The Demon Lord unblocks the ancient emperor and appears as a saint

“Elder brother, what should I do? Why hasn’t the master come yet?” Aaron asked Ah Xiong worriedly. Now there are still two or three hours away from the three days mentioned by the original demon. They are already in this dark place. Been here for three days.

“We have no choice but to wait.” Ah Xiong also frowned. He and Aaron were just young monks in the Mortal Realm. They were fledgling boys. Faced with such a predicament, they had no other choice but to wait for rescue. .

“There are many children here. I don’t know what this damn devil wants to do. He has even captured babies that were just born.” Aaron looked into the distance with distress. In his eyes, there was something obvious. Newborn babies who have not yet begun to grow body hair are trapped in a shield, and the shield seems to be able to replenish these babies with various energy and prevent these babies from getting into trouble.

Aaron, who looked bored, shouted skillfully in the direction of the magic mountain: “Hey, grandson’s grandson’s grandson’s grandson, if you have the guts, come out and beat your ancestors, me. If you don’t dare, surrender obediently, and I will let your ancestors go.” You have a way out.”

He had scolded him like this many times in the past three days, and the original demon didn’t say a word. He thought it would be the same this time, and the original demon pretended to be dead and dived.

But when Aaron finished speaking, there was a sudden violent vibration in the huge magic mountain.


Countless stones slid from the mountain, smashing large craters into the dark earth.

Because the area of Along was specially restricted by the original demon, they did not feel any impact, but they were not blind. They could naturally see that the magic mountain was rapidly disintegrating, and the demon might be about to The seal has been broken.

“Damn it, you’re not angry because I scolded you, and you want to come out and hit me, right?” Aaron’s face changed drastically. If it was really because of him that the original demon king broke the seal a few hours early, then he would cry. .


The magic mountain shook more violently, with more and more cracks, and the demonic energy seeping out of the cracks became stronger and stronger. At this moment, the dark magic mountain suddenly emitted a burst of golden light, and the magic mountain It actually stopped shaking.

“Look, it’s not moving!” Ah Xiong said in surprise.

“It can’t be a reflection of the light, right? But I’ve only heard that people can return to the light, can mountains do it too?” Aaron asked.


The magic mountain shook again, more violently than before, almost like dancing, and the golden light was also eroded by the devilish energy.

“Shut your crow mouth!” Ah Xiong glared at Aaron.

“Hahaha, Ye Hongchen, you are dead, and you still want to seal me with a mountain? Dream on, break it for me!”

At this time, the crazy laughter of the original demon came from the magic mountain, and as the original demon As soon as the words fell, the magic mountain exploded into countless pieces of powder.

“Hahaha, after countless years, I finally came out again. Ye Hongchen, you are dead, but I will take good care of your human race for you. I will transform your human race into my demon race!” Between heaven and earth

! The words of the original demon lord echoed.

“Where are the people?” Aaron looked in the direction of the Demon Mountain. The Demon Mountain was gone, but they didn’t find the original Demon Lord, they only heard his voice.

“I don’t know.” Ah Xiong also didn’t see the figure of the original demon.

At this time, they were all worried that the original demon king had escaped from trouble, and he would probably settle the score with them.

“Don’t worry, I said I will torture you, so I will save yours until the end. When I clear away the ants outside, it’s your turn!” At

this time, the voice of the original demon lord was in their ears. The sound suddenly startled the two of them.

The army of all races naturally heard the laughter of the original demon that resounded throughout the world, and after the sound appeared, the strength of those monsters increased rapidly, and the strength of almost every monster increased to a higher level. The monster’s strength ushered in a qualitative leap, and it immediately caused a huge loss to the army of all races. In less than a few breaths, millions of troops fell to the monster’s hands.

“Keep your formation, don’t mess up your position!”

The Prince of Zhenbei of the Great Xia Dynasty was not afraid of danger. Even if the army suffered a heavy setback, he did not lose his position. Instead, he quickly issued orders to stabilize the formation. Soon the army he commanded was Started to fight back against the monsters.

The silver-white female general of the Jiuli Divine Dynasty also led her own army to effectively counterattack the monsters.

Although the others were not good at commanding, they followed suit and quickly stabilized the army they commanded.

“Line up and charge!” King Zhenbei kept giving orders. Under his command, the army was harvesting the lives of countless monsters at the minimum cost.


At this time, the demonic clouds over the Demon Suppressing Land also changed. Countless demonic clouds quickly gathered towards the core of the Demonic Suppressing Land, and finally formed a dark demonic cloud. The demonic cloud exuded… There was a terrifying aura, and countless creatures on the Tianhuang Star felt uncomfortable all over their bodies at this moment. They felt like there was a huge boulder pressing in their hearts, making them unable to breathe.

Even a strong person in the quasi-emperor realm feels this way.

“Something is about to come out, giving me a feeling that it is more powerful than the Great Ancient Emperor.”

Behind the army of all races, there are more than a dozen figures exuding a touch of imperial power. They are all all races this time. The strongest combat power in the army is that everyone is above the third level of quasi-emperor, and the strongest one has reached the eighth level of quasi-emperor.

A fourth-level quasi-emperor said to a graceful female quasi-emperor: “Fellow Taoist Qingcheng, do you have any orders from His Majesty the Holy Emperor?” The

female quasi-emperor was naturally Gu Changsheng’s great-granddaughter, Gu Qingcheng, who was also the most present person. The strong quasi-emperor, she opened her red lips lightly and said, “Grandpa said someone would take care of it.” ”

Then what is our role?” Someone asked in confusion. The Holy Emperor’s Palace only allowed them to travel with the army, but not Let them take action to suppress the monsters, and the strongest monsters that appear now are only the peak of the Great Sage. Others can be blocked, but it seems impossible to say that they have nothing to do when they come.

Just as Gu Qingcheng was about to answer, the dark demon cloud on the demon-suppressing land reacted. The demon cloud suddenly shot out dozens or hundreds of strong demonic energy, in the direction of where the Great Sage was fighting.

Seeing this, Gu Qingcheng said: “Kill the demonic energy away!”

After saying that, Gu Qingcheng directly used the magical power of shrinking to an inch, and instantly came under the demonic cloud, waving his hand to smash a ray of demonic energy.

When the other quasi-emperors saw this, they quickly followed. They didn’t know why they did this, but there was absolutely no problem following Gu Qingcheng.

More than a dozen quasi-emperors took action together and instantly shattered more than a dozen demonic energies. When they took action against the demonic energy again, more than a dozen demonic energies had already crossed their defenses and came to Gu Wei and the others, entering instantly. Into the bodies of those monsters at the peak of the Great Sage.


The monster that absorbed the demonic energy directly broke through the peak of the Great Sage and reached the quasi-emperor realm.

“Not good!”

Gu Qingcheng’s face changed slightly, and he took a step forward and came to Gu Wei and the others.

“Ancestor Qingcheng!” Gu Wei gave a slight salute to Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng nodded, and then said: “You guys retreat, you can’t deal with this place now.”


“Huh?” Gu Qingcheng glanced at Gu Wei, and Gu Wei was immediately discouraged. She could act coquettishly and plead for mercy to stay and fight, but facing Patriarch Qingcheng, forget it. Her coquettish skills were all learned from Patriarch Qingcheng, so how could she be Patriarch Qingcheng’s opponent.

Gu Wei had no choice but to follow the others and leave the area angrily.

When Gu Wei passed by the place where the army of all races were fighting monsters, she casually slapped them, killing nearly 30% of the monsters immediately.

The army of all races was stunned for a moment when they saw that the field in front of them was suddenly cleared.

“This, fellow Taoist Gu Wei, is this against the rules?” asked a great sage ancestor. Because this time is military training, strong men above the sage king cannot interfere on the battlefield casually. Otherwise, let alone tens of billions of monsters. Well, even if it’s hundreds of billions or trillions, it’s still not enough for a great sage, so there’s no point in training troops like that.

“Rules? I will tell my ancestors.” Gu Wei snorted, and disappeared in a flash.

In the clouds, Gu Changsheng watched Gu Wei, a little girl, acting petty, but he just smiled. He could only pamper his granddaughter, should he be punished?

“What kind of Demon Lord is this? Why did he just speak and now he is missing? Is he missing?”

At this time, Aaron and Ah Xiong were both confused. Since the original Demon Lord has broken the seal, why is it now ? Haven’t shown up yet?

“Ah… who are you? How can there be a strong person like you in the world of mortals? Damn it… you don’t talk about immortal virtues!”

At this moment, the roar of the original demon lord rang out in the world.

“Haha, my name is the Golden Ancient Emperor. To you, I am just a million-year-old descendant. Is it reasonable to launch a sneak attack?” The faint voice of the Golden Ancient Emperor sounded.


When Ah Xiong and Aaron heard this extremely familiar voice, they immediately thought of the master who had descended from the sky.

“Oh my God, Master didn’t lie to us? Is he really that strong?” Aaron clicked his tongue.

“Really!” Ah Xiong also had a dull look on his face. They had followed the master for several years and never believed how awesome the master was. Otherwise, why didn’t he take them back to the sect in the past few years? In their opinion, there is The immortal cultivators of his sect are the most powerful, but in recent years, the master has led them around everywhere, and even has to bargain with others to rent a house. This is not something that a very powerful person can do.

Now they suddenly learned that their master was very powerful. This contrast caught them off guard.

“Hey, that’s not right, Senior Brother, just now Master said that he has lived for more than a million years, isn’t that an old goblin?” Aaron suddenly woke up.

“Is this the point?” Ah Xiong looked at Aaron speechlessly. Shouldn’t you focus on how Master can live for a million years?

“Hehe, it turns out that Master is so old. He looks like he is only thirty years old. Hey, there is a skill in beauty. You have to find time to learn this skill when you have time. As long as you have this skill, it will be much easier to find a wife in the future. What woman doesn’t want to stay young forever, hee hee hee…”

Aaron has already begun to fantasize.


Ah Xiong slapped his forehead, Aaron was already hopeless.

However, the location of the collapsed magic mountain hides a space. This space is the place where the original demon king was sealed for countless years. In fact, when the original demon king collapsed the magic mountain, the Golden Ancient Emperor entered this space. Inside, this is also the reason why the original demon king has never appeared.

The helpless Primeval Demon Lord could only control the demon clouds in the demon-suppressing land and spawn some monsters with quasi-emperor cultivation to compete with the army of all races.

Apart from that, he had no other choice, because the Golden Ancient Emperor struck him hard as soon as he came up.

The original demon king was a boy who looked to be in his teens, but he was exuding demonic energy and had an extra scar on his face, making him look particularly ferocious.


The Primordial Demon Lord just wanted to speak, but the Golden Ancient Emperor had already taken action brazenly. He still remembered what the boss said. If he didn’t make the Primordial Demon Lord cry, he would be tortured to tears.

“You think I’m afraid of you!” The original demon king was also angry. This young boy who had somehow cultivated to this level unexpectedly attacked him repeatedly. It was simply unforgivable.


The Primordial Demon Lord roared angrily, and the overwhelming demonic energy formed countless sharp swords and stabbed at the Golden Ancient Emperor.


The Golden Ancient Emperor’s body emitted a burst of golden light, and his whole body was shaken, shattering all these demonic swords. Then the figure flashed and appeared in front of the original demon king, punching out.


The original demon was knocked back a few steps.

The ancient golden emperor was unyielding in power, and the golden light on his body surged. The sky and the earth shook, and the avenue shook. In the sky above Tianhuang Star, a golden avenue suddenly appeared, exuding a majestic aura.

“Golden Avenue!”

Someone in the army of all races recognized this avenue, and then they all looked at Huang Jinrong.

And Huang Jinrong was also stunned. The Golden Avenue was the exclusive avenue of his uncle Huang Huang Ancient Emperor. How could it appear at this time?

Could it be…

Huang Huangrong’s eyes lit up, and he only thought of one possibility, that is, the Ancient Huang Huang was still alive, which was a ground-breaking event for their Ancient Golden Clan.


At this time, the space vibrated. In the sky, opposite the Golden Avenue, suddenly there was an avenue exuding a sinister demonic energy, facing the Golden Avenue tit for tat.

“No matter how you cultivated to this level, but since you want to stop me, then go to hell!”

Suddenly, a peerless demonic shadow appeared in the sky. He stepped on a black lotus and stretched out his hand to press down. go.

“Hmph! Times have changed. You are old. Let me send you to reincarnation!” The Golden Ancient Emperor blasted through the offensive of the original demon king with one punch, and his tall and straight figure appeared in the sky. This was the first time in a million years that he appeared in the sky. Appear holy before the world.

“It’s really uncle!” Huang Jinrong was shocked when he saw the familiar figure. The portrait of the Ancient Emperor Huang was still enshrined within the Huangjin Ancient Clan, so he would naturally not admit his mistake.

“Huangkou kid, if it hadn’t been for Ye Hongchen, the world of mortals would have turned into the primitive demon world long ago.” The primitive demon lord snorted coldly and took action very simply. With a casual hold, a demonic spear appeared, and then Throw it at the Golden Ancient Emperor.


Wherever the spear passed, fragments of time appeared. The Primeval Demon Lord used his great supernatural power to lock the past, present and future of the Golden Ancient Emperor. The Golden Ancient Emperor could only resist this move.

“Here comes the Mace!”

The Ancient Golden Emperor suddenly shouted and raised his big hand. The Ancient Emperor’s soldier guarding the Golden Ancient Clan in the Southern Wasteland, the Golden Mace, sensed his master’s call and shattered the space with a “boom” before arriving in front of the Ancient Golden Emperor.

The golden ancient emperor holding the golden mace flashed a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and then with a wave of his hand, he shot out a terrifying golden light and shattered the spear.

“It’s just a supreme weapon, but you dare to use it to fight me?” The Original Demon Lord glanced at the golden mace with disdain.

“Haha!” The Ancient Golden Emperor chuckled, and then he fired a breath into the golden mace. The golden mace glowed brightly, and it was instantly promoted from a supreme weapon to an immortal weapon.

The golden mace is his natal weapon and will improve as his realm improves.

“Next, you will feel the horror of the new era!” The Golden Ancient Emperor said faintly.

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