The Golden Treasure

“Arrogant!” The Primeval Demon Lord shouted softly, and the sky exploded, and a black hole appeared behind him. Even the light was swallowed by the black hole, but the Primeval Demon Lord did not move at all.

The black hole continues to expand, and the mountains, forests, and oceans of Tianhuang Star are constantly being swallowed by the black hole.

This scene is like the end of the world!

“I have existed since the birth of the world. A brat who has just become an immortal dares to speak arrogant words. I really don’t know the heights of heaven and earth.”

The voice of the original demon was so cold that even the time and space around his body was frozen. .

“The horror of the new era? Do you think you are Ye Hongchen?”

The Original Demon Lord snorted, and with a wave of his hand, countless demonic energy condensed into a war spear. The war spear was completely black and exuded a powerful dark aura.

“It turned out to be the legendary dark fairy gold!”

When a great saint monk who had just left the battlefield saw the black spear in the hands of the original demon king, his pupils shrank. The dark fairy gold, together with the fairy mark orange gold, the immortal green gold, and the god Scarred Bauhinia and others are listed as the nine immortal golds, but since ancient times, the two immortal golds have been extremely rare. There are not many legends and records left, because few ancient emperors can obtain these two immortal golds.

One of them is Dark Fairy Gold, and the other kind of Fairy Gold is the opposite of Dark Fairy Gold, called Light Fairy Gold.

Darkness and light are alien species among fairy gold and rarely appear in the universe.

According to records in ancient books, His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s Eternal Life Cauldron for millions of years and the Seven-Star Sword Emperor Li Beichen’s Seven-Star Sword Box from 300,000 years ago contained two kinds of fairy gold, darkness and light.

These two are not ordinary great emperors. Needless to say, His Majesty the Holy Emperor is now born to rule all races. The Seven-Star Sword Emperor Li Beichen is also known as the youngest emperor. He became emperor a thousand years earlier than His Majesty the Holy Emperor. His talent and talents are unmatched by ordinary people.

And now, the peerless demon who suddenly came out of the demon-suppressing place actually had a spear made of dark fairy gold. This shocked them, but they thought that this demon was an old monster from who knows how long ago. How could he possess it? Dark Fairy Gold doesn’t seem strange either.

The aura of the original demon king holding the dark spear was completely different from before. He raised the dark spear high and pointed it at the black hole. The dark spear flashed a faint light, and the black hole was instantly absorbed, and the dark aura of the dark spear became even stronger. .

“Black bite!”

The original demon swung the dark spear and shot out a magic light. The magic light was like a black glutton, swallowing everything. Everything it passed was nothingness. Even the light emitted by the sun was consumed by the magic light. The light was swallowed up, and in an instant, the entire Tianhuang Star Territory entered a dark era.

This scene was truly terrifying, and countless creatures couldn’t help but worry about the Golden Ancient Emperor.

But at this moment, a ray of light that was more dazzling than the sun appeared in the sky. In the light, the Ancient Golden Emperor held a golden mace. He used the golden mace to not only interrupt the magic light, but also tear apart the darkness. A bright light came out.

“Your light is too annoying, die!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark spear broke through the void and came to the Golden Ancient Emperor.


The Golden Ancient Emperor blocked the dark spear with his golden mace, and then shook slightly. The golden mace vibrated violently, and instantly produced a powerful resonance force that bounced the dark spear away.

Then the Golden Ancient Emperor waved his golden mace and hit the dark spear. The Primordial Demon Lord immediately felt a powerful force coming from the spear, almost making him let go of his hands.

A look of surprise flashed across the young face of the Original Demon Lord. The Golden Ancient Emperor’s physical body was stronger than he had imagined.

“Are you surprised now? Then you will be surprised by a lot of things next.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor noticed the expression of the original demon king, and a smile appeared on his face.

The Original Demon Lord was an existence that was born when the world of mortals first opened. The method of cultivation is naturally very different from today’s method. It can be said that the Original Demon Lord represents an ancient faction, while the Golden Ancient Emperor represents a brand new one. faction.

The collision between them is a collision of different Tao and Dharma.

After listening to the words of the Golden Ancient Emperor, the original demon sneered and said: “It’s just because I have just broken the seal and my strength has not yet returned to its peak. If my strength is restored to even one ten thousandth, one thought is enough to kill me.” You!”

When the Ancient Golden Emperor heard this, a strange look appeared on his face. He said, “You should be glad that you only have the strength you have now. If you were any stronger, you wouldn’t have to face me.”

” Hum!” The Original Demon Lord snorted coldly. He simply didn’t believe that there was anyone in this era who could be stronger than the Ancient Golden Emperor. In this Dharma-ending era, it was already very difficult to achieve the supreme status. It would be difficult for the Ancient Golden Emperor to find another way to achieve this. Immortal, that is even more difficult. It is estimated that it is difficult to find one in all eternity. How can there be anyone stronger than him.

When the Ancient Golden Emperor saw that the Original Demon Lord didn’t believe him, he didn’t explain much. He had no obligation to educate the Original Demon Lord about the current situation in the world of mortals.

“No matter what you say, I will suppress you today!” The original demon king shouted, and the dark demonic energy occupied half of the sky. He waved the dark spear and shot out a series of terrifying demonic lights.

“Golden Treasure!”

The Ancient Golden Emperor shouted, and used the supreme technique that he had learned from the Supreme Enlightenment. No, today’s “Golden Treasure” has become an immortal technique.


Behind the Golden Ancient Emperor, a vast avenue of golden light appeared. Within the golden light, various weapons appeared, including swords, guns, swords, halberds, bells, tripods, lighthouses, and all the weapons that had ever appeared in the world. .

When Huang Huangrong saw the Ancient Huang Huang using the Golden Divine Treasure, he immediately felt tears welling up in his eyes. He also practiced the Golden Divine Treasure, and it was his uncle Huang Huang who taught him personally. Now seeing this scene, He couldn’t help but think of the time when he was taught by the Golden Ancient Emperor when he was young.

That was a million years ago. He thought that the ancient golden emperor had passed away, but he didn’t expect that today, a million years after he proclaimed himself a god, he would be able to see their emperor in golden ancient costume again. Go to the Golden Ancient Emperor to use the Golden Divine Treasure.

“Go!” The Golden Ancient Emperor waved his hand, and countless golden weapons went towards the Original Demon Lord.

The original demon king’s energy has been locked, and there is no way to avoid it. He can only fight against the golden treasure.


The powerful energy aftermath spread out in all directions, and everything in its path was obliterated. However, it seemed as if there was a mysterious energy that divided the battlefield between the Golden Ancient Emperor and the Original Demon Lord into another space. Strong people can observe the scenes of their battles but will not be affected by them.

“It’s Grandpa Ancestor!”

Gu Wei’s eyes lit up, and she looked around with her big bright eyes, wanting to see if she could find Gu Changsheng. In that case, she might be able to participate in the Quasi-Emperor War.

“Stop looking. You are not a match for the Quasi-Emperor yet. You should go back and practice!” Gu Changsheng’s voice came to Gu Wei’s ears.

“Oh!” Gu Wei responded in disappointment. Since her ancestor said that she was no match for the quasi-emperor, even the weakest quasi-emperor was not something she could handle, which shocked her heart.

“You are only over three thousand years old, and you still have a long way to go, so why be anxious.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

When Gu Wei heard this, her face fell, and she muttered: “Obviously I’m only eighteen years old!” Even though I’m eighteen years and thirty-six thousand months old, I’m still eighteen years old!

“Haha!” Gu Changsheng laughed and stopped talking.

(To be continued)

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