: Not very harmful, but extremely insulting

After the Primordial Demon Lord resisted the Ancient Golden Emperor’s Golden Divine Treasure, he felt uncomfortable. Half of his body was beaten to pieces, and only half of the dark spear was left.

“What a golden god!” The original demon said in a solemn tone, exuding powerful demonic energy to repair his body. Even the broken dark spear was restored by the repair of the demonic energy.

“He’s not dead yet?” The Golden Ancient Emperor was stunned for a moment.

“Haha, you are the only one who wants to kill me? Ye Hongchen couldn’t kill me back then, you were a little too young.” The original demon sneered. Ye Hongchen defeated him back then with his supreme Immortal King appearance, but no matter what method Ye Hongchen used , unable to completely kill him, they could only seal him.

“If you’re not dead, then continue!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor shouted, and the Golden Divine Treasure appeared behind him again.

“Do you think the same tricks will work on me?” The Primordial Demon Lord glared at the Ancient Golden Emperor. The Ancient Golden Emperor actually wanted to use the same tricks against him. This was a great shame for him.

The Ancient Golden Emperor ignored his words and directly threw the Golden Divine Treasure at the Original Demon Lord.

“Boom!” The original demon lord was eaten hard again.

When the energy dissipated, the original demon king’s body that had not been completely repaired was broken again.

“The effect hasn’t changed. I thought you could break my golden treasure!” the Golden Ancient Emperor said disdainfully.

“You… are hiding your clumsiness!” The original demon king was a little angry. This time, the golden divine treasure contained much more powerful Tao and Dharma than the last time, catching him off guard.

“You… No, you are not a human being! It’s strange that you are a demon. If you don’t have enough strength, you will accuse others of being stupid.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said.



Before the Primordial Demon Lord could speak, the Golden Ancient Emperor had already swung his golden mace and hit half of his demon body. The powerful force instantly knocked the Primordial Demon Lord out of the sky and smashed out of the earth. A deep pit.

There is no saying that the Golden Ancient Emperor has immortal virtues. The boss said that he would make the Original Demon Lord cry, so he would make the Original Demon Lord cry, otherwise he would be the one to cry, so he stood up with the golden mace in hand. Then, before the original demon king’s body could recover, he hit the original demon king’s remaining body hard.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

There was a rhythmic loud noise between the sky and the earth. No one could see what happened. They could only see the gold in the sky with every sound. The avenue will flash, and you can tell without seeing it that the Golden Ancient Emperor has the upper hand.

“Why do I feel like the Ancient Golden Emperor is venting his grievances?”

someone said doubtfully.

Huang Jinrong heard this and immediately became unhappy. He looked at the person who spoke, who was also a great sage, and a great sage from the Tianyan ancient tribe. He said: “Nonsense, how could my uncle vent his resentment like this?” ? It must be because this demon king is too difficult to kill. My uncle can only use frequent offensives to suppress him and not give him a chance to fight back.” ”


Everyone was silent, okay, now everyone knows that the Golden Ancient Emperor is You are an uncle, what else can we say?

Can’t afford to offend!

Gu Wei covered her mouth and snickered. She had met the Golden Ancient Emperor many times and had a close relationship with him. Now the Golden Ancient Emperor must be venting his grievances, but she didn’t know where his grievances came from. Is it Grandpa Ancestor? That’s not right. Senior Golden Ancient Emperor doesn’t dare to have grudges against his ancestor. It can only be that the original demon king accidentally offended Senior Golden Ancient Emperor.

In the big pit, the Golden Ancient Emperor waved his gold mace and hit the body of the original demon king, while cursing: “I asked you to call me a bastard. Your grandma is the bastard. I won’t beat you to death!”

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”…

The Golden Ancient Emperor grasped the rhythm very well. Every time, he knocked down the golden mace when the original demon lord’s demonic energy repaired his body, so that he would not completely destroy the original demon king. The Demon Lord’s body is shattered and he can continue to beat him.

“You…when did I call you a bastard?” The Original Demon Lord wanted to break free, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t break free from the suppression of the Golden Ancient Emperor’s Golden Avenue. He could only watch himself being beaten by the Golden Ancient Emperor. , the Golden Ancient Emperor cannot kill him, but this approach is more uncomfortable than killing him.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

“I am your grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s master, the bastard in your mouth!” After the Golden Ancient Emperor finished speaking, he smashed the original demon king’s repaired body into pieces with another blow.

“You…are you that boy’s master?” The Original Demon Lord instantly thought of Aaron. With this look and tone, I believe you guys are father and son.

“This is unreasonable. They are insulting me one after another. You really think that I, the Primordial Demon Lord, am easy to bully!”

The Primordial Demon Lord roared, and an unprecedented amount of demonic energy suddenly burst out from his body, instantly forcing the Golden Ancient Emperor back, and The original demon king flashed and disappeared.

“Huh?” The Golden Ancient Emperor was stunned for a moment, then his eyes changed, his figure flashed, and he left the pit.

In the core area of the demon-suppressing land, Ah Xiong and Aaron are trying to find a way to leave here, but there are restrictions imposed by the original demon. No matter what they do, they cannot leave this area. They can only wait for their master to fight with the original demon. It depends on winning or losing.

The two of them sat aside and waited. At this moment, they found that a three or four-year-old boy had woken up. The boy was very cute and sculpted. This reminded them of their previous life as an orphan. However, Looking at the boy’s clothes, they knew he came from a wealthy family.

However, they did not hate the little boy because of this. Instead, they came to the little boy and wanted to comfort the little boy not to be afraid. Unexpectedly, the little boy told them: “Big brother, don’t be afraid. My parents said that I have a very good child.” A powerful sister and a very powerful brother-in-law. My brother-in-law’s master is very powerful. He will come back soon to save us from here, so don’t be afraid.”

Upon hearing this, the two of them were comforted by a little boy, and they immediately felt good. An inexplicable feeling.

Ah Xiong asked: “Little brother, what’s your name?”

“My name is Mu Qingfeng. Our Mu family is the largest family in Demon Town. After we leave here, I will treat you to delicious food.” Only three years old Mu Qingfeng is only a few dozen centimeters tall, but he is not afraid of danger and looks like a little adult.

Ah Xiong and Aaron nodded, and when they were about to learn about the Demon Suppressing City from Mu Qingfeng, a cold voice sounded.

“It’s you, the reincarnation of my soul, making it easy for me to find you!”

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