smashed it down hard.


The saint ancestor of the Yin Yang Sect raised his hand to block the blow, but the terrifying force knocked him back dozens of steps.

“So strong!” The Saint Ancestor was secretly shocked. He was a ninth-level saint, and this monster was also a ninth-level saint. However, he had already entered his old age and his vitality was not as strong as before. He was definitely no match against this monster in its prime.


The three-headed and six-armed monster saw that the old man in front of it was able to block its own attack. It seemed to be greatly insulted. It roared angrily, and the demonic energy on its body quickly condensed in front of it as if boiling.

When the saint ancestor of the Yin Yang Sect saw this, he did not hesitate. He waved a big sword with his big hand and appeared. This was his natal holy weapon.


He held the holy weapon in his hand, yelled angrily, and slashed at the monster.

Seeing this, the monster quickly avoided the blow, but its concentrated offensive was interrupted.

The saint ancestor of the Yin Yang Sect swung his sword, and a sword light that could move mountains and seas appeared, and he slashed at the monster with great momentum.

“Roar!” The monster roared angrily, punched out, and shattered the sword into pieces.

“City Lord, what should I do? My ancestor is at a disadvantage.” Deacon Yan’s eyes were anxious. Although his cultivation was not as good as the two sides fighting in the sky, his ancestor’s attack was easily crushed by the monster. He could still tell who it was. Who is better and who is worse.

The Lord of the Demon Suppressing City was also extremely worried. Originally, there were three ancestors who assisted him in evacuating the people of the Demon Suppressing City. However, now that the war in the Demon Suppressing City was urgent, when the evacuation was completed, the other two ancestors came to the front to provide support. Ancestor Bixian is left.

“Ancestor, if something cannot be done, please leave first!” The Lord of Demon Suppression City shouted.

Patriarch Bi Xian, who was holding a broadsword in his hand, did not respond to the words of the Lord of the Demon Suppressing City. Instead, he waved his broadsword to attack the three-headed and six-armed monster.

“Jie Jie, you old guy from the human race, do you have this much strength? It doesn’t hurt or itch!”

The three-headed and six-armed monster actually resisted the swords of the ancestor Bi Xian several times with its body, but it was not hurt at all.

Ancestor Bi Xian’s face did not change, but he said in a deep voice: “Do you dare to go up to the sky and fight me?”

At this time, their battlefield was in front of the Demon Suppression City. He had some scruples and could not use his full strength, but monsters were different. , exerting all his strength in every blow. In order to prevent the Demon Suppressing City from being affected, he could only parry the monster’s attack with all his strength.

“Old guy, do you think I’m stupid? You have scruples here and can’t use your full strength, but I don’t have scruples, Jie Jie…”

The monster let out an eerie laugh, which was creepy.

Ancestor Bi Xian’s face changed slightly. This monster seemed to be not only stronger than other monsters, but also had a high IQ. It could actually see through his mind.

“That’s not up to you!”

Ancestor Bixian sneered. His slightly stooped figure suddenly became extremely tall and straight, and his aura became much stronger than before.

“Hmph, old guy, don’t think that you can stop me by straightening your spine. I’m going to break the bones on your spine one by one later!” The

three-headed and six-armed monster snorted disdainfully. The monster in the Demon Suppressing Land All because of the birth of the original demon king, he naturally inherited the original demon king’s hatred of the human race.

“Starting from you, I will break the backbone of your human race!”

It roared and rushed towards Ancestor Bixian.

“You want to break the backbone of my human race? What a dream!”

An angry look appeared on Ancestor Bixian’s face. He held a big knife and rushed towards the monster.

“Go to hell, old guy.” The monster’s fists, mixed with awe-inspiring demonic energy, blasted towards Ancestor Bi Xian.

But Patriarch Bi Xian showed a strange smile, as if he was waiting for the monster’s fist.

Just when the monster’s fist was about to hit Bi Xian, Bi Xian’s figure suddenly appeared behind the monster.


The monster was stunned for a moment, but suddenly felt its tail being grabbed behind it.

“If I ask you to go to heaven, you have to go to heaven!”

Bi Xian grabbed the monster’s tail, shouted angrily, and then pulled the monster’s tail and flew up to the sky.


The monster was caught off guard by Bi Xian’s tail, and was carried up to the sky before it had time to react.


The Lord of Demon Suppression City and Deacon Yan exclaimed.

At this time, Bi Xian’s voice sounded in the sky.

“If there is just a demon-suppressing city behind me, I will leave at any time. But behind me, in addition to the demon-suppressing city, there are other big human cities and all the races in the world!” “When

a man is alive, he will do something and some not.”

“I am honored as the Saint of Bi Xian by the world!”

“If I don’t do something important in this life that benefits all races, I, Bi Xian, will become a joke! If the monsters want to break the backbone of my human race, I will take their lives. !”


The laughter of Ancestor Bixian echoed in the sky and the earth, and then, there was an earth-shaking loud noise above the nine heavens, and then, a bloody heavy rain appeared out of thin air above the Demon City.

A stream of light fell from the sky and landed in front of the gate of Demon Suppression City.

It was a fragment of a knife. The fragment was embedded in the ground and only part of it was exposed, but you could vaguely see that there was a word on the fragment.


Saint Bi Xian also became the first saint to die in the war to exterminate demons!

“Send our ancestors to heaven!”

The Lord of Demon Suppression City, Deacon Yan, and the remaining monks in Demon Suppression City all knelt down in unison and shouted in unison.

In the distance, those who were fighting in the Demon Suppressing Land also sensed the passing of Saint Bi Xian.

“Congratulations to send my fellow Taoist to heaven!” This was the voice of a strong man who was also a saint or above.

“Send the holy saint to heaven!” This was the voice of a monk below the saint.

“Master, have a good journey!” Yin Yangzi’s face was complicated. Sage Bi Xian was his mentor. Sage Bi Xian had been to Tianji Pavilion before, and he still remembered Tianjizi’s words at that time.

“Sage Bi Xian, go here and never return!” These were Tianjizi’s original words. He was mentally prepared, but when things really happened, his heart was extremely complicated.

“Lao Bi, you’re good. Even after countless years, someone will remember you.”


The two saint ancestors who were walking together before showed a bitter smile on their faces. They and Bi Xian were contemporaries. They pressed the button seriously. In terms of seniority, Bi Xian was still their junior brother. Their old friend who had been with them for many years suddenly passed away, and their inner emotions were also very complicated.

But they are not sad. This is a war, and there will definitely be casualties in war. Even a saint and a strong man will fall if he is not careful.

Bi Xian has fallen, but after this, there will be countless Bi Xians.

People can die, but this spirit is passed down from generation to generation.

“What a great Bixian!” Gu Changsheng praised.

The Ancient Golden Emperor nodded. The reason why the human race has become the most prosperous race in the universe is because there has been no shortage of sages like Bi Xian who care about the world since ancient times. Such talents are the real “saints”!

“Ah Wu, I want to cry, what should I do?” Ah San said.

“Then just cry!” Ah Wu’s nose was also red.

“Why are you crying?” Ah Si asked confused.

Seeing this, Ah San and Ah Wu pinched Ah Si’s soft flesh with one hand and said in unison: “You cry for us too!”

“Ah wu…” Ah Si cried out in pain, and tears instantly came out.

The death of Saint Bi Xian not only did not frighten the army of all races, but instead made them feel as if they had taken a pill, and their fighting power became stronger.



“Sage Bi Xian is right. We want to create a prosperous era. As long as we can bless future generations, it doesn’t matter even if we die!” ”

Kill, kill all these devil bastards for me. Broken!”

The army of all races seemed to have taken a super tonic pill, their combat power soared, and they continued to harvest the lives of the monster army, but at the same time, some of them continued to die.

Rivers of blood?

No, at this time, blood lakes have appeared one after another in the Demon Suppressing Land, which are the blood of the armies of all races.

The army of all races is brave and fearless of death, but the monsters are even more brave and fearless than them.

The monsters under the saints have no fear and no concept of death. Although they are disorganized, their numbers are huge, hundreds of times that of the army of all races. Some members of the army of all races are often taken advantage of by monsters because of lack of spiritual power in their bodies. Lost his life.

Up to now, the war has lasted for eight hours. The sun has disappeared, the arc-shaped crescent moon has appeared in the sky, and the cumulative casualties of the army of all races have exceeded 1.5 million, but the army of monsters looks like there are no less. Generally, there is a steady stream, no matter how they kill, they will be replenished like a wave in the next moment.

And as time went by, the more monsters they killed, the stronger the monsters they encountered, and the more members of the army of all races fell.

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng watched all this with calm eyes, and the Golden Ancient Emperor showed no change in expression.

On the other hand, Ah Wu and the other three turned pale when they saw countless people dying.

“Uncle, does it have to be like this?” Ah Wu asked.

Gu Changsheng nodded and said: “This is a stage they must go through. Now their enemies are just some chaotic monsters with average strength. In the future, their enemies will be immortals who are countless times more powerful than these monsters now. If they can’t even deal with these monsters, then the number of people who will die in the future will be countless times as many as now.”

“Unifying the heavens and the world is no child’s play!”

Hou Tu’s idea of unifying the heavens and the world has long been known. It spread to all parts of the universe through major forces, and the vast majority of people voted in favor.

Unifying all the heavens and worlds would be the achievement of all ages. Anyone who has a dream will not be able to bear this temptation.

Especially the forces or ethnic groups that have given birth to the ancient emperor, the Supreme Great Emperor. Their ancestors once ruled the eight wastelands of the universe, which was a supreme honor. If they can unify all the heavens and worlds, their achievements will surpass those of their ancestors. This is not the case for any of them. No one can refuse.


In the corner of the demon-suppressing land, Huang Jinrong, the ancient golden emperor, also commanded an army. He not only commanded the army to charge and kill, but also took action himself. He was a loyal supporter of the unification of all heavens and worlds.

“My sons, do you want to surpass our Golden Ancient Emperor?” Huang Jinrong asked loudly.

“Think!” dozens of voices responded. There were not many Golden Ancient Emperors, only a dozen or so, but each of them was extremely powerful, the lowest being from the Xiaoyao Realm. With them taking action together, this army had already killed more than a dozen people. A billion monster.

“Very good, then come with me to kill all these monsters, and then assist His Majesty the Holy Emperor and Empress Houtu to unify all the worlds.”


Huang Jinrong took the lead and led the army to kill!

“You nephew, you have a pretty good dream!” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“This kid, your uncle wants to surpass me even though I’m still alive!” Ancient Emperor Huang Huang also couldn’t laugh or cry. The boy Huang Jinrong thought he was really dead.

Sure enough, I still have to show my face to the world, otherwise no one will know about me, the Golden Ancient Emperor.

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